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Informal Anarchist Front (FAI) Solidarity Against Pipelines

Sat, 11/09/2013 - 03:55 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Early morning, on Wednesday November 6th a Royal Bank Of Canada had all 2 of their ATMs smashed and 4 of their windows. This was an easy target as it was far on East Hastings in Burnaby. The RBC was attacked because they help fund the most destructive project on earth, the Alberta Tar Sands.

The next early morning, a Chevron on 1st and Nanaimo had 9 of its 12 pumps smashed, effectively shutting it the fuck down. This has no doubt cost Chevron tens of thousands of dollars due to damages and lost revenue. It was easily done with a hammer and took about 1-3 swings each pump. Chevron was attacked because it is a majority shareholder of the Pacific Trail Pipeline. The Pacific Trail Pipeline (PTP) is an already approved Natural Gas pipeline but the Unist`ot`en** have built a blockade right on the path of this pipeline. As anarchists we have nothing but solidarity for the Unist`oten and will do everything we can to assist them in their struggle against all corporations who wish to destroy their land and the colonial governments who wish to assist the corporations as it runs parallel with the anarchist struggle.

To other activists and environmental groups, this anti-pipelines movement will either be anti-capitalist or nothing. It will either be a mix of violent tactics and peaceful ones or it will be ineffective. It will either be against this colonial government or unsuccessful. We understand the misery and despair of this society and capitalism can be very uninspiring and depressing but there is nothing more liberating, while this society exists, than to smash, burn, loot and bomb something that is smashing your life everyday.We hope these actions inspires you to take some risks. Find your comfort zone and then challenge it.

We understand that it can be scary to commit illegal acts so its best to start small and gain your confidence and skills. Try posturing around your city and move on to paint bombing to targeted graffiti. So on and so forth. The best way to break a window is on the corner where there is less flex. An ATM takes one or two strikes with an hard object. Be careful with ATMs through they usual have high definition cameras so cover your whole face. Glasses or snow goggles would work great. Dress is loose black clothing bearing no logs. If you use other clothing ditch it right after. Black shoes work great. You can also wear different colour shoes and wear socks over them and ditch the socks after you caused some havoc.




FAI - Informal Anarchist Front


**Here is an excerpt from their website:

``The Unist’ot’en Camp is a resistance community whose purpose is to protect sovereign Wet’suwet’en territory from several proposed pipelines from the Tar Sands Gigaproject and shale gas from Hydraulic Fracturing Projects in the Peace River Region.

Wet’suwet’en territory, which extends from Burns Lake to the Coastal Mountains, is sovereign territory which has never been ceded to the colonial Canadian state; the Wet’suwet’en are not under treaty with the Canadian government. Their territory, therefore, is and always will be free, and belongs to the Wet’suwet’en people alone.

Since July of 2010, the Wet’suwet’en have established a camp in the pathway of the Pacific Trails Pipeline. Likhts’amisyu hereditary chief Toghestiy states, “Unist’ot’en and Grassroots Wet’suwet’en have consistently stated that they will not allow such a pipeline to pass through their territory. The federal and provincial governments, as well as Indian Act tribal councils or bands, have no right or jurisdiction to approve development on Unist’ot’en lands. By consulting only with elected Indian Act tribal councils and bands, the Canadian government breaks its own laws as outlined in the 1997 Supreme Court of Canada Delgamuukw decision which recognizes Hereditary adjudication processes.”

Freda Huson, spokeswoman for the Unist’ot’en Clan, states: “Pacific Trails Pipeline does not have permission to be on our territory. This is unceded land. Through emails and in meetings, we have repeatedly said NO. Pacific Trail Pipeline’s proposed route is through two main salmon spawning channels which provide our staple food supply. We have made the message clear to Pacific Trails, Enbridge, and all of industry: We will not permit any pipelines through our territory.”

The Unist’ot’en clan is against all pipelines slated to cross through their territories. This includes Enbridge Northern Gateway, Pacific Trails, Coast Gas Link, Kinder Morgan’s northern proposal, and others. Pacific Trails Pipeline is the most pressing and immediate threat to the community. Enbridge pipeline would be built side by side to – with essentially the same right of way as Pacific Trails, thus raising concerns that the Pacific Trails Pipeline might ‘blaze a trail’ for the Enbridge project.``



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

man, had i known posturing was a gateway crime to targeted graffiti, i would never have talked so much shit on the users of this website. i slouch corrected.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

So you should!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Gosh... where were you under the article about those two Greek fascist who were shot by anarcho-insurgents? Hiding in the closet, eh?

Submitted by @ (not verified) on

Do we actually know that they were shot by "anarchist insurgents"? Is there any evidence for this? Have they put out a statement or similar?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

One statement was issued, in Greek. It wasn't clear if they denied or admitted to it... although with the translation I got.

Submitted by @ (not verified) on

Can you post the Link to that statement please?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Refreshing, though a bit messy writing that makes it somewhat cumbersome to read, but no matter what, good effort!

I also like "Federation" being swapped for "Front" in the IAF's name. Fuck federations, formal or informal, even the tongue-in-cheek ones.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

FAI-FRI stands for Federazione Anarchica Informale-Fronte Rivoluzionaro Internazionale (Informal anarchist federation-international revolutionary front in english) and to paraphrase the fighters from CCF "we have no affection for words. International communcation creates new horizons for insurrectionary language" which is why they as nihilist-individualist-anarchists associate with the FAI-FRI project. I personally think the use of achnonyms shouldn't be fetishised in anyway, especially as a lot of FAI-FRI actions only have the acronym in common, neither should words and their perceived meanings be fetishised (front technically can imply vanguardism, no? while federation implies "organisation" to some people)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

"front technically can imply vanguardism, no?"

Depends on the context. "Front" can be used as in "war front", which doesn't mean anything vanguardist, and actually is very inclusive in essence, because anyone can fight on a front, without being on a forefront.

An organization is much more exclusive, as it always refers to come shadowy, invisible network of people, that you can included into or not. So one can claim being part of a front by attacking this or that, without being able to pretend being part of some organization.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

But still doesn't say what it means to be "posturing around your city"!

Is it like... being a suburban hipster? lol... sorry.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

You should cut on the McDonalds... makes you have some pestering brain farts, trollcop.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Excellent effort, and thank you for this. But next time, please spare the plethora of detailed techniques that both are quite obvious but can be incriminating if published by other websites in Canada, due to those new repressive laws. There's other outlets, like Pastebin (darkweb versions) and Cyberguerilla's etherpad, for that kinda stuf...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

You're being too paranoid. The letter of the law shouldn't be what stops you from having public conversations, just like we still mask up for demos even though some rightwing douche floated a law against that. There's legal theory and then there's legal precedent and it's the 2nd one that factors in to strategic thinking.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

It's not the "letter of the law" that stops me and others from having public conversations... it's that thing you're looking at right now. Getting people interested about that stuff in real life isn't very easy, when they just aren't taking you for some crazy...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

fuck you liberal

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

There's no such thing as being "too paranoid" online. Perhaps you were unfortunately born on the Internet through Twitter/FB, but it's a very old attitude for both militants and hackers to make paranoia a guideline for security culture.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The words 'paranoia' and 'security culture' are misleading, dude~

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have absolutely no idea of what you mean here, but I ain't the one who first used the word "paranoia"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Double/triple/quadruple-entendre are even more, and they don't make you look clever as you think.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Incriminating who? Visiting this page is not sketchier than visiting any other page on Yeah, a claim of responsibility is incriminating, that's the entire point. Adding the "how" is insubstantial.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I think the above commenter meant "incriminating" for those who publish or repost that communiqué, especially from a Canadian location. It's like, there's publishing a communiqué on a bombing -that even the more mainstream press would do- but that's a world of difference with publishing details on how they made the bombs.

Of course, the pigs won't go after people reading from this website... No yet.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

As someone who runs a blog from Canada, this is bang on. And yes, I know people who've been picked up for what they posted.

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