TODAY   |  November 12, 2013

Trooper, suspect fall off 30-foot bridge

A Michigan state trooper and the suspect he was pursuing are recovering after a frightening fall over a guardrail that sent them plummeting 30 feet to the ground below.

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This content comes from Closed Captioning that was broadcast along with this program.

>>> state trooper chasing a suspect over a guard rail 30 feet to the ground below. this november 1st incident was captured on the trooper's dash cam. the driver refused to pull over. the suspect then got out of his car, climbed over a guard rail and when the trooper tried to grab the suspect, the two fell over together dropping 30 feet. both were transported to an area hospital. the suspect was on probation for alcohol charges. the state trooper has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home on paid leave. pretty