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  2. Think you can be the next Storage Warrior? You aren’t alone: http://nbcnews.to/SE5x8J
    Photo: Think you can be the next Storage Warrior? You aren’t alone: http://nbcnews.to/SE5x8J
  3. The economy is the biggest issue in next month's presidential election, and for many swing-state voters like Kevin Kisich, it’s personal: http://nbcnews.to/VaJcFE
    Photo: The economy is the biggest issue in next month's presidential election, and for many swing-state voters like Kevin Kisich, it’s personal: http://nbcnews.to/VaJcFE
  4. Yahoo is confirming that CEO Marissa Mayer gave birth to a boy on Sunday night. Read more here: http://nbcnews.to/OzlDVr
    Photo: Yahoo is confirming that CEO Marissa Mayer gave birth to a boy on Sunday night. Read more here: http://nbcnews.to/OzlDVr
  5. Some cities are seeing home values soar. What is it like where you live? http://nbcnews.to/R6NY1O
    Photo: Some cities are seeing home values soar. What is it like where you live? http://nbcnews.to/R6NY1O
  6. Tablet computers, turtles and a new take on a furry old-timer are the hot toys retailers and manufacturers hope will spark a rebound from a dismal 2011 holiday season, according to a closely watched "Most Wanted" list released on Friday: http://nbcnews.to/Royb0n
    Photo: Tablet computers, turtles and a new take on a furry old-timer are the hot toys retailers and manufacturers hope will spark a rebound from a dismal 2011 holiday season, according to a closely watched "Most Wanted" list released on Friday: http://nbcnews.to/Royb0n
  7. Tech writers and ordinary users alike tend to expect perfection from Apple, an assumption cultivated under Jobs’ obsessive attention to even the smallest of details. Now, the Maps gaffe shows Apple with a literal as well as a figurative problem with direction: http://nbcnews.to/NVF4Gr
  8. Here are the 10 most inspiring companies in the US. Which one inspires you the most? http://nbcnews.to/QAbK8E
    Photo: Here are the 10 most inspiring companies in the US. Which one inspires you the most? http://nbcnews.to/QAbK8E
  9. Much was made of multimillionaire candidate Mitt Romney's tax status when he released his 2011 tax return on Sept. 21. How to get the same tax breaks that Romney did: http://nbcnews.to/S1GAcv
    Photo: Much was made of multimillionaire candidate Mitt Romney's tax status when he released his 2011 tax return on Sept. 21. How to get the same tax breaks that Romney did: http://nbcnews.to/S1GAcv
  10. Sugar prices may soften over the course of this year, breaking ranks with the rest of the commodity market's "Breakfast Club" of corn, wheat, soybeans and cocoa, which surged to multi-month and all-time highs as dry weather ravaged crops: http://nbcnews.to/PUJwn1
    Photo: Sugar prices may soften over the course of this year, breaking ranks with the rest of the commodity market's "Breakfast Club" of corn, wheat, soybeans and cocoa, which surged to multi-month and all-time highs as dry weather ravaged crops: http://nbcnews.to/PUJwn1
  11. When billionaires are asked why they give, they usually talk about their desire to apply their business skills to social change, and the responsibilities of wealth. But there is another incentive for the rich to give: lowering their taxes: http://nbcnews.to/RW4twm
    Photo: When billionaires are asked why they give, they usually talk about their desire to apply their business skills to social change, and the responsibilities of wealth. But there is another incentive for the rich to give: lowering their taxes: http://nbcnews.to/RW4twm
  12. Chick-fil-A waffles on gay marriage rights, fries brand image / What do you think? http://www.nbcnews.to/PQ05z1
    Photo: Chick-fil-A waffles on gay marriage rights, fries brand image / What do you think? http://www.nbcnews.to/PQ05z1
  13. The weak economy and high unemployment have prompted many adults to head back to the classroom, armed with the promise that more education will bring them a higher paycheck and increased job security. But now, some are learning the hard way that just earning a degree isn’t a guarantee of a good paycheck -- or any paycheck at all -- when the job market is so difficult: http://nbcnews.to/OGEWfo
    Photo: The weak economy and high unemployment have prompted many adults to head back to the classroom, armed with the promise that more education will bring them a higher paycheck and increased job security. But now, some are learning the hard way that just earning a degree isn’t a guarantee of a good paycheck -- or any paycheck at all -- when the job market is so difficult: http://nbcnews.to/OGEWfo
  14. Chick-fil-A will stop funding anti-gay marriage groups. Click "like" if you like.


    (AP photo)
    Photo: Chick-fil-A will stop funding anti-gay marriage groups. Click "like" if you like.


(AP photo)
  15. While many individual Americans are struggling financially, some of the largest corporations in the United States are sitting on billions in cash. Moody’s pointed out in March that U.S. nonfinancial companies' cash holdings rose to $1.24 trillion: http://nbcnews.to/PGOaTW
    Photo: While many individual Americans are struggling financially, some of the largest corporations in the United States are sitting on billions in cash. Moody’s pointed out in March that U.S. nonfinancial companies' cash holdings rose to $1.24 trillion: http://nbcnews.to/PGOaTW
  16. China keeps getting better at making cars. One reason: It's getting better at cutting corners: http://nbcnews.to/V7J72Q
    Photo: China keeps getting better at making cars. One reason: It's getting better at cutting corners: http://nbcnews.to/V7J72Q
  17. After years of struggling with credit card debt, a banker turned part-time artist turned his debt problem into an art project. Do you struggle with credit card debt? http://nbcnews.to/O8A4zN
    Photo: After years of struggling with credit card debt, a banker turned part-time artist turned his debt problem into an art project. Do you struggle with credit card debt? http://nbcnews.to/O8A4zN
  18. The spending of the super-rich is no longer just about stuff and status. It’s more about memories and moments ... and lots of home renovations: http://nbcnews.to/NxgJGP
    Photo: The spending of the super-rich is no longer just about stuff and status. It’s more about memories and moments ... and lots of home renovations: http://nbcnews.to/NxgJGP
  19. Remember 'pink slime' -- sorry, lean ground beef filler? ABC News sure does.
    Photo: Remember 'pink slime' -- sorry, lean ground beef filler? ABC News sure does. 
  20. This week, we brought you several stories about people who fear they are going down, rather than up, the economic ladder. Read their stories, and tell us yours, here: http://nbcnews.to/R4927E #downtheladder
    Photo: This week, we brought you several stories about people who fear they are going down, rather than up, the economic ladder. Read their stories, and tell us yours, here: http://nbcnews.to/R4927E #downtheladder

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