[19 Oct 2013 | No Comments]
How to take advantage of behavioral economics to improve conversion rates

Today, we want to share with you the Conversion Rate Experts team‘s answer to an excellent question that we did not have time to answer during our recent webinar on Conversion Rate Optimization. The question deals with applying new insights from neuroscience and behavioral economics to enhancing conversion rates.

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[11 Sep 2013 | No Comments]
Conversion Rate Optimization Q&A Webinar

Last week we held a very successful webinar together with leading CRO consulting agency Conversion Rate Experts. The entire sixty minute session was dedicated to answering questions submitted by our webinar registrants.

Dr. Karl Blanks, Co-founder of Conversion Rate Experts, and Jonathan Ranger, Kampyle’s VP Sales & Service, responded to questions covering a wide range of CRO topics including CRO fundamentals, methodology and best practices, use of feedback forms/insight to increase conversions, A/B testing, tracking results and ongoing optimization.

[30 May 2013 | No Comments]
Client Success Story: Online Furniture Retailer Accelerates Lead Generation By 60%

With average sales tickets ranging from 2,600 to 3,200 US dollars, Kampyle’s client sees building trust with online prospects and developing relationships as its primary business-enabling objectives. Visitors to its websites must be able to fully experience the products, despite lacking the element of “touch and feel” that is usually a key part of the buying process.

[23 May 2013 | No Comments]
Unleash the Unparalleled Power of Open-Text Customer Feedback – Introducing Kampyle Word

You know that qualitative customer insight translates directly into increased ROI. But researching customer free, open-text sentiments is time intensive and costly! Does it have to be this way?
Kampyle Word Cloud save you time and costs by eliminating manual text-analysis. Identify common feedback topics with just one quick look and then drill down to examine and track trends and sentiments among your visitors and customers.

[23 May 2013 | No Comments]
Web Success through Quality Customer Experiences

We are honored to be included in Website Magazine’s Top 50 Loyalty and Engagement Solutions.

We couldn’t agree more with the article’s premise: Delivering an outstanding, consistent customer engagement experience is key to a good customer-business relationship, which directly translates in increased ROI.

[27 Sep 2012 | No Comments]
Meet Kampyle @ the eCommerceExpo in London

Next week, Kampyle will be exhibiting at the eCommerce Expo in London (Oct. 2-3) and we are looking forward to meeting up with our existing clients as well as with companies exploring how online engagement and feedback can drive their business success. Stop by Kampyle’s stand # 902 to uncover the business impact of customer engagement!

[20 Aug 2012 | No Comments]
The Four Keys to a Successful Kampyle Deployment

Congratulations on joining the 55,000+ companies that are improving engagement with their website visitors using Kampyle! Now what? How do you ensure that you are getting the most out of Kampyle for your business? In this blog post I will help you maximize the value you gain from feedback for your sales, marketing, support and product development efforts.

[19 Aug 2012 | No Comments]
Customer Engagement Evolved – Kampyle at NOAH Conference

Our Co-Founder and CEO, Ariel Finkelstein, recently took to the stage at the NOAH Internet Conference in San Francisco to present a talk on actionable customer engagement and how it translates into a better customer experience and increased profits for your business.

What exactly is customer engagement evolved? How does customer feedback through Kampyle lead to a 45% conversion rate of your most valuable visitors?

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