Our Mission To create a more humane and democratic society by responding to the needs and problems of disenfranchised people through leadership development and educational programs based on Popular Education methodology. Specifically our goal is to organize and educate immigrants concerned with solving problems in their own communities.

Join our great 7th Annual Dinner, A BETTER WORLD IS POSSIBLE, LETS GET UNITED!

IDEPSCA’s Great 7th Annual Dinner is Coming On November 15, 2013

All the fun starts at 5:00 pm * You can buy tickets, ads and make a donation to www.idepscagala2013.eventbrite.com

Casa Italiana.
1051 North Broadway, Los Angeles CA 90012

You can still donate online by clicking on Donate, at the left upper column

Invest in IDEPSCA: Invest in Change

Become an IDEPSCA member today!

You can make a change in the community.

Mobile Voices Wins World Summit Award

Over two years have passed since a group of day laborers, household workers, IDEPSCA community organizers, Drupal Programmers, and USC researchers and volunteers came together to begin what today has been awarded as the best Mobile Content in the World Summit Award in the category of M-Inclusion and Empowerment.

The World Summit Award is the global flagship imitative on e- and m-content of the United Nations and its Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID), held in collaboration with UNESCO and UNIDO.

This effort has been transformative and inspiring.

IDEPSCA's View on SB1070

Instituto de Educación Popular del Sur de California
Stop Arizona, Now!

IDEPSCA on immigration


IDEPSCA and its constituents call for a legalization process that moves beyond immigration reform and into a thoughtful and strategic long-term plan that addresses the complexity of this issue in a more humane and democratic fashion.

We support an immigration reform that will primarily stop the deaths at the border, stop the abuse of smugglers and unscrupulous employers, and stop the division of families. We support a reform that will deal with such complex and rarely discussed issues in a manner consistent with the U.S. constitution bringing and honor to over 12 million human beings. IDEPSCA calls upon our elected representatives and officials to enact legislation that at least includes the following:

- Legalizes immigrants already contributing to this country and allows them to come out of the shadows.

- Reforms our immigration system, which will give to millions of human beings.

- Reforms our immigration system, which will expedite the reunification of families.

- Creates a system that allows workers and their families who wish to migrate to the U.S. to enter our country and work in a safe, legal, and orderly manner with their rights fully protected.

The U.S. government has to address legalization in a more humane and just fashion. The system should not accuse or blame immigrants for the social and economic ills or for the atrocious acts of terrorism committed by a few. A comprehensive immigration reform strategy should respect and honor immigrants just as much as it welcomes and embraces the contributions they make to the U.S.

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