
Environmental activist and community organizer Marie Mason is serving the longest sentence ever (22 years) for environmentally motivated property destruction. In 2010 she was transferred to the notorious high security prison FMC Carswell.

Now we’re mobilizing to get her moved.

Today, people across the country and world will keep the Bureau of Prisons office ringing off the hook demanding she be moved. We need your help to make the 21st the day we forced the BOP to take notice.

Here is an example call script you can use:

Use the following script to help prepare what you will say. Practice a few times to yourself if you’d like. Speak politely and with confidence and urgency.

Call Bureau of Prisons Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr.
(202) 307-3250/3062

Hello, my name is _______ and I am calling about Marie Mason, ID
#04672-061. I would like to speak with Charles E. Samuels Jr. about her
unjust transfer to FMC Carswell.

Hello Mr. Samuels. My name is ________ I am calling on behalf of Marie Mason, who has been unjustly placed in a special isolation unit at FMC Carswell – without notice or cause- in a move that is strictly punitive on the part of the BOP. Marie has had no disciplinary incidents since her incarceration, poses no threat or danger to the prison or other inmates and has worked hard to make her life and the life of her fellow inmates better for the last 5 years. There is no reason for her to be in this unit – 1000 miles from friends and family.

We demand that Marie be moved to a lower security facility – closer to her
family and friends – so that she can serve the remainder of her sentence in a facility where she can be housed with the general population.

Thank you for your time. I will be following up in the coming months to
check on this situation.

Suggested Call In Times

The BOP office is open 8am-5pm EST.
We’re suggesting then that people call in at the following times according to their time zone. Of course, the most important thing is to call, so call when works best for you.

West Coast- Call between noon and 2pm your time
Mountain People- Call between 11am and one your time
Central Folks- Call between 10am and noon your time
East Coast- Call between 9am and 11am your time

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