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5 Low-Cal Game Day Snacks

Combine 1 month of holiday feasting with 1 football season of noshing on high-calorie snacks, and what have you got? Double the size in belly, hips, and thighs. But cheer up! We've got diet snack solutions to help.  More »

How to Be Fun, Have Fun, and Stay Young

Feel like your life has done a number on your fun factor? You're not alone. Deadlines, bills, and crazy-busy schedules keep most of us from cutting loose and getting silly. All work and no play isn't just dull. It negates something that's hardwire...  More »

Stop Making Excuses and Learn How to Be Healthy

Excuses, excuses, excuses. They always seem to keep us from getting where we really want to be. Not this year! It's time to push excuses off for good so you can drop that extra weight, quit your junk food habit, or finally get in shape.  More »

Stay Calm and Focused with Meditation

There's something about starting a new year that makes you want to conquer the world. Of course, that means your to-do list is likely bigger than ever. So, how do you maintain your momentum and "can do it" attitude without getting overwhelmed? Med...  More »

Halt Cravings with This Mental Image

The easiest way to get your mind off that hot fudge sundae is to picture this instead: a white sandy beach in Tahiti.  More »

Slow Down Aging by Cooking with This Juice

Whatever you put in your pan for dinner tonight, make sure you add a few squeezes of this: lemon juice.  More »

Get Healthier Lungs with This 2-Minute Habit

Two minutes in the morning and two minutes in the evening and your lungs may be breathing fine for a very long time. We're talking about brushing your teeth.  More »

Healthy Snacks for Staying Slim

You can count calories and run marathons to stave off middle-age spread. Or you can simply change what you snack on.  More »

Get the Scoop on Poop for Constipation Relief

If you're among the millions of adults doing overtime throne duty in the bathroom thanks to gastrointestinal (GI) troubles, try these tricks for some relief.  More »

4 Tricks to Slow Hair Loss

When you look in the mirror lately, do you notice that your hairline is getting thinner? Don't panic. Try these four ways to slow hair loss.  More »

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