Little Red Toolangi Treehouse shines light on plight of Leadbeater’s Possum

Tomorrow at 12 noon Hannah Patchett will formally launch her time dwelling in Toolangi’s treetops.

The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse has been built 50 metres up into the canopy of an area of forest habitat for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum

what's happening with Gas exploration in western Victoria?

While concerns about coal seam gas (CSG) drives a lot of debate about unconventional gas operations, Tight Gas will come into stronger focus if the current moratorium on the process of fracking is lifted.

National Day of Climate Action!

Tony Abbott and our new Government are already going backwards on climate change. They've cut the climate department, abolished the Climate Commission, and are getting ready to try repeal a price on pollution and renewable energy funding.

Right now, it is more important than ever before that we make it clear that the majority of Australians want climate action.

Nationwide. November 17.

Massive Koala Petition Handed to Victorian Government

A petition signed by over 83,000 people asking the Victorian Government to do more to protect koalas has been delivered to the Government.

The petition, organised by the German environmental group Rainforest Rescue, was initiated due to the killing of large numbers of koalas in bluegum plantations in western Victoria in July

Energy Futures Forum

Guest speakers from around Victoria will talk about future energy options including solar and wind power, how to reduce energy use, your household bills and the risks associated if we don’t move to a renewable energy future. Not to be missed!

Seymour, November 16

No Port Expansion For Hastings

Please support this fun and informative community action.

We will be marking out a symbolic area for a coal-drying facility

Where: Fred Smith Reserve, Hastings Foreshore, Western Port Bay.

November 9th 2013

Coalition kills second renewable project in Geelong /Surf Coast region

Plans for a 12MW geothermal energy installation to power the industrial city of Geelong and Surf Coast region has been scrapped after the Napthine Government withdrew a $25 million grant for the project.

Sunday Sessions at FoE

This sunday the Friends of the Earth Cafe will be hosting a rollicking Sunday arvo of beautiful melodies with some of Melbourne's top musicians, songwriters and producers. Get set for some funky jams, tasty grooves, and a party FOR A VERY GOOD CAUSE.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stand Up For Nature

The Coalition intends to ‘streamline assessments and approvals’ processes for major development projects. It says it will set up a ‘one-stop shop’ for environmental approvals to cut what Mr Abbott calls ‘green tape’ (but what most of us call environmental protection).

Please sign our petition to the Prime Minister urging him to strengthen, not weaken environmental powers.

Gas drilling near the Surf Coast?

In the Torquay area, there are proposals to look for and potentially start production of Tight Gas. Tight Gas generally requires fracking to release the gas from below the ground.

If the prospect of gas drilling operations concerns you, then please come along to this information evening hosted by Patagonia.

Tuesday October 1st.