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USC Football - UNFILTERED: Oregon State 2013
Welcome to USC
USC Football - Friday Night Video - Cal 2013
USC Football - Friday Night Video - Oregon State 2013
UCLA vs. USC (skit) - Who Wins?
USC Basketball - Behind the Uniform: The Kicks
USC Football - Pat Haden and Ed Orgeron Presser
A Look at USC Housing!
2013 USC Spring Game
USC Top 10 Classes: Student Picks
USC Football - UNFILTERED - Utah 2013
USC Football - Behind the Uniform: The Pads


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USC Football - UNFILTERED: Oregon State 2013
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  • Duration: 3:30
  • Updated: 03 Nov 2013

USC Football - UNFILTERED: Oregon State 2013

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  • published: 03 Nov 2013
  • views: 19825 Football - UNFILTERED: Oregon State 2013
Welcome to USC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:57
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Welcome to USC

Join freshman Jaime Westendarp during her first week at USC. Follow her through Orientation, Move-In Day, New Student Convocation and Welcome Week as she beg...
  • published: 23 Aug 2011
  • views: 81298
  • author: USC to USC
USC Football - Friday Night Video - Cal 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:26
  • Updated: 09 Nov 2013

USC Football - Friday Night Video - Cal 2013

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  • published: 09 Nov 2013
  • views: 233 Football - Friday Night Video - Cal 2013
USC Football - Friday Night Video - Oregon State 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:27
  • Updated: 02 Nov 2013

USC Football - Friday Night Video - Oregon State 2013

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  • published: 02 Nov 2013
  • views: 4165 Football - Friday Night Video - Oregon State 2013
UCLA vs. USC (skit) - Who Wins?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

UCLA vs. USC (skit) - Who Wins?

Who won? Facebook: Twitter: @DavidBFung @AndrewJFung Instagram: @DavidBFung @AndrewJFung FEATURING: Scott Lilly http://sc... vs. USC (skit) - Who Wins?
USC Basketball - Behind the Uniform: The Kicks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:00
  • Updated: 06 Nov 2013

USC Basketball - Behind the Uniform: The Kicks

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  • published: 06 Nov 2013
  • views: 2953 Basketball - Behind the Uniform: The Kicks
USC Football - Pat Haden and Ed Orgeron Presser
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:04
  • Updated: 29 Sep 2013

USC Football - Pat Haden and Ed Orgeron Presser

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  • published: 29 Sep 2013
  • views: 301 Football - Pat Haden and Ed Orgeron Presser
A Look at USC Housing!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:30
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

A Look at USC Housing!

To give you more perspective on USC housing, we interviewed freshman engineers from nearly every housing on campus about their experience and the many option... Look at USC Housing!
2013 USC Spring Game
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:44:18
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

2013 USC Spring Game

  • published: 03 May 2013
  • views: 22843
  • author: noonkick USC Spring Game
USC Top 10 Classes: Student Picks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:37
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

USC Top 10 Classes: Student Picks

What are students' favorite classes at USC? Ten undergraduate and graduate students share their recommendations. For scheduling information and more great "c...
  • published: 14 May 2013
  • views: 7888
  • author: USC Top 10 Classes: Student Picks
USC Football - UNFILTERED - Utah 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:25
  • Updated: 27 Oct 2013

USC Football - UNFILTERED - Utah 2013

This video is about Unfiltered Utah
  • published: 27 Oct 2013
  • views: 5976 Football - UNFILTERED - Utah 2013
USC Football - Behind the Uniform: The Pads
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:41
  • Updated: 31 Oct 2013

USC Football - Behind the Uniform: The Pads

USC Football - Behind the Uniform: The Pads
  • published: 31 Oct 2013
  • views: 4288 Football - Behind the Uniform: The Pads
FOX Sports SCPlaybook: Ed Orgeron, USC vs. Oregon State postgame
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:05
  • Updated: 02 Nov 2013

FOX Sports SCPlaybook: Ed Orgeron, USC vs. Oregon State postgame

FOX Sports SCPlaybook: Ed Orgeron, USC vs. Oregon State postgame. Final score: USC 31, Oregon State 14.
  • published: 02 Nov 2013
  • views: 14 Sports SCPlaybook: Ed Orgeron, USC vs. Oregon State postgame
USC Football - In N' Out Surprise
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Updated: 05 Nov 2013

USC Football - In N' Out Surprise

  • published: 05 Nov 2013
  • views: 34117 Football - In N' Out Surprise

USC Football - UNFILTERED: Oregon State 2013

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  • published: 03 Nov 2013
  • views: 19825

USC Foot­ball - UN­FIL­TERED: Ore­gon State 2013
SUB­SCRIBE to US­CAth­let­ics: http://​bit.​ly/​SjpuRl :...
pub­lished: 03 Nov 2013
Wel­come to USC
Join fresh­man Jaime Wes­t­en­darp dur­ing her first week at USC. Fol­low her through Ori­en­ta­tio...
pub­lished: 23 Aug 2011
au­thor: USC
USC Foot­ball - Fri­day Night Video - Cal 2013
SUB­SCRIBE to US­CAth­let­ics: http://​bit.​ly/​SjpuRl :...
pub­lished: 09 Nov 2013
USC Foot­ball - Fri­day Night Video - Ore­gon State 2013
SUB­SCRIBE to US­CAth­let­ics: http://​bit.​ly/​SjpuRl :...
pub­lished: 02 Nov 2013
UCLA vs. USC (skit) - Who Wins?
Who won? Face­book: http://​www.​facebook.​com/​thefungbros Twit­ter: @DavidB­Fung @An­drewJ­Fung I...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2013
USC Bas­ket­ball - Be­hind the Uni­form: The Kicks
SUB­SCRIBE to US­CAth­let­ics: http://​bit.​ly/​SjpuRl :...
pub­lished: 06 Nov 2013
USC Foot­ball - Pat Haden and Ed Org­eron Press­er
SUB­SCRIBE to US­CAth­let­ics: http://​bit.​ly/​SjpuRl :...
pub­lished: 29 Sep 2013
A Look at USC Hous­ing!
To give you more per­spec­tive on USC hous­ing, we in­ter­viewed fresh­man en­gi­neers from near­ly...
pub­lished: 26 Mar 2013
2013 USC Spring Game
pub­lished: 03 May 2013
au­thor: noon­kick
USC Top 10 Class­es: Stu­dent Picks
What are stu­dents' fa­vorite class­es at USC? Ten un­der­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate stu­dents share ...
pub­lished: 14 May 2013
au­thor: USC
USC Foot­ball - UN­FIL­TERED - Utah 2013
This video is about Un­fil­tered Utah...
pub­lished: 27 Oct 2013
USC Foot­ball - Be­hind the Uni­form: The Pads
USC Foot­ball - Be­hind the Uni­form: The Pads...
pub­lished: 31 Oct 2013
FOX Sports SC­Play­book: Ed Org­eron, USC vs. Ore­gon State postgame
FOX Sports SC­Play­book: Ed Org­eron, USC vs. Ore­gon State postgame. Final score: USC 31, Ore...
pub­lished: 02 Nov 2013
USC Foot­ball - In N' Out Sur­prise
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2013
Vimeo results:
Apple of My Eye - IPHONE 4 FILM
Shot and edit­ed en­tire­ly on the iPhone 4 / iMovie App (in 48 hours). Want more iPhone 4 m...
pub­lished: 24 Jun 2010
Sen­so­ry Over­load (In­ter­act­ing with Autism Pro­ject)
© 2012 Some peo­ple with autism have dif­fi­cul­ty pro­cess­ing in­tense, mul­ti­ple sen­so­ry exper...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2012
au­thor: Miguel Jiron
"Son of a Don"
Shot on the RED Cam­era - please feel free to com­ment! For be­hind the scenes info check ou...
pub­lished: 03 Jun 2010
GoPro HD HERO cam­era: The Ski Move
Learn about the new GoPro HD HERO® cam­era at http://​gopro.​com. Freestyle ski­ing rad­ness G...
pub­lished: 17 Nov 2009
au­thor: GoPro

Youtube results:
The End (USC Spring 2013)
Spring 2013. Last semester UGH. I don't own the copy­right to the songs (I have to put that...
pub­lished: 19 May 2013
2013 Notre Dame vs. USC 1st Half
pub­lished: 21 Oct 2013
USC Foot­ball - Ari­zona Post Game Press Con­fer­ence
SUB­SCRIBE to US­CAth­let­ics: http://​bit.​ly/​SjpuRl :...
pub­lished: 11 Oct 2013
USC vs Ari­zona 10-10-13 High­lights
pub­lished: 11 Oct 2013
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez
Typhoon survivors board a U.S. military transport plane Wednesday Nov. 13, 2013 from the damaged Tacloban airport at Tacloban city, Leyte province in central Philippines.
Edit BBC News
13 Nov 2013
People are growing increasingly desperate for food, water and medical supplies in typhoon-hit parts of the Philippines, a congressman has warned. Martin Romualdez, from badly-hit Leyte, said a greater sense of urgency was needed to get aid to those in need. The UN says more than 11 million people may have been affected and some 673,000 displaced by Typhoon Haiyan ... Continue reading the main story “Start Quote ... ....(size: 7.2Kb)
photo: AP / Malacanang Photo Bureau, Ryan Lim
This photo released by the Malacanang Photo Bureau shows an aerial view of Tacloban city, Leyte province in central Philippines Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013, after Typhoon Haiyan ravaged the region in the Philippines. Haiyan, one of the most powerful storms on record, slammed into several central Philippine islands on Friday, leaving a wide swath of destruction and hundreds of people dead.
Edit Sowetan Live
11 Nov 2013
-->. Regional police chief Elmer Soria said he was briefed by Leyte provincial Gov. Dominic Petilla late Saturday and told there were about 10,000 deaths in the province, mostly by drowning and from collapsed buildings. The governor's figure was based on reports from village officials in areas where Typhoon Haiyan slammed Friday. Tacloban city administrator Tecson Lim said that the death toll in the city alone "could go up to 10,000." ... ....(size: 8.9Kb)
photo: US DoD file
 Detainees in orange jumpsuits sit in a holding area under the watchful eyes of Military Police at Camp X-Ray at Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, during in-processing to the temporary detention facility on Jan. 11, 2002. The detainees will be given a basi
Edit BBC News
11 Nov 2013
In January 2002 dozens of shackled men were taken to Camp X-Ray - as shown in a notorious photograph. Shortly after dawn on a late-summer day more than a decade later and the sky is streaked with pink. "Welcome to Camp X-Ray," said Sgt Cody Stagner, a military public-affairs official. He was addressing a group of journalists taking a tour of the place. It was a friendly greeting - and jarring, given the history of the camp ... ....(size: 6.2Kb)
photo: AP / Aaron Favila
Survivors walk through the rubble of damaged homes and a ship that was washed ashore in Tacloban city, Leyte province, central Philippines on Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013, following Typhoon Haiyan.
11 Nov 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. It was never really about whether humankind made history or if history made humankind. In the end, the debate about major determining factors in the realm of geopolitics should have been on the subject of how geo-climates determined history, and how humankind merely tried to adapt ... In other words, the greatest threat facing humankind might very well be climate and weather ... Gene Frankland ... ....(size: 7.7Kb)
photo: AP / Office of the Supreme Leader
In this photo released by an official website of the Iranian supreme leader's office on Thursday, March 21, 2013, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei waves to a crowd in northeastern Iran on the first day of the new Persian calendar year.
Edit Business Insider
12 Nov 2013
Sanctions began in 2006 to persuade Iran to stop enriching uranium that could potentially be used for a nuclear weapon. On Monday published part one of a three-part investigation into the financial empire of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which was built based on billions of dollars in property seized from Iranian citizens through an organization called Setad ... From Reuters. ... SEE ALSO.  PART I ... Email More ... Iran ... OR ... ....(size: 11.4Kb)

Edit LA Daily News
14 Nov 2013
Even though USC is only a four-point underdog against No ... Bailey said he understood why fans favored the Cardinal ... But Bailey said he is not among those who do not give USC a chance ... USC’s termed the game a “near-sellout.”. When USC lost to Notre Dame last month, Bailey said the Irish were nowhere near as physical as Stanford would be Saturday ... Stop the pass ... Former USC defensive tackle Shaun Cody attended practice. ....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Fresno Bee
14 Nov 2013
The creamy filling in these rankings may be soft but check out the historic crust. You have Alabama and Florida State on top, destined to meet for this season's Bowl Championship Series title, offset by a new bottom of Texas and USC ... Rank/School (W-L)/Comment/ (last week's ranking). 1; Alabama 9-0; Upcoming BCS train conductor calls ... (1) ... (3) ... (4) ... 4 vs ... (5) ... (6) ... (2) ... (9) ... 25; USC 7-3; Orgeron agrees to narrate Animal Planet special ... Texas, USC....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
14 Nov 2013
USC defensive end Leonard Williams said Wednesday that he planned to play against fifth-ranked Stanford despite a right shoulder injury that could require postseason surgery ... "I'm just feeling like I'm getting a lot of my strength back so I should be able to go Saturday," he said ... "He's going to have to play, and play well," USC interim Coach Ed Orgeron said ... Too much? ... Former USC defensive lineman Shaun Cody attended practice ... Twitter ... 0....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
14 Nov 2013
As a theater major at USC, Cyrus Hobbi is accustomed to studying dramas. But the burly Trojans offensive lineman never anticipated that he would be at the center of one on the football field and in social media ... "It put things in perspective," he said ... Some said he was horrible ... To quit life ... Trules has been teaching at USC since 1986 ... He was confident going into the game and during the first half, when USC took a 14-7 lead ... 1 2 next ... 0 ... ....(size: 7.0Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
14 Nov 2013
We're two weeks from Thanksgiving and still no one has satisfactorily explained how USC scored only seven points against Washington State on Sept ... Recent columns Also The Times' top 25 college football rankings Traumatic game makes dramatic stage material for USC athlete USC's Marqise Lee expects bigger role against No ... USC piled up 193 yards in total offense ... 5 Stanford favored by only three points against unranked USC? ... USC Trojans ....(size: 6.3Kb)
Edit Sacramento Bee
14 Nov 2013
Alexyz Vaioletama scored 12 points for the Trojans in their home opener. Cierra Warren scored all of her 21 points in the second half for the Aztecs (0-2) ... Order Reprint ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit The Charlotte Observer
14 Nov 2013
We're two weeks from Thanksgiving and still no one has satisfactorily explained how USC scored only seven points against Washington State on Sept. 7. I've asked mailmen, real estate agents and dog-walkers, but all they do is shrug ... USC piled up 193 yards in total offense ... But wait, there's more.. How is No. 5 Stanford favored by only three points against unranked USC?. Didn't Stanford score 55 against Washington State and USC seven? ... 19 ... 10....(size: 5.6Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
14 Nov 2013
New Coach Andy Enfield's first USC men's basketball recruiting class is highlighted by point guard Jordan McLaughlin plus forwards Malik Price-Martin and center Jabari Craig. Enfield said, "We are excited to sign three very talented players who will contribute to the future success of our program ... Johnson has told his inner circle it will come down to USC, Kentucky or Arizona ... USC Trojans defeat Cal State Northridge, 95-79 ... USC Trojans ....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit The Examiner
14 Nov 2013
The third-ranked Washington Huskies took care of business, sweeping UCLA to set up another showdown with No. 4 USC ... In a back and forth opening set, the Huskies came up big late in the set ... The Huskies, who lead USC by 1.5 games in the Pac-12, host the fourth-ranked Trojans on Friday night ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit Austin American Statesman
14 Nov 2013
TURNUPDKR, With Caution. Last Week. 4-2 ATS 2-4 SU. For the Year. 33-31-2 (.516) ATS 52-14 (.788) SU ... Anyhow... Ouch ... "Haha, I don't think we have to worry about that." ... SU - AuburnStanford -4 @ USC.. Gone are the days of USC being a 40-point favorite in this game, but Stanford had better watch it here, USC has won three straight and finds itself in position to capture the South division if things fall just right ... Stanford 24 USC 17 ... Yeah ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
14 Nov 2013
The creamy filling in these rankings may be soft but check out the historic crust. You have Alabama and Florida State on top, destined to meet for this season's Bowl Championship Series title, offset by a new bottom of Texas and USC ... 1; Alabama 9-0; Upcoming BCS train conductor calls. "Starkville, Chattanooga and non-stop to Petticoat Junction." (1) ... (3) ... 25; USC 7-3; Orgeron agrees to narrate Animal Planet special ... Texas, USC ... USC Trojans ....(size: 7.6Kb)
Edit noodls
14 Nov 2013
(Source. DC United). Washington, D.C. (November 13, 2013) - D.C. United today announced that its non-profit arm, United for D.C., will hold its League of Champions tournament to mark the end of United Soccer Club's (USC) fall season. The event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 10a.m.-2p.m. on the RFK Stadium Training Field and will involve participants, ages 6-12, from USC's current season....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit The Dallas Morning News
14 Nov 2013
What do you think Kevin Sumlin's future plans are? I am guessing he views A&M as both a nice fit and a very nice place to coach and won't be cajoled with other college offers such as USC ... He's making, what, $2.5 million now? He's going to get a raise, no question, but how much is A&M going to pay? What if USC goes to $5 million? A&M should match it, but I'm not sure that's going to be enough....(size: 6.6Kb)

USC is a three-letter abbreviation that may refer to:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Patrick Capper "Pat" Haden (born January 23, 1953) is the athletic director at the University of Southern California. He played quarterback for the USC Trojans before playing professionally in the NFL for the Los Angeles Rams from 1976 to 1981. He is a Rhodes Scholar, was a practicing attorney from 1982 to 1987, and was a partner at Riordan, Lewis & Haden, a private equity firm, from 1987 to 2010. He is also known for his work as a former sportscaster, beginning with CBS Sports in 1982, and ending his career in that field as a color commentator for NBC Sports Notre Dame football coverage.

Haden was born in New York to working-class Irish parents, the fourth of five children. He had a close relationship with his mother, Helen Haden, who told her children to "Live your life so that you have standing room only at your funeral."

As a boy, Haden had a boyhood paper route, then worked at a shoe store where he also pushed accessories in order to earn an extra commission. He had the same mentality in sports, where he used smarts and toughness he gained from keeping up with his older brothers to compensate for physical shortcomings. By high school, his parents had moved to Southern California.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Ed Orgeron (born July 27, 1961) is an American football coach who is currently serving as the defensive coordinator/defensive line coach/recruiting coordinator for the USC Trojans. Orgeron previously served as the head football coach of the Ole Miss Rebels from 2005 to 2007. Prior to that, Orgeron was one of the highest paid assistant coaches in college football, with an annual salary of $650,000.

Orgeron attended South Lafourche High School in Galliano, Louisiana with former Michigan Panthers, New Orleans Saints, and Atlanta Falcons quarterback Bobby Hebert. Orgeron and Hebert played on the school's Class 4A state championship team in 1977. Orgeron then signed to play college ball at Louisiana State University, but he transferred to Northwestern State University after one practice. He is of Cajun descent.

Orgeron returned to the college ranks in 1994 at Nicholls State University before moving to Syracuse University in 1995, where he met his wife Kelly in 1996.

Before being hired by Mississippi, he was the defensive line coach and assistant head coach for the University of Southern California (USC) where he played a key role in Pete Carroll's Trojans winning the Rose Bowl and Associated Press National Championship in 2003 and the Bowl Championship Series National Championship in 2004. He joined the USC staff in January 1998 under the coaching regime of Paul Hackett, and was retained by Carroll when Hackett was fired in 2000. Under Carroll, Orgeron took on the added responsibility of recruiting coordinator for the Trojans in 2001, and was then named assistant head coach in 2003.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Throwing crosses on our skin, we saved ourselfs
Settin' my standard, teach your trends
through the dirt all in your ears
and all the dead dogs of hell they cross our veins, remain afraid
and the emptyness we feel it cuts the pain, torch the plains
Throwing crosses on our skin, I saved Myself
Failing up and dropping in, though the truth all in your breath
And all the tiretracks we lead across the back remain the same.
In the hollow sound to blacken clouds relieve your saggy taste
And I know i never promised a thing
And surrender aint a part of your game
But hunny i aint taking the blame.
You were the wind that set sail in my sin.
Worry for the best, for concequence
And take just what i need.
10 thousand feet, forfill your creep
Ill bring you to your knees
And I know i never promised a thing
And surrender aint a part of your game
But hunny i aint taking the blame.

Pulse straight from the sky
twenty pine boxes all stacked to the side
creatures of violence, creatures of violence
cultures sold, keepers of dead men's souls
preachers of white lies, preachers of white lies
dreams about gold, salvation overthrow
cinema starring, bright light picture show x2
you dream the dream
pulse straight from the sky
twenty pine boxes all stacked to the side
creatures of violence, creatures of violence
dreams about gold, salvation overthrow
cinema starring, bright light picture show
you dream the dream

Desperate times in vain of the weakend man
The path we choose is seldom free of leaves
The crimes I gaze on, they're in you're hands
They pray on you and they gave in over me
avenge your suns
With flames too high
That fire must burn
To a thousand stories high
With what remains
Do what you will
The truth is told
Whats dead is dead
Dusty roads to pave on, where do you stand
The street names froe the vein's of seldomscene
The skies you gaze on, here comes your man
The summer heats the trail of broken dreams
avenge your suns
With flames too high
That fire must burn
To a thousand stories high
With what remains
Do what you will
The truth is told
Whats dead is dead
Fire stands throughout the day
spark the prey in hunters eyes
tonight we raise the night away
a pain that never cares
set the sails, before the light
drape the fears between the cries
our redemption comes tonight
so light the signal fires
Desperate times in vain of the weakend man
The path we choose is seldom free of leaves
The crimes I gaze on, they're in you're hands
They prey on you and they gave in over me
avenge your suns
With flames too high
That fire must burn
To a thousand stories high
With what remains
Do what you will
The truth is told

There's one thing you should know
And two things that you need
The first one you can find
The second i've given
I'll bring it out of you
If you take it out of me
Is creeping down your thighs
Your makin me shallow
From the cornors to the curbs
To the keepers of the faith
To the comets in your eyes
You take it for granted
Oh was i suppose to show
Oh was i suppose to care
That danger look inside
That smile is my poison
Time takes the will away
Not a moment to spare
In the time it takes to reject the pain
A gun cannot repair
Time takes it's time
As you take me down
And blind my eyes
And break me down to size
As you take me down
And blind my eyes
And break me down to size
Time takes the will away
Not a moment to spare
In the time it takes to reject the pain
A gun cannot repair
Time takes it's time
Takes you back
Breaks you down to size
As you take me down
And blind my eyes
And break me down to size
As you take me down
And blind my eyes

Gotta find a reason!
And this reason weighs well!
There's not a goddamn thing
That you can prescribe
To help me through another night
It's the start of a season!
And this season won't change!
And there's a fire inside
the ones that we hide
Brought down away fro the light! God Damn!
(small guitar solo)
Inaudible screaming
We're gonna tell you why
And i came to see
All the finer things
they got to offer tonight
You're a delicate resource
We're gonna suck you dry!
Cause there's a side of our kind
watching you why not
Kick back enjoy the ride.
Forget prevention of our use
Just breath through
Tonight we'll try
to fade out through the sun
storm on everyone
Judge rings might dry
the poison on our hands
could someone take a stand
Gotta find a reason!
And this reason weighs well!
There's not a goddamn thing
That you can prescribe
To help me through another night
It's the start of a season!
And this season won't change!
And there's a fire inside
the ones that we hide
Brought down away fro the light!
Forget prevention of our use
Just breath through
Tonight we'll try
to fade out through the sun
storm on everyone
Judge rings might dry
the poison on our hands
could someone take a stand for me
So cross your fingers
Cause tonight we come alive
Regulate on everything
Amongst the chills we spill
the skies we'll come undone
Raining blood on everything!
Forget prevention of our use
Don't let the beatings drag you down
You don't accomplish things inside
Just breath through
Tonight we'll try
to fade out through the sun
storm on everyone
Judge rings might dry
the poison on our hands

Marching towards the sun
The command thats under no one
Master of war and lords
The rain falls for 13 days
The horses seem to know their number
Focus on you alone
All i've got is what you see x3
Pick up the stones that decay
On this small ground
Pick up the stones that decay
Its my gift to you
The purest pain a man can live through
Just in an afternoon
Admeral greed the sea
Born again amongst these trees
Rooting on in, into history
All i've got is what you see x3
Pick up the stones that decay
On this small ground
Pick up the stones that decay
Marching towards the sun
The dark command thats under no one
Master of war and lords
The rain falls for 13 days
The horses seem to know their number
Focus on you alone
All i've got is what you see x3
Pick up the stones that decay
On this small ground

Got a painting of a story
Done some years ago
About a man who had it all
But had to go
He seen more than he could hold
Lost his mind again,
Wife the holy whore
And all guns on this bound for glory
bombs and babies know
When they glow
Resurection of a harsh man
Painter in a home
Found their glasses on a cruse bricks of stone
If you see him let me know
All he wanted was to watch his children grow
And all guns on this bound for glory
Bombs and babies know

Get me know you mother f's
We take our medication
Push the pill amend the cure
To fast to fade to slow to hide
And when we come down
We come motherfucker help into grill
Our new vacation has already failed to fail
Lets make some heroin
My god is helpin in
Who said we gonna get that girl tonight
And when we come down
We come motherfucker help into grill
Its new vacation so ready to fail to fail
We'll never cool cause we're
Going through hell
Going through hell
Going through hell
Fact we've been there twice tonight
Going through hell
Going through hell
Going through hell
vacuation of so
going through hell
going through hell
going through hell
Pack your bags we'll set the light
Your running with our arms
No swing before the cause
All the lies we have inside
All the lies we have inside
We'll never cool cause we're
Going through hell
Going through hell
Going through hell
Fact we've been there twice tonight
Going through hell
Going through hell
Going through hell
vacuation of so
Going through hell
Going through hell
Going through hell

sleeping eye on waking day
the blood torn field from which i came
long may i reign
in the battle of ancient betray
makes no difference, because you are not my kind
makes no difference, world has been blackened
i am shadow i am light
take my stand on shaking ground
the open sea for which i'm bound
long may i reign
fuck it to die is today

roman candles in the sky, the moonlight ransom
i am the visions encased in your spine, and the beating of her drum
burn my bridges just for fun, how i doubt you
tenderfoot and lashing tongue, i will run you through
scrape out what's left of my mind
come dine with demons, step inside the weather's fine
a new view to enjoy
scale down the mountains, paradise lost and destroyed
take my body, take my mind
does my name escape you?
i am the lake that still burns hot with fire

As the smoke retreating through the snow
An open door
Foot prints trail by crimson life no more
The skin is cold
Search lights beam to the coast
And ohh
Falls with the tide low
Thoughts from your killer dance my way
Thoughts from your killer dance my way
Way x 3
Marble stones are cast across the shore
Are colorful
Tales of lin of grey the sea alone
Are comin home
I don't know when you go
And ohh
Fells like a lost soul
Thoughts from your killer dance my way
Thoughts from your killer dance my way

Didn't think you'd ever get so far
It was down in georgia in the back of your car
Did they ever get a name
You left him dead in the rain
You had a crooked smile
Im sorry i helped with the miles
Couldn't find you in the pain and scene
Where the wild things roam and the air is clean
But those ruthless angels kept tracking your soul
To a golden sky down in mexico
Justified it isn't what i want
I used to stop your eyes
Make you take what i want
Did u ever do the same
And fall in love with the pain
You know i never tried
I got to hooked off the high
Couldn't find me in the pain and scene
Where the wild things roam and the air is clean
But those ruthless angels kept tracking my soul
To a golden sky down in mexico
You gotta win us over x2
Couldn't find us in the pain and scene
Where the wild things roam and the air is clean
But those ruthless angels they kept tracking our soul's
To a golden sky down in mexico

Unleash the dogs of war on love tonight, before they maul the brave,
Stone these pimps and whores and hang them high, and wen they die a clearer sun will rise, and blaze on everything.
Fuck that way of life and fuck you too.
Im gonna soak the silk with sweat tonight, within the pink i sink, let me dance beside the devil in your eyes.
My god they finally found a way to terrorise the sane, we do it better in the night can you.
We take it easy, we take it twice, we tremble through the night with you.
Clean you up with th blood that i spill, and take you down through the night.

An ultralviolet saw her
Raise the back of pain
So i cut you deep inside to
Symbolize the game
Electric tales that call me
Stare without reframe
Well i sit inside the miles
To gather what you gave
So don't stray close to the sun
The wind with your face
Engaging the gun
Eclipsing the pain
We're crushing through your gate our
Distance is away
It's what america our
Children take the blame
A competition where
The medals choke the game
Resistance secret follow
Hard to show the shame
So don't stray close to the sun
The wind with your face
Engaging the gun
Eclipsing the pain
Close to the sun
The wind with your face
Engaging the gun
Eclipsing the pain
In the sky we gaze on
No ones at home
For to Long x2
Rejected palates dark sin
Came from state to state
Requested medals break the backs
Of those who wait
Electric tales that call me
Stare without reframe
Well i sit inside the miles
To gather what you gave
So don't stray close to the sun
The wind with your face
Engaging the gun

The Lightning in the sky between us
Maintain some noise of the day
Creedence is strong as horizon
Boulder then cry
Blood soaked landslide
And blue sky
Tortured by darkness till sundays
And your dead kids
I'll give ya something worth fighting for
And open their eyes
Now the blood of the fountain receids us
Beckoned to light in the fame
Mad house of pain without reason
Oh what can defy
Why count the battle cry
And blue sky
Tortured by darkness till sundays
And your dead kids
I'll give ya something worth fighting for
And open their eyes
The light of the compass, the feeling this day
Open their eyes, space for the lives
Severence is calling they know where we lie
Save you we try, welcome to the new life
And blue sky
Tortured by darkness till sundays
And your dead kids
I'll give ya something worth fighting for

My conscience all simmered
My duragne in another mans soul
In a land were love is forsaken
Its kinda hard to climb out these holes
And it stains, yea it stains your soul
And its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
My thought is all shaken
Look down my carrier foe
Crusified in the image of nothing
And you'll never promise unknown
And it stains, yea it stains your soul
And its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
Days slow, i'm so
Days slow time, i'm so
Days slow, i'm
My conscience all simmered
My duragne in another mans soul
In a land were love is forsaken
Its kinda hard to climb out these holes
And it stains, yea it stains your soul
And it stains, yea it stains your soul
And its taking me over
Yea its taking me over
Yea its taking me over

Bright lights take the place of the sun.
Dark skies mean its time to have fun.
Dead Dogs on the side of the roads (species american)
Stand up lory lock and reload (species american)
Travel light but theres weight in my gun.
they wanna know what county im from.
Double Down road gypsies inch further (species american)
Tired bones lyin next to each other (species american)

Well satan the ending
We wait for begining
Can't you see my soul has been warped in
Constant rejection, we wait for acception
And we drive my heart inside your skin
Kingdom of crosses and tally the losses
Can't you see my soul has been warped in
The hatred's accending the truth is decending
And we drive my heart inside your skin
The patience is ending, with flashes of envy
Open wide my thoughts of satan's men
Destination destruction we seek reconstruction
Can't you see my heart has been killed in
Our guitly is dawning with changes are calling
Open wide my thoughts of satan's men
The hatred's decending the truth is accending
Womans gasp in and i will keep you in
When that feeling cut my eye
Spun me round to see that pain
Was gave in on me
Cause in this game your playing rough
Catching scars and breathing back
The claim for me
Second guessing, seconds lost
Pass that torch, cause i am back
On my feet once again

God speaks his love through splits in tongues
white light come forth right death before
you go breathe again
and smile for the first time
you go breathe again
and smile for the first time
white light come forth right death before
you go breathe again
and smile for the first time
you go breathe again

Palm Springs
A decade in the salt and sun
The body clocks and the tears they run
No moderation to attract
Nor to fail to hide my shame
Or the cause that it brings
Don't trust your eyes
They'll never tell you whats inside
The bodies lie in a bed of white
This resurection is infact
Just a field of disery
Or the cause that it brings
If your not scared
Then why'd you bring that gun
Dead bodies baking in the center of the sun
Hand grenades will blow away
The passion let it burn away
Your mother said i was the one
Jesus im a sinner
Jesus im your sin
Jesus im a sinner
Yes im by myself again
Jesus im a sinner
In those choked rythem waves
One of men and children
That could never find a way
If your not scared
Then why'd you bring that gun
Dead bodies baking in the center of the sun
Hand grenades will blow away
The passion let it burn away
Your mother said i was the one
I'll get a gun
Live the better days
In a dream
With bikers and the eldery
Their halo's choke on my haunting mouth
Just so they can see, the dirty cel
If your not scared
Then why'd you bring that gun
Dead bodies baking in the center of the sun
Hand grenades will blow away
The passion let it burn away
Your mother said i was the one

Can i feel the sun again
Will my eyes over beam that color red
Would i want to start i've lost
is know back again
And the black clouds
Circle round my head
And i failed you in the way x2
Can i fill it up again
Self indulged to im kicking through the bends
Well until i've lost
A new scar was born
And your face seem to dance under the flame
And i failed you in the way x2
Do you know what you've done
Know who you saved
Don't you care that we see
That bullshit you crave

Everytime im climbing
Struggling deciding
My senses remind me
one less crutch of my life
you hold me back
and you bring me down once again

I'll take control
And toss the coin that i came to hold
Reap the crops i dared to sow
Within the days we roam
Seven sins for the weak to hold
Stronger men have gained control
It's starting to sting
My days grown cold
We hardly knew what we had to know
We have left but not alone
Rain sway in southern planes
Whispers of the dead remain
Locked in bars and rusting through my veins
Could you kindly remind me why
Seldom the change and frequent the fire a glance
To put it simply, death is at hand
Within those pale blue lifeless eyes
Bury your head surrender the trial a glance
I set it free and gave it the chance
To watch, you die.
I'd take your life away
Consequences look the same
Soaked in blood or naked in the rain
Could you kindly remind me why
Seldom the change and frequent the fire a glance
To put it simply, death is at hand
Within those pale blue lifeless eyes
Bury your head surrender the trial a glance
I set it free and gave it the chance
To watch, you die.
Well i'll take your life away
Consequences look the same
Soaked in blood or naked in the rain
Could you kindly remind me why
Seldom the change and frequent the fire a glance
To put it simply, death is at hand
Within those pale blue lifeless eyes
Bury your head surrender the trial a glance
I set it free and gave it the chance

Teach us not to play fair, we are, trapped the name of the game.
And the time rolls on, you didnt have to wait long.
Picture the holes in your head, we made, war of your worlds taking place.
And the skies glow, the mirror has two-faced us all.
Time wont drag too long
Climb to drag you down

Tin soldiers could start the war
scrap medals for sale
buy twilight of misery
death metal prevails
polish my eye
to the polished stone
the alloy is weakening by the hammer thrown
some say that heaven's a home
others find comfort in fire down below
we got friends on both sides
some are still living and others have died
blood of my eye, love blinded and violent
blood of my eye, love blinded and violent
if the bright lights you swim between
should flicker and fail
shock currents will set you free
black winds fill your sails
polish my eye, to the polished stone
the alloy is weakening by the hammer thrown

The passion is ending.
Lets fall together and it will fall apart.
And now the dead-end to finding the ropes round our necks.
So how far can we stretch the fighting.
Face made of death on our graves.
So trace the failings of kills for thrills
Less estimation, the passion filled, the desperate, the wasting away.
To hide to die, built to fill, but not to break.
So climb the steps of the deadlines.
They came together and the'll come apart.
Like smiles, backwards for beatings, these days end tonight.
The nights into days, were grazing.
The fields of dead memories that should be.
So trace the failings of kills for thrills
Less estimation, the passion filled, the desperate, the wasting away.
To hide to die, built to fill, but not to break.
I think ive lost my mind tonight.
So i think ill blow your mind, this time
The passion filled, the desperate, the wasting away.

Keep down by the ones who sat by your side
Guts blushing on a night shadow lonley pize
In the house with no home, cut to size
Hoplessly divided
I bent down into the knife
In the path of my foes, left to die
Visions of the highway
I bent back into the light
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can't sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
Ten seconds till the blackout parts with his crime
Got money don't buy in, dont buy the light
In the house with no home, cut to size
Hoplessly divided
I bent down into the knife
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can't sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
Lay down, got rythem
Where trying to find it
On stage like a luminous gunner
Where trying to find it
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can' sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies

life starts in stages, signs of control
as sweet as the moon does shine
life scars in stages, size of the soul
as sweet as the moon does shine
stay gold, reclaim your eyes

Strive to fade
Savor the pain
Slow down brigade
Key to the valet
Bombs away
Soak in the day
Sunshine parade
Brilliant decay
Can't stay calm
Feel the need to be alone
And i im to small

I like you to start while
You can't by far ohh
But you got the nerves of someone that cares
And if there where bright skies
Would you come shade on our farm
The future is bolder than anyone can see
Lips from your mother
Eyes that come stare through the sun
No good could you cover
All the cruel things that we've done
Bullets that fly by
Shot by the gun with no horns
Death is endurence, perfectly clean
And if there where bright skies
Would you come shade on our farm
The future is bolder than anyone can see
Lips from your mother
Eyes that come stare through the sun
No good could you cover

between the cracks in the sky
lies a gambler's vacation
the odds are as sweet as a white desert heat
gravity keeps to the shade
as the sunlight drains the sickness away
the calories climb as i die in your mind
so push the mountains aside
no room for the valley to hide
oh i'll be the rocket
you be the sky
within the cavernous mind
there's a candle for gazin'
embracing the face of dead lover's remains
while you lie today
the loneliness will never fade
we'll watch you die under the sun
so push the mountains aside
no room for the valley to hide
oh i'll be the rocket
you be the sky
between the rivers of spite
the blood of the sun will ignite
collapsing the diamond shine of your eyes
so push the mountains aside
no room for the valley to hide
oh i'll be the rocket
you be the sky
between the rivers of spite
the blood of the sun will ignite

Gagged and bound in pen and ink dead fall. The reiteration. The shallow depth of words that no one ever hears. There is numbness in speaking meaningless idioms to a faceless mass. I know the gridlock and the stalemates. I know insignificance all too well.

Military livestock bred to expand state control. The underclass, suppressed, underprivileged and lured by incentive. Church and state, hand in hand, lead them through the trenches of war. A nation born blind should have been terminated in it's infancy. There is no purity in the glory of commercialized patriotism, it's drenched in the filth of their deceit.

All that is artificial maintains us. That which exists is inadequate. The hypocrisies of technology betray our senses. Simulated emotions, fooled again. We're labels and files in cabinets. Payroll accounts and calculations. We're gears that run the machine that dictates life as we know it (and we don't). We're gears that run the machine that dictates our lives. We're rung of our humanity on which technocracy thrives. We're expendable figures, we're liquidation. We're character strings and data statements. We learn, live and die a number.

The perpetual cycle rotates on the axis of despair. The unbroken link stands untouched by question. So uninterested we merely turn our heads. Uneducated, unrealistic, unsensible, so unrealistic, unsensible, so unrealistic, we sit and watch the cycle feed. If people had the power to snap their fingers to change the face value of life, many would withhold the energy, much rather watch in false pity. Around, the cycle rotates on the axis of despair. Untouched by question, we merely sit and stare. Such a blatant disregard for the fundamentals of existence, dwelling in a state of apathy, so obedient we follow. So uninterested we merely turn our heads, rather watch in false pity. No profit, no personal gain. Concentration, evolution, extinction. Whispering, speaking, screaming lies.

I look at all the faceless. I see the pleasures of the lifeless. A witness to a passing phase of those who ruled my days. You're now in line joining the grand parade of lifelessness. Blind leading blind.

Along with the art of conquest and domination, we have developed the absolute science of ignorance and bound it in text of generations of the unthinking. Between the lines of a one sided history, reads the bitter truth of exploitation. The echoes of dehumanization can still be heard in the hills of Wounded Knee or the streets of Bensonhurst.

I've never wanted to admit the absolute and to it's no absolution. that with much knowledge comes much anguish. that privity becomes Pandora''s plague. it is the iodine that indelibly stains. It is a lupus that disseminates and infects our being from the day we are born. Never will I sleep again until I''ve plundered every chapter and ripped out every page. I will slash and burn and salt the earth so that nothing will grow.

Time does nothing but work against me. I wake alone and walk alone between the walls that insecurity has built around me. forced into circuits, into circles, into cycles. I find all my refuge in corners. it''s the only place where things meet

The clowns are now the ringmasters backed with the arsenal of the economy. Our ears are plugged when we speak the tongue of reality. Failure to accept the truths, we speak of peace but push civilization to the edge. We can't build harmony on apathy and can't live on dreams alone. I pledge allegiance to the symbol of power and greed. It stands for a false republic under the guidance of a question mark god. Raping some, stealing from others. Fighting to scale the class ladder that splinters so many hands. Uncivilized. I'd rather close my eyes.

The process of revolution has already littered the streets of Leningrad. The indivisible masses have been victimized by the pages of their own history. What they held in their hands slipped through their fingers and into the grip of the common threat. The wall they allow to be built around them, segregates by hope and nullifies their dream. Inseverable by principal, consolidated under common banner, the failure of emancipation, torn apart by their creation. A people who's self determination was the kingpin to their so called liberation, stand blindsided by misconception. Nullified revolution. Emancipation, deception.

The stories are always the same and the excuses even more familiar. Another generation of slaves and masters coughed up and reswallowed. Another stagnant continuum of the status quo. Increments of time are the barriers of this isolation. Over these walls there isn''t a life worth pursuing.

Enumerate the nameless and the unarticulated. Falsify their saintliness and chisel them into stone. From the distance I can hear your silence and I beg you not to fall into this snare. Of the many things worthy of dying there are none worthy of killing. Read what is hidden behind the paper, color and tears. They are double edged. Here every life given is adorned with the guilt of a life stolen from another child that cries for a loved one they never knew.

Dare to speak of hope and aspiration. these foul words, manufactured idols and the bait of lemmings. only futility is eternity. only one sunrise will tell

Speaking in the name of decaying foundation. Thoughts of mass sterilization, distorting choices for a dreamlike salvation. Factory made humans, plastic souls, empty goals. The back street butchers smile.

Nail down in contempt all that threatens with thought or bother. A crusade of listlessness and obedience to prosthetic actuality. Our effortless evasion of efforts is the definition of complacency in it's truest form. We idolize and defy with idle eyes and emptiness

We starve our children before the banquet of knowledge while politicians indulge in the feasts of war.

Disaffection falls like rain soaking the tempers of a distended kinship. Common culture gains momentum as common enemy. You stare antagonism in the eyes, but at a closer look you're face to face with coexistence. How far will opinions shove? To the edge of hatred or the end of...

The penetrating stares of judge and jury condemn emotion, dictate the standards of said principles and bore plasticity through your character. Life slowly turns into a sterile cage of uniformity and enforced morality. Tolerance is nothing but void. The individual has been canceled.

The pigment of imagination has been woven into the fabric of constitution (Article I, Section II). Our framework has been dictated in black and white. Compromised to fraction, reduced to body politic equation. It's time to burn the white robes of american history along with the flags and symbols of our concentration camp land.