• How Does Feedback Fuel Lead Generation?
    When website owners offer visitors the opportunity to provide feedback, two things happen. First, businesses get valuable insight into visitors' experiences. Second, they enable visitors to self-identify as people that feel a connection to the site. That information provides the means for e-businesses to generate new leads and retain current customers. For tips on how to use feedback for lead generation click here.
  • What is Feedback Analytics?
    Feedback Analytics combines online feedback collection with advanced analysis and allows companies to engage directly with customers. Kampyle's Feedback Analytics methodology completes the feedback loop by letting you engage directly with the customers that submitted feedback - all in one, efficient, easy-to-use service.
  • How do you tie user feedback to Web site analytics?
    Listening and engaging directly with your customers is a critical area for service, support and brand loyalty, however, it is a daunting task to collect, review and analyze customer data in real time. Online analytics solutions may answer the "who, what, where and when", Kampyle answers the critical "why" behind customer behavior, helping site owners and companies improve revenue, conversions, usage, product development and user experience.
  • Who are some of Kampyle's customers and partners?
    Kampyle's worldwide customer base is growing everyday, with more than 45,000 customers using Feedback Analytics to improve their customer relationships and engagement. Customers include Mozilla, KPN, Constant Contact, eConsultancy and 2Tor. Partners working with Kampyle include Salesforce.com, Constant Contact, Nedstat, Omniture, GoDaddy.com and more.
  • What are the results Kampyle's customers are experiencing?
    Customers using Kampyle solutions have achieved a 14 percent increase in their customers' satisfaction rates for 2008 - 2009. Customer feedback is driving key business operations such as Web site launches, software product upgrades, customer service, shopping cart abandonment reductions and more. Visit Kampyle's customer testimonials to learn more about how customers are using Kampyle.
  • What type of feedback does Kampyle provide?
    Kampyle lets you collect, analyze, measure and manage online user feedback on services, products and customer experience. Kampyle for Websites lets you easily respond to user feedback about your Web site. Kampyle for Software helps software providers understand their users' behavior while performing specific actions of unique importance: downloads and uninstall actions of their software.
  • What is process-level feedback?
    A process is a part of the Web site that was created with a specific target in mind, and it usually includes many pages and elements working together to achieve your process goal, for example, your site's user registration, your shopping cart check out or your online product search. Kampyle provides you with a holistic view of all relevant Web site processes to better understand user behavior. Kampyle lets you create multiple feedback forms and customize them with categories and sub categories that fit the processes they are in on your Web site. Your users will find the most relevant topics to provide their feedback in the quickest way possible, while you will get the information about what really matters to you.
  • How can I use the feedback?
    Feedback Analytics provides both process-level and website-level analysis that is tied to a unique e-mail address, letting you engage directly with your users and respond to their feedback. The feedback will be accessible to you (the Web site owner) only, therefore protecting your brand, and making Feedback Analytics suitable for all lines of business. You can manage the feedback based on your business metrics and preferences, by priority, feedback type, geography, site functionality and more.
  • How long does it take to implement Kampyle?
    Kampyle only takes five minutes to set up.
  • How can I customize my Feedback Forms?
    Feedback Analytics provides you with the ability to create feedback forms that can be customized to fit your Web site and your business needs, and placed on all pages for your Web site to provide feedback. Using Kampyle's feedback form builder, you can create and customize your feedback form based on your design preferences and business goals in minutes.

Feedback Form