
Socialists selling flag-burning kits

February 18, 2006 - 6:04PM

A socialist youth organisation wants university students nationwide to buy their flag-burning kits next week to show their anger at the federal government.

The group, Resistance, said the kits, containing an Australian flag, a lighter, a fire-lighting cube and Resistance pamphlets, would be sold at university orientation week for $5 each.

"The flag-burning kit displays the sentiment that many young people feel, given the Australian government's racist refugee policy, its treatment of indigenous people, its use of violence against protesters, its support of US foreign policy and its oppressive military role in the Asia Pacific," Resistance said in a statement.

The kit was inspired by the removal by police of a deliberately burned Australian flag from the Trocadero Art Space gallery in Footscray, Melbourne, on January 20.

Resistance coordinator for Melbourne, Brianna Pike, said hundreds of the kits will be distributed nationwide.

Major-General Bill Crews, national president of the Returned and Services League, condemned the kits.

Maj-Gen Crews said the flag should not be a vehicle for protest or demonstration and burning the flag should be a criminal offence.

"I find it highly offensive. Not just to our members, but to all decent Australians," he said.

A spokesman for Prime Minister John Howard did not immediately respond to queries about the kits, but Mr Howard has previously said it should not be illegal to burn the Australian flag.

"I don't believe you should have a law making it a criminal offence to burn the Australian flag - much in all as I love and revere that flag," Mr Howard said recently.

Trocadero Art Space director Michael Brenner said the artwork removed by police last month was returned to the artist, himself a Resistance member, last week and may be reinstalled at the gallery.

Mr Brenner said he supported the flag-burning kits.

"I don't have a problem with it. It is part of their freedom of expression, so yes, I support it. I support freedom of expression," Mr Brenner said.

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