Egypt: Bahaa El-Din, Ashton Discuss Economic, Political Conditions in Egypt

Deputy Prime Minister and International Cooperation Minister Ziad Bahaa el-Din met Thursday 3/10/2013 with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, where he expounded the steps taken by the government to revive the country's tottering economy.

He also pointed out to the swift measures taken to face the economic crisis.

The Egyptian official also reviewed the government's program to protect the democratic transition and the steps taken so far in drafting the new constitution.

The economic and political tracks are so intertwined, he said, urging Ashton to work on activating the EU aid program to Egypt in a bid to achieve political stability and economic growth in the country.

Ashton, for her part, affirmed that the EU aid would continue to be provided to Egypt, pointing out to the existence of several mechanisms which would contribute to the government's economic and social program.

High Elections Committee Sixth Statement

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