The Green Girl (2013)
A feature-length documentary about Star Trek's iconic Green Girl, Susan Oliver: Prolific actress of the '50s - '80s, original member of the AFI Directing Workshop for Women, record-setting female aviator; Tragically taken by cancer in 1990.
The Green Girl (2013)
A feature-length documentary about Star Trek's iconic Green Girl, Susan Oliver: Prolific actress of the '50s - '80s, original member of the AFI Directing Workshop for Women, record-setting female aviator; Tragically taken by cancer in 1990.
The Green Girl (2013)
A feature-length documentary about Star Trek's iconic Green Girl, Susan Oliver: Prolific actress of the '50s - '80s, original member of the AFI Directing Workshop for Women, record-setting female aviator; Tragically taken by cancer in 1990.
Congratulations! (2012)
There's no such thing as a missing person, only missing information
The Core of Cassidy (2012)
Let's Have a Party! The Piano Genius of Mrs. Mills (2012)
The Core of Cassidy (2012)
The Core of Cassidy (2012)
Small Animals (2011)
The Valley (2011)
After twelve years of keeping her childhood sexual abuse a secret, a twenty-year-old girl, Karinah Guzman battles with the psychological aftermath. Seeing a therapist only accelerates torturous flashbacks of a past filled with tears and fear. Karinah's emotions become so bottled up inside that anxiety begins to take over her life in a way that drives her deeper into a perilous depression. Chasing in and out of flashbacks and nightmares exposes a story of habitual sexual abuse and the residual effects it has on Karinah's life. After suspecting that her younger cousin is now a victim of the same abuse, Karinah finds the strength, courage and faith, and reveals her lifelong secret that quickly divides the family. This harrowing film tells an everyday story but transforms it into a nightmare within the mind.
Minds, Adolescents (2011)
MINDS, ADOLESCENTS is about these fraternal twin brothers who get separated at birth. Michael knows he has a brother but Nathan doesn't know anything about his past. We see their stories unfold in the film and how opposite they really are from one another even though they're linked by blood. The question we are faced with is if their lives will cross paths and if they do, how will they react to one another?
Keywords: comma-in-title, director-also-cinematographer, independent-film, produced-by-director, punctuation-in-title, two-word-title
Drama Suspense
Tudo Bem? (2010)
Hypocrisy has limits.
Paper Places (2009)
In their role as foil, the villain exemplifies characteristics that are diametrically opposed to those of the hero, creating a contrast distinguishing heroic traits from villainous ones. In 'Paper Places', a writer dealing with a personal loss, comes to see his fictional world in a new light.
Milk (2008)
Using flashbacks from a statement recorded late in life and archival footage for atmosphere, this film traces Harvey Milk's career from his 40th birthday to his death. He leaves the closet and New York, opens a camera shop that becomes the salon for San Francisco's growing gay community, and organizes gays' purchasing power to build political alliances. He runs for office with lover Scott Smith as his campaign manager. Victory finally comes on the same day Dan White wins in the city's conservative district. The rest of the film sketches Milk's relationship with White and the 1978 fight against a statewide initiative to bar gays and their supporters from public school jobs.
Keywords: 18-year-old, 1970s, 39-year-old, 40-year-old, 40th-birthday, activist, african-american, altoona-pennsylvania, american-dream, anger
His life changed history. His courage changed lives.
Never blend in
[from trailer]::Harvey Milk: Without hope, life's not worth living.
[from trailer]::Harvey Milk: All men are created equal. No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words.
Dan White: Society can't exist without the family.::Harvey Milk: We're not against that.::Dan White: Can two men reproduce?::Harvey Milk: No, but God knows we keep trying.
Scott Smith: Are you on uppers or something?::Harvey Milk: No, this is just plain old me.
Harvey Milk: [to Cleve Jones] You're going to meet the most extraordinary men, the sexiest, brightest, funniest men, and you're going to fall in love with so many of them, and you won't know until the end of your life who your greatest friends were or your greatest love was.
Harvey Milk: Okay. First order of business to come out of this office is the city-wide gay rights ordinance, just like the one that Anita shot down in Dade County. What do you think, Lotus Blossom?::Michael Wong: I think it's good. It's not great.::Harvey Milk: Okay, so make it brilliant. We want Anita's attention here, in San Francisco. I wanted to bring her fight to us. We need a unanimous vote - we need headlines.::Jim Rivaldo: Dan White is not going to vote for this.::Harvey Milk: Dan White'll be fine, Dan White is just uneducated. We'll teach him.::Dan White: [suddenly appearing in the doorway] Hey, Harv! Committee meets at nine-thirty. [to everyone else] Hi, you guys. [to Harvey] Um, say, did you get the invitation to my son's christening? I invited a few of the other supes too.::Harvey Milk: Oh, well, I'll be there!::Dan White: Great! Thanks. [waves at everyone and leaves]::Dick Pabich: Did he hear you?::Jim Rivaldo: What the fuck?::Anne Kronenberg: Are you going?::Harvey Milk: I would let him christen me if it means he's gonna vote for the gay rights ordinance.::Jim Rivaldo: [as Harvey is talking] I think he can hear you. Jesus.::Harvey Milk: We need allies.::Dick Pabich: I don't think he heard you.::Cleve Jones: Is it just me or is he cute?
Scott Smith: [Harvey and Scott are finally sitting down to dinner] Don't say ANYTHING.::Harvey Milk: [tucks his napkin under the collar of his shirt, eats a bite] Can I just tell you...::Scott Smith: If you say anything, about politics, or the campaign, or what speech you have to give, or anything, I swear to God I'm gonna stab you with this fork.::Harvey Milk: I just wanted to say... that this is the most wonderful dinner I have ever had. [Both start laughing] If we lose this, it'll just be you and me again, I promise.
Harvey Milk: My name is Harvey Milk and I'm here to recruit you!
Harvey Milk: A homosexual with power... that's scary.
State Senator John Briggs: It's time to root them out.::Tom Ammiano: And how are you going to determine who's a homosexual?::State Senator John Briggs: My bill outlines procedures for identifying homosexuals.::Tom Ammiano: How? Will you be sucking them off?
Witness to Jonestown (2008)
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (2008)
Tells the story of Fisher Willow, the disliked 1920s Memphis débutante daughter of a plantation owner with a distaste for narrow-minded people and a penchant for shocking and insulting those around her. After returning from studies overseas, Fisher falls in love with Jimmy, the down-and-out son of an alcoholic father and an insane mother who works at a store on her family's plantation. She tries to pass him off as an upper-class suitor to appease the spinster aunt who controls her family's fortune, but when she loses a diamond, it places their tenuous relationship in further jeopardy.
Keywords: 1920s, accusation, alcoholic, assisted-suicide, class-differences, debutante, diamond, father-daughter-relationship, love, memphis-tennessee
Shake Rattle & Roll X (2008)
Foulard (2007)
Aminah is a young Muslim girl living in France. Aminah's life is turned upside down when France announces a ban on the wearing of Muslim head scarves in school. Aminah first seeks the advice of a local imam named Youseff. The imam tells Aminah to keep her head scarf on. Youseff tells Aminah her friends will drop out on account of the ban. The imam suggests Aminah leave school and find a private tutor. Aminah tries a compromise by wearing a beret instead. The school rejects it. The imam and Aminah's father confront the school. Despite a meeting with the school principal nothing can be done about the ban on head scarves. Until Aminah decides to take matters into her own hands leading to the film's shocking conclusion.
The identity of a young Muslim girl named Aminah is challenged when a ban on head scarves in France forces her to choose between her faith and her country.
The Brave One (2007)
David Kirmani,a medical professional, lives in an apartment with his sweetheart, Erica Bain, a radio host, and his dog. They usually take the dog out for a stroll in nearby Central Park and let him run and fetch. One day while at the park they let the dog run without a leash, and when he does not return or respond to their calls, they frantically search for him. They eventually find him being held by three men who want a reward. When David refuses, they start to molest Erica and David intervenes. Two of the men assault the couple, while the third uses a camcorder to film this incident. Erica is knocked unconscious, and regains her senses several days later in a hospital. She is told the shocking news that David was killed and the dog is missing. A traumatized Erica returns home to try and regain her life. She also visits the police station but does not get much help. Fearful of a repeat of this type of incident, she gets an unlicensed gun and carries it with her all the time. One day she witnesses some youths terrorizing subway passengers, forcing them to get off at the next station. When they approach her, she shoots them dead. She uses her gun several more times, always gunning down people committing violent crimes. One day she is summoned to the police station to identify a man who may have been responsible for David's death and the assault on herself. She does recognize him, but refuses to identify him. Subsequently she finds out his whereabouts and plans to avenge her lover's death, not realizing that Detective Mercer has her as a suspect in the recent killings and is set to apprehend her. The question remains: will Erica be able to avenge David's death and her attack before being arrested herself?
Keywords: african-american, answering-machine, apartment-building, aquarium, art-gallery, assault, assuming-a-new-personality, bar, bare-breasts, beaten-to-death
How many wrongs to make it right?
[from trailer]::Erica: I want my dog back!
Detective Mercer: Most everybody lies. Dead can't.
Detective Vitale: Guy had a rap sheet longer than my dick.::Detective Mercer: So, in other words, no priors.::Detective Vitale: Easy.
Elevator Man #1: Gross. Who's he gonna shoot next, Donald Trump?
Detective Vitale: I'd say it was probably the fall that killed this guy... or it could be the crowbar embedded in his skull. I'd say it's about 50-50. [pause as he looks up] Maybe 70-30.
Erica: Now, who's the bitch?
[first lines]::Erica: [voiceover, doing her radio show] I'm Erica Bain. And as *you* know, I walk the city. I bitch and moan about it. I walk and watch and listen, a witness to all the beauty and ugliness that is disappearing from our beloved city. Last week took me to the gray depths of the East River where Dmitri Panchenko swims his morning laps, like he has every morning since the 1960s. And today I walked by the acres of scaffolding outside what used to be the Plaza Hotel. And I thought about Eloise. Remember Kay Thompson's Eloise? Eloise who lived in the Plaza Hotel with her dog Weenie, and her parents were always away, and her English nanny who had eight hair pins made out of bones. That Eloise. The adored brat of my childhood. [indistinct overdubs for a few lines here]... li'l punk kids... Sid Vicious spewing beer from his teeth in the Chelsea Hotel... Andy Warhol, his sunglasses reflecting... Edgar Allan Poe, freeing live monkeys from the crates of a crumbling schooner on the oily slips of South Street. Stories of a city that is disappearing before our eyes, its people swept over the Williamsburg of those stories. So what are we left of those stories? Are we going to have to construct an imaginary city to house our memories? Because when you love something, every time a bit goes, you lose a piece of yourself. Where's Eloise going to sleep tonight? Can you hear her ghost wandering around the collapsing corridors of her beloved Plaza, trying to find her nanny's room? Calling out to the construction workers, in a voice that nobody hears, "Has anyone seen my turtle, Skipperdee?" This is Erica Bain, and you've been listening to Streetwalk, on WKNW.
Erica: I always believed that fear belonged to other people. Weaker people. It never touched me. And then it did. And when it touches you, you know... that it's been there all along. Waiting beneath the surfaces of everything you loved.
Erica: Open the door.::Crazy in the car: Uh-oh. We got us a super-cunt here.::Erica: Open the door, or I'll be the last super-cunt you'll ever see.
Detective Vitale: Women kill the kids, the boyfriend, the husband. Shit they love. They don't do this.
King Corn (2007)
King Corn is a feature documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation. In King Corn, Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, best friends from college on the east coast, move to the heartland to learn where their food comes from. With the help of friendly neighbors, genetically modified seeds, and powerful herbicides, they plant and grow a bumper crop of America's most-productive, most-subsidized grain on one acre of Iowa soil. But when they try to follow their pile of corn into the food system, what they find raises troubling questions about how we eat-and how we farm
Keywords: corn, diet, farm, food, food-industry, iowa, processed-food
You are what you eat
Ian Cheney: When my best friend Curtis and I graduated from college, we thought we were done with professors and were supposed to feel like we had our whole lives ahead of us.::Curt Ellis: But we just heard some disconcerting news: some day, we were going to die - and maybe sooner than we thought. The first time in American history, our generation was at risk of having a shorter life-span than our parents. And it was because of what we ate.
Ian Cheney: [their 1 acre has been planted] Planting 31,000 seeds was not exactly a hands-on experience. But then again, it only took us 18 minutes.
Michael Pollan: What you're growing is an industrialized corn. It has been changed over the last 20, 30, 40, 50 years with one goal in mind, which is yield. The way it was done was, not to make every plant produce more so much, as to make the plants tolerate living close together. This plant is kind of an "urban" creature; it lives in these cities of corn. We're now up to close to 200 bushels of corn per acre. That's what, 10,000 pounds? 5 tons of food from 1 acre of land. It's an amazing amount of food!
Michael Pollan: If you're standing in a field in Iowa, there's an immense amount of food being grown, none of it edible. The commodity corn... nobody can eat it. It must be processed before we can eat it. It's a raw material, it's a feed-stock for all these other processes. And the irony is that an Iowa farmer can no longer feed himself.
Ian Cheney: It was already clear that when the time came to say goodbye to the corn from our acre, we would never know exactly where it would end up. After the crop is delivered to the elevator, following corn into the food system becomes a game of probability. Of the 10,000 pounds of corn our acre is likely to produce, 32% will be either exported or turned into Ethanol. In neither case ending up in our food. Or in our hair. But 490 pounds will become sweeteners, like high fructose corn syrup. And more than half our crop, a full 5,500 pounds, will be feed to animals to become meat.
Curt Ellis: The corn fed to cattle is supplemented with low doses of antibiotics, that help them combat acidosis. Live stock now consumes 70% of the antibiotics in the United States.
Loren Cordain: The meat that we eat in this day and age is produced in a feed lot. It's grain-fed meat, and we produce a characteristically obese animal, animals whose muscle tissue looks more like fat tissue than it does lean meat in wild animals. And if you look at a T-bone steak from a grain-fed cow, it may have as much as 9 grams of saturated fat. Whereas a comparable steak from a grass-fed animal would have 1.3 grams of saturated fat.
Walter Willet: One great changes in the American food supply during the last 20 years is that we are now drinking many more calories than we were before. And there does seem to be something about drinking calories, in the form of soda for example, that just doesn't generate the stop signals.
Ian Cheney: We've heard from some people that they think there is too much food.::Earl L. Butz: Well it's the basis of our affluence now, the fact that we spend less on food. It's America's best-kept secret. We feed ourselves with approximately 16 or 17% of our take home pay. That's marvelous, that's a very small chunk to feed ourselves. And that includes all the meals we eat at restaurants, all the fancy doodads we get in our food system. I don't see much room for improvement there, which means we'll spend our surplus cash on something else.
[last lines]::Curt Ellis: We are wondering if there's anyway you'd let us try and raise the money to actually buy that acre.::Pyatt: Ah ha ha ha. You guys, you're gonna starve this country.
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2006)
El Gol de Morena (2005)
18-j (2004)
Category 6: Day of Destruction (2004)
Tornado in Las Vegas. Heat in Chicago. Hail in Illinois. A snowfall and a storm force flows towards Chicago. It's just the beginning of a series of weather anomalies. The lights go off. People panic. A few courageous people are trying to solve the riddle of the infuriated nature and prevent mass destruction.
Keywords: blackout, catastrophe, explosion, falling-glass, meteorologist, shot-in-the-shoulder, storm, twister, weather
Tornadoes, hurricanes, blackouts...There is no shelter from this storm!
Tornado Tommy: [after an enormous twister misses his tour truck by inches, to his tourists] That was worth getting up in the morning for, wasn't it, huh? Did y'all like that?
Andy Goodman: Tornadoes destroy Las Vegas, we got hurricane force winds in the Gulf. We miss 'em both?::Chris Haywood: What can I say? We were caught off guard.::Andy Goodman: People are dead because we failed. But from now on, if a dog farts in Duluth, I expect to somebody to know about it!
[the St. Louis Arch is destroyed by a tornado]::Andy Goodman: How could it knock down the Arch? I thought that thing was built to withstand 300-mile-an-hour winds.::Sabrina Rogers: I thought the highest winds ever recorded for an F5 tornado were 243 miles an hour.::Andy Goodman: Which makes this an F6. And we've never seen an F6.
[getting sucked up into the tornado]::Tornado Tommy: Whoa, baby, we're going for a ride...!
[after seeing three tornadoes]::Tornado Tommy: I got triplets! I got triplets!
Secretary of Energy Shirley Abbott: I can see it now - "During the great American Blackout, Secretary of Energy Abbott sat in her office and watched the lights go out."
Jane Benson: Mitch, Lindsay's been shot!::Mitch Benson: Shot? What, by a gun?
Tornado Tommy: My only regret is that you ain't here riding shotgun with me, old buddy.
Andy Goodman: Tommy, this is a lot bigger than anyone ever expected. Just turn around and get out of there.
Tornado Tommy: Aw, come on. You're just jealous 'cause it's me here, not you.::Tornado Tommy: [Seeing Two Tornadoes Forming Over Chicago]::Tornado Tommy: I got twins over Chicago, Andy. Two giant beasts marching into the same drum.
Intermission (2004)
Set in a women's restroom, Intermission is a comedic peek behind closed doors into the overly busy lives of women. Yearning to get pregnant, Vacationer takes a break in the Bahamas, but as she recounts the jam-packed days of her trip to her supportive friend, Love, it's evident she was too busy to even lay down. Talker spins a convoluted rant about being interrupted as Edgewise, her audience, tries to get a word in. Sleepwalker gets more done after midnight than most people do all day. Her friend, Relater, is sure she empathizes until Interjector throws in her two cents. Though all of the women are not aware of it, they are most busy during moments carved out for rest, all too busy living to having a life.
Keywords: female-director, one-word-title, title-directed-by-female
Crying Ladies (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2003)
Mitr: My Friend (2002)
Chidambaram-based Lakshmi gets married to Prithvi and re-locates to live with him in San Francisco, U.S.A.. Even though he is employed, he makes time for her and they soon become parents of a girl, Divya. Not willing to entrust her to strangers for Day Care nor baby-sitting, she undertakes to look Divya on her own, while Prithvi opens his own business and begins to neglect her. When Divya starts attending high school and befriending males, Lakshmi objects, leading to the former moving out, with Prithvi blaming his wife for these turn of events. It will not be too long before Divya finds out that her mother may be having an affair with their neighbor, Steve; while Lakshmi suspects Prithvi is involved with his employee, Pam.
Keywords: immigrant, indian-pakistani, marriage
Mitr: My Friend (2002)
Chidambaram-based Lakshmi gets married to Prithvi and re-locates to live with him in San Francisco, U.S.A.. Even though he is employed, he makes time for her and they soon become parents of a girl, Divya. Not willing to entrust her to strangers for Day Care nor baby-sitting, she undertakes to look Divya on her own, while Prithvi opens his own business and begins to neglect her. When Divya starts attending high school and befriending males, Lakshmi objects, leading to the former moving out, with Prithvi blaming his wife for these turn of events. It will not be too long before Divya finds out that her mother may be having an affair with their neighbor, Steve; while Lakshmi suspects Prithvi is involved with his employee, Pam.
Keywords: immigrant, indian-pakistani, marriage
Mitr: My Friend (2002)
Chidambaram-based Lakshmi gets married to Prithvi and re-locates to live with him in San Francisco, U.S.A.. Even though he is employed, he makes time for her and they soon become parents of a girl, Divya. Not willing to entrust her to strangers for Day Care nor baby-sitting, she undertakes to look Divya on her own, while Prithvi opens his own business and begins to neglect her. When Divya starts attending high school and befriending males, Lakshmi objects, leading to the former moving out, with Prithvi blaming his wife for these turn of events. It will not be too long before Divya finds out that her mother may be having an affair with their neighbor, Steve; while Lakshmi suspects Prithvi is involved with his employee, Pam.
Keywords: immigrant, indian-pakistani, marriage
100 Days in the Jungle (2002)
When the Noralty oil company ignores warnings about the dangers in the Colombian border area, eight of its employees (Canadians and one US Navajo) working on a pipeline in Ecuador are kidnapped by the well-organized guerrilla which demands a $20,000,000 ransom, refused by the concern, and forces them deep in the Amazonian jungle where they hide for the army. Forty long days of marching trough this green hell gets the hostages in such bad shape that they must finally be brought into an insurgent camp. The Canadian embassy, skeptic except for one RMCP sergeant, can only negotiate about the price...
Keywords: alberta-canada, columbia, gun, hostage, jungle, number-in-title, oil
Mitr: My Friend (2002)
Chidambaram-based Lakshmi gets married to Prithvi and re-locates to live with him in San Francisco, U.S.A.. Even though he is employed, he makes time for her and they soon become parents of a girl, Divya. Not willing to entrust her to strangers for Day Care nor baby-sitting, she undertakes to look Divya on her own, while Prithvi opens his own business and begins to neglect her. When Divya starts attending high school and befriending males, Lakshmi objects, leading to the former moving out, with Prithvi blaming his wife for these turn of events. It will not be too long before Divya finds out that her mother may be having an affair with their neighbor, Steve; while Lakshmi suspects Prithvi is involved with his employee, Pam.
Keywords: immigrant, indian-pakistani, marriage
Mitr: My Friend (2002)
Chidambaram-based Lakshmi gets married to Prithvi and re-locates to live with him in San Francisco, U.S.A.. Even though he is employed, he makes time for her and they soon become parents of a girl, Divya. Not willing to entrust her to strangers for Day Care nor baby-sitting, she undertakes to look Divya on her own, while Prithvi opens his own business and begins to neglect her. When Divya starts attending high school and befriending males, Lakshmi objects, leading to the former moving out, with Prithvi blaming his wife for these turn of events. It will not be too long before Divya finds out that her mother may be having an affair with their neighbor, Steve; while Lakshmi suspects Prithvi is involved with his employee, Pam.
Keywords: immigrant, indian-pakistani, marriage
100 Days in the Jungle (2002)
When the Noralty oil company ignores warnings about the dangers in the Colombian border area, eight of its employees (Canadians and one US Navajo) working on a pipeline in Ecuador are kidnapped by the well-organized guerrilla which demands a $20,000,000 ransom, refused by the concern, and forces them deep in the Amazonian jungle where they hide for the army. Forty long days of marching trough this green hell gets the hostages in such bad shape that they must finally be brought into an insurgent camp. The Canadian embassy, skeptic except for one RMCP sergeant, can only negotiate about the price...
Keywords: alberta-canada, columbia, gun, hostage, jungle, number-in-title, oil
Mitr: My Friend (2002)
Chidambaram-based Lakshmi gets married to Prithvi and re-locates to live with him in San Francisco, U.S.A.. Even though he is employed, he makes time for her and they soon become parents of a girl, Divya. Not willing to entrust her to strangers for Day Care nor baby-sitting, she undertakes to look Divya on her own, while Prithvi opens his own business and begins to neglect her. When Divya starts attending high school and befriending males, Lakshmi objects, leading to the former moving out, with Prithvi blaming his wife for these turn of events. It will not be too long before Divya finds out that her mother may be having an affair with their neighbor, Steve; while Lakshmi suspects Prithvi is involved with his employee, Pam.
Keywords: immigrant, indian-pakistani, marriage
Lázaro de Tormes (2001)
The Whole Shebang (2001)
Love always starts with a spark.
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
H.M.S. Pinafore (2001)
Plata quemada (2000)
Burnt Money, is set in Argentina in 1965. This true story follows the tumultuous relationship between two men who became lovers and ultimately ruthless bank robbers in a notoriously famous footnote in the annals of Argentinian crime history. Nene, Angel and Cuervo are bank robbers who flee from Argentina across the border to Uruguay after a large-scale hold-up that turns bloody. Angel is hurt and the three must lay low until Angel recovers. Nene and Angel are known to everyone they know as "the twins" because of their resemblance, but the two are not brothers at all - they are involved in a steamy homosexual relationship. To get back to Argentina, the group must first wait for Fontana, the brains behind the robbery, to arrange for passports. Anxious from hiding, Cuervo decides to break curfew and go party. After Nene and Angel also decide to take off, Nene meets a prostitute named Giselle and Angel ends up getting in a fight. The group is forced to abandon their refuge and Angel and Nene decide to move in with Giselle. However, the sexual attraction between Nene and Angel burns too strongly and when Nene gets hostile with Giselle and kicks her out, she goes straight to the police to snitch on the group. It's not long before police are surrounding the building and the fate of Nene and Angel appears to be sealed.
Keywords: 1960s, accordion, amusement-park, applause, argentina, armed-robbery, armored-car, asylum, auditory-hallucination, bandage
Basada en una historia real que durante 35 años se mantuvo en secreto
They were called the twins, but they were lovers
Ante geia... (1991)
A young man just released from the army is making great dreams for his life. Finally he gets a job in a butcher's shop and gains the confidence of the owner. After the butcher's death he falls in love with his daughter but also has an affair with the widow and cannot decide between them.
Keywords: bar, based-on-novel, cafe, death, dream, female-nudity, hairdresser, meat-market, nightclub, swimmer
O Processo do Rei (1990)
Extreme Close-Up (1990)
A 16 year old boy disturbed by the recent death of his mother and alienated from his father begins to assemble film clips taken of his mother which clearly show her emotional disintegration. He then begins to make tapes of his own life that record his own instabilities and his attempts at connecting with his father.
Keywords: boy, death-of-mother, depression
Khostovanank (1990)
_Confession, The (1990)_ (qv) survives in _Parajanov: The Last Spring (1992)_ (qv) in its original camera negative. It remained unfinished due to the death of 'Sergei Parajanov' (qv). _Confession, The (1990)_ (qv) was his favorite screenplay, which was written in the 1960s and was his film-memory of the childhood, student years, marriage, imprisonment and more as the fantasist Parajanov perceived it. Parajanov gifted the screenplay to 'Mikhail Vartanov' (qv), made a drawing on the cover and wrote: "The Confession will only be made by a director born in 1924 in Tiflis, Georgia." He predicted that he would not finish it.
Keywords: armenia, confession, genius, georgia-europe, gulag, independent-film, prison, russia, soviet-union, ukraine
The Feud (1989)
An Explosive New Comedy!
If This Were A Battle Of Wits Both Sides Would Be Disqualified.
The Dream Team (1989)
Dr. Weitzman works with patients in a sanitarium. Convinced that all that his "group" needs is a some fresh air and some time away from the sanitarium, he pursuades the administration to allow him to take them to a ballgame. Unfortunately, he accidentally stumbles across a crime in progress and ends up in hospital. The group are stranded in New York City, forced to cope with a place which is often more bizarre than their sanitarium.
Keywords: alley, asylum, baseball, captive, crooked-cop, doctor-patient-relationship, escape, farce, field-trip, fish-out-of-water
If they knew the city was this crazy, they would have stayed in the asylum. [dvd]
This morning they were playing ping-pong in the hospital rec room. Now they're lost in New York and framed for murder. This was never covered in group therapy.
four guys on a field trip to reality.
Jack: I fear my doctor may have been seized by the Romans!
Henry: Hey guys, time for a hug?::Jack: I don't think so.::Billy: Maybe after the game.::Albert: Play ball!
Dr. Weitzman: Hey Billy, we gotta go. Are you sure you can drive this thing?::Billy: Are you kidding? I finished second at Daytona.
[Some patrons are harassing a waitress]::Billy: You guys need to pay up and get out of here.::Drunk: Who the hell are you?::[Billy grabs the drunk by the hair and slams his face on the table]::Billy: I'm an escaped mental patient with a history of violence.
Billy: Yeah, I got a big story for ya'; we came to town to see a ball game, and now they wanna give us the chair. I love New York. Bring your kids. Have 'em arrested. Do some time in The Big Apple.
[Jack McDermott sits nude in his room and drinks red wine]::Jack McDermott: This is the body and blood of our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And a damned fine Beaujolais!
Jack McDermott: I don't want him next to me. He smells like tuna fish.
Billy: Ah, it's great to be young and insane!
Billy: Restaurant security. Just a minor utensil violation. Go ahead, enjoy your dinner.
Dr. Weitzman: There's about 65,000 seats up at that stadium. But I don't want you to get your hopes up, because they're all screwed down.
Oci pro plác (1984)
The First Time (1983)
There's a first time for everything...and This is Charlie's!
The First Time (1983)
There's a first time for everything...and This is Charlie's!
The First Time (1983)
There's a first time for everything...and This is Charlie's!
Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
Buffalo Bill plans to put on his own Wild West sideshow, and Chief Sitting Bull has agreed to appear in it. However, Sitting Bull has his own hidden agenda, involving the President and General Custer.
Keywords: american-indian, annie-oakley, based-on-play, buffalo-bill-cody, character-name-in-title, circus-tent, cynicism, entertainment, general-custer, grover-cleveland
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: My daddy was killed trying to keep slavery out of Kansas.::Oswald Dart: How did he do that?::William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Well, my daddy hated slavery with such a passion that rather than let the coloreds get in as slaves, he just fought to keep 'em out of the state.
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Where were ya?::William Halsey: It's the first of the moon.::Nate Salisbury: That's not what Buffalo Bill asked ya! Now where in the hell have you been?::William Halsey: During the first day of the first moon, Sitting Bull visits the sun in the mountains while his squaws move the teepees to the moon path.::Nate Salisbury: Damn it, Halsey! Stop sunning and mooning us! Now where the hell have you been?
President Grover Cleveland: Where will you sleep, Buffalo Bill?::Ed Goodman: You can sleep with me, Uncle Will.::William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: No, Ed, I will sleep out on the prairie underneath the moon and listen to the lullaby of the coyotes. You see, I ain't always been a comfortable man.::President Grover Cleveland: You know, it's a man like that that made this country what it is today!
Maj. John M. Burke: Don't worry about how you feel about where you ought to be... just come on over here where you should be.
William Halsey: Great Father, Sitting Bull has waited to ask you a very simple thing for his people.::President Grover Cleveland: Mr. Halsey, I remind you that in government, nothing is simple.
[explaining why Sitting Bull should be in Buffalo Bill's show]::Ned Buntline: A rock ain't a rock once it becomes gravel.
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: The difference between a white man and an injun in all situations is that an injun is red. And an injun is red for a very good reason. So we can tell us apart.
Crutch: Come here, Mr. Buntline! Come over here and look at Sitting Bull! The son-of-a-bitch must be seven feet tall!::Ned Buntline: He's getting smaller every year.
Ned Buntline: I bring up this dream business because, well, because things are beginning to take on an unreal shape. Now I was thinking about Sitting Bull. Just put yourself in that Injun's place. You sit in your tepee and dream. And then yu go to wherever the dream may take you... it might come true. And you wait for real life to catch up.
Ned Buntline: Injuns gear their lives to dreams. And what an injun dreams, no matter how farfetched, will wait until he dies to come true. The white men - they're different. The only time they dream is when things are going their way. I'm no expert on the subject, but it seems to me that what Sitting Bull does is a hell of a lot cheaper than mounting a wild west show... which is dreaming out loud.
Los hijos de Fierro (1972)
Bratya Karamazovy (1969)
The 1968 film shows Fedor Karamazov as a stingy old man, who's three sons are after his money. The Karamazov brothers, Dmitri, a gambler, Ivan, a thinker, and Aleksei, a monk, are living through their different problems. Ivan is trying to save the world by making a story of "The Great Inquisitor". Dmitri, who lost money in gambling, is begging his father to help him. But the father gives a lot of money to his mistress Grushenka.
Keywords: based-on-novel, character-name-in-title
Looking for Love (1964)
Libby has spent a whole month trying to get into show business with her singing, and has not made it. Therefore she decides to retire and get a job where she can meet the right man and get married. The right man turns out to be Paul Davis when she sees him at the supermarket. The only problem is that Paul ignores her as his ideal woman is TnT (tall and top heavy), which Libby is not. One day, Libby creates a clothes stand which she calls the 'Lady Valet'. This product interests Paul who wants to promote it. Paul gets Libby on the 'Tonight Show' to push the product and when she mentions that she was formerly a singer, Johnny asks her to sing. After that, the career in showbiz that she had not found grows, to the astonishment of Paul. She uses her new fame to get Paul's attention.
It's CONNIE...putting Hollywood's handsomest guys to the "kiss-test" she makes a laugh-daffy leap into love!
Tojinebi itsinian (1963)
La tercera palabra (1956)
La tercera palabra (1956)
La tercera palabra (1956)
Les amants de Tolède (1953)
No Room for the Groom (1952)
Alvah, a young GI who happens to own a vineyard, elopes to Las Vegas with Lee, his housekeeper's daughter. But Alvah's chicken pox postpone the wedding night. The rest revolves around more delays to the consummation, caused by Lee's manipulative Mama and the flock of mostly obnoxious relatives with whom she's filled the house.
Keywords: based-on-novel, soldier
No Room for the Groom (1952)
Alvah, a young GI who happens to own a vineyard, elopes to Las Vegas with Lee, his housekeeper's daughter. But Alvah's chicken pox postpone the wedding night. The rest revolves around more delays to the consummation, caused by Lee's manipulative Mama and the flock of mostly obnoxious relatives with whom she's filled the house.
Keywords: based-on-novel, soldier
No Room for the Groom (1952)
Alvah, a young GI who happens to own a vineyard, elopes to Las Vegas with Lee, his housekeeper's daughter. But Alvah's chicken pox postpone the wedding night. The rest revolves around more delays to the consummation, caused by Lee's manipulative Mama and the flock of mostly obnoxious relatives with whom she's filled the house.
Keywords: based-on-novel, soldier
No Room for the Groom (1952)
Alvah, a young GI who happens to own a vineyard, elopes to Las Vegas with Lee, his housekeeper's daughter. But Alvah's chicken pox postpone the wedding night. The rest revolves around more delays to the consummation, caused by Lee's manipulative Mama and the flock of mostly obnoxious relatives with whom she's filled the house.
Keywords: based-on-novel, soldier
Slightly Scandalous (1946)
There are two twin brothers (actually triplets in the final scene), one of whom has three girls on a romantic string and is trying to sell a television show to a fountain pen manufacturer. The other doesn't have one girl and quietly sells insurance. The insurance seller invests money in his brother's show and, in the process of protecting his investment, gets involved with his twin's romances. Things eventually work out and the TV promoter winds up with the manufacturer's daughter and the salesman with Sheila Ryan. Lita Baron gets to dance a few numbers with the music of the Guadalajara Trio, and Nick Moro & Frank Yaconelli, the old vaudeville team that was seen together mostly in Tom Keene westerns at Monogram in the early 1940's.
Slightly Scandalous (1946)
There are two twin brothers (actually triplets in the final scene), one of whom has three girls on a romantic string and is trying to sell a television show to a fountain pen manufacturer. The other doesn't have one girl and quietly sells insurance. The insurance seller invests money in his brother's show and, in the process of protecting his investment, gets involved with his twin's romances. Things eventually work out and the TV promoter winds up with the manufacturer's daughter and the salesman with Sheila Ryan. Lita Baron gets to dance a few numbers with the music of the Guadalajara Trio, and Nick Moro & Frank Yaconelli, the old vaudeville team that was seen together mostly in Tom Keene westerns at Monogram in the early 1940's.
Slightly Scandalous (1946)
There are two twin brothers (actually triplets in the final scene), one of whom has three girls on a romantic string and is trying to sell a television show to a fountain pen manufacturer. The other doesn't have one girl and quietly sells insurance. The insurance seller invests money in his brother's show and, in the process of protecting his investment, gets involved with his twin's romances. Things eventually work out and the TV promoter winds up with the manufacturer's daughter and the salesman with Sheila Ryan. Lita Baron gets to dance a few numbers with the music of the Guadalajara Trio, and Nick Moro & Frank Yaconelli, the old vaudeville team that was seen together mostly in Tom Keene westerns at Monogram in the early 1940's.
Slightly Scandalous (1946)
There are two twin brothers (actually triplets in the final scene), one of whom has three girls on a romantic string and is trying to sell a television show to a fountain pen manufacturer. The other doesn't have one girl and quietly sells insurance. The insurance seller invests money in his brother's show and, in the process of protecting his investment, gets involved with his twin's romances. Things eventually work out and the TV promoter winds up with the manufacturer's daughter and the salesman with Sheila Ryan. Lita Baron gets to dance a few numbers with the music of the Guadalajara Trio, and Nick Moro & Frank Yaconelli, the old vaudeville team that was seen together mostly in Tom Keene westerns at Monogram in the early 1940's.
Great Expectations (1946)
Pip, a good-natured, gullible young orphan, lives with kind blacksmith Joe Gargery and his bossy, abusive wife 'Mrs. Joe'. When the boy finds two hidden escaped galley convicts, he obeys under -probably unnecessary- threat of a horrible death to bring the criminals food he must steal at peril of more caning from the battle-ax. Just when Pip fears to get it really good while they have guests, a soldier comes for Joe who takes Pip along as assistant to work on the chains of escaped galley-convicts, who are soon caught. The better-natured one takes the blame for the stolen food. Later Pip is invited to became the playmate of Estelle, the equally arrogant adoptive daughter of gloomy, filthy rich Miss Havisham at her estate, who actually has 'permission' to break the kind kid's heart; being the only pretty girl he ever saw, she wins his heart forever, even after a mysterious benefactor pays trough a lawyer for his education and a rich allowance, so he can become a snob in London, by now 'ashamed' of simple Joe. Only after years in idle wealth, Pip learns Havisham is not his benefactor as he assumed, and both her story and those of his real sponsor and Estelle...
Keywords: 1820s, 19th-century, absent-father, abuse, abusive-wife, accidental-fire, adopted-daughter, arrest, audio-flashback, based-on-novel
From the Vivid Pages of Charles Dickens' Masterpiece !
Great Thrills! Great Romance! Great Suspense! Great Adventure!
[welcoming Pip to her decaying mansion]::Miss Havisham: Come nearer. Let me look at you. Come close. Look at me. You aren't afraid of a woman who has never seen the sun since before you were born?
Pip: [narrating] I realized that in becoming a gentleman, I had only succeeded in becoming a snob.
Magwitch: Keep still, you young devil, or I'll slit your throat!
Joe Gargery: Pip! A young gentleman of great expectations.
If a Body Meets a Body (1945)
Curly learns that he is named in the will of his rich uncle, so the boys head for the uncle's mansion to attend the reading of the will. They arrive on a dark and stormy night only to find that the lawyer has been murdered and the will and the body have disappeared. All the relatives must stay in the spooky house while the police investigate and the stooges are given the bedroom where the uncle was murdered. After a series of misadventures with a walking skull and the uncle's body, which keeps turning up in strange places, the stooges unmask the butler and maid as the killers and recover the will. Then they learn that Curly has only been left sixty seven cents.
Keywords: caged-bird, candle, chair-broken-over-someone's-head, creaking-door, dead-body, hit-by-a-falling-object, horseshoe, human-skeleton, human-skull, last-will-and-testament
Jerkington: [creepily] Goodnight, gentlemen. I hope you have a nice LONG sleep.::Moe Pink: Thanks, Dracula.
Larry Mink: [about Curly's soup] Smells like a dead horse!
Moe Pink: Blow out the candle.::Curly Q. Link: Oh, no. Then it'll be dark in here. I'm scared. I might see a ghost.::Moe Pink: Blow it out, I said, or I'll blow out your brains. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.::Curly Q. Link: A reasonable facsimile of...? All right.
Curly Q. Link: Pardon me, I...::Detective: Who're you?::Curly Q. Link: [indignantly] I'm Curly Q. Link!::Detective: Oh, you're the missing Link!::Curly Q. Link: No, I'm da found Link! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Curly Q. Link: [reading his uncle's will] "To my niece, Elisa Link, I leave one million, two hundred fifty thousand dollars. To my nephew, Curly Q. Link..." That's me! That's me!::Larry Mink: Yes! Yes!::Moe Pink: How much. How much?::Curly Q. Link: "To my nephew, Curly Q. Link, I leave a sum total of sixty seven cents, net."::Moe Pink: [in despair] Sixty seven cents!::Curly Q. Link: Sixty seven cents!::Larry Mink: Sixty seven cents! [they hit each other, pull out their own hair and say it over and over again until fade out]
Larry Mink: Here's one. "Wanted: Gravediggers."::Moe Pink: No, no, too morbid.::Curly Q. Link: Da morbid, da merrier! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Curly Q. Link: You know my name is Curly Q. Link!::Larry Mink: What's the "Q" stand for? Quincy?::Curly Q. Link: No.::Moe Pink: Quillip?::Curly Q. Link: No.::Moe Pink: What does the "Q" stand for?::Curly Q. Link: Cuff.::Larry Mink: Oh, Cuff Link!
Moe Pink: Didn't you say you were born in Oxford?::Curly Q. Link: I can't remember. I was born awfully young.
Moe Pink: Don't tell me you've never heard of Link, Mink, and Pink!::Detective: Never heard of them! What do they do?::Moe Pink: We're in the sausage business. Link sausage, Mink sausage, and Pink sausage!
Moe Pink: [finds a horseshoe in his soup] Why you numbskull, we sent you to the butcher shop for meat, not the glue factory. [hits Curly with the horseshoe]::Larry Mink: He's trying to poison us, that's what.::Moe Pink: You get out of this house before I split your throat from ear to ear you Lucrezia Borgia.::Curly Q. Link: If that means what I think it does...::Moe Pink: So what?::Curly Q. Link: So I'll go.
If a Body Meets a Body (1945)
Curly learns that he is named in the will of his rich uncle, so the boys head for the uncle's mansion to attend the reading of the will. They arrive on a dark and stormy night only to find that the lawyer has been murdered and the will and the body have disappeared. All the relatives must stay in the spooky house while the police investigate and the stooges are given the bedroom where the uncle was murdered. After a series of misadventures with a walking skull and the uncle's body, which keeps turning up in strange places, the stooges unmask the butler and maid as the killers and recover the will. Then they learn that Curly has only been left sixty seven cents.
Keywords: caged-bird, candle, chair-broken-over-someone's-head, creaking-door, dead-body, hit-by-a-falling-object, horseshoe, human-skeleton, human-skull, last-will-and-testament
Jerkington: [creepily] Goodnight, gentlemen. I hope you have a nice LONG sleep.::Moe Pink: Thanks, Dracula.
Larry Mink: [about Curly's soup] Smells like a dead horse!
Moe Pink: Blow out the candle.::Curly Q. Link: Oh, no. Then it'll be dark in here. I'm scared. I might see a ghost.::Moe Pink: Blow it out, I said, or I'll blow out your brains. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.::Curly Q. Link: A reasonable facsimile of...? All right.
Curly Q. Link: Pardon me, I...::Detective: Who're you?::Curly Q. Link: [indignantly] I'm Curly Q. Link!::Detective: Oh, you're the missing Link!::Curly Q. Link: No, I'm da found Link! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Curly Q. Link: [reading his uncle's will] "To my niece, Elisa Link, I leave one million, two hundred fifty thousand dollars. To my nephew, Curly Q. Link..." That's me! That's me!::Larry Mink: Yes! Yes!::Moe Pink: How much. How much?::Curly Q. Link: "To my nephew, Curly Q. Link, I leave a sum total of sixty seven cents, net."::Moe Pink: [in despair] Sixty seven cents!::Curly Q. Link: Sixty seven cents!::Larry Mink: Sixty seven cents! [they hit each other, pull out their own hair and say it over and over again until fade out]
Larry Mink: Here's one. "Wanted: Gravediggers."::Moe Pink: No, no, too morbid.::Curly Q. Link: Da morbid, da merrier! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!
Curly Q. Link: You know my name is Curly Q. Link!::Larry Mink: What's the "Q" stand for? Quincy?::Curly Q. Link: No.::Moe Pink: Quillip?::Curly Q. Link: No.::Moe Pink: What does the "Q" stand for?::Curly Q. Link: Cuff.::Larry Mink: Oh, Cuff Link!
Moe Pink: Didn't you say you were born in Oxford?::Curly Q. Link: I can't remember. I was born awfully young.
Moe Pink: Don't tell me you've never heard of Link, Mink, and Pink!::Detective: Never heard of them! What do they do?::Moe Pink: We're in the sausage business. Link sausage, Mink sausage, and Pink sausage!
Moe Pink: [finds a horseshoe in his soup] Why you numbskull, we sent you to the butcher shop for meat, not the glue factory. [hits Curly with the horseshoe]::Larry Mink: He's trying to poison us, that's what.::Moe Pink: You get out of this house before I split your throat from ear to ear you Lucrezia Borgia.::Curly Q. Link: If that means what I think it does...::Moe Pink: So what?::Curly Q. Link: So I'll go.
Flesh and Fantasy (1943)
Two clubmen discuss the occult, introducing three weird tales: 1) Plain, bitter Henrietta secretly loves law student Michael. Then on Mardi Gras night, a mysterious stranger gives her a mask of beauty that she must return at midnight. 2) At a party, palmist Podgers makes uncannily accurate predictions, later telling skeptic Marshal Tyler that he will murder someone. The notion obsesses Tyler, with ironic consequences. 3) High wire artist Gaspar dreams of falling, then loses his nerve. He recognizes Joan from his dreams, and falls for her. Will any of his dreams, involving Joan and disaster, come true?
Keywords: anthology, chocolate, circus, episodic-structure, mask, occult, omnibus
Flesh and Fantasy (1943)
Two clubmen discuss the occult, introducing three weird tales: 1) Plain, bitter Henrietta secretly loves law student Michael. Then on Mardi Gras night, a mysterious stranger gives her a mask of beauty that she must return at midnight. 2) At a party, palmist Podgers makes uncannily accurate predictions, later telling skeptic Marshal Tyler that he will murder someone. The notion obsesses Tyler, with ironic consequences. 3) High wire artist Gaspar dreams of falling, then loses his nerve. He recognizes Joan from his dreams, and falls for her. Will any of his dreams, involving Joan and disaster, come true?
Keywords: anthology, chocolate, circus, episodic-structure, mask, occult, omnibus
Flesh and Fantasy (1943)
Two clubmen discuss the occult, introducing three weird tales: 1) Plain, bitter Henrietta secretly loves law student Michael. Then on Mardi Gras night, a mysterious stranger gives her a mask of beauty that she must return at midnight. 2) At a party, palmist Podgers makes uncannily accurate predictions, later telling skeptic Marshal Tyler that he will murder someone. The notion obsesses Tyler, with ironic consequences. 3) High wire artist Gaspar dreams of falling, then loses his nerve. He recognizes Joan from his dreams, and falls for her. Will any of his dreams, involving Joan and disaster, come true?
Keywords: anthology, chocolate, circus, episodic-structure, mask, occult, omnibus
The Man Who Lost Himself (1941)
John Evans encounters his lookalike, Malcolm Scott. When Scott is killed in an accident, Evans finds himself mistaken for Scott and decides to do some good in his new role.
Keywords: mistaken-identity, remake
They Looked Alike... But Didn't Make Love Alike!
On Their Own (1940)
The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
Keywords: jones-family
On Their Own (1940)
The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
Keywords: jones-family
On Their Own (1940)
The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
Keywords: jones-family
Chasing Danger (1939)
Dear Old Dad (1938)
One of the "Your True Adventure" series featuring reporter Floyd Gibbons, this entry recreates the story of an old man listed among the missing persons. His daughter and her husband pursue the search for over a year, with no trace of dear old dad. A flashback segment details how the old man was hit by a car, lost his memory, and wandered around securing odd jobs. Finally, he arrives in a home for aged people, but all the efforts of the doctors and nurses fail to revive his memory. Then, an item in the paper leads the family to the home, and the sight of his loved ones brings back his memory.
Keywords: amnesia, depression, family-relationships, missing-person, newspaper, old-age, reunion, search, trauma, victim
Easy to Take (1936)
Easy to Take (1936)
Easy to Take (1936)
Easy to Take (1936)
Easy to Take (1936)
Easy to Take (1936)
Easy to Take (1936)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Three Kids and a Queen (1935)
Bubbling Over (1934)
Do, da da da da da
Da da da da da
Da da da da da
Do, da da da da da
Da da da da da
Da da da da da
Relations are what we are living for.
Relations, they are not always for long.
Relations, among the stars in the sky.
Relations, sometimes they end; you cry.
She loves her dog
He loves cats
They're your friends.
I love you. And I know, that is true.
Don't you see, baby?
Relations, for business or just for fun.
Relations, sometimes only for one night.
Relations, among the stars in the sky.
Relations, sometimes they end; you cry.
They end; you cry!
(Repeat chorus, twice)
Relations are what we are living for.
Relations, they are not always for long.
Relations, among the stars in the sky.
Relations, sometimes they end; you cry.
She loves her dog
He loves cats
They're your friends.
I love you. And I know, that is true.
Don't you see, baby?
Relations, for business or just for fun.
Relations, sometimes only for one night.
Relations, among the stars in the sky.
Relations, sometimes they end; you cry.
They end; you cry!
(Repeat chorus, twice)
Relations are what we are living for.
Relations, they are not always for long.
Relations, among the stars in the sky.
Relations, sometimes they end; you cry.
They're your friends.
I love you. And I know, that is true.
Don't you see, baby?
Relations, for business or just for fun.
Relations, sometimes only for one night.
Relations, among the stars in the sky.
Relations, sometimes they end; you cry.
They end; you cry!
(Repeat chorus, twice)
Get up and dance
I'm in the mood for love
I wanna see you rise and shine
On revelation's day
We're about to explore
About to ignore
In such an easy way
It's the perfect cure in a perfect world
On revelation's day
I'm free
At last I'm free
I'm free
At last I'm free
You can't judge me
Cause you don't know me
Get up and dance
I'm in the mood for love
I reveal your insecurity
On revelation's day
You're hanging in a puppetstring
Let me relief your pain
You're the driving force
In an overkill
On revelation's day
I'm free
At last I'm free
I'm free
At last I'm free
You can't judge me
Cause you don't know me
The gravity changes
Wants your love
At last I'm free
I'm free
At last I'm free
I'm free
At last I'm free