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Palestine-Israel, The low tide of joint struggle continues to the background of general disillusion

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | community struggles | news report author Wednesday October 23, 2013 17:15author by Ilan S. - AAtW, ainfos Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

The high tide of the social struggle in the world at large and in our region just two years ago with a lot of hopes has given way to disillusionment. The joint direct actions in Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Ma'sara, Beit Ummar, Sheikh Jarrah have diminished in size. Contributing to this is the stick-and-carrot policy of the Israeli occupation system. The significant increase of work permits to Palestinians within Israel and a lax policy towards "illegal Palestinians" who work in it, have contributed their share. The strict policy of the corrupt Palestinian authority does not promote hope and militancy in the grassroots nor among the Israeli radical people. Hope for approaching radical change due to international pressure on Israel and the low tide in both the general social struggle and the Palestinian arena has diminished the numbers and energy of activists involved with the Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall initiative. Just a glimpse of hope is brought by the emerging Israeli anarchist communist Ahdut (unity) group I joined lately. [Italiano]


Friday weekly demonstration with a smaller participation. The only flag carried in it was the red and black flag held by me which was accepted with sympathy from all participants. One Palestinian got injured and the another Palestinian photographer was arrested after the Israeli occupation force take his camera !

Nabi Saleh Solidarity

Activists report that today's demonstration took place in the rain. Despite the wet weather, residents of Nabi Saleh including men, women and children, along with Israeli and International supporters attempted to march to the spring which has been illegally annexed by Israeli settlers. During the demonstration, demonstrators also managed to open the large yellow iron gate that the Israeli military has installed in 2000 at one of the entrances of the village. For the first time in 13 years cars were able to pass via this entrance in and out of the village. As usual the IOF actively sought to repress the demonstration and at least one person has been detain/arrested - Helmy, a Palestinian photographer/cameraman from the village.


The Friday demonstration was smaller than usual because of Holiday, olive harvest, rain, and a funeral in the village.
The road to the village was closed hermetically by the Israeli state forces. The army tried to block even the round about dirt road. But, all wisecracks of the IOF could not prevent those who fight the oppression from manifesting it. With the help of our Palestinian partners we arrived - a large group of international and a handful of Israelis in spite the, jeeps and other means of oppressed.
At the begin the occupation army was hiding. Shortly after the demo began to march lot of them equipped from head to toe, came from every direction behind the houses and from the hills and shot barrage of tear gas grenades.
Gray was yesterday in Qaddum, both the rain clouds, the tear gas, the smoke burning tires igniting by the shabab. These painted the village gray but not in any way decreased the determination if the village people to continue the struggle and fight for righteousness, against the oppression, expropriation of their lands, and the breach of the fundamental right of travel.
The demonstration ended without injuries or detainees.
Odai Qaddomi·

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes.


Don’t say we didn’t know #385

On Saturday, 12th October, 2013, Palestinians from Qaryut (near the settlements Shilo and Eli) went to harvest their olives. At a certain point, settlers arrived nearby. They summoned the IDF, who arrived and declared the area a closed military zone, and then forced the harvesters to leave their land.

The next day, the same farmers went to harvest their olives, this time supported by international volunteers. Again, settlers came and summoned soldiers, who again distanced the harvesters from their lands. When the farmers went to a nearby plot – declared the previous day as being alright for harvest by the soldiers – they, the Palestinian harvesters, were removed by the soldiers from that plot, too, following the settlers’ demands.

On 19th October, 2013, at 3:00 a.m., settlers invaded the olive groves of Qaryut, and badly damaged some 70 olive trees.

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
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Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq | Community struggles | News Report | en

Sat 01 Jun, 11:25

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iraq.jpg imageUpdate report : The mass protests in Baghdad and Southern Iraq continue 06:43 Wed 25 Jul by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This short report covers the current situation of Iraq

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle really changed the world* 21:50 Sat 05 Sep by Ilan S. 0 comments

The failed arrest of 12 year old child in Nabi Saleh caused a million views storm in the media. This situation and the next Friday of the joint struggle demonstrated again how the involvement of the AATW Israeli Jews prevented in the past and prevent now the extinguishing of the non armed Palestinian struggle with rivers of blood. It was one shooting of Gil Naamati in 2003 in a joint action of the anarchists AATW that caused a real wide media scandal in Israel (which forced the higher commander of the army to visit him at hospital and apologize) that resulted in the change of shooting order about dispersing non armed demonstrations in the occupied lands when Israelis are involved. In addition to our helping to distribute the news, Our main contribution is the supply of "life insurance" to the Palestinians and even to the stone throwers in the demos.... though it is not perfect and along the years about 20 were killed and many more were injured. [Italiano]

Bil'in, 10.07.15. Photo: Mohammed Yasin Photography imagePalestine-Israel, The activists participating in the joint struggle get old... but the struggle is s... 16:10 Tue 28 Jul by Ilan S. 0 comments

It is hard for many activists when the real meaning of the struggle are not concrete achievable gains, but a global worldwide struggle. This week, the concrete and the global merged when the struggle against the destruction of Susiya village recruited international support and forced Israel to delay or even cancel the demolition of the village. Pressure from the imperial powers on Israel was joined by European warning about approaching sanctions against the Israeli banking system for its involvement in the settlers' projects in the occupied West Bank. It seems the erosion of Israeli immunity from paying for its war crimes is collecting momentum. The Israeli media is full of news about B.D.S. - the joint struggle in which thousands of international activists participate, contributing a lot. The heroic Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Ma'sara, and Sheikh Jarrah keep the weekly flame from extinguishing. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, the joint struggle which enhance the B.D.S. suffer lately more punishments then ev... 05:57 Tue 02 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

The non armed joint actions - mainly few Friday demos, do not cause the Israeli armed forces much load. However, the focusing of the media on these, and more so the international activist participating in them who enhance the international struggle when they return home, really worry the Israeli authorities. Their borders screening which succeed to prevent the entry of activists is not much effective. The Israeli ruling elite is not in panic yet, but lately they worry a lot. The president of Israel warn that the development of the B.D.S. must cause a real concern. The threat of the expulsion from the FIFA cause Israel to make concession to prevent the voting and even agreed to a special monitoring comity. The subject of the B.D.S. is more and more in the media and many of the speaker admit their fear from its intensifying. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, As the split in the elite, a part of which is already suffering, threatens Prime m... 00:57 Sat 23 May by Ilan S. 0 comments

The election which was a response to rebellion in the elite - threatening to restrict his daily newspaper - resulted in a partial defeat. He is dependant now on the support of the center-right party and the orthodox parties,and now he is trying desperately to regain control. The mounting pressure on Israel threatens to take a fast escalation. It is already expressed in the threat to expel Israel from FIFA and of intervention of the Hague Court. The French initiative in the UN security council is approaching. The escalation in transfer actions - both within Israel and the West Bank is an effort to recruit at least the support of orthodox parties and the extreme right. In spite of harsher efforts to repress the Palestinian struggle - both in occupied east Jerusalem and the popular non-armed struggle the struggle continues. The very optimistic activists already feel the approaching victory. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle enhance the B.D.S. which intensify the international pressure w... 01:20 Fri 08 May by Ilan S. 0 comments

The B.D.S. which intensify the pressure not only worry the Israeli elite - it already caused a split in it. The split expressed in the initiation of law against the Netaniahu daily caused him to dismantle his coalition and call for election. The result was even worse for him. He lost the majority of the hard core right. The 61 (versus 59) coalition was achieved only with Kakhlon center-right that already blocked the main rightist moves and some of the extreme neoliberal tendency. A new power balance in the Israeli elite may result with a near future coalition with the pseudo left party Zionist List or even entirely different coalition without Netaniahu or even without the Licud party. With this back ground, transfer of Palestinians intensify - both citizens of Israel and in the occupy west bank... And the repression and struggle continue in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, Qadoom, Ma'asarah, Sheikh Jarrah, South Hebron Hills and sporadicly in other places. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continues with fresh conviction that it is a fulcrum of the int... 19:56 Sat 18 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

With the conviction that our main contribution is not so much in changes on the ground but in the spirit of the struggle of the participants and the fulcrum we provide to the international lever. The gradual increase in international pressure which the Israeli high court verdict is that is a criminal act for Israeli to promote causing already much of damages in the economy of occupation and concern of the Zionist-colonialist Israeli ruling Elite. We see here again how small number of activists can initiate a turn in the course of history when it is applied in the ripe cross-road. It started in a small joint camp in Masha 2003 for struggle against the separation fence, after the idea raised half a year earlier in the European People Global Action conference in Leiden - in which activists from the East of the Mediterranean region participated too. The camp initiated struggles in various villages that riped at 2005 in the Bil'in struggle... which expanded and expanded...

textPalestine-Israel, The collapse of the deterrent ability of Israel in the last Gaza war is expressed ... 05:37 Wed 08 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

The frustrated Israeli state force who do not dare to prevent the weekly non armed popular demonstrations - Joined and purely of Palestinians, resort to shooting on demonstrators with frequent use of live fire by snippers. In the annexed regions of Jerusalem they no more pretend it is not an occupied area and apply there the occupation procedures - both in treatment of detaining children and houses demolition. The "hot" areas of the popular non armed struggle gradually expand but still far away from a general uprising. The international popular struggle worry the Israeli elite but the damages to the Israeli economy is still in the margins. It seems the Zionist settler colonialist elite which bribed the tycoons section of the capitalist elite with extreme neo liberal measures cannot do it any more as other sections of the capitalist elite (backers of Cakhlon) rebelled.

textPalestine-Israel, the joint struggle in turbulent times of the fragmentation in the Zionist rilling ... 16:22 Sun 22 Mar by Ilan S. 0 comments

The merger between the Zionist leadership and the capitalist elite which started 1948 picked in the Tycoons dominance, at 20010. The "too successful" neo-liberalism was challenged by the social struggle, conflicts within the capitalist elite and threatened by international pressure yielded the diminishing power of the old order when the right lost its absolute power in the parliament depending now on the opponent of the milder Zionist right (Kachlon). It is not sure how fast the retreat in the neo-liberal trend and the defeat of the Tycoons combined with the international pressure will yield also retreat in the advance of the Zionist settler and transfer effort. Mean time the joint struggle continue in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, Kadum, Ma'asarah, Southern Hebron Hills, Sheikh Jarrah, the Bedouins of the south, Dahamsh... with additional locations from time to time. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The joined struggle in a decisive year* 00:42 Tue 10 Mar by Ilan S. 0 comments

The minimal pressure of the imperial power on Israel to soften its pressures applied to the would be transfered Palestinians of the 1967 occupied areas have its results (more in the west bank than in the Gaza Ghetto). The about 100.000 Palestinians of the occupied territories are employed by Israelis. Most of the roadblocks were removed. The rebellion of the Palestinians in the west bank is channeled mostly through a small minority of activists in the joint and separate week end activities. People are like holding their breath to see if the culminated crisis in the international arena will yield a significant break throw. Mean time, the persistent week end struggles - though in a diminished intensity in Bil'in, Ma'asara, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, South of Hebron Hills, Sheik Jarrah... with sporadic struggles in other locations. [Italiano]

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textOn the current protests in Lebanon : When spring comes late , would it achieve more ? Sep 20 by mazen kamalmaz 0 comments

On the current protests in Lebanon : When spring comes late , would it achieve more ?

imageRojava: Fantasies and Realities Nov 08 by Zafer Onat 1 comments

The Kobane resistance that has passed its 45th day as of now has caused the attention of revolutionaries all over the world to turn to Rojava. As a result of the work carried out by Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF), anarchist comrades from many parts of the world have sent messages of solidarity to the Kobane resistance.(1) This internationalist stance without a doubt carries great importance for the people resisting in Kobane. However if we do not analyze what is happening in all its truth and if we romanticize instead, our dreams will turn to disappointment in short order.

imageHorizons for the Syrian revolution May 23 by Mazen Kalmamaz 0 comments

The main features of the Syrian revolution are its youthful, spontaneous aspect, and the fact that it was created on the streets and is linked directly to the people. It is a revolution without centralized control, led by insurgent individuals. Consequently, no-one can claim to govern it or lead and the reason is simple: the young insurgents rose up spontaneously and there are no signs of participation by religious elements, whose ideas are extremely reactionary, or indeed by any other tendency. [العربية ]

imageSupport of the Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum Sep 29 5 comments

We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Mahsa Amini and the victims of the demonstrations.
Long live the struggle and the uprisings of the oppressed in Iranian cities Long live the unity of the exploited class struggles
Defeat to the efforts of the ruling party and to those in the opposition Death to Class sovereignty in all its names and its colors

imageSolidarity with the mass protests in Iraq Oct 12 0 comments

We understand from the historical experiences and experiences in recent years such as what happened in Tunisia, Iran and Iraq that we must all having solidarity against racism and sectarianism and rely on self-organization and self-adminstration building in farms, work places, schools, hospitals and other social affairs.

textBlood-baath in Syria and proletarian direct action Feb 15 Class War Group 0 comments

Greetings to proletarians in struggle in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia... and all over the world!

imageItalian speaking tour of an Anarchist Against the Wall Apr 07 Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

From 5-15 April 2009, a member of Anarchists Against the Wall, Haggai Matar (well-known also for his anti-militarist work, since he was one of the first of the new wave of political objectors to military service), will be in Italy for a speaking tour with the dual aim of providing updates on the current situation in the struggle against the wall and the occupation, and of collecting funds for the activities of AAtW. If you can, please come to one of the events below. If you are unable to attend but you want to contribute to the work of AAtW, please log on to for details on how to do so. [Italian]

textAnarchists Against the Wall and Bil'in Popular Committee awarded Carl von Ossietzky Medal Oct 17 1 comments

Anarchists Against the Wall and the Bil'in Popular Committee exemplify the nonviolent resistance to the Israeli-built "Separation Wall" on Palestinian land, as well as steadfastness in the diverse grass-root campaigns against the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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