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This week
2,701Code commits
5,297Issue comments
1,008,275 people in 229 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
30.2672 -97.7431
DrupalCon Austin
02-06 June 2014
39.9501677 -75.1628399
tizzo committed Adding a method to scan all user space...
45.4395286 10.97891
42.6432477 -71.3105788
jessebeach committed Issue #1993258 by Shyamala, hass: Update...
53.219231 6.57537
46.8 -100.7
39.9501677 -75.1628399
tizzo committed Renmaing test files to be more consistent...
53.219231 6.57537
42.6432477 -71.3105788
jessebeach committed Use em units instead of rem units for sizing...
44.9557262793491 34.0925397060945
45.5 -122.7
robertdbailey committed Merge branch '7.x-4.x' into production
45.5517635149242 -122.670392208168
62.7 7.2
hansfn committed Introduced the new configuration management...
53.219231 6.57537
50.1 19.9
52.5 13.4
webflo committed Use nameFormatHelp method.
53.219231 6.57537
22.572646 88.363895
43.1 -89.4
acouch committed Switching tag to version
53.219231 6.57537
43.1 -89.4
acouch committed Update rdfx removing committed patch
53.219231 6.57537
52.6 -1.1
AverilL committed Cleaned up comments
Drupal.org D7 upgrade live!

If you are reading this announcement right now, then we did it! Drupal.org runs on Drupal 7! This was a big and complicated project, which took longer than we expected. Read more

Drupal.org downtime: 31st of October 2013, 15:00 UTC (08:00am PDT)

Drupal 8 UX research studies: how you can help improve Drupal?

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Apache Solr Search Integration
Managing configuration in Drupal 8
How to protect your data
Installing Apache Solr Search with free Opensolr server on Drupal 7
Graphing modules

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jQuery not working in the Source Editor
Computed field question
Drupal AJAX Is No Longer Working

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