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  • JFK Assassination Truth After 50 Years of Conspiracy with Dick Russell...28:27
  • Virginia Senator Stabbed - Creigh Deeds in critical condition after home assault [son dead]...1:40
  • First footage: Aftermath as powerful blasts rock Iranian embassy in Beirut...0:55
  • Flooding Sardinia Santa Teresa 4/09/2012...1:26
  • BBC News - Australia-Asia spying 'not cricket'...1:20
  • US NSA chief denies collecting intelligence on EU citizens...1:31
  • Les Chinois découvrent Auschwitz dans un musée à Pékin...0:43
  • (EXCLUSIVE) Illinois Tornadoes VIDEOS 17 Nov 2013 - 6 Killed As Damaging Storms Hit US Midwest...4:25
  • BBC News Typhoon Haiyan Remote Philippines towns receive aid...2:16
  • Fukushima operator to start fuel-rod removal...1:53
  • BBC News - Many dead in Russian plane crash in Kazan, Tatarstan...0:35
  • Elections générales au Chili, Michelle Bachelet favorite de la présidentielle...1:07
  • BBC News - Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty...2:58
add video playlist The hidden truth about the JFK assassination, from Lee Harvey Oswald to the secret service and grassy knoll, and the extensive conspiracy to cover up the coup d'etat that took place 50 years ago in America is discussed with "They Killed Our President," author Dick Russell. Russell discusses Richard Case Nagell (the man who backed out of the assassination plot), as well as the Warren commission whitewash of the facts, the secret service anomalies in Dallas, the faked autopsy, and what happened at Parkland hospital on this Buzzsaw interview with Tyrel Ventura. GUEST BIO: Dick Russell has published ten books on subjects ranging from natural history to the assassination of President Kennedy. Three recent books co-authored with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura ("63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read" (2011), "American Conspiracies" (2010), and "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me" (2008) all spent weeks on the New York Times Best-Seller List. A fourth book with Ventura, "DemoCrips and ReBloodlicans: No More Gangs in Government," was published in 2012 and is coming out in an updated paperback version in June 2013. "On the Trail of the JFK Assassins," Russell's second book examining the conspiracy behind what happened to President Kennedy, appeared in 2008. ADD'L LINKS: Buzzsaw Episodes Playlist:;=PLjk3H0GXhhGc7NOFr74KbOPBCXrXT8nlf Buzzsaw Short Clips Playlist:;=PLjk3H0GXhhGfxwzdter06NvBnjQjjLvtW EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 Welcome to Buzzsaw. 00:17 Welcoming Dick Russell, author of "They Killed Our President:" 01:14 Writing books with Jesse Ventura. 01:43 First understanding the JFK assassination conspiracy and Richard Popkin. 03:17 Richard Case Nagell, the man who pulled out of the assassination plot. 07:19 Laying out all of the known evidence on the JFK conspiracy. 09:07 The Katzenbach memo that shaped the lone-gunman theory. 11:38 The Secret Service irregularities in Dallas. 14:19 The importance of learning the truth on the Kennedy assassination. 18:08 The CIA editing the Zapruder film and Oswald photos. 19:05 Parkland hospital and the faked autopsy. 22:33 Getting pushback about researching the darkside of America. 25:41 Jesse Ventura and collaborating on books and telling the truth.
The hidden truth about the JFK assassination, from Lee Harvey Oswald to the secret service and grassy knoll, and the extensive conspiracy to cover up the coup d\'etat that took place 50 years ago in America is discussed with \
JFK As­sas­si­na­tion Truth After 50 Years of Con­spir­a­cy with Dick Rus­sell
Virginia Senator Stabbed Creigh Deeds stabbed home assault VA Senator STABBED Creigh Deeds Critical Son Gus Dead Of Gunshots In Family Home. Virginia state lawmaker and onetime candidate for governor Creigh Deeds suffered serious injuries in a stabbing attack that took place in his home Tuesday, police said.
Deeds, 55, was flown from his home in Bath County and is being treated at UVA Hospital in Charlottesville, while a second person at the residence, who is believed to be his son, is dead, the Virginia State Police said in a statement.
Virginia and national Democratic sources told Fox News that Deeds is in critical condition. The sources cited Virginia law enforcement authorities as alleging that Deeds\' son, Gus, stabbed him before shooting himself.
Authorities responded to the home at 7:25 a.m. local time.
The Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation\'s Salem Field Office is investigating, the statement added.
Police will hold a press conference on the incident at 12 p.m. local time.
Vir­ginia Sen­a­tor Stabbed - Creigh Deeds in crit­i­cal con­di­tion after home as­sault [son dead]
Two blasts near the Iranian embassy in Beirut killed at least 18 people and injured dozens, causing havoc and massive fire in Lebanese capital. Six buildings are reportedly destroyed in the embassy compound. READ MORE:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
First footage: Af­ter­math as pow­er­ful blasts rock Ira­ni­an em­bassy in Beirut
Flooding Sardinia Santa Teresa 4/09/2012.
Flood­ing Sar­dinia Santa Tere­sa 4/09/2012
Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has described reports of Australian embassy involvement in a US-led spying network in Asia as \
BBC News - Aus­tralia-Asia spy­ing 'not crick­et'
The US intelligence chief has fought back against claims that the US was allegedly tapping the phones of EU citizens and leaders, including Angela Merkel. 

In a snap hearing in the US Congress on Tuesday, General Keith Alexander said that the US had not collected information on European citizens, hinting that it was EU governments who handed over the data. 

US NSA chief de­nies col­lect­ing in­tel­li­gence on EU cit­i­zens
Des fils barbelés sur des potences, des fours crématoires et des pyramides de chaussures ou de valises: une vaste exposition montre pour la première fois en Chine l\'enfer des camps d\'extermination nazis. En deux mois plus de 70.000 visiteurs sont venus voir l\'exposition \
Les Chi­nois décou­vrent Auschwitz dans un musée à Pékin
Several tornadoes ripped through parts of northern and central Illinois late Sunday morning to leave a trail of destruction that included leveled homes, overturned cars, several dozen injured and at least five fatalities.

Tornadoes were reported in Washington, Pekin, Peoria and other towns. 

Illinois tornado caught on camera

Killer tornadoes batter Midwest
Storm kills five as tornadoes rip US Midwest
Tornadoes, high winds sweep across Midwest, flattening communities and killing 6
AP PHOTOS: Tornadoes touch down in Midwest states
Thousands in Ohio without power after high winds
Tornadoes tear through Indiana, Illinois - 45 Minutes Ago
AP PHOTOS: Tornadoes Touch Down in Midwest States
At least 6 people dead after tornadoes, thunderstorms strike Midwest
Tornadoes, severe storms blast Midwest
Midwest under high storm threat
EF4 tornado strikes New Minden, Ill; 6 killed
Emergency official confirms 6th death after Illinois tornadoes; latest in far ...
Tornadoes rampage across Illinois
At least 6 dead as tornadoes cause widespread damage in Illinois
Violent tornadoes kill 5 in US Midwest, dozens injured
US tornadoes: \'Serious storm system\' hits Midwest
Tornadoes, damaging storms sweep through Midwest
Tornadoes, damaging storms hit US Midwest, killing 6

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Illinois Tornado Touchdown
(EX­CLU­SIVE) Illi­nois Tor­na­does VIDEOS 17 Nov 2013 - 6 Killed As Dam­ag­ing Storms Hit US Mid­west
Remote parts of the Philippines cut off by Typhoon Haiyan have started to receive aid following criticism of the slow pace of response efforts.

Around half a million people have been left homeless by one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall.

Rajesh Mirchandani reports from Tacloban.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
BBC News Ty­phoon Haiyan Re­mote Philip­pines towns re­ceive aid
Japanese nuclear engineers were on Monday preparing to move uranium and plutonium fuel rods at Fukushima, their most difficult and dangerous task since runaway reactors were brought under control two years ago.  Operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) is expected to begin the precarious operation later in the day, a tricky but essential step in the plant\'s decades-long decommissioning plan.
Fukushi­ma op­er­a­tor to start fu­el-rod re­moval
A passenger plane has crashed at an airport in the Russian city of Kazan, killing all 50 people on board, officials say.

The Boeing 737 had taken off from Moscow, and was reportedly trying to land but exploded on impact.

Yuri Zhuravel, from the BBC\'s Russian Service, explained the circumstances of the crash.
BBC News - Many dead in Rus­sian plane crash in Kazan, Tatarstan
Des élections générales ont lieu ce dimanche au Chili. Ce scrutin devrait marqué le retour au...

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Des élections générales ont lieu ce dimanche au Chili. Ce scrutin devrait marqué le retour au pouvoir de Michelle Bachelet. Certains sondages la donnent même gagnante dès le premier tour.

A 62 ans, l\'ancienne présidente socialiste jouit d\'une grande popularité. Elle a dirigé le pays entre 2006 et 2010. Elle n\'a pu se représenter alors, puisque la constitution interdit de briguer deux mandats consécutifs.

Durant la campagne, elle a promis d\'engager rapidement une révision de la constitution ainsi qu\'une grande réforme fiscale.

Si second tour il doit y avoir pour la présidentielle, Mme Bachelle devrait être opposée à Evelyn Matthei, qui représente la droite chilienne. Elle était ministre du Travail ces deux dernières années, sous la présidence de Sebastian Piñera.

C\'est un duel féminin chargé d\'histoire, puisque Michelle Bachelet est la fille d\'un général qui fut torturé à mort durant la dictature de Pinochet. Le père d\'Evelyn Matthei était aussi général, mais lui faisait partie de la junte militaire.

Les bureaux de vote doivent fermer à 18h00, heure locale (22h00, heure de Bruxelles).

Retrouvez nous sur :
Elec­tions générales au Chili, Michelle Bachelet fa­vorite de la présiden­tielle
Qatar\'s construction sector is rife with abuse, Amnesty International (AI) has said in a report published as work begins on Fifa World Cup 2022 stadiums.

Amnesty says migrant workers are often subjected to non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and squalid accommodation.

In Nepal, Andrew North reports on the workers who travel to Qatar.
BBC News - Qatar mi­grant work­ers 'treat­ed like an­i­mals' - Amnesty
Remote parts of the Philippines cut off by Typhoon Haiyan have started to receive aid following criticism of the slow pace of response efforts.

Around half a million people have been left homeless by one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall.

Rajesh Mirchandani reports from Tacloban.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
BBC News Ty­phoon Haiyan Re­mote Philip­pines towns re­ceive aid
Sri Lanka: David Cameron urges independent inquiry into human rights abuses 

Subscribe to the Guardian HERE:

David Cameron says on Saturday he has urged the Sri Lankan government to accept a full independent inquiry into alleged human rights abuses. The prime minister says he also spoke to President Mahinda Rajapaksa about press freedom and \'the need for reconciliation\'. David Cameron\'s attendance at the Commonwealth summit this year has been intensely scrutinised amid a row about Sri Lanka\'s human rights record

Click for full Guardian article:
Sri Lanka: David Cameron urges in­de­pen­dent in­quiry into human rights abus­es

updated 04 Nov 2013; published 04 Nov 2013
JFK As­sas­si­na­tion Truth After 50 Years of Con­spir­a­cy with Dick Rus­sell 19 Nov 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "...for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults." -Blaise Pascal, Pensees When Mrs. Conally, Governor John B. Conally's wife, seated in front of the car turned around and said, "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you...", evidently...
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updated 19 Nov 2013; published 19 Nov 2013
Vir­ginia Sen­a­tor Stabbed - Creigh Deeds in crit­i­cal con­di­tion after home as­sault [son dead]
The New York Times 19 Nov 2013, CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Police say a state senator and former gubernatorial candidate is in the hospital after being assaulted at his home in Virginia, and another person was found dead inside the home. Virginia State Police said in a news release Tuesday that Democratic Sen. Creigh (kree) Deeds, who unsuccessfully ran for governor four years ago,...
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updated 19 Nov 2013; published 19 Nov 2013
First footage: Af­ter­math as pow­er­ful blasts rock Ira­ni­an em­bassy in Beirut
San Francisco Chronicle 19 Nov 2013, BEIRUT (AP) — Two suicide bombings struck Tuesday near the Iranian Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing 23 people, including the Iranian cultural attaché. The mid-morning blasts hit Beirut's upscale neighborhood of Janah, a stronghold of the Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim Hezbollah group. One explosion blew out the large black main gate...
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updated 21 Oct 2012; published 04 Sep 2012
Flood­ing Sar­dinia Santa Tere­sa 4/09/2012
Belfast Telegraph 19 Nov 2013, Emergency crews were working to reach remote parts of flood-ravaged Sardinia today after a torrential rainstorm killed at least 16 people, collapsed bridges and swept cars away. Italy's civil protection chief, Franco Gabrielli, said one person remained unaccounted for and that the death toll could still rise as crews reach isolated areas in the...
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updated 01 Nov 2013; published 01 Nov 2013
BBC News - Aus­tralia-Asia spy­ing 'not crick­et'
BBC News 19 Nov 2013, Indonesia's president says ties with Australia have been "damaged" by reports that Canberra spied on his phone calls and those of his ministers. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the "hurtful action" had led Indonesia to review its co-operation with Australia. PM Tony Abbott had "belittled" the row, he added in a...
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updated 30 Oct 2013; published 30 Oct 2013
US NSA chief de­nies col­lect­ing in­tel­li­gence on EU cit­i­zens
Deutsche Welle 19 Nov 2013, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has met with US Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss the NSA spy scandal. EU citizens will be better protected against espionage in the future, she said in an interview with DW. DW: Ms. Reding, during your last visit to the US you pounded on the table and said, "Friends and allies do not spy on each other."...
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updated 07 Sep 2013; published 07 Sep 2013
Les Chi­nois décou­vrent Auschwitz dans un musée à Pékin
Newstrack India 19 Nov 2013, Tweet United Nations, Nov 19 (IANS) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon Monday called on the international community to build "a world of peace, justice, equality and human dignity for all", as he visited Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, a UN...
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updated 18 Nov 2013; published 18 Nov 2013
(EX­CLU­SIVE) Illi­nois Tor­na­does VIDEOS 17 Nov 2013 - 6 Killed As Dam­ag­ing Storms Hit US Mid­west
South China Morning Post 18 Nov 2013, A fast-moving storm system triggered multiple tornadoes on Sunday that killed at least six people and flattened large parts of a town in Illinois as it tore across the Midwest, authorities said. The tornadoes levelled scores of homes and demolished entire neighbourhoods. Some 80 tornado reports were received, along with 358 reports of damaging...
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updated 17 Nov 2013; published 17 Nov 2013
BBC News Ty­phoon Haiyan Re­mote Philip­pines towns re­ceive aid
Al Jazeera 18 Nov 2013, Global relief efforts in the Philippines have kicked into high gear, with aid workers, heavy equipment and life-saving supplies flowing into regions devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. There were initial signs on Monday that communities were beginning to shift from survival mode to the early stages of recovery. Markets were beginning to reopen,...
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updated 18 Nov 2013; published 18 Nov 2013
Fukushi­ma op­er­a­tor to start fu­el-rod re­moval
BBC News 18 Nov 2013, Workers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have begun removing fuel rods from a storage pond at the Unit 4 reactor building. The delicate operation is seen as a necessary step in stabilising the site. It will take more than two days to remove the first 22 fuel rods from the pond, plant operator Tepco says. Overall, more than 1,500...
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updated 17 Nov 2013; published 17 Nov 2013
BBC News - Many dead in Rus­sian plane crash in Kazan, Tatarstan
CNTV 18 Nov 2013, MOSCOW, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- Fifty two people, including 46 passengers and six crew, were killed when a plane crashed on landing in Russia's Kazan, said the Emergency Situations Ministry' s regional bureau. The Boeing 737, belonging to Tatarstan air company, took off from Moscow, the Russian capital, and crashed at around 7:20 p.m. Moscow time (1520...
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updated 17 Nov 2013; published 17 Nov 2013
Elec­tions générales au Chili, Michelle Bachelet fa­vorite de la présiden­tielle
China Daily 18 Nov 2013, SANTIAGO - Leftist candidate Michelle Bachelet was the clear winner in Chile's presidential election on Sunday, although she will have to wait until a second-round runoff next month to seal her victory. With nine candidates running, the vote was fractured and Bachelet, seeking her second term as president, fell just short of the 50 percent she...
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updated 18 Nov 2013; published 18 Nov 2013
BBC News - Qatar mi­grant work­ers 'treat­ed like an­i­mals' - Amnesty
BBC News 17 Nov 2013, 17 November 2013 Last updated at 22:58 GMT Qatar's construction sector is rife with abuse, Amnesty International (AI) has said in a report published as work begins on Fifa World Cup 2022 stadiums. Amnesty says migrant workers are often subjected to non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and squalid...
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updated 17 Nov 2013; published 17 Nov 2013
BBC News Ty­phoon Haiyan Re­mote Philip­pines towns re­ceive aid
The Hindu 17 Nov 2013, Since the typhoon hit, Danny Estember, a 50-year-old ambulance driver, has been hiking three hours round-trip into the mountains each day to obtain what he can only hope is clean water for his five daughters and two sons. The exhausting journey is necessary because safe water is desperately scarce in this storm-ravaged portion of the Philippines....
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Indirectly Assassinating JFK, and Sadly Obama?
Full Article
19 Nov 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "...for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults." -Blaise Pascal, Pensees When Mrs. Conally, Governor John B. Conally's wife, seated in front of the car turned around and said, "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you...", evidently... Obama Conspiracy F Kennedy
File - President John F. Kennedy, first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally are shown as their limousine heads for Air Force One at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Nov. 21, 1963.
photo: AP

Police: Va. Senator in Hospital After Assault
Full Article The New York Times
19 Nov 2013

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Police say a state senator and former gubernatorial candidate is in the hospital after being assaulted at his home in Virginia, and another person was found dead inside the home. Virginia State Police said in a news release Tuesday that Democratic Sen. Creigh (kree) Deeds, who unsuccessfully ran for governor four years ago,... Deeds
State Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, addresses the committee during a meeting of the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee at the Capitol on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013 in Richmond, Va.
photo: AP / Steve Helber

Suicide blasts near Iran Embassy in Beirut kill 23
Full Article San Francisco Chronicle
19 Nov 2013

BEIRUT (AP) — Two suicide bombings struck Tuesday near the Iranian Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing 23 people, including the Iranian cultural attaché. The mid-morning blasts hit Beirut's upscale neighborhood of Janah, a stronghold of the Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim Hezbollah group. One explosion blew out the large black main gate... War Peace
A Lebanese man runs in front of a burned car, at the scene where two explosions have struck near the Iranian Embassy killing many, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday Nov. 19, 2013.
photo: AP / Hussein Malla

16 die as floods ravage Sardinia
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
19 Nov 2013

Emergency crews were working to reach remote parts of flood-ravaged Sardinia today after a torrential rainstorm killed at least 16 people, collapsed bridges and swept cars away. Italy's civil protection chief, Franco Gabrielli, said one person remained unaccounted for and that the death toll could still rise as crews reach isolated areas in the... Weather Disaster
Rescuers work in a flooded street in the small town of Uras, Sardinia, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Alessandra Chergia

Indonesia leader: Australia spying 'damaged' ties
Full Article BBC News
19 Nov 2013

Indonesia's president says ties with Australia have been "damaged" by reports that Canberra spied on his phone calls and those of his ministers. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the "hurtful action" had led Indonesia to review its co-operation with Australia. PM Tony Abbott had "belittled" the row, he added in a... Spying Snowden Surveillnce
File -Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, left, speaks to Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, right, after a joint press conference after their meeting at Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, Sept. 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Achmad Ibrahim

Reding: 'The US wants to rebuild trust'
Full Article Deutsche Welle
19 Nov 2013

EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has met with US Attorney General Eric Holder to discuss the NSA spy scandal. EU citizens will be better protected against espionage in the future, she said in an interview with DW. DW: Ms. Reding, during your last visit to the US you pounded on the table and said, "Friends and allies do not spy on each other."... Citizens
Reding: 'The US wants to rebuild trust'
photo: European Community / EC

UN chief visits Auschwitz concentration camp
Full Article Newstrack India
19 Nov 2013

Tweet United Nations, Nov 19 (IANS) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon Monday called on the international community to build "a world of peace, justice, equality and human dignity for all", as he visited Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, a UN... Camp Security Council
UN chief visits Auschwitz concentration camp
photo: UN / Evan Schneider

Six killed as tornadoes rip through US Midwest
Full Article South China Morning Post
18 Nov 2013

A fast-moving storm system triggered multiple tornadoes on Sunday that killed at least six people and flattened large parts of a town in Illinois as it tore across the Midwest, authorities said. The tornadoes levelled scores of homes and demolished entire neighbourhoods. Some 80 tornado reports were received, along with 358 reports of damaging... Disaster In Us Midwest Tornado
A man stands near a pickup that belonged to farmer Curt Zehr after a tornado blew through Zehr's farm on Sunday, Nov. 17. 2013.
photo: AP / David Mercer

Aid efforts in Philippines hit high gear
Full Article Al Jazeera
18 Nov 2013

Global relief efforts in the Philippines have kicked into high gear, with aid workers, heavy equipment and life-saving supplies flowing into regions devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. There were initial signs on Monday that communities were beginning to shift from survival mode to the early stages of recovery. Markets were beginning to reopen,... Disaster Typhoon Aid Haiyan
Desperate villagers rush to a window of a U.S. Navy Seahawk helicopter as crewmen deliver aid in an emergency drop in San Jose, Philippines, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Wally Santana

Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant begins fuel rod removal
Full Article BBC News
18 Nov 2013

Workers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have begun removing fuel rods from a storage pond at the Unit 4 reactor building. The delicate operation is seen as a necessary step in stabilising the site. It will take more than two days to remove the first 22 fuel rods from the pond, plant operator Tepco says. Overall, more than 1,500... Disaster Pollution
In this Nov. 7, 2013 file photo, members of the media wearing protective suits and masks look at the spent fuel pool from a fuel handling machine inside the building housing the Unit 4 reactor at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
photo: AP / Tomohiro Ohsumi

Plane crash in Russia's Kazan kills 52 people onboard
Full Article CNTV
18 Nov 2013

MOSCOW, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- Fifty two people, including 46 passengers and six crew, were killed when a plane crashed on landing in Russia's Kazan, said the Emergency Situations Ministry' s regional bureau. The Boeing 737, belonging to Tatarstan air company, took off from Moscow, the Russian capital, and crashed at around 7:20 p.m. Moscow time (1520... Accidents Plane Crash
Ambulances line up in front of the airport building in Kazan, about 720 kilometers (450 miles) east of Moscow, where the Russian passenger airliner, Boeing 737, crashed Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013.
photo: AP / Nikolai Alexandrov

Bachelet triumphs in Chile election but faces runoff
Full Article China Daily
18 Nov 2013

SANTIAGO - Leftist candidate Michelle Bachelet was the clear winner in Chile's presidential election on Sunday, although she will have to wait until a second-round runoff next month to seal her victory. With nine candidates running, the vote was fractured and Bachelet, seeking her second term as president, fell just short of the 50 percent she... Bachelet Of Chile
Chile's President Michelle Bachelet waves as she arrives for the 5th Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Friday, April 17, 2009.
photo: AP / Ariana Cubillos

Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty
Full Article BBC News
17 Nov 2013

17 November 2013 Last updated at 22:58 GMT Qatar's construction sector is rife with abuse, Amnesty International (AI) has said in a report published as work begins on Fifa World Cup 2022 stadiums. Amnesty says migrant workers are often subjected to non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and squalid... 2022 Stadium Construction Workers
Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty
photo: WN / Guillaume Poulet-Mathis

Water a pressing concern for Haiyan survivors
Full Article The Hindu
17 Nov 2013

Since the typhoon hit, Danny Estember, a 50-year-old ambulance driver, has been hiking three hours round-trip into the mountains each day to obtain what he can only hope is clean water for his five daughters and two sons. The exhausting journey is necessary because safe water is desperately scarce in this storm-ravaged portion of the Philippines.... Weather Disaster Haiyan
Villagers stranded by last week's Typhoon Haiyan scramble for aid from a U.S. Navy Sea Hawk helicopter from the U.S. aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the coastal town of Tanawan, central Philippines Sunday, Nov. 17. 2013.
photo: AP / Vincent Yu

Tipsheet: McCown has Cutler's back
Full Article STL Today
19 Nov 2013

The Rams will have to defend game-managing quarterback Josh McCown Sunday, not aerial daredevil Jay Cutler. But there is no quarterback controversy in Chicago. Bears coach Marc Trestman reiterated his support for Cutler after ruling him out of the game at the Edward Jones Dome due to his high ankle sprain. “Jay is the quarterback of our football...
Josh McCown, Jay Cutler, and Jason Campbell Chicago Bears
photo: Creative Commons / Casey Rhee

Newton outshines Brady as Panthers pip Patriots
Full Article Daily Press
19 Nov 2013

(Reuters) - Cam Newton outdueled Tom Brady in the controversial final minutes as the Carolina Panthers edged the New England Patriots 24-20 on Monday for their sixth consecutive victory. With his team trailing 20-17 late in the fourth quarter, Newton drove his team 83 yards and slung a 25-yard touchdown pass to Ted Ginn Jr. for the decisive blow in...
Cam Newton and Auburn's offense in the 2010 Iron Bowl returned to Tuscaloosa for the first time in 99 years.
photo: Creative Commons / Matthew Tosh

Dear Omer Asik: Ask Andre Johnson How to Handle Being Disgruntled
Full Article Houston Press
19 Nov 2013

It's never ideal when a athlete, upset by any number of issues, decides it is time to move on. It makes the player look like a whiner and limits the teams options. After all, once it is known a player wants out, it severely hamstrings the team's ability to find a trade partner willing to give back more than pennies on the dollar. It has been no...
Andre Johnson, Warren Sapp at the final NFL Pro Bowl practice held at Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - January 30, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Chiefs' loss to Denver was bad night for Reid
Full Article The Wichita Eagle
19 Nov 2013

Each week during the NFL season, we'll take a look back at the week that was and take a crack at what it all means. Here's our version of "Upon Further Review" for Week 11: News: The Kansas City Chiefs offense lives down to expectations in a 27-17 loss at Denver. Views: The Chiefs simply don't have enough playmakers to keep pace with the Broncos....
UCF tackling Jamaal Charles
photo: Creative Commons / Johntex

Panthers beat Patriots 24-20 in disputed finish
Full Article Tampa Bay Online
19 Nov 2013

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — As “Sweet Caroline” pumped through the stadium and playoff-starved Panthers fans dressed all in black celebrated a big victory, Tom Brady ran after an official in search of an explanation. Thrilling game, bizarre ending. Brady and the Patriots were miffed after a penalty flag that was thrown in the end zone on...
Some of the Miami Dolphins players and Tom Brady and other New England Patriots players at Gillette Stadium on 2009-11-08.
photo: Creative Commons / MyReference

Rams' Quick feels he's progressing
Full Article STL Today
19 Nov 2013

On a day the Rams threw only 16 passes, and Brian Quick wasn’t targeted once, he still found a way to get noticed. During Tavon Austin’s 81-yard touchdown against Indianapolis, Quick all but blocked a Colts defender into a concession stand by the Rams’ sideline. “There’s a reason why that entire half of the field was wide open when (Austin) turned...
St Louis Rams quarterback Sam Bradford orchestras the offense during the Rams game against the Atlanta Falcons on September 15, 2013 at the Georgia Dome.
photo: Creative Commons / Mark Runyon/

Byrd, Searcy serving as game changers (Buffalo Bills)
Full Article noodls
19 Nov 2013

(Source: Buffalo Bills) Jairus Byrd look to be back to his playmaking ways, while Da'Norris Searcy has adjusted well to his nickel LB role It had been some time since had turned in a game-changing play, whether it was a forced fumble or an interception, two categories where the safety has accumulated league-leading numbers over his career. What...
Buffalo Bills free safety Jairus Byrd (31) celebrates an interception against the New York Jets during the second half of an NFL football game on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013, in Orchard Park, N.Y. (AP Photo/Gary Wiepert)
photo: AP / Gary Wiepert

Game Recap: Panthers 24, Patriots 20 (New England Patriots)
Full Article noodls
19 Nov 2013

(Source: New England Patriots) Newton lifts Panthers over Patriots 24-20 CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- As the Carolina Panthers celebrated their sixth straight win, and the New England Patriots were left wondering why a penalty that could have saved them on the final play was wiped out. Cam Newton threw a 25-yard touchdown pass to Ted Ginn Jr. with 59...
Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton eyes an open receiver down field during the Panthers Game Against the Atlanta Falcons on September 30, 2012 at the Georgia Dome.
photo: Creative Commons / Mark Runyon/Basketball Schedule

Demi Lovato defends Miley Cyrus
Full Article Newstrack India
19 Nov 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Nov 19 (IANS) Singer Demi Lovato believes that her friend, singer Miley Cyrus is a talented artist, overshadowed by her eyebrow-raising acts. "I think she knows what she's doing. A lot of...
Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Kailash to Kailasa
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
19 Nov 2013

When Kailash Kher moved to Mumbai in 2001, he didn’t know where he was headed. Now, in 2013, after having made a name for himself in Bollywood, international concerts and Indian pop rock, Kailash feels he was born to create music. Famous for his powerful and high-pitched voice in playback singing, he turned music composer with Dasvidaniya, after...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Eminem says he's thankful to survive an addiction
Full Article BBC News
19 Nov 2013

The US rap star Eminem has been speaking about his addiction problems. During an interview with Zane Lowe, which was broadcast on Monday night on BBC Radio 1, the rapper said: "I certainly could have taken another path." The 41-year-old, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, spent time in hospital in 2005 being treated for an addiction to...
FILE - In this Sept. 13, 2010 file photo, rapper Eminem performs at Yankee Stadium in New York.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Rihanna performs on stage during her
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

RiRi 'falling for Brown'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
17 Nov 2013

Rihanna is said to be "falling" for her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown following his anger management treatment. The Bajan singer and American rapper called time on their on-off five-year relationship in May. Last month, Chris entered an undisclosed treatment facility in Los Angeles for anger management. He is facing a misdemeanour assault charge after...
Rihanna performs at iHeart Radio Music Festival on Friday, Sept., 21, 2012 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nv.
photo: AP / Eric Reed

Entertainment Geekly: How 'Harry Potter' ruined movie sequels
Full Article Entertainment Weekly
14 Nov 2013

Entertainment Geekly is a weekly column that examines contemporary pop culture through a geek lens and simultaneously examines contemporary geek culture through a pop lens. So many lenses! In decades past, the movie sequel was a frowned-upon concept, something that implied unoriginality or laziness. There were exceptions (The Godfather Part II),... Potter
 "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" starring Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. (js1)
photo: Warner Bros.

Daft Punk, Paul McCartney up for Art Vinyl prize for best artwork
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Nov 2013

Daft Punk and Sir Paul McCartney are nominated for this year's Art Vinyl prize. Damien Hirst is also shortlisted for his work on the Babyshambles LP Sequel to the Prequel. Daft Punk - 'Get Lucky' artwork Paul McCartney album 'New' artwork The Art Vinyl prize recognises the year's best music artwork, with The Temper Trap, Keane and Muse triumphing... Vinyl Prize Punk Mccartney
Daft Punk
photo: Creative Commons / Fabio Venni

R Kelly confirms Justin Bieber duet: "It's hot"
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Nov 2013

R Kelly has confirmed speculation that he has collaborated with Justin Bieber on a new track. The singers have teamed up for a new song, which is expected to be released as part of Bieber's current #MusicMondays campaign. © Rex Features / KeystoneUSA-ZUMA R Kelly © Rex Features / Patrick McMullan Co. Justin Bieber "I just did a song [with... Bieber Kelly
Justin Bieber performs during the second night of KIIS FM's Jingle Ball at Nokia Theatre LA Live on Monday, Dec. 3, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Kristen Mary "Kris" Jenner (formerly Kardashian; born November 5, 1955) is an American television reality star, and businesswoman.
photo: Creative Commons / Rubenstein

Elizabeth Banks Shares The Hunger Games Rules of Wearing McQueen
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

Elizabeth Banks picked a stunning Versace look for tonight's premiere of The...
Elizabeth Banks
photo: AP / Carlo Allegri

Interview: Tapping Bruce Dern for His New FIlm ‘Nebraska’
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

ChicagoVeteran actor Bruce Dern is now up to bat. That is how he describes what is at stake in his role as Woody in director Alexander Payne’s new film,...
Bruce Dern
photo: Creative Commons

Katie Holmes takes guided tour of Nelson Mandela jail
Full Article Indian Express
19 Nov 2013

Actress Katie Holmes is believed to have taken a guided tour of the jail where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years. The 34-year-old 'Batman Begins' star,...
Actress Katie Holmes attends the opening night after party for Arthur Miller's 'All My Sons' on Thursday, Oct.16, 2008 in New York.
photo: AP / Evan Agostini)

‘Insidious: Chapter 3′ Scheduled for a Spring 2015 Release
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

When director James Wan released his simple, low-budget haunted house horror movie Insidious in 2011, a lot of people sat up and paid attention. By...
James Wan speaking at the 2013 WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Brook’s workout secrets
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
17 Nov 2013

Kelly Brook has managed to "tighten" up her curves since working with an LA trainer. The British actress-and-model is renowned for her amazing curves, which she often shows off in revealing photoshoots. According to her personal trainer Ashley Borden - who has also worked with Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Gosling - Kelly has been working out up to...
Kelly Brook at the January 2009 London Boat Show.
photo: Creative Commons / Guy Jaques

Longoria: I'm super smart
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
17 Nov 2013

Eva Longoria finds it amusing when people expect her to be like her on screen characters in real life. The American actress is best known for her role as ditzy former model Gabrielle Solis in hit TV show Desperate Housewives. Even though the programme came to an end last year, Eva still finds people expect her to be like her on screen alter ego....
Eva Longoria
photo: Creative Commons

Von Teese: Practise seduction
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
17 Nov 2013

Dita Von Teese believes women should regularly practise their seduction skills. The burlesque beauty has her own lingerie range Von Follies, which she created from her love of vintage style. Known for oozing sex appeal, Dita recommends females should regularly exercise their seduction techniques to make it seem more natural. “Don’t save it for a...
Dita Von Teese
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

EasyJet profits soar by 51%
Full Article The Irish Times
19 Nov 2013

EasyJet’s annual profits soared 51 per cent after efforts to attract more business travellers saw it fly more than 60 million passengers for the first time. The low-fares carrier hailed the success of recent initiatives, such as allocated seating and fast-track security, for boosting its popularity... Profits
Turbulent takeoff for easyJet's new boss
photo: WN / Denise Yong

AP source: JPMorgan, gov't settle all issues
Full Article STL Today
19 Nov 2013

The Justice Department and JPMorgan Chase & Co. have settled all issues and could sign a $13 billion agreement as early as Tuesday that would be the largest settlement ever reached between the government and a corporation, a person familiar with the negotiations says. The deal is the latest chapter in the bursting of the housing bubble in 2007,... Chase Chase - Government Settlement
In this April 22, 2009 photo, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. office building is shown in New York.
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

Icahn warns stock market could face 'big drop'
Full Article RTE
19 Nov 2013

Activist investor Carl Icahn has said there was a chance the stock market could suffer a big decline, saying valuations are rich and earnings at many companies are fueled more by low borrowing costs than management's efforts to boost results. "I am very cautious on equities today. This market could easily have a big drop," Icahn said.... Icahn
In this Oct. 11, 2007 file photo, private equity investor Carl Icahn speaks at the World Business Forum in New York. Antagonistic investor Carl Icahn became a billionaire by bullying already distressed companies, but his harassment of Yahoo Inc. could leave him with a black eye, and a big hole in his pocket, if he's wrong about Microsoft Corp.'s desire to buy the Internet pion
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan, file

Nokia shareholders expected to approve Microsoft deal
Full Article Indian Express
19 Nov 2013

Nokia shareholders are expected to approve the sale of its mobile phone business to Microsoft on Tuesday, with the deal's financial benefits likely to outweigh resistance from a minority of investors upset over the sale of a Finnish national icon. Nokia agreed in September to sell its devices and services... - Microsoft Deal
Anssi Vanjoki, Vice- President of Nokia Mobile Phones takes a picture with Nokia's latest mobile phone model 7650 at the CeBIT in Hannover, Germany, March 12, 2002.

Asia Shares Slip, Dollar Declines Below 100 Yen
Full Article Jakarta Globe
19 Nov 2013

By Agence France-Presse on 2:30 pm November 19, 2013. Category Business, Markets Tags: Asian markets An employee of a foreign exchange trading company looks at monitors in Tokyo November 15, 2013. (Reuters Photo/Toru Hanai) Asian shares were mostly lower on profit-taking Tuesday, with investors shrugging off another record close for the Dow on Wall... Stocks
People wait to cross a street in front of the electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, April 2, 2012.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

Compensation boost for Madoff victims: prosecutors
Full Article France24
19 Nov 2013

- Thousands of investors in Bernie Madoff's multi-billion-dollar fraud could be eligible for compensation for the first time, US prosecutors in New York announced on Monday. A statement from the US attorney's office in New York said $2.35 billion... Madoff Fraud Victims
A New York Mets baseball jacket, personalized for Bernard Madoff, is displayed during an auction preview of his seized items, in New York, Friday, Nov. 13, 2009.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Timely help in changing the conversation on Israel
Full Article Canberra Times
19 Nov 2013

Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu at a news conference in Jerusalem in March 2013. Photo: Reuters/Jason Reed US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel spoke on the phone for 90 minutes the other day. Wow – 90 minutes! I wonder if Obama has ever spoken to John Boehner for 90 minutes? But this is just the start of...
President Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Monday, March, 5, 2012, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

JFK Assassination Truth After 50 Years of Conspiracy with Dick Russell
JFK Assassination Truth After 50 Years of Conspiracy with Dick Russell
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:27
  • Updated: 04 Nov 2013
The hidden truth about the JFK assassination, from Lee Harvey Oswald to the secret service and grassy knoll, and the extensive conspiracy to cover up the coup d'etat that took place 50 years ago in America is discussed with "They Killed Our President," author Dick Russell. Russell discusses Richard Case Nagell (the man who backed out of the assassination plot), as well as the Warren commission whitewash of the facts, the secret service anomalies in Dallas, the faked autopsy, and what happened at Parkland hospital on this Buzzsaw interview with Tyrel Ventura. GUEST BIO: Dick Russell has published ten books on subjects ranging from natural history to the assassination of President Kennedy. Three recent books co-authored with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura ("63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read" (2011), "American Conspiracies" (2010), and "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me" (2008) all spent weeks on the New York Times Best-Seller List. A fourth book with Ventura, "DemoCrips and ReBloodlicans: No More Gangs in Government," was published in 2012 and is coming out in an updated paperback version in June 2013. "On the Trail of the JFK Assassins," Russell's second book examining the conspiracy behind what happened to President Kennedy, appeared in 2008. ADD'L LINKS: Buzzsaw Episodes Playlist:;=PLjk3H0GXhhGc7NOFr74KbOPBCXrXT8nlf Buzzsaw Short Clips Playlist:;=PLjk3H0GXhhGfxwzdter06NvBnjQjjLvtW EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 Welcome to Buzzsaw. 00:17 Welcoming Dick Russell, author of "They Killed Our President:" 01:14 Writing books with Jesse Ventura. 01:43 First understanding the JFK assassination conspiracy and Richard Popkin. 03:17 Richard Case Nagell, the man who pulled out of the assassination plot. 07:19 Laying out all of the known evidence on the JFK conspiracy. 09:07 The Katzenbach memo that shaped the lone-gunman theory. 11:38 The Secret Service irregularities in Dallas. 14:19 The importance of learning the truth on the Kennedy assassination. 18:08 The CIA editing the Zapruder film and Oswald photos. 19:05 Parkland hospital and the faked autopsy. 22:33 Getting pushback about researching the darkside of America. 25:41 Jesse Ventura and collaborating on books and telling the truth.
  • published: 04 Nov 2013
  • views: 1005

Virginia Senator Stabbed - Creigh Deeds in critical condition after home assault [son dead]
Virginia Senator Stabbed - Creigh Deeds in critical condition after home assault [son dead]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2013
Virginia Senator Stabbed Creigh Deeds stabbed home assault VA Senator STABBED Creigh Deeds Critical Son Gus Dead Of Gunshots In Family Home. Virginia state lawmaker and onetime candidate for governor Creigh Deeds suffered serious injuries in a stabbing attack that took place in his home Tuesday, police said. Deeds, 55, was flown from his home in Bath County and is being treated at UVA Hospital in Charlottesville, while a second person at the residence, who is believed to be his son, is dead, the Virginia State Police said in a statement. Virginia and national Democratic sources told Fox News that Deeds is in critical condition. The sources cited Virginia law enforcement authorities as alleging that Deeds' son, Gus, stabbed him before shooting himself. Authorities responded to the home at 7:25 a.m. local time. The Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation's Salem Field Office is investigating, the statement added. Police will hold a press conference on the incident at 12 p.m. local time.
  • published: 19 Nov 2013
  • views: 301 son_dead

First footage: Aftermath as powerful blasts rock Iranian embassy in Beirut
First footage: Aftermath as powerful blasts rock Iranian embassy in Beirut
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:55
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2013
Two blasts near the Iranian embassy in Beirut killed at least 18 people and injured dozens, causing havoc and massive fire in Lebanese capital. Six buildings are reportedly destroyed in the embassy compound. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 19 Nov 2013
  • views: 301

Flooding Sardinia Santa Teresa 4/09/2012
Flooding Sardinia Santa Teresa 4/09/2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:26
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2012
Flooding Sardinia Santa Teresa 4/09/2012.
  • published: 04 Sep 2012
  • views: 27693
  • author: David Damen

BBC News - Australia-Asia spying 'not cricket'
BBC News - Australia-Asia spying 'not cricket'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:20
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2013
Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has described reports of Australian embassy involvement in a US-led spying network in Asia as "not cricket". Reports in the Sydney Morning Herald say diplomatic posts in Asia are being used to intercept phone calls and data. Mr Natalegawa told reporters: "If Australia was subject to such activity, would you consider it a friendly act?"
  • published: 01 Nov 2013
  • views: 5'not_cricket'

US NSA chief denies collecting intelligence on EU citizens
US NSA chief denies collecting intelligence on EU citizens
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2013
The US intelligence chief has fought back against claims that the US was allegedly tapping the phones of EU citizens and leaders, including Angela Merkel. In a snap hearing in the US Congress on Tuesday, General Keith Alexander said that the US had not collected information on European citizens, hinting that it was EU governments who handed over the data. "Data was provided to NSA by foreign partners", Alexander said. The defense comes after EU Justice Commissioner Vivianne Reding urged the US to 'take clear action to rebuild trust'. Also speaking from Washington on Tuesday, Reding said that recent events could 'derail' the free trade talks between both partners and warned against including data protection in the discussion. When asked to comment on whether EU countries had been sending gathered data to the US, the European Commission said on Tuesday that 'spying issues' are a member state competence. Meanwhile, a delegation of MEPs is currently in Washington to gather information for its inquiry into the mass surveillance scandal.
  • published: 30 Oct 2013
  • views: 22

Les Chinois découvrent Auschwitz dans un musée à Pékin
Les Chinois découvrent Auschwitz dans un musée à Pékin
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:43
  • Updated: 07 Sep 2013
Des fils barbelés sur des potences, des fours crématoires et des pyramides de chaussures ou de valises: une vaste exposition montre pour la première fois en Chine l'enfer des camps d'extermination nazis. En deux mois plus de 70.000 visiteurs sont venus voir l'exposition "Auschwitz, camp de la mort" abritée dans une aile du "Musée de la Guerre de résistance du peuple chinois contre l'agression japonaise", à 15 km du centre de Pékin. Durée: 00:42
  • published: 07 Sep 2013
  • views: 23écouvrent_Auschwitz_dans_un_musée_à_Pékin

(EXCLUSIVE) Illinois Tornadoes VIDEOS 17 Nov 2013 - 6 Killed As Damaging Storms Hit US Midwest
(EXCLUSIVE) Illinois Tornadoes VIDEOS 17 Nov 2013 - 6 Killed As Damaging Storms Hit US Midwest
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:25
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2013
Several tornadoes ripped through parts of northern and central Illinois late Sunday morning to leave a trail of destruction that included leveled homes, overturned cars, several dozen injured and at least five fatalities. Tornadoes were reported in Washington, Pekin, Peoria and other towns. Illinois tornado caught on camera Killer tornadoes batter Midwest Storm kills five as tornadoes rip US Midwest Tornadoes, high winds sweep across Midwest, flattening communities and killing 6 AP PHOTOS: Tornadoes touch down in Midwest states Thousands in Ohio without power after high winds Tornadoes tear through Indiana, Illinois - 45 Minutes Ago AP PHOTOS: Tornadoes Touch Down in Midwest States At least 6 people dead after tornadoes, thunderstorms strike Midwest Tornadoes, severe storms blast Midwest Midwest under high storm threat EF4 tornado strikes New Minden, Ill; 6 killed Emergency official confirms 6th death after Illinois tornadoes; latest in far ... Tornadoes rampage across Illinois At least 6 dead as tornadoes cause widespread damage in Illinois Violent tornadoes kill 5 in US Midwest, dozens injured US tornadoes: 'Serious storm system' hits Midwest Tornadoes, damaging storms sweep through Midwest Tornadoes, damaging storms hit US Midwest, killing 6 tornado videos youtube,tornado pictures,tornado videos 2013,tornado videos 2013,f5 tornado videos,tornadoes caught on video,videos de tornados,youtube Illinois tornadoes videos, Illinois Storms video HD, Illinois Tornado Video, Midwest Storms 17 November, Midwest Tornado Damage, Midwest Tornado Threat, Midwest Tornado video 2013,Tornadoes touch down in Midwest states Tornadoes, Video, 2013, Washington Illinois, Washington Illinois Tornado, Washington Illinois Tornado 2013, Washington Illinois Tornado Photos, Chicago Tornado 2013, Coal City Tornado, Griffin Tornado 2013, Illinois Tornado Photos, Illinois Tornados 2013, Peoria Tornado 2013, Chicago News Tornadoes, Tornadoes, Tornadoes, Illinois Storms, Illinois Tornado Damage, Midwest Storms, Midwest Tornado Damage, Midwest Tornado Threat, Green News Tornadoes, Tornadoes, Illinois Tornado Threat, Indiana Tornado Threat, Michigan Tornado Threat, Midwest Storm Threat, Midwest Tornado Threat, Ohio Tornado Threat, Supercells, Green News tornado us history tornado us only tornado us map tornado usa today there tornado all about tornadoes get tornado tornado center top 10 tornado videos tornado videos youtube tornado pictures tornado videos 2011 tornado videos for kids hurricane videos tornado videos 2013 f5 tornado videos tornado fire tornado touches down tornado wilkin county largest tornado caught on tape tornadoes caught on video videos de tornados youtube tornado videos amazing tornado videos US Tornadoes, Tornadoes in US Nov 2013, Tornadoes video youtube, Illinois Storms video HD, Illinois Tornado Video, Midwest Storms, Midwest Tornado Damage, Midwest Tornado Threat, Midwest Tornado video , Illinois Tornadoes video, Midwest Tornadoes, Illinois Storms, Midwest Tornado Damage 17 Nov 2013, Midwest Storms caught on tape,video Illinois Tornado,youtube Illinois Tornado Damage Video, Natural Disasters, Kansas Storms, Reuters, Branson Missouri Storm, Illinois Storms, Harrisburg Illinois Storm, Harrisburg Il Tornado, Midwest Storms, Illinois Storm Deaths, Extreme Weather, Green News Natural Disasters, Video, Kansas Storms, Branson Missouri Storm, Illinois Storms, Harrisburg Illinois Storm, Illinois Storm Deaths, Midwest Storms, Extreme-Weather, Green News Natural Disasters, Video, Kansas Storms, Branson Missouri Storm, Illinois Storms, Harrisburg Illinois Storm, Midwest Storms, Illinois Storm Deaths, Extreme-Weather, Green News Tornado Watch, Illinois Tornado Touchdown, Tornado Watch Illinois, School Bus Accident, Storms, Illinois Storms, Illinois Weather, Illinois Tornado, Severe Weather, Loves Park, Chicago News Illinois Distaster Zones, Chicago News, Pat Quinn, Weather, Illinois Tornadoes, Illinois Tornado, Dwight Illinois, Illinois Storms, Natural Disasters, Chicago News Pat Quinn, Natural Disasters, Illinois Tornadoes, Illinois Distaster Zones, Illinois Storms, Weather, Illinois Tornado, Dwight Illinois, Video, Chicago News Illinois Tornado Touchdown
  • published: 18 Nov 2013
  • views: 8885

BBC News   Typhoon Haiyan  Remote Philippines towns receive aid
BBC News Typhoon Haiyan Remote Philippines towns receive aid
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2013
Remote parts of the Philippines cut off by Typhoon Haiyan have started to receive aid following criticism of the slow pace of response efforts. Around half a million people have been left homeless by one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall. Rajesh Mirchandani reports from Tacloban.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
  • published: 17 Nov 2013
  • views: 7917

Fukushima operator to start fuel-rod removal
Fukushima operator to start fuel-rod removal
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2013
Japanese nuclear engineers were on Monday preparing to move uranium and plutonium fuel rods at Fukushima, their most difficult and dangerous task since runaway reactors were brought under control two years ago. Operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) is expected to begin the precarious operation later in the day, a tricky but essential step in the plant's decades-long decommissioning plan.
  • published: 18 Nov 2013
  • views: 283

BBC News - Many dead in Russian plane crash in Kazan, Tatarstan
BBC News - Many dead in Russian plane crash in Kazan, Tatarstan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:35
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2013
A passenger plane has crashed at an airport in the Russian city of Kazan, killing all 50 people on board, officials say. The Boeing 737 had taken off from Moscow, and was reportedly trying to land but exploded on impact. Yuri Zhuravel, from the BBC's Russian Service, explained the circumstances of the crash.
  • published: 17 Nov 2013
  • views: 14878,_Tatarstan

Elections générales au Chili, Michelle Bachelet favorite de la présidentielle
Elections générales au Chili, Michelle Bachelet favorite de la présidentielle
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2013
Des élections générales ont lieu ce dimanche au Chili. Ce scrutin devrait marqué le retour au... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Europe. Abonnez-vous et recevez notre sélection quotidienne d'actualités internationales: Euronews est disponible en 13 autres langues: Des élections générales ont lieu ce dimanche au Chili. Ce scrutin devrait marqué le retour au pouvoir de Michelle Bachelet. Certains sondages la donnent même gagnante dès le premier tour. A 62 ans, l'ancienne présidente socialiste jouit d'une grande popularité. Elle a dirigé le pays entre 2006 et 2010. Elle n'a pu se représenter alors, puisque la constitution interdit de briguer deux mandats consécutifs. Durant la campagne, elle a promis d'engager rapidement une révision de la constitution ainsi qu'une grande réforme fiscale. Si second tour il doit y avoir pour la présidentielle, Mme Bachelle devrait être opposée à Evelyn Matthei, qui représente la droite chilienne. Elle était ministre du Travail ces deux dernières années, sous la présidence de Sebastian Piñera. C'est un duel féminin chargé d'histoire, puisque Michelle Bachelet est la fille d'un général qui fut torturé à mort durant la dictature de Pinochet. Le père d'Evelyn Matthei était aussi général, mais lui faisait partie de la junte militaire. Les bureaux de vote doivent fermer à 18h00, heure locale (22h00, heure de Bruxelles). Retrouvez nous sur : Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 17 Nov 2013
  • views: 88énérales_au_Chili,_Michelle_Bachelet_favorite_de_la_présidentielle

BBC News - Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty
BBC News - Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:58
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2013
Qatar's construction sector is rife with abuse, Amnesty International (AI) has said in a report published as work begins on Fifa World Cup 2022 stadiums. Amnesty says migrant workers are often subjected to non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and squalid accommodation. In Nepal, Andrew North reports on the workers who travel to Qatar.
  • published: 18 Nov 2013
  • views: 70'treated_like_animals'__Amnesty

BBC News   Typhoon Haiyan  Remote Philippines towns receive aid
BBC News Typhoon Haiyan Remote Philippines towns receive aid
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2013
Remote parts of the Philippines cut off by Typhoon Haiyan have started to receive aid following criticism of the slow pace of response efforts. Around half a million people have been left homeless by one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall. Rajesh Mirchandani reports from Tacloban.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
  • published: 17 Nov 2013
  • views: 7917

Sri Lanka: David Cameron urges independent inquiry into human rights abuses
Sri Lanka: David Cameron urges independent inquiry into human rights abuses
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2013
Sri Lanka: David Cameron urges independent inquiry into human rights abuses Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: David Cameron says on Saturday he has urged the Sri Lankan government to accept a full independent inquiry into alleged human rights abuses. The prime minister says he also spoke to President Mahinda Rajapaksa about press freedom and 'the need for reconciliation'. David Cameron's attendance at the Commonwealth summit this year has been intensely scrutinised amid a row about Sri Lanka's human rights record Click for full Guardian article:
  • published: 18 Nov 2013
  • views: 161

Congressman Allen West speaking at the 2012 CPAC in Washington, D.C. Mike Conley | Memphis Grizzlies  Memphis Grizzlies Mike Conley sets up the offense during the Grizzlies game against the Atlanta Hawks on February 6, 2013 at the Philips Arena. San Antonio Spurs' Tim Duncan (21) leaps to the basket past New York Knicks' Toney Douglas (23) and Amare Stoudemire, center, for a dunk during the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game, Friday, Jan. 21, 2011 in San Antonio. San Antonio won 101-92.(AP Photo/Eric Gay) Artist concept of MAVEN spacecraft.

The General Assembly elected the following fourteen members of the Human Rights Council to serve three-year terms beginning on 1 January 2014: Algeria, China, Cuba, France, Maldives, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Kingdom, Viet Nam. Bayern's coach Louis van Gaal wipes his face during the German Bundsliga soccer match between SC Freiburg and FC Bayern Munich in Freiburg, Germany, on Saturday, March 19, 2011. Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Snow Leopard

U.S. military faces Africa cuts, sees Somalia, Mali successes In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Africa loses $50bn annually Wikipedia

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez, front, gestures to supporters at the Plaza de Mayo square next to Vice President-elect Amado Boudou, left, after general elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. France's soccer coach Didier Deschamps reacts as he speaks to the media during a press conference in Clairefontaine, near Paris, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012. France will face Japan in a friendly soccer match on Friday ahead of their World Cup qualifier game against Spain Tuesday Oct. 16 in Madrid. Raj Nair, group vice President global product development, left, Alan Mulally, President and CEO of Ford Motor Company, center, and Stephen Odel, chairman and CEO Ford Europe, from left to right, gesture during a presentation of fresh Ford models in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Thursday Sept. 6, 2012.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

Pakistan's former President and military ruler Pervez Musharraf, center, arrives in an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad, Pakistan on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Egyptian army special forces soldiers stand guard near the Republican Guard headquarters, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, July 19, 2013. Iranian technician walks through the Borzuyrh petrochemical complex in Assaluyeh in the Persian gulf, Iran, Monday July 2, 2007. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez broke ground Monday on a joint petrochemical complex south of Tehran .(AP photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)hg3 Palestinian boys hold portraits of late leader Yasser Arafat during a ceremony to commemorate the Nakba, or the catastrophe, the Arabic term used to describe the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with the 1948 creation of the state of Israel, in the West Bank village of Beit Anan, near Ramallah, Saturday May 10, 2008. In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians staged events to remind the world that Israel's creation as been their "nakba," or catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands were uprooted during the 1948 war over Israel's creation, and some 4.5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants are scattered across the region toda

In this Jan. 8, 2010, file photo President Barack Obama arrives in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich told Esquire magazine in its February issue that he's "blacker than Barack Obama" and that he was a real person in a political arena dominated by phonies. INDIAN-CRICKTER-SACHIN-TENDULKAR Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks about his trip to the Middle East during a news conference in Tel Aviv, Israel on Sunday, June 30, 2013. Kerry engaged in breakneck shuttle diplomacy to coax Israel and the Palestinians back into peace talks over a four-day span with multiple trips to Jordan and Israel and a stop in the West Bank town of Ramallah. England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 Vodafone - Vodafone, the  mobile operator company India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.
Police: Va. Senator in Hospital After Assault
Full Article The New York Times
19 Nov 2013

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Police say a state senator and former gubernatorial candidate is in the hospital after being assaulted at his home in Virginia, and another person was found dead inside the home. Virginia State Police said in a news release Tuesday that Democratic Sen. Creigh (kree) Deeds, who unsuccessfully ran for governor four years ago,... Deeds
State Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, addresses the committee during a meeting of the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee at the Capitol on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013 in Richmond, Va.
photo: AP / Steve Helber

updated 07 Jun 2013; published 13 May 2013
VA Po­lice Con­front Vet­er­an Dwight Waller
updated 13 Jul 2013; published 25 Oct 2012
Stutz­man and Boyd react to VA hos­pi­tal temp. clo­sure
updated 12 Jun 2013; published 10 Mar 2012
Dan­ger­ous Trailers.​org Pre­sents Un­se­cured Load Wrecks Haz­ards VA State Po­lice Do NOTH­ING!
updated 19 Jun 2013; published 18 May 2013
Vir­ginia Pa­rade Crash 60 in­jured after car drives into Va. pa­rade
updated 22 Apr 2013; published 22 Apr 2013
updated 31 Oct 2012; published 31 Oct 2012
Bronx V A Hos­pi­tal Evicts Home­less Vet by Dr Julia Golia as re­tal­i­a­tion against Whis­tle~Blow­er

BBC News
"Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong." The alarm in the radio reporter's voice reaches out across five decades. At first simply dramatic, then horrified,...
Text smaller Text bigger is a security nightmare, arbitrary deadlines were enforced for political purposes and changes to the law would be good but not as good as...

Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, left, and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard stand together at the Welcome to Country ceremony at Parliament House at the opening of the 43rd Parliament assembly, in Canberra, Australia, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010.
Tweet Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Tuesday refused to apologize to Indonesia over a spying controversy. Reports were leaked by Australian Broadcasting Cooperation's (ABC) in which it was stated that Australia spied on telephone...
photo: AP / Alan Porritt
A picture of Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo is carried by a protester during a rally demanding his release outside China's Liaison Office in Hong Kong on Oct. 11, 2010.
Nobel peace prize winner and dissident is serving an 11-year jail sentence in China for subversion Lu Xiaobo, held in a Chinese jail, was unable to attend the 2010 Nobel prize ceremony. Photograph: Scanpix Norway/Reuters The lawyer of jailed Nobel...
photo: AP / Kin Cheung
People wade through high water by Venice's Rialto Bridge, northern Italy, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008. Water in Venice has risen to its highest level in more than 20 years, leaving much of the Italian city under floods and forcing residents and tourists to wade through knee-high water. City officials say the sea level topped 156 centimeters (61 inches) on Monday, well past the 110 centimeter (40 inch) flood mark, with most streets submerged.
Tweet ROME - The death toll from storms in Sardinia rose to at least 14 on Tuesday, with many areas still out of reach of rescue services, the governor of the...
photo: AP / Luigi Costantini
UN workers harassed in Juba
New York - The United Nations Security Council on Monday expressed increasing alarm over harassment and attacks on its staff by security forces in South Sudan, including the case of a woman who was beaten and briefly jailed. Secretary-General Ban...
photo: UN / Paulo Filgueiras
Heart-breaking pleas for help as Philippine storm victims await aid
Ten days after one of the most powerful typhoons ever recorded, some residents of remote villages in Eastern Samar province, where the storm made landfall in the central Philippines, said they were still waiting for aid. The Philippines is facing an...
photo: US DoD / DOD
The headquarters for JPMorgan Chase & Co., left, is shown Thursday, April 16, 2009 in New York. JPMorgan Chase's first-quarter profit was not as good as last year's, but it told investors what they wanted to hear: Banking is not dead.
The deal is the largest ever reached between the government and a corporation, eclipsing the record $4 billion (£2.48bn) levied on oil giant BP in January in the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history. The nation's biggest bank will pay more than...
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan
UN launches info superhighway map in Asia-Pacific
UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations launched an interactive map of the information superhighway on Monday to help bridge the digital divide in the Asia-Pacific region. The digital gap in the region, also considered as the inequality of income,...
photo: UN / Mark Garten