Monday, January 24, 2005


Unfuckingbelievable. My midnight stroll. In the middle of the road. A rabbit. Cute as fuck and completely untouchable. A half-hour stand-off punctuated by much preening and anxious (?) circling; even a few quick sniffs of my smelly old Converse sneakers... then home.

I hope the non-existent Goddess looks after you tonight little rabbit.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Just A Suburban Boy

Looking after my brother Jamie's house this last week-and-a-half, I (re-)discovered an Australian rock classic: Dave Warner's From the Suburbs! To be precise, Mug's Game, from which the following, achingly [ha!] accurate lines are drawn:


I wake up every morning with no-one beside me
I wake up every morning and my mother will chide me
I'm just a Suburban Boy, just a Suburban Boy
Saturday night, no subway station
Saturday night just changing TV stations
I'm just a Suburban Boy, just a Suburban Boy
And I know what it's like
To be rejected every night
And I'm sure it must be, easier for boys from the city
I go to the football to cheer for my team
I go to the football to hear myself scream
I'm just a Suburban Boy, just a Suburban Boy
Sunday Session – I'm down at the hotel
Staring at girls that I don't know, well
I'm just a Suburban Boy, just a Suburban Boy
And I know what it's like
I've been rejected every night
And I'm sure it must be, easier for boys from the city