How to Make a Revolution

13-15 December, Brisbane Activist Centre

An educational conference of Resistance and Socialist Alliance
Book your place now!
$30 or $50 solidarity

Universities need more public funding

Around Australia, proponents of neoliberalism have led attacks on tertiary education an ideological onslaught against the idea of well-funded public education.

Students march against education cuts at the University of Sydney on April 4. Photo:
In July, Fred Hilmer, vice-chancellor of UNSW and chair of the Group of 8 Universities, a coalition of university managements, called for total fee deregulation and “cutting red tape”.

Qld students ready to defend free speech rights on campus

Police arrested and handcuffed two Brisbane-based activists, Rebecca Barrigos and Sid Zaoichi, after they set up a stall and petition against the state government’s budget cuts at a Brisbane university campus on September 21. Brisbane Resistance member Liam Flenady spoke to Barrigos about the arrests and the campaigns against austerity and for free speech in Queensland.

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What were you and fellow activist Sid Zaoichi campaigning for on campus and why was security called to evict you?

Sid and I were at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) [Kelvin Grove campus] to petition against the Liberal National Party’s (LNP) budget cuts, which have seen 14,000 jobs lost in the public sector.

Tassie equal marriage bill goes down, but campaign vows to fight on

Tasmania's upper house voted against equal marriage on September 26. The bill, co-sponsored by Labor Premier Lara Giddings and Greens deputy Nick McKim, passed the lower house on August 30.

But after a two-day debate, eight of the upper house's 15 MLCs voted against the bill, mostly fearing a High Court challenge and claiming that it was a federal and not a state issue.

Tasmanian premier Lara Giddings and Greens leader Nick McKim

The Student Movement and Student Unions

University students have begun to organise on campus, in many cases alongside tutors and lecturers, on a scale not seen for many years. With both governments and university managements pushing to run universities as profit based degree factories, this organisation of students and staff has been a positive step forward in defending the right to a quality affordable education. While students have been organising it is important to note the role that the traditional student unions have played in this process.

Union tickets

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Should the Greens support offshore processing of asylum seekers?
Yes, it's the only way to stop refugees getting on boats.
No, the Greens are right to oppose inhumane offshore processing.
Total votes: 477


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