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Warrnambool accepts Saputo bid but suitors fight on

Warrnambool accepts Saputo bid but suitors fight on

Updated | Local dairy players Murray Goulburn and Bega Cheese are refusing to capitulate in the $500 million battle over Warrnambool Cheese and Butter, despite the Warrnambool board’s decision to accept a sweetened $9 a share offer from Canadian bidder Saputo.

ADM seeks growers’ support for GrainCorp bid

ADM seeks growers’ support for GrainCorp bid

Updated | United States agri-giant Archer Daniels Midland has revealed it is prepared to come to the table to negotiate with growers to help secure critical support for its $3 billion takeover bid for GrainCorp.

Soul Patts Brickworks vote would be ‘disaster’: Williams

Perpetual Investments head of equities Matthew Williams says it would be “strange” and “disappointing” if the Australian Securities Exchange rules Washington H Soul Pattinson can vote at the upcoming Brickworks shareholder meeting to decide on its $2 billion break-up proposal.

China to ease foreign investment rules

China has pledged to remove foreign investment limits for aged care, logistics, accounting and architecture as part of sweeping reforms unveiled by the Communist Party on Friday night.

Geithner to join Warburg Pincus

Former US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who played a major role in combating the global financial crisis, is joining private-equity firm Warburg Pincus as president and managing director, the firm said on Saturday.

Market run triggers floats rush

The sharemarket’s 18-month run has unlocked the initial public offer market, with as many as 15 companies worth up to $10 billion seeking to list before Christmas.

Say goodbye to cheap iPhone deals

Say goodbye to cheap iPhone deals

Mobile service users will be forced to pay more for high-end smartphones as telcos move to slash handset subsidies to boost earnings, according to Optus chief executive Kevin Russell.

JPMorgan Chase offers $4.5bn in mortgage deal

JPMorgan Chase & Co has agreed to pay $US4.5 billion to settle claims by investors who lost money on mortgage-backed securities in the collapse of the US housing market, a source said.

David Jones says Zahra not forced out

David Jones says Zahra not forced out

David Jones chairman Peter Mason has managed to reassure the retailer’s second-biggest shareholder that his board is not forcing Paul Zahra out of a job amid concerns about why he wants to leave.

GM snub to federal industry minister

A visiting global executive from General Motors snubbed a federal government request for a meeting this week, further souring relations and increasing expectations Holden will leave Australia.

Dollars for data

Credit reporting business Veda is joining the pre-Christmas listing rush onto the ASX in a further sign that data is the new frontier for business, with those using it well set to gain a big advantage.

Money unmaketh the man: the downfall of Hartman and Curtis

Money unmaketh the man: the downfall of Hartman and Curtis

Twentysomethings John Hartman and Oliver Curtis were living the dream. Insider trading gave the inseparable friends extreme wealth, but their greed would bring them down.

Why the Sydney Opera House is a true bastion of Ocker elitism

Why the Sydney Opera House is a true bastion of Ocker elitism

Mark Latham | Sydney’s Opera House reaffirms our faith in big institutions with elitist principles. After all, deep down everyone loves Wagner and outrageously expensive restaurants.

Markets Summary

Change % Chg
S&P/ASX 200 5401.7 46.3 + 0.86%
Dow Jones 15961.70 85.48 + 0.54%
FTSE 100 6693.44 27.31 + 0.41%
SPI 200 DEC3 5409.000 0.000 + 0.00%
AUD/USD 0.9368 0.0000 + 0.00%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
SIR SIRIUS RES $ 2.540 + 7.17%
FXJ FAIRFAX $ 0.610 + 6.09%
SBM ST.BARBARA $ 0.360 + 5.88%
TEN TEN NET $ 0.275 + 5.77%
CSR CSR $ 2.790 + 5.28%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
MRM MERMAID MR $ 3.260 - 7.39%
GNC GRAINCORP $ 11.700 - 4.02%
IPL INCITEC PV $ 2.700 - 3.57%
EWC ENERGY WLD $ 0.420 - 3.45%
HZN HOR OIL $ 0.300 - 3.23%

Markets Data »

Street Talk

Ivor Ries joins Morgans in Melbourne

Ivor Ries joins Morgans in Melbourne

High-profile research analyst Ivor Ries has joined broking and advisory group Morgans in Melbourne as a senior research analyst.


Fortescue’s Forrest opens doors for indigenous Australians

Fortescue Metal's Andrew Forrest is spearheading a push to give indigenous Australians more opportunities at work through his charity Generation One, which has made some young workers CEO for a day.



How AusAID pays for Labor official’s salary

How AusAID pays for Labor official’s salary

Exclusive | ALP assistant national secretary Nick Martin has a large portion of his salary paid from a $1 million per year federal government AusAID grant.


Jim O’Neill

BRICs and MINTs may struggle to match China’s growth

BRICs and MINTs may struggle to match China’s growth

If China’s leaders can deliver the reforms they’ve been discussing, other BRIC and MINT economies will have an even more daunting standard against which to measure their performance.


Rudd: the PM  who flamed out


Editorial | It is hard to recall now the optimism for Labor that Kevin Rudd brought with him at his election as Prime Minister in November 2007. Political time and tide were running in his favour. Yet in little more than two and half years he was gone.

Farewell to Labor’s great wrecker: Kevin Rudd

Farewell to Labor’s great wrecker: Kevin Rudd

Mark Latham | As Paul Keating might say, Bill Shorten has been hit by a rainbow in the backside. Whereas every Labor leader since 2001 has struggled with the frantically self-promotional, destabilising presence of Kevin Rudd, Shorten is the one lucky enough to see him out of Parliament.


Big banks exposed in Royal Mail float debacle

Big banks exposed in Royal Mail float debacle

We’re likely to get some insight into pitching practices of the big investment banks when they face the British Parliament next week over the Royal Mail IPO fiasco.


Samsung grows smartphone lead but the ‘winner’ is Microsoft

Samsung grows smartphone lead but the ‘winner’ is Microsoft

Asia-Pacific has led growth in mobile phone and smartphone sales in the third quarter, with the smartphone segment notching up a 77.3 per cent increase – but the winner of this quarter is Microsoft.


Shares, $A can count on Yellen, alluding to further gains

Shares, $A can count on Yellen, alluding to further gains

Shares and the Australian dollar can count on ongoing support from the United States Federal Reserve after incoming Fed chairman Janet Yellen hinted that there was a strong case for quantitative easing to continue in 2014.

Personal finance

Investing in hybrids: buyer beware

Investing in hybrids: buyer beware

Hybrid securities may seem like attractive offers, but you may be better off investing in a mixture of bank deposits and bank shares, where the various risks are more evident, and the specific blend of risk and return can be more finely tuned to your preferences.


A passion for Goethe, museums and apple wine

A passion for Goethe, museums and apple wine

Literary giant Goethe looms over Frankfurt, an ancient city with an enviable arts legacy.

Interactivity hits the arts festival circuit

Interactivity hits the arts festival circuit

Perth Festival director Jonathan Holloway is on a mission to make the arts more participatory.

Wine storage out of sight but not out of mind

Wine storage out of sight but not out of mind

I love having a place off site to store numerous tasting samples and special wines that deserve not to be too close to hand.

A day with San Sebastian chef Elena Arzak

A day with San Sebastian chef Elena Arzak

Elena Arzak was an unexpected recruit to the family restaurant in San Sebastian and her father, Juan Mari, is thrilled.

Latest TV

Warrnambool’s David Lord backs Saputo takeover bid

Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Company managing director David Lord is adamant Saputo is the best option for his shareholders, even though Bega's offer is higher - and Murray Goulburn's the same value.

Shareholders go head to head

A major battle is brewing for control over two companies controlled by one family - with an extraordinary general meeting called for a week on Monday.

ADM’s Ian Pinner: We’re looking for solutions

American agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland is willing to negotiate a better deal for growers and stakeholders of GrainCorp, target of its $3.4 billion takeover bid.

Rear Window on Sunday

In Rear Window this week, Joe Aston is flying high.