Top Five is a 2014 American comedy film written and directed by Chris Rock. The film, which stars Rock, Rosario Dawson, and Gabrielle Union, was screened in the Special Presentations section of the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. The movie follows New York City comedian and film star Andre Allen (Rock), who has to confront his past and comedic career while doing an interview with journalist Chelsea Brown (Dawson). The film was released on December 12, 2014, by Paramount Pictures.
New York Times reporter Chelsea Brown is spending a day interviewing comedian and recovering alcoholic Andre Allen, star of the hit film franchise Hammy The Bear, about a cop in a bear suit. He is attempting a foray into serious films with Uprize, in which he portrays Haitian Revolution figure Dutty Boukman, and sensitive to criticism, particularly by Times critic James Nielson, whose previous reviews of Andre's work have been negative and insulting. As the interview begins in his limousine, Andre recalls his lowest point, when he was in Houston in 2003 and met Jazzy Dee, who supplied him with drugs, alcohol and women. Yet after Jazzy refused to pay the women, they contended they were raped, leading to Andre's arrest.
The Emcee's Properganda is Jin's second studio album. It was released on October 25, 2005. The whole album was produced by Golden Child with the exception of "Properganda", which was produced by Demo. The album was recorded at No Mystery Studios and engineered by Vinny Nicoletti. The album was mixed at Storm Studios by Storm. "Top 5 (Dead or Alive)" was released as a 12" vinyl single with "Perspectives" as the B-side. The music video for "Top 5 (Dead or Alive)" was directed by Todd Angkasuwan. The song "G.O.L.D.E.N." was used on the soundtrack of the video-game Saints Row on the fictional radio station KRHYME 95.4.
All tracks produced by Golden Child, with the exception of track 6 "Properganda" produced by Demo.
The Emcee
Top 5 (Dead or Alive)