Groups are communities and conversations around videos and other things that people like. You can create your own Groups or contribute to the Groups of others.
Plus You can create unlimited number of channels, groups, and albums with Vimeo Plus.
Active Groups
This is the timeLapse group for all your timelapse…
This is a companion group for the vimeo channel…
Music Videos - all genres
One of the oldest and largest groups on Vimeo! This…
Browse By Category
- Activism & Non Profits / 7,237 Groups
- Animation & Motion Graphics / 7,006 Groups
- Art / 13.8K Groups
- Branded / 0 Group
- Comedy / 1,710 Groups
- Education & DIY / 10.4K Groups
- Everyday Life / 7,919 Groups
- Experimental / 3,913 Groups
- Fashion / 0 Groups
- Films / 11.5K Groups
- HD / 6,640 Groups
- Music / 10.7K Groups
- Nature / 2,727 Groups
- Products & Equipment / 595 Groups
- Science & Tech / 4,072 Groups
- Sports / 8,118 Groups
- Travel & Events / 4,354 Groups
- Vimeo Projects / 659 Groups
- Web Series / 2,693 Groups