- published: 11 Sep 2011
- views: 3476006
- author: UberHaxorNova

How to Repair a DEAD Computer
In this video Carey takes a dead HP computer and shows you the cheapest and easiest way to...
published: 15 Feb 2012
author: CareyHolzman
How to Repair a DEAD Computer
How to Repair a DEAD Computer
In this video Carey takes a dead HP computer and shows you the cheapest and easiest way to reliably repair it. See more of Carey's video's here: http://www.Y...- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 175152
- author: CareyHolzman

Car Bumper Repair-How To Fix A Cracked Bumper Cover
2 Part Epoxy Glue is the best way to fix a cracked flexible bumper cover. http://www.swrnc...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: diyautoschool
Car Bumper Repair-How To Fix A Cracked Bumper Cover
Car Bumper Repair-How To Fix A Cracked Bumper Cover
2 Part Epoxy Glue is the best way to fix a cracked flexible bumper cover. http://www.swrnc.com or 972-420-1293.- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 77387
- author: diyautoschool

Plasma TV repair. Don't make this mistake.
Click here to see my website. http://tvrepairinfo.com Click here to find your TV repair pa...
published: 17 Feb 2013
author: Grants Pass TV Repair
Plasma TV repair. Don't make this mistake.
Plasma TV repair. Don't make this mistake.
Click here to see my website. http://tvrepairinfo.com Click here to find your TV repair part.http://bit.ly/ShopJimmy1 This is a Panasonic Plasma TV. Model nu...- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 15182
- author: Grants Pass TV Repair

How to repair rusted wheel wells on a Chevy Silverado part 1
step by step in depth repair and the birth of chooch....
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: HackNpackShop
How to repair rusted wheel wells on a Chevy Silverado part 1
How to repair rusted wheel wells on a Chevy Silverado part 1
step by step in depth repair and the birth of chooch.- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 72011
- author: HackNpackShop

EEVblog #347 - Bad Cap LCD Monitor Repair
Forum Topic: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog-specific/eevblog-347-bad-cap-lcd-monitor-re...
published: 07 Sep 2012
author: EEVblog
EEVblog #347 - Bad Cap LCD Monitor Repair
EEVblog #347 - Bad Cap LCD Monitor Repair
Forum Topic: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog-specific/eevblog-347-bad-cap-lcd-monitor-repair/ Repairing and replacing the bad caps in a Samsung SyncMaster ...- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 57791
- author: EEVblog

Samsung Galaxy S3 Glass Screen Replacement Repair Change - TUTORIAL
Step by Step Tutorial , Easy to Follow ! VIsit our web page http://www.gadgetdoctorworldwi...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: GadgetDoctorUSA
Samsung Galaxy S3 Glass Screen Replacement Repair Change - TUTORIAL
Samsung Galaxy S3 Glass Screen Replacement Repair Change - TUTORIAL
Step by Step Tutorial , Easy to Follow ! VIsit our web page http://www.gadgetdoctorworldwide.com/ or facebook page for more info https://www.facebook.com/Gad...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 192059
- author: GadgetDoctorUSA

Proper automotive rust repair
A quick video that follows a rust repair I did on my daughter's car. The right way of deal...
published: 10 Aug 2012
author: bsgautomobile
Proper automotive rust repair
Proper automotive rust repair
A quick video that follows a rust repair I did on my daughter's car. The right way of dealing with rust is cutting it out and welding new metal in, no other ...- published: 10 Aug 2012
- views: 87566
- author: bsgautomobile

Fran Fixes It: Vintage Shop Dehumidifier Repair
Okay back to my messy shop fixing broken stuff - Here is my 80's vintage dehumidifier-turn...
published: 03 May 2013
author: Fran Blanche
Fran Fixes It: Vintage Shop Dehumidifier Repair
Fran Fixes It: Vintage Shop Dehumidifier Repair
Okay back to my messy shop fixing broken stuff - Here is my 80's vintage dehumidifier-turned-ice-maker that I decided to repair rather than throw out. A mess...- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 5061
- author: Fran Blanche

Light Bulb Trick / Inverter Repair
I repair another inverter and demonstrate the old troubleshooting trick of using a light b...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: Jerry Pommer
Light Bulb Trick / Inverter Repair
Light Bulb Trick / Inverter Repair
I repair another inverter and demonstrate the old troubleshooting trick of using a light bulb to help track down a short.- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 3623
- author: Jerry Pommer

published: 07 Jan 2012
author: Tampatec
Must See TV FIX EASY COMMON Samsung TV Repair Repairing LNT LCD PLASMA TV FIX SERVICE VIDEO TUTORIAL HELP Capacitors I Buy My TV Repair Parts Here: http://bi...- published: 07 Jan 2012
- views: 270865
- author: Tampatec

How to repair a leadlight or stained glass panel
Repair a curved leadlight door panel. Start to finish on fixing a panel. Written text embe...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: karalnz
How to repair a leadlight or stained glass panel
How to repair a leadlight or stained glass panel
Repair a curved leadlight door panel. Start to finish on fixing a panel. Written text embedded within video, is deaf friendly. The repair is an "unusual solu...- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 6058
- author: karalnz

Budget Bog Dent Repair
In this episode Marty and Moog show you how to repair a dent with body filler and basic it...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: mightycarmods
Budget Bog Dent Repair
Budget Bog Dent Repair
In this episode Marty and Moog show you how to repair a dent with body filler and basic items found in your home garage Check out some of the MAAD stuff on t...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 312075
- author: mightycarmods

Give your speakers a new life! Showing you how to refoam your woofers by installing new su...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: MrInternet69
Give your speakers a new life! Showing you how to refoam your woofers by installing new surrounds. You can save a lot of money by replacing your old deterior...- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 8855
- author: MrInternet69
Vimeo results:

The mighty Joseph Kosinski invited Munkowitz to the GFX party once again, this time for hi...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: GMUNK
The mighty Joseph Kosinski invited Munkowitz to the GFX party once again, this time for his spring blockbuster feature film OBLIVION™… Predictably, the list of graphic assets to be created was obscene, so munko assembled and led another super team of GFX mercenaries and descended into the lovely confines of Crater Lake Productions to generate the aforementioned fuckload of graphic content… Working with Joseph always brings out the best in Munk and Company, and this time around was certainly no exception… OBLIVION © Universal Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A more thorough GFX Breakdown at: http://work.gmunk.com/OBLIVION-GFX
The briefing for the Graphic Language stressed functionality and minimalism while utilizing a bright, unified color palette that would appear equally well on both a dark or bright backdrop… The function was to reflect the modernized sensibilities of the TET Mainframe computer and would assist the characters with the key components of their duties on earth; be it the monitoring of all Vitals on the ground using Vika's Light Table, or the various diagnostics in the air using the Jack's Bubbleship… For good measure, the team also designed and animated all of the HUD UI for the various machines and weaponry in the film cuz they could, establishing a consistent graphic language that rendered all the interfaces with a loverly cohesion rarely seen in them massive-budget Sci-Fi productions...
One of the most widely seen Graphic elements was Vika's Light Table, which allowed her to guide Jack Harper through his tasks as a Drone repair man in the field of duty… The table itself was built practically, so most of the visuals were captured in-camera, lending a beautiful optical touch to the design ( thx Joe & Claudio )… The table consisted of four screens: A main map that Vika used to monitor the Bubbleship, Drone, and Scav positioning, a Drone Monitor which tracked all their key vitals and fuel status, A Hydro Rig monitor that displayed the collection progress for the large resource gatherers over the ocean, and finally a Weather Screen which showed the Tet's online status and also key vitals of the ever-changing weather systems… A couple extra tasks had the team designing another Map Diagnostic screen on a milky-white breakfast table top and a few key standalone windows that were analyzing Rogue Signal feeds that were key story points in the film...
Jack's helicopter, a remarkable Daniel Simon creation called the Bubbleship, was Jack's paramount vehicle in the film… The UI appeared as a hologram embedded within the spherical glass cockpit, done to perfection by the lovely folks at Pixomondo, and functioned to assist Jack in his flight and combat duties throughout the film… The team researched a grip of Flight simulator and Helicopter Combat interfaces and sought to modernize the aesthetic while still delivering key functionality that would mimic real-world flight tools... And of course the team didn't want to fuck up Simon's baby with ugly UI, the German wrath was implanted deep within and ultimately, the Bubbleship UI was by far the most researched and pampered graphic task...
The team also designed all of the Machinery HUDs and various Gauges in the film, be it the Drone Machine Vision, Jack's Gun HUD, all the Scav equipment and some of Jack's smaller vehicles... The interfaces again stressed functionality over excess, keeping the Greeble under control and communicating key story points throughout the film.. All of these graphic elements were ingested by the VFX Vendors and ultimately integrated seamlessly into the live-action plates; many thanks mighty peoples...
OBLVN Light Table UI Credit list
Production Facility: Crater Lake Productions
Oblivion Director: Joseph Kosinski
Oblivion Producer: Steve Gaubs
Oblivion Assistant Producer: David Feinblserbr
Graphics Design Director: Bradley G Munkowitz
Lead Graphic Designers: Bradley G Munkowitz, Jake Sargeant
Graphic Designers: Joseph Chanimal, Alexander Perry
Lead Graphics Animators: David Lewandowski, Joseph Chanimal
Graphics Animator: Alexander Perry
OBLVN Bubbleship UI Credit list
Graphics Design Director: Bradley G Munkowitz
Lead Graphic Designers: Bradley G Munkowitz, Joseph Chanimal
Lead Graphics Animator: Navarro Parker
Graphics Animator: Joseph Chanimal
OBLVN HUD GFX Credit list
Graphics Design Director: Bradley G Munkowitz
Lead Graphic Designers: Joseph Chanimal, Bradley G Munkowitz
Graphic Designer: Alexander Perry
Lead Graphics Animators: Navarro Parker, Alexander Perry
Graphics Animator: Joseph Chanimal
OBLVN Process Montage Credit list
Production Facility: Autofuss
Design Director: Bradley G Munkowitz
Lead Editor: Ian Colon
Director of Photography: Ian Colon

The Shoemaker
Made in Brooklyn: The Shoemaker
Frank Catalfumo is a 91 year old shoemaker and repairer i...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: Dustin Cohen
The Shoemaker
Made in Brooklyn: The Shoemaker
Frank Catalfumo is a 91 year old shoemaker and repairer in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. He first opened the doors to F&C; Shoes in 1945 and continues to work five days a week alongside his son Michael. If you're ever in the area, make sure to stop by the shop and listen to one of Frank's amazing stories about life in Brooklyn back in the day.
View the photo gallery here: http://dustincohen.com/STORIES/THE-SHOEMAKER/thumbs/
Directed by Dustin Cohen, Filmed by Dustin Cohen and Michael Hurley, Edited by Bill Kemmler, Color Grading by Simon Biswas.

Instruments of Robot Repair
From analog drum machines to vintage guitars, orchestral percussion to circuit-bent childr...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: robot repair
Instruments of Robot Repair
From analog drum machines to vintage guitars, orchestral percussion to circuit-bent children's toys, 1980s Russian synthesizers to Indian harmoniums…these are the instruments of Robot Repair.

Well, here it is, my finished thesis!
At SVA, everyone graduating has to complete a thes...
published: 02 Apr 2009
author: Erica Kobren
Well, here it is, my finished thesis!
At SVA, everyone graduating has to complete a thesis. As Computer Art majors, we started the process at the beginning of our junior year.
From the beginning, I knew I wanted to have my thesis about dreams and lucid dreaming. (The subject has always fascinated me. My AP Art portfolio in high school was also about dreams!) Coming up with a story, however, was hard. I wanted to make it about my own dreams, so it started out as someone just traveling through all these random dreams. After coming up with concept art and storyboarding it all out, I realized that it was just too long and confusing.
So, I picked out one of my favorite dreams, where I'm flying, and transform into a hawk. It needed some sort of storyline, so I incorporated another dream where I "wake up" and fly out my bedroom window.
The rest of junior year was spent tweaking storyboards and making production schedules. At this point, I knew that I wanted to use the Waking Life rotoscope technique. Every second, every frame, would be that much more work. The deadline of April 2009 was always looming.
The summer of 2008 was spent filming. Starting out, I was using a Sony HDR-HC7. Great camera, until there was a problem with the tape drive! (Luckily it was under warranty, so it got sent off to be repaired.) However, I still had most of my filming to do, so I was able to get ahold of a Sony HDR-HC9... even better! I used an Ewa-Marine underwater housing (Really, it just looked like a big ziplock bag! But it kept my camera dry, and that's all that matters!) for all the "flying" sequences.
Senior year, Fall 2008. Thesis work really begins. I worked with my thesis advisor to really tighten my cut, trimming out any unnecessary frames. Then, every frame was hand drawn in Photoshop. This part took the longest, about five months. Then color was added in After Effects. Aaaand... here it is!
The title comes from reading the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge. In it, he uses the word oneironaut to mean "explorer of the dream world." I scanned in that page, and you can see it in the background in the very beginning, if you look closely!
The music used is "Escape into the Twilight" by Skrypnyk. You can download it for free from Overclocked Remix!
Youtube results:

Exhaust Flange Repair
Exhaust Flange Repair....
published: 25 Sep 2012
author: richpin06a
Exhaust Flange Repair

Upgrading and Repairing PCs: HDD Mechanics
Upgrading and Repairing PCs: HDD Mechanics....
published: 17 Sep 2011
author: mxnskillz
Upgrading and Repairing PCs: HDD Mechanics
Upgrading and Repairing PCs: HDD Mechanics
Upgrading and Repairing PCs: HDD Mechanics.- published: 17 Sep 2011
- views: 188995
- author: mxnskillz

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" Screen Replacement Repair Guide
http://www.RepairsUniverse.com/samsung-galaxy-tab-2-screen-replacements-repair-parts.html ...
published: 08 Aug 2013
author: RepairsUniverse
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" Screen Replacement Repair Guide
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" Screen Replacement Repair Guide
http://www.RepairsUniverse.com/samsung-galaxy-tab-2-screen-replacements-repair-parts.html - This repair guide for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" will walk you t...- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 23037
- author: RepairsUniverse

Repairing Remote Controls
Click here to see my website. http://tvrepairinfo.com Click here to find your TV repair pa...
published: 15 Sep 2010
author: Grants Pass TV Repair
Repairing Remote Controls
Repairing Remote Controls
Click here to see my website. http://tvrepairinfo.com Click here to find your TV repair part.http://bit.ly/ShopJimmy1 Buying a new remote control can be an e...- published: 15 Sep 2010
- views: 63319
- author: Grants Pass TV Repair