The Wayback Machine -
소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review
PSY 13 Shot Soju Challenge / Drinking Game
Samgyeopsal and Soju
Soju Watermelon Cocktail
How to Drink Soju!
Today's Blog - Soju
Soju Charm Korean commercial
소주 한류 - How to Open a Korean Soju Bottle (hallyu)
[처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3
Sojuhood: Soju Chug
No Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)
Soju - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows [Today's Blog]


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소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2013

소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review

I uploaded a video with this title back when I uploaded my subscribers video, but it turned out that I uploaded the same video twice (I was inebriated). I de...
  • published: 11 Nov 2012
  • views: 1871
  • author: Lee Lemon소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review
PSY 13 Shot Soju Challenge / Drinking Game
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:38
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

PSY 13 Shot Soju Challenge / Drinking Game

13 different ways to drink Chamisul Soju presented by PSY. For a downloadable drinking game chart please click here: 13 Shot Soju Challenge / Drinking Game
Samgyeopsal and Soju
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:36
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

Samgyeopsal and Soju

We head out to a Samgyeopsal restaurant late at night and have some fresh samgyeopsal along with a bottle of Soju. MMMM! Nothing like Korean barbecue! Subscr... and Soju
Soju Watermelon Cocktail
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:27
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2013

Soju Watermelon Cocktail

Check this out, please! How to make a soju watermelon cocktail! These are very popular in Korean bars in America. They're made with soju, which is the #1 distilled beverage in Korea but not well known to the rest of the world. If you can't find soju in a Koreatown near you, you can substitute it with vodka. The fun thing about subak soju is that you can use the blended flesh of the watermelon to make your drink and use the watermelon shell to serve it in -- nothing is wasted!
  • published: 14 Sep 2013
  • views: 25495 Watermelon Cocktail
How to Drink Soju!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:37
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013

How to Drink Soju!

SUBSCRIBE! It's fun (i promise): Showing you some tips on how to drink soju korean style! ...enjo... to Drink Soju!
Today's Blog - Soju
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:44
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013

Today's Blog - Soju

[Soju - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows] Many foreigners learn about Korean culture through Koreans' favorite alcoholic drink, soju. Soju consumption has been on t...
  • published: 18 Oct 2010
  • views: 7623
  • author: visitkorea's Blog - Soju
Soju Charm Korean commercial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Soju Charm Korean commercial

Sexy Ad for Charm Soju starring Son Dam Bi.
  • published: 30 Jun 2009
  • views: 90857
  • author: JacekUW Charm Korean commercial
소주 한류 - How to Open a Korean Soju Bottle (hallyu)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

소주 한류 - How to Open a Korean Soju Bottle (hallyu)

Soju, the Alcoholic drink of choice among Koreans, has it's own set of rituals for opening and drinking it. Today, learn how to properly open a soju bottle. ...소주 한류 - How to Open a Korean Soju Bottle (hallyu)
[처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

[처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3

GuHara Soju CF ([처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3
Sojuhood: Soju Chug
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

Sojuhood: Soju Chug

Korean Summer 2009 Currently as far as we know there are 5 knights, 1 sister, and many brothers. Song: Soju Life - Decipher Manifest Lyricks JL (I do not own... Soju Chug
No Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:05
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

No Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)

An exciting punk music, "A Glass Of Soju" is composed of cheerful ska rhythm and easy melody to sing along. This song expresses joy of drinking party with ol... Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)
Soju - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows [Today's Blog]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:20
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

Soju - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows [Today's Blog]

Many foreigners learn about Korean culture through Koreans' favorite alcoholic drink, soju. Soju consumption has been on the rise in Asia in recent years. Th...
  • published: 22 Jun 2011
  • views: 1217
  • author: arirangnews - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows [Today's Blog]
[1080P]처음처럼 HyunA - SEXY QUEEN OF SOJU [CF]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:26
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013

[1080P]처음처럼 HyunA - SEXY QUEEN OF SOJU [CF]

CRE :firstsojutv VOTE for her here : ROUND1 : ROUND2 :
  • published: 09 Dec 2012
  • views: 576095
  • author: Miumiu Yang[1080P]처음처럼 HyunA - SEXY QUEEN OF SOJU [CF]
How To Make Watermelon Soju
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:41
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2013

How To Make Watermelon Soju

How To Make Watermelon Soju
  • published: 15 Aug 2010
  • views: 19970
  • author: lucy qian To Make Watermelon Soju
  • 소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review
    소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review
  • PSY 13 Shot Soju Challenge / Drinking Game
    PSY 13 Shot Soju Challenge / Drinking Game
  • Samgyeopsal and Soju
    Samgyeopsal and Soju
  • Soju Watermelon Cocktail
    Soju Watermelon Cocktail
  • How to Drink Soju!
    How to Drink Soju!
  • Today's Blog - Soju
    Today's Blog - Soju
  • Soju Charm Korean commercial
    Soju Charm Korean commercial
  • 소주 한류 - How to Open a Korean Soju Bottle (hallyu)
    소주 한류 - How to Open a Korean Soju Bottle (hallyu)
  • [처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3
    [처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3
  • Sojuhood: Soju Chug
    Sojuhood: Soju Chug
  • No Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)
    No Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)
  • Soju - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows [Today's Blog]
    Soju - Koreans' Joys and Sorrows [Today's Blog]
  • [1080P]처음처럼 HyunA - SEXY QUEEN OF SOJU [CF]
    [1080P]처음처럼 HyunA - SEXY QUEEN OF SOJU [CF]
  • How To Make Watermelon Soju
    How To Make Watermelon Soju

소주 (soju...a Korean liquor) Review

I uploaded a video with this title back when I uploaded my subscribers video, but it turned out that I uploaded the same video twice (I was inebriated). I de...
  • published: 11 Nov 2012
  • views: 1871
  • author: Lee Lemon

소주 (soju...a Ko­re­an liquor) Re­view
I up­load­ed a video with this title back when I up­load­ed my sub­scribers video, but it turne...
pub­lished: 11 Nov 2012
au­thor: Lee Lemon
PSY 13 Shot Soju Chal­lenge / Drink­ing Game
13 dif­fer­ent ways to drink Chamisul Soju pre­sent­ed by PSY. For a down­load­able drink­ing gam...
pub­lished: 10 Feb 2013
au­thor: Mod­ern Seoul
Sam­gyeop­sal and Soju
We head out to a Sam­gyeop­sal restau­rant late at night and have some fresh sam­gyeop­sal alon...
pub­lished: 28 Jun 2012
Soju Wa­ter­mel­on Cock­tail
Check this out, please! http://​www.​maangchi.​com/​recipe/​subaksoju How to make a soju wa­term...
pub­lished: 14 Sep 2013
How to Drink Soju!
SUB­SCRIBE! It's fun (i promise): http://​www.​youtube.​com/​subscription_​center?​add_​user=just6...​
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2013
au­thor: Justin Patrick
Today's Blog - Soju
[Soju - Ko­re­ans' Joys and Sor­rows] Many for­eign­ers learn about Ko­re­an cul­ture through Kore...
pub­lished: 18 Oct 2010
au­thor: vis­itko­rea
Soju Charm Ko­re­an com­mer­cial
Sexy Ad for Charm Soju star­ring Son Dam Bi....
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2009
au­thor: JacekUW
소주 한류 - How to Open a Ko­re­an Soju Bot­tle (hal­lyu)
Soju, the Al­co­holic drink of choice among Ko­re­ans, has it's own set of rit­u­als for open­ing...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2011
[처음처럼] 하라(Hara of KARA) - Soju CF Round 1,2,3
GuHara Soju CF (http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​DSPKara)...
pub­lished: 25 Dec 2012
So­ju­hood: Soju Chug
Ko­re­an Sum­mer 2009 Cur­rent­ly as far as we know there are 5 knights, 1 sis­ter, and many bro...
pub­lished: 29 Dec 2012
No Brain (노브레인) - A Glass Of Soju (소주 한 잔)
An ex­cit­ing punk music, "A Glass Of Soju" is com­posed of cheer­ful ska rhythm and easy melo...
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2013
Soju - Ko­re­ans' Joys and Sor­rows [Today's Blog]
Many for­eign­ers learn about Ko­re­an cul­ture through Ko­re­ans' fa­vorite al­co­holic drink, soju...
pub­lished: 22 Jun 2011
au­thor: ari­rangnews
[1080P]처음처럼 HyunA - SEXY QUEEN OF SOJU [CF]
CRE :first­so­jutv VOTE for her here : http://​www.​soju.​co.​kr ROUND1 : http://​www.​youtube.​com...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2012
au­thor: Mi­u­miu Yang
How To Make Wa­ter­mel­on Soju
How To Make Wa­ter­mel­on Soju http://​twitter.​com/​LuciiQ....​
pub­lished: 15 Aug 2010
au­thor: lucy qian
Youtube results:
Bad Copy - Vodio Sam De­vo­jku Na Soju [Tekst]
Pesma : Vodio Sam De­vo­jku Na Soju Album : Krigle (2013) Au­tors­ka prava pri­pada­ju kod Bad C...
pub­lished: 28 Jun 2013
Soju Chug
Tris­tan, a fel­low teach­er al­ways want­ed to chug a bot­tle of soju with me, but fate thought...
pub­lished: 13 Jul 2010
Parry's Pours: How to make and take a soju bomb
Bren­ton demon­stra­tions the prop­er way to make and take a soju bomb....
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2011
au­thor: Amy Schmidt
How to drink Soju with Ko­re­ans
Hey guys! My friend from Ger­many vis­it­ed Seoul and he surpirsed me with his Ko­re­an drinkin...
pub­lished: 16 Jan 2012
au­thor: the­mod­chef
photo: AP / Jerome Delay
Muslim men organized in militias with machetes rough up a Christian man while checking him for weapons in the Miskine neighbourhood of Bangui, Central African Republic, Friday Dec. 13, 2013.
Edit Al Jazeera
14 Dec 2013
The United Nations has warned groups carrying out atrocities in the Central African Republic that the world is watching and will hold them to account, after the killings of hundreds of people, mainly civilians. The warning from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday came a day after a militia killed 27 Muslims in a village outside the capital, Bangui. "Too many people are scared and the country is on the brink of ruin ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
photo: AP / Ariel Schalit
Israeli soldiers stand guard in Rosh Hanikra, Israel, near the border between northern Israel and Lebanon, Monday, Dec. 16, 2013. Israeli troops shot two Lebanese soldiers early on Monday.
Edit Belfast Telegraph
16 Dec 2013
Israeli troops have shot two Lebanese soldiers, hours after a Lebanese army sniper killed an Israeli soldier. The shooting took place just after midnight last night after Israeli forces identified "suspicious movement" along the border and shot two members of Lebanon's armed forces. The shooting occurred near where a Lebanese army sniper killed an Israeli soldier late yesterday ... AP Download the Belfast Telegraph iPad App ... Reader images ... ....(size: 5.9Kb)
photo: USMC / Zachery B. Martin
How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora
Edit The Daily Beast
15 Dec 2013
By Yaniv BarzilaiDecember 15th 20136.45 am. More Stories by Yaniv Barzilai. In 2001, a small U.S. special operations force had won extraordinary victories in Afghanistan and closed in on Bin Laden before high-level blunders allowed him to escape into Pakistan. This week marks the most important anniversary in the global war against al Qaeda that no one remembers ... Just before, however, bin Laden had made an egregious error ... Best Of ... 1 ... ....(size: 8.8Kb)

Edit Independent online (SA)
13 Dec 2013
According to the annual list of best-selling booze by trade magazine Drinks International, the highest-selling spirit is something called soju ... Fans enthuse about soju’s potency and subtle sweetness....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit Chosunilbo
13 Dec 2013
Here are some tips to help keep things in moderation and not overtax your body during this festive season ... There is a tendency to encourage people to drink quickly in Korea's drinking culture, such as by downing jaeger bombs or shots of soju mixed with beer ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit Business Insider
11 Dec 2013
Christmas Morning Cereal ... Promise!. H/T Serious Eats + Picthx Dominque Ansel Bakery This Restaurant Will Exchange Your Shitty Xmas Gifts for a $25 Gift Card Dominique Ansel Releases $15 Cereal with Mini Meringues and Chocolate Puffed Rice 10 Easy Ways to Make Bad Ass Sushi Rolls Too cute to shove off pizza, too hungry not to 80 Drinks from 80 Countries, from Coca Cola to Soju [Infographic] ... Copyright 2013 ... Email More ...   ... OR....(size: 9.3Kb)
Edit Chosunilbo
10 Dec 2013
Spending a few days in the city sampling its culinary delights while soaking up the ambience near some of the country's most famous beaches can leave visitors with some unforgettable memories ... Rich in collagen, which contains useful amino acids, and known for its excellent detoxifying properties, it goes down a treat with a few glasses of soju or local makgeolli (traditional Korean rice wine) to help keep the cold at bay ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
04 Dec 2013
Pre-existing capacity of wolves to learn from humans may have led to dogs' domesticationHow listeners can identify tall people through their voiceKoalas' unique organ gives them low-pitched voiceAnd the world’s most popular booze is Soju from South KoreaKoalas produce `low-pitched` mating calls using unique sound organIndia ranked `less ......(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
04 Dec 2013
Pre-existing capacity of wolves to learn from humans may have led to dogs' domesticationHow listeners can identify tall people through their voiceKoalas' unique organ gives them low-pitched voiceAnd the world’s most popular booze is Soju from South KoreaKoalas produce `low-pitched` mating calls using unique sound organIndia ranked `less ......(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
04 Dec 2013
Koalas' unique organ gives them low-pitched voiceAnd the world’s most popular booze is Soju from South KoreaKoalas produce `low-pitched` mating calls using unique sound organIndia ranked `less corrupt` than Pakistan in Corruption Perceptions Index 2013Facebook posts can reveal if you are a `psychopath`Urinating robot leads up Turner prize ......(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
04 Dec 2013
SEOUL — An 85-year-old U.S ... “The North Koreans still gnash their teeth at the Kuwol unit.” ... 27 before news of his detention was released ... Park and several other former guerrillas said they recognized Newman from his past visits to Seoul in 2003 and 2010 — when they ate raw fish and drank soju, Korean liquor — and from the TV footage, which was also broadcast in South Korea ... “They know me.” ... ....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
04 Dec 2013
SEOUL, South Korea — An 85-year-old U.S ... Photos of the day ... Latest stories from Foreign World Digest. Dec. 3, 2013 ... India’s anti-corruption party faces first big test ... The U.S ... Park and several other former guerrillas said they recognized Newman from his past visits to Seoul in 2003 and 2010 — when they ate raw fish and drank soju, Korean liquor — and from the TV footage, which was also broadcast in South Korea ... ....(size: 4.6Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
04 Dec 2013
Download image ... (PRNewsFoto/PAMA Pomegranate Liqueur). NEW YORK, Dec ... (Photo ...    ... showcased the incredible range of base spirits that were modified by PAMAAged spirits included Bourbon, rye, Scotch, rum, Cognac and brandy.  Clear spirits spanned gin, vodka, tequila, soju, pisco, cachaca and absinthe.  Wine/beer cocktails utilized Prosecco, cava, Malbec, Moscato and Sauternes wines, Sherry and lager beer ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Tampa Bay Online
04 Dec 2013
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – An 85-year-old U.S ... “The North Koreans still gnash their teeth at the Kuwol unit.” ... 27 before news of his detention was released ... Park and several other former guerrillas said they recognized Newman from his past visits to Seoul in 2003 and 2010 – when they ate raw fish and drank soju, Korean liquor – and from the TV footage, which was also broadcast in South Korea ... ....(size: 7.5Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
03 Dec 2013
South Korean spirit Soju has been named the world's most popular booze by Drinks International's annual list of ......(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
03 Dec 2013
... most popular booze is Soju from South Korea`Puppetmaster` SRK dazzles Dubai fans in `Access All Areas` concertPS4 becomes fastest-selling console ever with 250,000 units sold in five daysProtein key to restoring `exhausted` HIV-fighting immune cells identified Related News....(size: 1.5Kb)

Soju (Hangul 소주; Hanja 燒酒) is a distilled beverage native to Korea. Its taste is comparable to vodka, though often slightly sweeter due to sugars added in the manufacturing process. It is usually consumed neat.

Most brands of soju are made in South Korea. Though it is traditionally made from rice, most modern producers of soju use supplements or even replace rice with other starches, such as potatoes, wheat, barley, sweet potatoes, or tapioca.

Soju is clear and colorless. Its alcohol content varies from about 16.7%, to about 45% alcohol by volume (ABV) for traditional Andong soju, with 20% ABV being most common. It is widely consumed, in part, because of its relatively low price in Korea. A typical 300mL bottle of soju costs the consumer 1,000 to 3,000 South Korean Won in South Korea (roughly $1 to $3 United States Dollars). In the USA, it tends to cost substantially more – $5 or more.

Soju 燒酒, literally means "burned liquor". In 2008 the word soju entered the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster dates the word's appearance in the American English lexicon at 1978. Soju is now one of only a handful of Korean words that have entered the English lexicon (others being "kimchi", "taekwondo", and "hangul").

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

In two months I'm through the doorway,
Put my guitar on the floor,
And you will sit and tell me,
That you can't take anymore,
And you will sit and wonder,
What I can only speculate,
That time is going to be telling us what we don't want it to say.
So just be with me now,
With your hair wrapped around my fingers,
Where your words turn into whispers,
Where you fall asleep and dream, dream,
That you could be with me now,
As I keep track on my fingers,
Of the cities and the strangers,
Of the pieces of my dreams.
It's been so long since I've seen you,
Almost forgot your face,
And time it brings me full close to,
But it does the opposite for me.
So I've got my hallways and my hotels
And a ticket with my name
It's been too long since I've seen you
And there's so much to say.
But just be with me now,
With your hair wrapped around my fingers,
Where your words turn into whispers,
Where you fall asleep and dream, dream, dream
That you can be with me now.
As I keep track on my fingers
All the cities and the strangers

It's hard for me when I
Think about the things that never been
They keep coming back again
Like they've got something to prove
I love my memories but they have a way
Of controlling me at times
And I'm so lost without you yeah yeah
And I can't get far from it.
And from what went wrong
And I know it's stupid cuz it's been so long.
But father I give away the more I hold on
It's just this feeling I get
It's like I'm not done yet
I'm not done yet
I think about those times
When we were young
And everything was so brand new
And our words were so true and you
Looked into my eyes that one last time
If I had known back then
What I'd be living with today
We might have stayed but
I can't get far from it.
And from what went wrong
And I know it's stupid
Cuz it's been so long.
But father I give away
The more I hold on
It's like I try to forget
Some how I'm not done yet
I'm not done yet
It's hard for me when I
Think about the things that never been
They keep coming back again
Like they've got something to prove

Even asleep, mentality's awake...
Nobody realizes how much we can take...
Let's save the future of the world for our sake...
Crawl forwards ever, backwards never...
We were the students but now we're the ones who teach...
We were the children and your lies we did believe...
But we ain't kids no more and we don't need a speech...
Go forwards ever, backwards never.
And truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how.
We will never do what they have done, under jah's sun.
Truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how.
We will never do what they have... we will never do what they have done.
You're right and we're forever wrong,
Iraq and afghanistan and vietnam...
Bp oil and your hydrogen bomb, you go forwards never, backwards ever...
The planes in the air, look down, animals scarce...
Oil is water now and water's everywhere.
We cry f**k your system cause I'm not with em.
Truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how...
We will never do what they have done, under jah's sun.
Truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how...
We will never do what they have... we will never do what they have done.
Truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how...
We will never do what they have done, under jah's sun.
Truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how...
We will never do what they have done. oh no no.
Truth and right is yours and...
Truth and right is yours and...
Truth and right is yours and...
Truth and right is yours and...
Truth and right is yours to control now, there's no way no how...
We will never do what they have...
We will never do what they have...

It occurred to me as things are slowing down that it's always much better
When you're around, and it's slowly turning me upside down (upside down X2)
You can be who you want to
You can see who you want to
There's nothing I can tell you now except
I'm always thinking of you
Even when I don't want to
In more ways than I can count
Cuz I didn't meant to let you go
Should've been the first one to let you know
Change your mind
And let me slide just one more time
It doesn't have to be this way
We could stop fighting and wake up in your place, or
I could go
Leave it to chance and just let this go on...
And when we're in the future
And now is a million miles away
Will we start to reconsider what now belongs to yesterday
This whole life is moving fast for me, is it for you the same?
And do you dream and when you do, do you wake up saying my name?
You can be who you want to
You can see who you want to
There's nothing I can tell you now except
I'm always thinking of you
Even when I don't want to
In more ways than I can count
Cuz I didn't meant to let you go
Should've been the first one to let you know
Change your mind
And let me slide just one more time
It doesn't have to be this way
We could stop fighting and wake up in your place, or
I could go
Leave it to chance and just let it go, let it go
We were only children still deciding who to be
I remember following you, hoping you'd look back at me
But then a band became my life
And you heard California's nice
And then we go older like people do

When I look to see the sun, I can feel positive and negative at once
Cuz it could be a brand new day or the same old one
So I wait just to see exactly what kind of day it's gonna be
I can feel that either way I, I guess I got lucky
Cuz I could be gone today, tomorrow could be close or it could be so far
And I guess what I'm trying to say, no matter how it goes down now I feel so
When I look the see the moon, I can feel those before me who've all done it
I can see through all me troubles and somehow they got thru
Cuz were all family even if we don't act like it or just don't see
I guess I'm thankful for who you think we could be
Cuz I could be gone today, tomorrow could be close or it could be so far
And I guess what I'm trying to say, no matter how it goes down now I feel so
Happy, today
There could maybe be something else,
Not something you see or touch but something that you felt
And there could maybe be a road
Like underground sin, it stays in the corners of my soul
Cuz I could be gone today, tomorrow could be close or it could be so far
And I guess what I'm trying to say, no matter how it goes down now I feel so
Cuz I could be gone today, tomorrow could be close or it could be so far
And I guess what I'm trying to say, no matter how it goes down now I feel so

what do we really need in this life
I look at myself sometimes like its not right
people out there with no food at night
and we say care, but we dont so we all lie
what if theres more to this and one day
we become what we do not what we say
we end up in all the shit that theyre in
and roles are reversed and it was different
and we were the ones with nothing to eat
we were the ones with blood in our streets
we were the ones with only our screams
and they were the ones just watching on tv
and we were the ones broke down and torn
with our life on our back and our wife in our arms
and they were the ones like damn thats so sad
and we were the ones like...
Nothing ever changes
its the only thing i know
that nothing ever changes
im looking down this road
and nothing ever
no nothing ever changes
Look at your dreams and your intention
selfish it is for you to mention
turning your thousands into millions
marry a model and you have some children
well they got their dreams to i imagine
like what if it wont come back to kill them
sleeping at night without a murder
in some little town you never heard of
now look at your nightmares
and all of your worst fears
your car and your house
and your girl and it stops there
all these things you cant imagine losing
like oh no what if that happened to me
but what you got theyll never have
to be like you ya, to have your chance
to be like you before theyre gone oh no ohh
nothing ever changes
at least thats how we act
like nothing ever changes
like god has got our backs
like nothing ever changes
im looking down this road
and i can see this pain is
its the only kind i know
maybe we need more shoes on our feet
maybe we need more clothes and tv's
maybe we need more cash and jewelry
or maybe we dont know what we need
maybe we need to wana fix it
maybe stop talking
maybe start listening
maybe we need to look at this world
less like a square and more like a circle
maybe just maybe gods not unfair
maybe were all his kids and hes up there
maybe he loves us for all our races
maybe he hates us when were all so racist
maybe he sees us when we dont care
and its heaven right here but its hell over there
and maybe the meek will inherit this earth
cuz it was written before so...
everything changes
and nothing stays the same
no everything changes
and if you feel ashamed
maybe you should change this
before it gets to late
maybe you should change this
my brother were standing at the gate
oh everything changes, changes, changes
maybe you should change it, change it, change it
everything changes, changes, changes

Why do we have to break down to know if it's real?
Why do we have to hurt ourselves to learn how to feel?
Why do we learn the right way by doing the wrong?
And why does it start to make sense when it's in a song?
I know that you told me once, but would you please tell me again,
When do I kiss goodbye my troubles? the struggle never seems to end?
Why is the truth always so painful?
Why are the lies so easy to take?
But don't worry, cause I can wait
I know there's somebody out there who knows what I mean:
Silent on the outside, but inside you scream
Trying to let it out, but it's just too much,
And then it all comes out when we're so drunk
I know that you told me once, but would you please tell me again,
When do I kiss goodbye my troubles? the struggle never seems to end?
Why is the truth always so painful?
Why are the lies so easy to take?
But don't worry, I can wait
Truth always so painful, and lies so easy to take
But don't worry, cause I can wait
Why is the truth always so painful?
Why are the lies so easy to take?
But don't worry, cause I can wait, I can wait
Truth always so painful, and lies so easy to take
But don't worry, cause I can wait
Why is the truth always so painful?
Why are the lies so easy to take?
But don't worry, cause I can wait, I can wait
Truth always so painful, and lies so easy to take
But don't worry, cause I can wait
Why is the truth always so painful?
Why are the lies so easy to take?

I never really got why we're here
Just look at all we build in our lives
And we all disappear
A few of us are born with so much
While most of us just chasing down a dream that we just can't touch
So why we try so hard in this place?
When pain and suffering is a guarantee
And happiness is a phase
I wonder if one day we're at peace
Or will this whole world just become like the middle east?
But when I (we) was (were) younger, when I (we) was (were) younger
I had the answers, I've got to say
But all of my answers, now that I'm older
Turned into questions, in front of me
I wonder where we go when we die
If there is anything past our lost sun and our sky?
Cuz airports only take us so high
Is it hidden in the stars?
What's the answer to your soul lying?
I wonder do we get to come back
I wonder if I will remember these questions I've asked
Or will I just star over again?
I hope it's not too hard to find all of my old friends.
I wonder if we get one true love
Or maybe there's a few out there
Or maybe not even one
I wonder if it's made up by man
I wonder if love is what we make with our own two hands
I wonder why I write all these songs
I wonder if you know what you're saying when you sing along
And will you know my name when I'm gone?
Or are you just too sick of these love songs?

You can search the world for signs of life and realize the truth is in your
Heart you can try to become who you want and never get away from who you
Are you can trust another like no other watch them fall and then you fall
Apart it there's you apart always see myself alone but in my darkest hours
There you are
So I Can Say Oh Now Oh Now Oh Now Now Now Now Now (2x)
Oh Now You Gotta Slow Down
Oh now all I have Is Now
Oh Now oh Now now now now
I've been all around the world to find it travel east and west like
Everyday I've been high and low since I have lost it how do I get back to
Yesterday it feels like a game I have seen the look in peoples eyes
Sometimes and all I do is chase then away cause I have been all around the
World just to find it every time I do I don't let is stay I chase it away

From the very first
Time I saw you
I feel my old life
And it was all new
I felt my knees get weak
My heart went crazy
I felt some yes & no,
I even felt some maybes
I'd climb a mountain top,
I'd swim the ocean, too
Get down o my knees,
But only if it was for you
I think that I would do

I'm amazed in the way that we've got this far
At the pace we're going and the things we've done
Amazed in the way that we're all still here
Just looking at our last fifty years
And I'll task, in the west in the years to come
Does the dollar really matter when our whole world is gone?
Worry about yourself, while the world stills turns
Waiting until we watch it burn
Stuck in a revolving door
Caught in our race for sure
Just look into your eyes
Now do we have the strength to survive
Stuck in a revolving door
Caught in our race for sure
Just look into your eyes
Now do we have the strength to survive if I live here
It's not like cigarettes, not like your tv's,
Bigger and brighter than any other thing,
Just consum less, and giving back more
And live our old ways at the door
And I'll wait, if we don't
We can kiss it goodbye
Our sun, our moon, our earth and our sky
Our world we will recover in a billion years
But if we're not living here
When we are..
Stuck in a revolving door
Caught in our race for sure
Just look into your eyes
Now do we have the strength to survive
When we are..
Stuck in a revolving door
Caught in our race for sure
Just look into your eyes
Now do we have the strength to survive
C'mon do we have strength to survive [x2]
C'mon do we have strength to the [x2]
Do we have strength to survive
When we are..
Stuck in a revolving door
Caught in our pace for sure
Just look into your eyes

Darren McKinty
Copyright 2000
Fast cars
High speed
Bright lights
Big city
Hard drugs
Quick succession
High dive
Fast descent
Slow burn
Higher the climb, the further to fall
The brighter the flame, the quicker it burns
Rapid fire
Snap decisions
Fast cash
Hard deals
High stakes
Huge loss
Big talk
Small mind
Slow burn
Higher the climb, the further to fall

Written and composed by Darren McKinty
Copyright Control 1999
I like the way you walk
Just like a cat so smooth
You like to stalk me like your prey
Before you make your move
Your hair flies back with your tail in the air
I see that look in your eyes, yeah
I love the way you purr
When I stroke your skin
You roll on the floor on your back
When the playing begins
Your hair flies back with your tail in the air
And that look in your eyes I'd recognise anywhere
Let me play with you
Kitten. Ohhhhhhh
Like a kitten, kitten
Come on let me play with you. Ohhhhhh
Take me to your lair
Drop me down on the floor
You tease me with your tongue
Leave me begging for more
You're wanting my attention
When you've nothing else to do
Keep me up through the night
Just so that I'll play with you
You make me feel high, my feet float on air
I try to run away but I'm going nowhere
Your hair flies back with your tail in the air
And that look in your eyes I'd recognise anywhere
Let me play with you
Kitten. Ohhhhhhh
Like a kitten, kitten

Written and composed by Darren McKinty
Copyright Control 1995
What's been wrong with you lately?
You hover 'round like the ghost of a child
Hiding some unspoken pain
All these demons inside you
And in this life it can seem so confused
So much ventured nothing gained
Don't you say that it's over
Don't say you can't carry on
Take another step closer
I'll help you find where you belong
And your days will seem brighter
Brighter than neon which burns through the night
Burn these shadows from your mind
Let me lay down beside you
I'll hold you close in these hours of need
Help your passion to unwind
As the sunlight draws nearer
Here comes a brand new day
Cast your fears on the ocean
Let the tide take them away
And when you've let down your defences

Written and composed by Darren McKinty
Copyright Control 1996
A cloak of evil shrouds you
Has been worn by you for years
Your happiness is misery
Your peals of joy are tears
You stalk the streets on blackest nights
Wake children from their sleep
Their dreaming ends in fright and fear
Their souls you hope to keep
But can you hear the suffering?
The pain which you unfurled?
Is this what you intended
When you were brought into the world?
Stand within the darkness
And look towards the light
And you will hear the innocents
Crying in the night

Hambo nanen narel ij jobon jo kobso
Ojik gede manel seng gak kenen gol
Ge ron nanen moya nal jit ton goya
Jigem ne no neson nomul heloh basing ga
Nol ca ja gal ga senggak kesoh
Nan nan jal more gesoh
E sesangi dol goin nen jigem
Nan nuh bak ke ubji
Hal mare obso gal sodo obso
Non moldo obso nuk kimdo obso
Ne ape suh inen nal bara bwa
[Shindong & Eunhyuk]
Noh wihe sara inen nal
Yok sok dwen sigani wasoyo gede ape
Isoyo duryo wome wolgo ijiman
Non morel dak kajo woso yo gede ne
Son jaba jyo iru nal goya
Hamke hejon gede ege heng bogel
Nun gam go gedel geryo yo mamsok
Gedel caja jyo narel bal kyo junen
Bici boyo yong wonan
Heng bogel no cil son ob jyo
Gede nabo ina yo norel bulo joyo gede yokte
Isel goya norel saranghe hamke heyo gedewa yong woni
Hambo nanen narel ij jobon jo kobso
Ojik gede manel seng gak kenen gol
Ge ron nanen moya nal jit ton goya
Ne non nesun non mul heloh basing ga
Yok sok dwen sigani wasoyo gede ape
Isoyo duryo wome wolgo ijiman
Non morel dak kajo woso yo gede ne
Son jaba jyo iru nal goya
Hamke hejon gede ege heng bogel
Nun gam go gedel geryo yo mamsok
Gedel caja jyo narel bal kyo junen
Bici boyo yong wonan
Heng bogel no cil son ob jyo
Gede nabo ina yo norel bulo joyo gede yokte
Isel goya norel saranghe hamke heyo gedewa yong woni
Jo parang sederi jon hajo nen
Heng bogi ran nen goh
Nel wori gyot te gak kai inen go jyo
Nun gam go gedel geryo yo mamsok
Gedel caja jyo narel bal kyo junen
Bici boyo yong wonan
Heng bogel no cil son ob jyo
Gede nabo ina yo norel bulo joyo onjerado
Gede mamel el yoro boayo
Apen nega iso yo
Narel bolo joyo gede yokte
Isel goya norel saranghe

Every single day I try
jeongmal geoui da wass-eo
We get closer to a good time
silyeondeul-e Say goodbye
Sexy, Free & Single
ijen junbineun wanryo
Sexy, Free & Single
i’m ready too, Bingo
Hei nuguna swibsali gajneun geon
jaemieobsjanh-a~ jom deo nopge sege lalalalalala
Wieseo bwa gyeondyeonaen jaga kkaedadge
doeneun geos jom deo beotyeo beotyeo lalalalalala
Nae saram-a saram-a nal deo mid-eojwo
Nan deudieo Wake up sumyeon-wilo
Gin silyeon-e deo gip-eojyeo nadawojyeo
Ijen Upgrade da-eum dangyelo naga o
Sum-i chage dallyeowa meosjige kkeutnaen
geudae Have a good time, oneulmankeum Party time
Gaseum-i yodongchineun seungrireul mas bwa
ijeneun Have a good time, nuga geudael maggessna o
Sexy, Free & Single
i’m ready too, Bingo
Sexy, Free & Single
i’m ready too, Bingo
Yeogsi bullihan hwagryul-e majseo
geobnaeji malgo
Malgo yeogsi bullihan hwagryul-eun
kkeutdo an bwado Bingo
Mugeobdago museobdago pogihajineun ma
Ijebuteoga jinjja nananananana
Nuguna hanbeonjjeum da gyeokk-eo boneun geosppun
We fail, We lose, To win
Dulyeowohaji mal-a
Nae saram-a saram-a nan deo
ganghaejyeoss-eo Yeah! deudieo uri, Time for romance
Deo meosjin kkum-eul hyanghae tto nal-agagess-eo]
dasi Upgrade jikyeobwa, matgyeobwa
Nan jeomjeom daedamhae jineungeol
Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
I geochin sesang-eul maju han chae, Too hot
Junbidoen jaman aneungeol
Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
Yeogin kkeutdo eobsneun byeonsumankeum
Have fun 3. 2. 1 Go
Sum-i chage dallyeowa meosjige kkeutnaen
geudae Have a good time, oneulmankeum Party time
Gaseum-i yodongchineun seungrireul mas bwa
ijeneun Have a good time, nuga geudael maggessna o
Sexy, Free & Single
nan jom gwaenchanh-eun namja
Sexy, Free & Single
neon jom daedanhan namja
Yeogsi bullihan hwaglyul-e majseo
geobnaeji malgo
Yeogsi bullihan hwagryul-eun
kkeutdo an bwado Bingo
I sesang kkeut-eseo
tto han beon sum-eul dolligo
Nal jikyeojun saram sojunghan mid-eum-eul
ganjighae gidaehaedo joh-a
Let’s go
Sexy, Free & Single
i’m ready too, Bingo
Sexy, Free & Single
i’m ready too, Bingo
Sum-i chage dallyeowa meosjige kkeutnaen
geudae Have a good time, oneulmankeum Party time
Gaseum-i yodongchineun seunglireul mas bwa
ijeneun Have a good time, nuga geudael maggessna o
Sexy, Free & Single
