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Lara梁心頤-不敢哭﹝官方MV﹞  偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」 插曲
Brian Lara's Best Innings
Brian Lara - A Living Legend's Cricketing Journey
Gayle & Lara magical 151 run partnership in 19 overs vs Australia 2006
Lara Fabian Je t'aime Live In Concert
Brian Lara's 153
SACHIN TENDULKAR AND BRIAN LARA INTERVIEW CLT20  Mumbai Indians VS Perth Scorchers 2nd October 2013
Katmer Katmer (Lara)
Lara Fabian Je T'aime
Violetta 2 : Lara le canta
Erislandy Lara vs Ronald Hearns
Lara 梁心頤 我不再怕MV


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Dirty Money (2013)


Seduced by the instant rewards of criminal activity, LEO ROBERTS (Anthony Welsh) enters the shadowy underground world of strip clubs, saunas, drugs and prostitution. Blinded by the potential power and prestige, Leo is convinced he is in control, only to realise that he has to start playing by a different set of rules. However, once he's chosen this path, the stakes keep getting higher until there is really no turning back.


Beauty Queen (2010)


Beauty, glamor and elegance- these are the very things that lure us into the beauty pageant world. Many have dreamed and dared to penetrate this world but only a handful prove to be deserving of the title of 'Beauty Queen'. Those who have succeeded have become beauty queens in the truest sense of the word-royalties glorified for their beauty and poise. But the ramp to becoming a beauty queen is not easy. In a competition where every inch of a woman is scrutinized, jealousy is sure to arise. Egos will be hurt and the competition is bound to get fierce and dirty. Witness Maita, Dorcas, and Rebecca go through the harrowing ups and downs of the beauty pageant world. Three girls, each with her unique beauty, who will reign as the Beauty Queen?

Keywords: beauty-queen, love, mother-daughter-relationship, rivalry, teenage-pregnancy


N'ajustez pas votre sécheuse (2001)




Nous éprouvons présentement des difficultés temporaires... S'il vous plaît, n'ajustez pas votre sécheuse.


Himself: Bon piratage, tout le monde.

Lara Filmography

Lara Filmography

Lara Filmography



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Lara梁心頤-不敢哭﹝官方MV﹞  偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」 插曲
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:11
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

Lara梁心頤-不敢哭﹝官方MV﹞ 偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」 插曲

Lara梁心頤《不敢哭》 詞: Lara 曲: 張傑偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」插曲抒情搖滾主打, 走出單戀而得到的自由《不敢哭》。 Lara在拍攝偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」時所創作的插曲, 激昂的編曲帶出單戀難以割捨的選擇。 無意中, 愛敲醒也拴住靈魂, 但得不到的愛情, 若仍鑽牛角尖去期望, 只是兩敗俱傷。 ...梁心頤-不敢哭﹝官方MV﹞ 偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」 插曲
Brian Lara's Best Innings
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:07
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Brian Lara's Best Innings

Brian Lara 153* v Australia, Bridgetown, Barbados, 1998-99 Brian Lara's unbeaten 153 against the Australians in Bridgetown is widely and justifiably regarded... Lara's Best Innings
Brian Lara - A Living Legend's Cricketing Journey
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:50
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Brian Lara - A Living Legend's Cricketing Journey

An interview with the former cricketer, who is widely regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time, having scored 11953 runs in the Test arena and se...
  • published: 28 May 2013
  • views: 9318
  • author: sunzoomass Lara - A Living Legend's Cricketing Journey
Gayle & Lara magical 151 run partnership in 19 overs vs Australia 2006
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:18
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Gayle & Lara magical 151 run partnership in 19 overs vs Australia 2006

  • published: 25 May 2013
  • views: 86867
  • author: robelinda2 & Lara magical 151 run partnership in 19 overs vs Australia 2006
Lara Fabian Je t'aime Live In Concert
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:08
  • Updated: 18 Dec 2009

Lara Fabian Je t'aime Live In Concert

Lara Fabian Je t'aime( I love you )... Lara is taken back by the audience singing back at her saying on t'aime ( we love you )..
  • published: 18 Dec 2009
  • views: 3566025 Fabian Je t'aime Live In Concert
Brian Lara's 153
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:48
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013

Brian Lara's 153

Brian Lara's 153 vs Australia. Lara's 153
SACHIN TENDULKAR AND BRIAN LARA INTERVIEW CLT20  Mumbai Indians VS Perth Scorchers 2nd October 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:25
  • Updated: 03 Oct 2013

SACHIN TENDULKAR AND BRIAN LARA INTERVIEW CLT20 Mumbai Indians VS Perth Scorchers 2nd October 2013

  • published: 03 Oct 2013
  • views: 3115 TENDULKAR AND BRIAN LARA INTERVIEW CLT20 Mumbai Indians VS Perth Scorchers 2nd October 2013
Katmer Katmer (Lara)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:49
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Katmer Katmer (Lara)

Adam Gibi Adam (2005) - OZAN VİDEO FİLM.
  • published: 04 Feb 2010
  • views: 3711168
  • author: muyap Katmer (Lara)
Lara Fabian Je T'aime
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:21
  • Updated: 02 Nov 2008

Lara Fabian Je T'aime

The Perfect Vocal
  • published: 02 Nov 2008
  • views: 11404455 Fabian Je T'aime
Violetta 2 : Lara le canta
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 19 Sep 2013

Violetta 2 : Lara le canta "Voy por ti" a León en el Karaoke - Capitulo 64

Violetta - Capitulo 64 - Segunda Parte - Segunda Temporada -Valeria Baroni Mirá los capitulos de Violetta (links) : - - - -
  • published: 19 Sep 2013
  • views: 13066 2 : Lara le canta "Voy por ti" a León en el Karaoke - Capitulo 64
Erislandy Lara vs Ronald Hearns
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:42
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

Erislandy Lara vs Ronald Hearns

Erislandy Lara vs Ronald Hearns. Lara vs Ronald Hearns
Lara 梁心頤 我不再怕MV
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:26
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Lara 梁心頤 我不再怕MV

  • published: 16 Dec 2010
  • views: 968807
  • author: 亞亞 李 梁心頤 我不再怕MV
Lara Fabian -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:13
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013

Lara Fabian - "Deux ils, deux elles" - Clip Officiel Premier extrait de l'album "Le Secret" à paraître le 15 Avril 2013 Réalisateur : Emile Henny © 2013 - 9 PRODUCTIONS Remerciements à toute l'équipe d'Apolline & Co pour le stylisme, Sény, Leila, Géraldine et Malik.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 679911 Fabian - "Deux ils, deux elles" - Clip Officiel
Tomb Raider All Death Scenes 18+ (Lara Croft Death Scenes) Brutal Dying Scenes!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:33
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Tomb Raider All Death Scenes 18+ (Lara Croft Death Scenes) Brutal Dying Scenes!

Tomb Raider Death Scenes 2013 The most brutal and painful death scenes in Tomb Raider 2013. After a hard work finally it's here - a compilation video of the ... Raider All Death Scenes 18+ (Lara Croft Death Scenes) Brutal Dying Scenes!

Lara梁心頤-不敢哭﹝官方MV﹞ 偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」 插曲

Lara梁心頤《不敢哭》 詞: Lara 曲: 張傑偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」插曲抒情搖滾主打, 走出單戀而得到的自由《不敢哭》。 Lara在拍攝偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」時所創作的插曲, 激昂的編曲帶出單戀難以割捨的選擇。 無意中, 愛敲醒也拴住靈魂, 但得不到的愛情, 若仍鑽牛角尖去期望, 只是兩敗俱傷。 ...

Lara梁心頤-不敢哭﹝官方MV﹞ 偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」 插曲
Lara梁心頤《不敢哭》 詞: Lara 曲: 張傑偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」插曲抒情搖滾主打, 走出單戀而得到的自由《不敢哭》。 Lara在拍攝偶像劇「給愛麗絲的奇蹟」時所創作的插...
pub­lished: 06 Nov 2012
Brian Lara's Best In­nings
Brian Lara 153* v Aus­tralia, Bridgetown, Bar­ba­dos, 1998-99 Brian Lara's un­beat­en 153 again...
pub­lished: 01 Mar 2013
Brian Lara - A Liv­ing Leg­end's Crick­et­ing Jour­ney
An in­ter­view with the for­mer crick­eter, who is wide­ly re­gard­ed as one of the great­est bats...
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
au­thor: sun­zoomass
Gayle & Lara mag­i­cal 151 run part­ner­ship in 19 overs vs Aus­tralia 2006
CHRIS GAYLE & BRIAN LARA SEN­SA­TION­AL BAT­TING!!!!! score­card http://​www.​espncricinfo.​com/​dl...​
pub­lished: 25 May 2013
au­thor: ro­belin­da2
Lara Fabi­an Je t'aime Live In Con­cert
Lara Fabi­an Je t'aime( I love you )... Lara is taken back by the au­di­ence singing back at ...
pub­lished: 18 Dec 2009
Brian Lara's 153
Brian Lara's 153 vs Aus­tralia....
pub­lished: 16 Sep 2006
SACHIN TEN­DULKAR AND BRIAN LARA IN­TER­VIEW CLT20 Mum­bai In­di­ans VS Perth Scorchers 2nd Oc­to­ber 2013
pub­lished: 03 Oct 2013
Kat­mer Kat­mer (Lara)
Adam Gibi Adam (2005) - OZAN VİDEO FİLM....
pub­lished: 04 Feb 2010
au­thor: muyap
Lara Fabi­an Je T'aime
The Per­fect Vocal...
pub­lished: 02 Nov 2008
Vi­o­let­ta 2 : Lara le canta "Voy por ti" a León en el Karaoke - Ca­pit­u­lo 64
Vi­o­let­ta - Ca­pit­u­lo 64 - Se­gun­da Parte - Se­gun­da Tem­po­ra­da -Va­le­ria Ba­roni Mirá los capit...
pub­lished: 19 Sep 2013
Eris­landy Lara vs Ronald Hearns
Eris­landy Lara vs Ronald Hearns....
pub­lished: 21 Apr 2012
Lara 梁心頤 我不再怕MV
pub­lished: 16 Dec 2010
au­thor: 亞亞 李
Lara Fabi­an - "Deux ils, deux elles" - Clip Of­fi­ciel
www.​larafabian.​com Pre­mier ex­trait de l'album "Le Se­cret" à paraître le 15 Avril 2013 Réa...
pub­lished: 04 Apr 2013
Tomb Raider All Death Scenes 18+ (Lara Croft Death Scenes) Bru­tal Dying Scenes!
Tomb Raider Death Scenes 2013 The most bru­tal and painful death scenes in Tomb Raider 2013...
pub­lished: 06 Mar 2013
au­thor: GameKiller346
Youtube results:
Lara梁心頤【碎片 官方完整MV 】
Lara梁心頤碎片詞: 梁心頤曲: 張傑放下過去得到勇氣的自由《碎片》。 這首描寫分手回憶的歌, Lara獨特的文字魅力讓"特力家居"一聽就愛上, 特別選做微電影「悄悄佔據你」的主...
pub­lished: 24 Dec 2012
20101211【百萬大歌星】林俊傑 Lara梁心頤 對唱 珊湖海 4/9
pub­lished: 11 Dec 2010
au­thor: benck­79
Haza­ma - Penglipur Lara (lirik) (of­fi­cial)
Haza­ma Album - Penglipur Lara Lagu - Penglipur Lara Lirik - Dua tiga kuc­ing berlari Ma...
pub­lished: 29 Aug 2013
Larin izbor 2- Vjenčanje Kar­men i Nikše, Lara pjeva Necu propast ja, Jakov HD *1080 p*
Like, Sub­scribe- Be­splat­no se pret­platite za više videa. Vjenčanje Kar­men i Nikše Lara pje...
pub­lished: 25 Nov 2012
photo: AP / Mohammed Hamoud
Smoke rises after an explosion at the Defense Ministry complex in Sanaa, Yemen, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013.
Edit The Irish Times
05 Dec 2013
At least 20 people were killed in a car bomb and gun battle at the Yemeni defence ministry compound in the capital Sana’a in one of the most serious attacks in the past 18 months. The defence ministry said the attack targeted the ministry’s hospital and most of the gunmen had been killed or wounded. “The attackers have exploited some construction work there to carry out this criminal act ... No one claimed responsibility for the attack....(size: 3.0Kb)
photo: AP / Kin Cheung
In this June 16, 2013 file photo a television screen shjows the news of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping U.S. surveillance programs, in the underground train in Hong Kong.
Edit South China Morning Post
05 Dec 2013
The US National Security Agency is collecting some five billion records a day on the location of mobile phones around the world, The Washington Post reported, citing documents from US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden ... Of the NSA surveillance programmes revealed to date, the geo-location project appears to represent the agency's largest in scale and scope. The NSA declined to comment on the report ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan
An Amtrak train, top, traveling on an unaffected track, passes a derailed Metro North commuter train, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013 in the Bronx borough of New York.
Edit The Irish Times
03 Dec 2013
The Metro-North Railroad train that hurtled off the rails on a sleepy holiday weekend morning was traveling more than 80 mph (128 km/h) as it approached one of the sharpest curves in the region’s rail system, federal investigators said on Monday - nearly three times the speed permitted through the turn ... Mr Rockefeller was treated at a hospital and released ... “We are not aware of any problems or anomalies with the brakes,” Weener said ... ....(size: 3.5Kb)
photo: UN / Eskinder Debebe
File -  Island Nation of Kiribati Affected by Climate Change in this low-lying land. Locals in Tebikenikora, a village in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati.
Edit Baltimore Sun
04 Dec 2013
Scientists sounded alarms Tuesday with a pair of studies challenging the idea that climate change is occurring gradually over the century and that its worst effects can be avoided by keeping emissions below a critical threshold. A National Research Council report says the planet is warming so quickly that the world should expect abrupt and unpredictable consequences in a matter of years or a few decades ... government....(size: 5.0Kb)
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia
Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Wednesday, March 13, 2013.
Edit The Inquisitr
03 Dec 2013
Konrad Krajewski, who holds a little-known post called “Almoner of His Holiness,” is in charge of distributing money from the Holy See to the poor. Krahewski implied that Pope Francis often comes along on these pilgrimages to the poor regions of the city ... When asked if Pope Francis ever actually joined on the trips, Archbisop Krajewski smiled and said, “Next question, please.” ... ....(size: 2.1Kb)

Edit Sacramento Bee
06 Dec 2013
Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, did not want to give up the post. A few weeks after the caucus voted to keep Lara as chairman, the PAC gave $25,000 to Californians for Diversity, the nonprofit run by Tom Calderon. An FBI affidavit published by Al Jazeera America in October alleges that de León, D-Los Angeles, brokered a deal between Calderon and Lara to settle the leadership dispute with the $25,000 payment....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit LA Daily News
06 Dec 2013
Wednesday when deputies arrested Jose Lara on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance in the 1800 block of East Palmdale Boulevard, Caplinger said ... Lara, meanwhile, was booked on suspicion of possession ......(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
06 Dec 2013
The current overall standings leader, Lara Gut of Switzerland, tied for fourth in the second training run at Lake Louise ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
06 Dec 2013
The 24-year-old Bravo, a cousin of the great Brian Lara, showed sterling concentration for more than nine hours in making an unbeaten ......(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
06 Dec 2013
the Jean, a 4-inch-by-6 1/2-inch rectangle; the Lara, a 4 1/2-inch-by-8-inch rectangle with ice-cube-like trim; the Flavia, a 3 3/4-inch-by-10-inch rectangle; the Edie, a 4-inch-by-8- 1/2- inch oval; and bespoke (monogrammed) clutches ......(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit Stuff
06 Dec 2013
West Indies batsman Darren Bravo plundered his highest test score as the tourists sent the first cricket test into a final day with a fighting display against New Zealand in Dunedin. Bravo joined his cousin, Brian Lara, as the 26th West Indies player to score a test double century as the tourists reached 443-6 at stumps on a day of frustration for New Zealand ... He bowled 41 overs in the innings and ended with figures of 2-130 ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit The New York Times
06 Dec 2013
The two most popular movies in America have something in common. they feature female protagonists. Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen in “The Hunger Games. Catching Fire,” which took in $110.1 million over the long Thanksgiving weekend. Kristen Bell is the voice of Princess Anna in “Frozen,” which grossed $93 million over the same period. Today's Editorials. Editorial ... Editorial ... Yet before “Sucker Punch” there was “Lara Croft ...   ... ....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
06 Dec 2013
SACRAMENTO — Citing allegations in an FBI affidavit, California's ethics watchdog agency notified state Sen. Kevin de León on Thursday that it may investigate whether he improperly directed money to a nonprofit tied to Sen. Ronald S ... The affidavit says that De León arranged the donation in exchange for Calderon's agreement "not to challenge Senator [Ricardo] Lara to become the chairman of the Latino Caucus." ... 0 ... VIDEO....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
06 Dec 2013
SACRAMENTO -- Citing allegations in an FBI affidavit, the state’s ethics agency notified state Sen ... Ronald S. Calderon ... De Leon denied wrongdoing through a spokesman ... Calderon ... The affidavit alleges De Leon arranged the donation  "in exchange for Ronald Calderon agreeing not to challenge Senator [Ricardo] Lara to become the Chairman of the Latino Caucus." ... A spokesman for De Leon denied any wrongdoing by the senator ... ALSO. ... Sen ... 0....(size: 6.0Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
06 Dec 2013
BENGHAZI, Libya — Relatively few Americans remained in this eastern Libyan city as street battles raged and Islamic militants made ever-bolder forays in recent weeks ... Christopher Stevens and three other Americans ... The September 2012 consulate deaths were in the headlines again last month, when the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes" suspended correspondent Lara Logan for an erroneous report on the events that led to Stevens' death ... 0 ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit Detroit Free Press
06 Dec 2013
Today's TV. 11.30 a.m. ESPN2 — Soccer. FIFA World Cup Draw. 3 p.m. GOLF — PGA World Challenge, second round. 4.00 BTN — Football. Mark Dantonio news conference at Indianapolis. 7.00 FS1 — Basketball. Arizona State at DePaul. 7.00 FSD — Red Wings. Detroit at New Jersey. 7.00 FSPLUS — Hockey. Minnesota at Michigan State. 7.00 XFIN900 — Hockey. Sault Ste. Marie at. Plymouth ... Baylor ... Anthony Dirrell for WBC super middleweight title; Erislandy Lara vs ... ....(size: 6.0Kb)
Edit The State
05 Dec 2013
Police said the teacher, Lester Eduardo Lara, 39, approached and tried to take a school-owned iPad from the ninth-grader ... Lara then slapped the student on the back with a “leather pouch/sheath-like souvenir” he had been using during instruction, a news release said ... The Beaufort County School District has placed Lara on paid administrative leave, pending an investigation by the school district and Bluffton police....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit The Examiner
05 Dec 2013
ABC contracts for Lara Spencer and Josh Elliott are "being negotiated” for "Good Morning America, according to a show insider ... It seems that the questionable anchors are Lara Spencer and Josh Elliott on the morning news program ... "Lara just wants more money, period ... “George just doesn’t think Lara brings ......(size: 1.5Kb)

Lara may refer to:

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Brian Charles Lara, TC, OCC, AM (born 2 May 1969, in Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago) is a former West Indian international cricket player. Lara is generally regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time. He topped the Test batting rankings on several occasions and holds several cricketing records, including the record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket, with 501 not out for Warwickshire against Durham at Edgbaston in 1994, which is the only quintuple hundred in first-class cricket history. The BBC radio commentary on the final day of the innings (6 June 1994), by Dave Roberts, was being broadcast around the world live via the BBC World Service network, and in the UK on BBC Radios 1, 2 & 4 as well as the majority of BBC Local radio stations. That evening, as Lara neared the all-time batting record, a huge surge of fans crowded to enter the grounds.

Lara also holds the record for the highest individual score in a test innings after scoring 400 not out against England at Antigua in 2004. He is the only batsman to have ever scored a hundred, a double century, a triple century, a quadruple century and a quintuple century in first class games over the course of a senior career. Lara also holds the test record of scoring most number of runs in a single over in a Test match, when he scored 28 runs off an over by Robin Peterson of South Africa in 2003.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Lara Fabian (born Lara Crokaert, January 9, 1970) is a Belgian-Italian international singer who holds Canadian citizenship. Multilingual, she sings in French, Italian and English. She has also sung in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Hebrew, Greek, and German.

She has sold over 10 million records worldwide.[citation needed] She is a lyric soprano with a vocal range that spans four octaves from E-flat 3 to G#6 in live performances, and has reached up to A5.

Born to a Belgian father and a Sicilian mother in Etterbeek, Belgium, Fabian spent her first five years in her mother's hometown of Catania in Sicily, before moving back to Brussels, Belgium. She began singing, dancing and taking piano lessons at a young age, and began formal music lessons at age eight. She began writing and performing her own songs during her ten years of formal music study. Fabian's songs were influenced by her classical vocal and music theory training, and by contemporary artists such as Barbra Streisand and Queen.[citation needed]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (About this sound pronunciation ; born 24 April 1973) is an Indian cricketer widely considered to be one of the greatest batsmen of all time. He is the leading run-scorer and century maker in Test and one-day international cricket. He is the first player to score a double century in ODI cricket. In 2002, just 12 years into his career, Wisden ranked him the second greatest Test batsman of all time, behind Donald Bradman, and the second greatest one-day-international (ODI) batsman of all time, behind Viv Richards. Tendulkar was a part of the 2011 Cricket World Cup winning Indian team in the later part of his career, his first such win in six World Cup appearances for India. He is currently nominated for receiving the Bharat Ratna award.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Erislandy Lara Santoya (born April 11, 1983) is a Cuban boxer. The southpaw was the 2005 amateur world champion at welterweight.

In 2003 and 2004 Lara lost four times against double world champ Lorenzo Aragon.

In 2005 after Aragon stepped down Lara bested his countryman Yudel Jhonson Cedeno repeatedly and was sent to the world championships. There he avenged an earlier loss to Russian Andrey Balanov, beat American Boyd Melson, upset top favorite and Olympic champion Bakhtiyar Artayev (31–22) and won Gold against Magomed Nurutdinov (BLR).

Lara has lost twice to another Kazakh: Bakhyt Sarsekbayev. In their only meeting he beat American world champ Demetrius Andrade 9:4.

In 2007, Erislandy Lara, together with superstar Guillermo Rigondeaux, defected from Cuba before the PanAm games. Some weeks later he was caught by Brazilian authorities and was returned to Cuba, where he was banned from practicing boxing indefinitely.

In 2008 he made a second defection attempt, this time on a speed boat to Mexico, and succeeded. He has since made his way to Hamburg, Germany, where he joined former Olympic champions Odlanier Solis, Yan Barthelemy and Yuriorkis Gamboa in the Arena Box-Promotion stable.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

You don't know how I was then
All broken up, my pride was stolen
I lived a little lie
I wouldn't show the hurting inside
I was living in emptiness
I was out of love
Guard my heart, my wall was so high
You came in with all your confidence
you swept me away off the ground
you taught me to fly
Holding on until the next time
I can't get you out of my mind
If you were a drug
I'd be addicted to you
Every time that we say goodbye
I just die a little inside
How'd I fall so hard
I'm so addicted to you
Addicted to you...
Why couldn't this be simple
we'd live just like the other people
Now that you're far away
my missing is so constant heartache
'Cause those sparkles back in my eyes
I wish I could stay just like this
Don't want you to go
When you're far away
fantasize that you're in my arms
and I jump when I hear the phone
Addiction, it's hitting hard
Now it's got it's hold
Oh, I can't let go

A todas esas chicas
que hay en m?,
Las que se juegan todo
si no va bien.
Las tontas innocentes,
ciegas de amor...
Las mu?ecas que tientan
el placer.
Y al final suspenden en pasi?n!
oh,Pretty girl! bajo tu piel
se esconde mi esperanza
oh, Pretty girl!
mueve tus pies,
que ya gir? mis alas
Reinas de la timidez,
locas de azar.
Tallas XXL, modelos de Channel.
A todas ?sas condenadas
que algun d?a encontrar?!
oh,Pretty girl! bajo tu piel
se esconde mi esperanza
oh, Pretty girl!
mueve tus pies,
que ya gir? mis alas
Mariposa tatuadas del primer amor,
mil b?os que separan sue?os,
que la luna nos cont?!
Soy buena,mala,diferente,
y siento como t?
Beautiful, ooh beautiful..
oh,Pretty girl! bajo tu piel
se esconde mi esperanza
oh, Pretty girl!
mueve tus pies,
que ya gir? mis alas.

A mi me da igual….A mi me da igual….
No se que dia es hoy y ser? mejor que suba la noria.
Clase una y otra vez, que no se mueva nadie… ni en broma.
Pero en concentraci?n hablo mucho, yo soy la que monta follones.
No comprenden que estoy harta de las presiones que imponen.
Uuuuuh…como un bicho raro sin remedios….
Uuuuuh…me lo dicen siempre cada charla…
?Qu? haces t?, similitud, en un para?so tan azul?
Tienta a la serpiente, alma as? inocente…
Me da igual, bien o mal,
Lo que importa ahora es disfrutar
Y aunque quieran todos no voy a cambiar… ?a mi me da igual! (x4)
Chicas modelo Brat, con un cuerpo ideal, llenas de maquillaje.
Chicos tipo Brad Pitt, ya no hay quien los aguante, ni un instante…
Uuuuuh… no se enteran que es un rollo…aburren…
Uuuuuh…yo prefiero buscarme otra especie…
?Qu? haces tu, cara o cruz?
Yo no quiero entrar en ese club.
Aunque se despierte la bella durmiente…
Me da igual, bien o mal, lo que importa ahora es disfrutar.
Y aunque quieran todos no voy a cambiar… ?a mi me da igual! (x2)
Uuuuuh…no me hables de sue?os que se pierden…
Uuuuuh… no me cuentes cuentos que me mienten…
?Qu? haces t?, similitud, en un para?so tan azul?
Tienta a la serpiente, alma as? inocente…
Me da igual, bien o mal,
Lo que importa ahora es disfrutar
Y aunque quieran todos no voy a cambiar… ?a mi me da igual!
?A mi me da da da da da da da da da igual!
?A mi me da a mi me da igual!

Me gusta sentirme libre,
paso del royo infeliz,
y tengo un ?ngel guardi?n
que baila con satan?s,
no creo en el sexo d?bil,
la historia escrita al rev?s,
mi escoba por tu pistola,
qui?n dicta ahora la ley?
Vivir? de verdad,
ning?n d?a ser? igual.
Si rompes las cadenas
que siempre llevas dentro de ti,
si encuentras la princesa
que huye del cuento antes del fin,
ahora toca elejir,
la reina puede dar fin,
es hora de sonreir al sol,
las dos.
Me gustan las cosas claras,
la gente con ilusi?n,
odio los falsos modales,
disfraz de lobo feroz,
cambio mi alma y mi suerte
por todo lo que so??
si vuelve la Cenicienta
que se perdi? en plen y lein.
Mover? cielo y mar,
cada noche brillar?.
Si rompes las cadenas
que siempre llevas dentro de ti,
si encuentras la princesa
que huye del cuento antes del fin,
ahora toca elejir,
la reina puede dar fin,
es hora de sonreir al sol,
las dos.
Sin temor,
sin vender la piel
y luego morir de amor,
siempre juntas,
Si rompes las cadenas
que siempre llevas dentro de ti,
si encuentras la princesa
que huye del cuento antes del fin,
ahora toca elejir,
la reina puede dar fin,
es hora de sonreir al sol.
Si rompes las cadenas
que siempre llevas dentro de ti,
si encuentras la princesa
que huye del cuento antes del fin,
ahora toca elejir,
la reina puede dar fin,
es hora de sonreir al sol,
las dos.
Las dos...las dos.

Yo quiero hacer lo que no puedo hacer,
Volver a casa despu?s de las diez,
Tener novios sin parar, aunque no me deje pap?…
Apto para todas las edades,
Ni beber, ni conducir, ni tanto maquillaje!
Quien invent? esas leyes para un adolescente,
Que solo quiere escapar de ti,
Que solo se quiere divertir…
Poder ser mayor, Saltarme el control,
Borrar tu serm?n, Vivir mi propio error,
Para elegir por donde ir,
Para decir que no o que s? al coraz?n,
Que ahora late tan deprisa por sentir amor…
Un planeta sin obligaciones,
Minifaldas casi como cinturones,
La fiesta es esta noche, y a medianoche, ?rana?
La magia y la locura que me hacen feliz,
La rabia de que todo acabe siempre as?…
Poder ser mayor, Saltarme el control,
Borrar tu serm?n, Vivir mi propio error,
Para elegir por donde ir,
Para decir que no o que s? al coraz?n,
Que ahora late tan deprisa …
Poder ser mayor, cambiar el gui?n,
Hacer el amor, salir del cascar?n,
Pasarlo bien, sin nada que,
Llegue a joder la ingenuidad,
De un desesperado y loco coraz?n,
Que ahora late tan deprisa por sentir amor…
Todo lo que quiero y nunca puedo hacer,
Todo lo que siento y no voy a esconder…

Veo gente, veo sombras, veo calles salvajes
Alguien tapa el sol, con un gran cartel,
bienvenido al estr?s
Y se, que es mas f?cil rendirse
Que hacer que despierte mi edad
Y cambiar el mundo
T? y yo a la vez
Sacarles la lengua hoy
Al odio al poder
Un mundo al rev?s.
Cambiar el mundo por un
Final feliz
Pintando un coraz?n
Y una flor
Y otro amor
En la pared
De tu dolor
Me ha tenido el mar
Humo comercial
Para ahogar mis pulmones
Ni?os sin hogar
Paso militar
Sue?os que miedo esconden
Ya se, que es mas f?cil rendirse
Y tambi?n
Que hoy depende de ti
Y de m?
Y cambiar el mundo
T? y yo a la vez
Sacarles la lengua hoy
Al odio al poder
Un mundo al rev?s.
Cambiar el mundo por un
Final feliz
Pintando un coraz?n
Y una flor
Y otro amor
Sobre tu piel
Ya no, ya no
Ya no existe aquel para?so
Que alguien invento en su cabeza
Y golpea en mi juventud
?A quien le importara?
?Qu? nos pasara?
Si nos quedara un ma?ana
Si nos juzga la eternidad
Si aun grita una voz
Desde tu interior
Que nadie logro responder
Y cambiar el mundo
T? y yo a la vez
Sacarles la lengua hoy
Al odio al poder
Un mundo al rev?s.
Cambiar el mundo por un
Final feliz
Pintando un coraz?n
Y una flor
Y otro amor
En la pared
De tu dolor
Si quieres podr?s
Si luchas veras

Ni bu kai xin de yan
Fang fu jiang wo tui dao xuan ya bian yuan
Ju li jiu suan zai kao jin yan qian
Wo men yi yang mei jiao dian
Mei you ni de shi jie
Jiu xiang han dong mei you chun tian yi wei
Shao le ni pei zai sheng bian
Wo de si ji zhi sheng xia dong tian
Bei shang xi yue hui yi bu duan zhong yan
Jing xia lai de shi jie
You wo de si nian
Ye you ni de kong que wu bian
Ni you mei you ting jian
Ji mo de sheng ying qiao qiao zai man yuan
Ta zhu jing wo men zhi jian
Shou hou zhe wo he ni de yong yuan
Ni you mei you ting jian
Si nian de hu huan chuan bian mei tiao jie
Jiu suan ni zou de zai yuan

Cuando me miras, me descriminas sin parar,
Peor que a un animal...
Pisas la hierba, un ciervo cuelga en tu pared,
Y dejas mierda en el arc?n...
Impartiendo clases de moral...
De marcha por los bares, oh!
Y yo saco un billete a marte,
Mientras bailo sobre un ataud..
Soy culpable,
De callar y mirar a otra parte ,
Y aunque siga la fiesta,
Y me enga?e como tu,
Nunca muere mi inquietud...
Soy culpable,
De creer que me salvar? un angel
Y para el reloj que le cuenta al coraz?n,
Que el infierno es de los dos...Yeh, yeh...
Cuando me dictas,
Dos mil mentiras al comp?s,
Y por la boca muere el pez,
Aunque fito lo diga al rev?s...
Aqui el m?s tonto vale, oh!
Y yo aprendo a maquillarme,
Para luego subirme a una cruz...
Soy culpable,
De callar y mirar a otra parte ,
Y aunque siga la fiesta,
Y me enga?e como tu,
Nunca muere mi inquietud...
Soy culpable,
De creer que me salvara un angel
Y para el reloj que le cuenta al coraz?n,
Que el infierno es de los dos...Yeh, yeh...
No quiero tus promesas ni tu publicidad,
Ni perros que me ladren con el mismo bozal,(guagu, guau)(oh, oh, oh oh)
Ni izquierda ni derecha, ni la \\"Z\\" ni la \\"A\\",
No canvies de chaqueta que te vas a constipar,
T?, t?, si t?, o t?..oh!
Soy culpable,
De callar y mirar a otra parte ,
Y aunque siga la fiesta,
Y me enga?e como tu,
Nunca muere mi inquietud...
Soy culpable,
De creer que me salvara un angel
Y para el reloj que le cuenta al coraz?n,
Que el infierno es de los dos...Yeh, yeh...

Me me zai ni de sheng hou shou hu de wo
Duo xiang kan ni bu jing yi de xiao rong
Huo xu wo de xin ni bu dong
Wo hui nu li rang ni gan dong
Zai ni yan zhong duo me ben zuo de wo
Jue bu fang qi zhui zu ni de zhi zhuo
Zhi yao ni neng duo xie hui ying wo
Yi ge xiao huo dian tou quan dou jie shou
"Neng bu neng kao jing yi dian dian
Da sheng shuo chu ni suo you gan jue
Bie zai jin jin guan zai zhi you zi ji de shi jie
Wen nuan tai yang wei ni ying jie
Neng bu neng kao jing yi dian dian
Neng bu neng zai yong gan yi dian dian
Jiu shuan rang wo zhi dao wo yong yuan zi shi dan luen
Wo ye hui chang zhe gan xie
Xiao zhe he ni shuo zai jian"
Me me zai ni de sheng hou shou hu de wo
Duo xiang kan ni bu jing yi de xiao rong
Huo xu wo de xin ni bu dong
Wo hui nu li rang ni gan dong
Zai ni yan zhong duo me ben zuo de wo
Jue bu fang qi zhui zu ni de zhi zhuo
Zhi yao ni neng duo xie hui ying wo
Yi ge xiao huo dian tou quan dou jie shou

Mitad mujer, mitad ni?a
con un ojo duerme el mundo
porqu? el otro me lo gui?a.
Y aunque mi madre me ri?a
no podr? cambiar su rumbo.
El Curso De La Vida
Llegar? otro verano
y otra blanca primavera
y otro invierno entre mis manos.
Me ir?n cambiando los a?os
pero lo que hall? en mis venas
se quedar? en mis labios
Y en la clase nos ense?a el profesor
soluciones de problemas
que nos sirven en el juego del amor,
un glaciar que a veces quema.
Y al final sucede ese milagro,
cuando el sol se va
llev?ndose los desenga?os.
La verdad desnuda como siempre
Deber?a estar bajo este cielo plateado
que amanece entre mis manos
Y fuera sigue la vida
levantando las persianas
y los sue?os cada d?a.
Mientras el tren descarrila,
una madre de su pecho
da el alma en la comida.
Y en la clase nos ense?a el profesor
que las guerra son historia.
Y yo s?lo veo el miedo y el dolor,
siempre a espaldas de la gloria
Y al final sucede ese milagro..

Al llegar los 16
Cada sue?o se deshoja
Todo se vuelve complicado y radical...
Inocencia y timidez
Para equivocarme sola,
Y el tiempo vuela persiguiendo algo irreal,
Que nadie puede entender por mi.
A los 16,
Cada amanecer brilla
Y se burla de tu suerte...
A los 16,
Coges cualquier tren
Y siempre te enamoras
El que no te va...
1, 2, 3 y...!
Al abrir los 16,
Mil locuras, mil promesas,
Cada detalle es un misterio sin porqu?...
La pasi?n es tan infiel,
Los besos te saben a menta,
Y das el alma si una amiga dice ven
Aunque te mueras por ?l, al fin...
A los 16...
Tantos deseos que jam?s confesar?s
Y el mundo que espera
En un rinc?n del porvenir
Una estrella se apag? al caer
Sobre tu piel
A los 16...
