Depressed people may age faster, study suggests

People suffering from depression may be aging faster than other people, according to a new study from the Netherlands. In the study of...

Oral care in elderly 'deserves significant attention,' study finds

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Advancements in dentistry make it more likely that older adults will keep their teeth longer, which means ongoing...

Biological clock finding gives 'young at heart' new meaning

Every cell in your body has a little clock ticking away in it, researchers reported on Sunday. And while most of you is aging in a...

Live to 120? Most say 'no thanks', poll finds

Ninety birthdays maybe, but not 120: Americans hope to stretch life expectancy another decade or so, but they're ambivalent about a...

Delaying retirement can delay dementia, large study finds

New research boosts the "use it or lose it" theory about brainpower and staying mentally sharp. People who delay retirement have less...

In this May 22, 2013 photo provided by the University of Missouri, Bob Harrison prepares a snack in his TigerPlace apartment in Columbia, Mo., as different sensors mounted near the ceiling record activity patterns. The sensor technology is unobtrusive and does not interfere with his everyday tasks. Researchers at the University of Missouri are studying high-tech monitoring systems that promise new safety nets for seniors living on their own.
University of Missouri, Shoshana Herndon) / AP Photo

One aging brain cell can affect entire brain, study finds

Brain cells may undergo aging in much the same way as skin cells do — with one aging cell affecting many of its neighbors, a new study...

Alzheimer's drug misses mark in studies but shows potential

A possible Alzheimer's disease treatment from drugmaker Eli Lilly missed the main goals of two late-stage studies, but the treatment...

Results expected in key Alzheimer's treatments

We're about to find out if there will be a way anytime soon to slow the course of Alzheimer's disease. Results are due within a month or...

FDA panel favors Pfizer's new rheumatoid arthritis drug

Federal health advisers said Wednesday that a first-of-a-kind drug from Pfizer appears to be safe and effective for patients with...

Dementia cases worldwide to triple by 2050

Cases of dementia — and the heavy social and financial burdens associated with them — are set to soar in the coming decades as life...

Dementia's youngest victims defy stereotypes

Doreen Watson-Beard cared for more people with dementia than she could count. The nurse was so moved by her patients that she led...

U.S. drafts plan to fight feared Alzheimer's disease

The Obama administration declared Alzheimer's "one of the most-feared health conditions" on Wednesday as it issued a draft of the...

Millions now manage aging parents' care from afar

Kristy Bryner worries her 80-year-old mom might slip and fall when she picks up the newspaper, or that she'll get in an accident when she...

U.S. wants effective Alzheimer's treatment by 2025

The government is setting what it calls an ambitious goal for Alzheimer's disease: Development of effective ways to treat and prevent the...

Stephen Hawking at 70: How has he survived so long?

British scientist Stephen Hawking has decoded some of the most puzzling mysteries of the universe but he has left one mystery unsolved:...

Gay seniors fear housing discrimination

At age 62, Donald Carter knows his arthritis and other age-related infirmities will not allow him to live indefinitely in his third-floor...

At 100 years old, an Ohio doctor is still in

The 100-year-old doctor still makes house calls. He must, explains Dr. Fred Goldman. That's where the patients are. "If they're sick and...

Fish in diet may ward off Alzheimer's

Eating fish may keep the brain healthy and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, a new study says. In the study, people who ate baked...

Aging in place: Most seniors want to stay put

Retirement communities may have their perks, but Beryl O'Connor says it would be tough to match the birthday surprise she got in her own...

Your odds of reaching 90 keep getting better

Americans are more likely than ever to reach age 90. First-ever census figures on the 90-plus population show it's nearly tripled in size...

Beyond blueberries: 8 unexpected antioxidants

When scientists first discovered the power of antioxidants to destroy cell-damaging free radicals, the hunt was on. They knew these...

X Prize contest seeks secrets in DNA of the very old

George Eberhardt turned 107 last month, and scientists would love to know how he and other older folks like him made it that far. So he's...

Alzheimer's may be transmissible, study suggests

In some cases, Alzheimer's disease may in fact be the result of an infection, and may even be transmissible, a new study in mice suggests...

Pill to stop gray hair could pose risks, doctors caution

George Clooney may be able to rock the sexy salt-and-pepper look, but most non-famous people want to avoid gray hair as long as possible....

Cloris Leachman's genes may unlock aging secrets

Everyone in an ongoing study of healthy aging has to provide a DNA sample by spitting in a tube. But Cloris Leachman’s the only...

Dementia patients suffer dubious hospitalizations

One-fifth of Medicare nursing home patients with advanced Alzheimer's or other dementias were sent to hospitals or other nursing homes...

Yellow eyelid blobs hint at hidden heart disease

We’ve all seen a few people, like maybe grandpa or grandma, with those little patches of yellowish plaques around the upper and lower...

'Til death': Unless you have Alzheimer's?

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson caused a firestorm after he told his “700 Club” viewers that divorcing a spouse who battles...

Pat Robertson: Divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson told his "700 Club" viewers that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable because the...

Antipsychotics used less often in treating dementia

Day after day, Hazel Eng sat on her couch, a blank stare on her face. The powerful antipsychotics she was taking often cloaked her in...