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'There are bound to be glitches'

10/29/13 01:49PM

Here's a two-prong test for GOP lawmakers complaining about ACA glitches: (1) Were you in Congress during the Medicare Part D rollout? (2) Did you raise a fuss?

And then there were two

10/29/13 12:38PM

For months, zero House Republicans signed on as co-sponsors of comprehensive immigration reform. As of this morning, there's a new total: two.

Abortion rights advocates react to TX ruling

10/29/13 11:15AM

Amy Hagstrom Miller, president of Whole Women’s Health, which operates several of the clinics being threatened by the new Texas anti-abortion, spoke to Maddow Blog about how much difference a day makes in the fight for women's reproductive rights in Texas.

A new definition of 'expert'

10/29/13 08:47AM

It's come to this: the Wall Street Journal has turned to '70s-era actress Suzanne Somers to write bizarre anti-Obamacare screeds.

Morning Maddow: October 29

10/29/13 07:57AM

FreedomWorks endorses a senate primary challenger who spoke at a neo-confederate conference. (TPM) Day 1 of the fight in Hawaii over marriage equality. (AP) Trayvon Martin's mom testifies at a Senate Stand Your Ground hearing today. (AP) Why flags will be half-staff today. (Washington Post) Western states and a Canadian province sign a climate-change pact. (McClatchy)
