- published: 05 Nov 2009
- views: 351
The Lingones were a Celtic tribe that originally lived in Gaul in the area of the headwaters of the Seine and Marne rivers. Some of the Lingones migrated across the Alps and settled near the mouth of the Po River in Cisalpine Gaul of northern Italy around 400 BCE. These Lingones were part of a wave of Celtic tribes that included the Boii and Senones (Polybius, Histories ii.17). The Lingones may have helped sack Rome in 390 BCE.
The Gaulish Lingones were thoroughly Romanized by the 1st century, living in a rich and urbanized society in the region of Langres and Dijon and minting coins, but getting caught up in the Batavian rebellion (69 CE), described by Tacitus.
The strategist Sextus Julius Frontinus, author of the Strategematicon, the earliest surviving Roman military textbook, mentions the Lingones among his examples of successful military tactics:
Their capital was called Andematunnum, then Lingones, now Langres in the Haute-Marne, France. It was built on a rocky promontory above the Marne River, and still preserves some of its medieval fortifications, which afford panoramic views of the Marne Valley, the Langres plateau and the Vosges. The Cathedral St-Mammes, built in the Burgundian Romanesque style for the ancient diocese that was referred to as Lingonae ("of the Lingones") and rivalled Dijon. Three of its early bishops were martyred by the invasion of the Vandals, about 407.
rievocazione storica celtica
Uuuuuu ThX a todoz por apoyarme qwp si llegamos a los 500 sub, estaremos a la mitad de los 1000 sub! (1000 sub e mí sueñi0) WUUU Etiqueta: #DibujoParaLaLingon #WildCraft . por favor ver video completo qwp. . . . Discord: https://discord.gg/xDKjqfY5 . . . No Daré Saludos En Este Video, Al Próximo Sería. . . . Saludos de la Lingón 💕 —Lady
lingones e cenomanes on the road
Testo introduttivo dello spettacolo "Il Ritorno della Dea". Ringrazio di cuore le Danzatrici che hanno contribuito a realizzare lo spettacolo: Gwenn, Alisia, Melyor e Sheridan. Grazie al Teuta Lingones Cinghiale Bianco per il loro forte sostegno e in particolar modo al Rix Adgennorix per aver sempre creduto in questo Sogno. E grazie al mitico gruppo Lingalad le cui meravigliose musiche sono sempre fonte di Inspirazione. Rhiannon Lingones Responsabile Casta delle Danzatrici Mistiche http://www.lingones.com/danzatrici_48.html Sacerdotessa del Sacro Fuoco del gruppo di Rievocazione storica Teuta Lingones Cinghiale Bianco http://www.lingones.com/index.html
The Lingones were a Celtic tribe that originally lived in Gaul in the area of the headwaters of the Seine and Marne rivers. Some of the Lingones migrated across the Alps and settled near the mouth of the Po River in Cisalpine Gaul of northern Italy around 400 BCE. These Lingones were part of a wave of Celtic tribes that included the Boii and Senones (Polybius, Histories ii.17). The Lingones may have helped sack Rome in 390 BCE.
The Gaulish Lingones were thoroughly Romanized by the 1st century, living in a rich and urbanized society in the region of Langres and Dijon and minting coins, but getting caught up in the Batavian rebellion (69 CE), described by Tacitus.
The strategist Sextus Julius Frontinus, author of the Strategematicon, the earliest surviving Roman military textbook, mentions the Lingones among his examples of successful military tactics:
Their capital was called Andematunnum, then Lingones, now Langres in the Haute-Marne, France. It was built on a rocky promontory above the Marne River, and still preserves some of its medieval fortifications, which afford panoramic views of the Marne Valley, the Langres plateau and the Vosges. The Cathedral St-Mammes, built in the Burgundian Romanesque style for the ancient diocese that was referred to as Lingonae ("of the Lingones") and rivalled Dijon. Three of its early bishops were martyred by the invasion of the Vandals, about 407.