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Nightly News
FAA to require more robust pilot training

  Modern stimulators can replicate every possible flight condition for a pilot, which is why the FAA wants to see training standards for preventing and recovering from mid-air stalls, and are asking airlines to track pilot training.

Nightly News
Virginia race a microcosm of national political debate

  The gubernatorial campaigns in Virginia have seized on national issues. NBC’s Chuck Todd reports.

Nightly News
Toronto mayor says he smoked crack ‘in one of my drunken stupors’

  In a teary and defiant stand, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford refused to step down hours after admitting he has smoked crack cocaine. NBC’s Stephanie Gosk reports.

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Meet the spark behind the eternal flame

  Col. Michelle Stewart is the keeper of the eternal flame, which sits as a memorial to slain President John F. Kennedy’s legacy. NBC’s Kate Snow reports.

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The early evening newscast inaugurated its current format Aug. 1, 1970, when “The Huntley-Brinkley Report” was expanded to seven nights a week.