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No More Searching! Get all the information you want! comes to you mind No More Searching!

Get all the information you want, on one page, directly from your favourite browser's address bar. Simply write what you are looking for after in your browser of choice and WN does the rest!

Within seconds you will have a page full of the information that you want.

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Wn scours hundreds of millions of videos, news articles, images, biographies, song lyrics, reviews, books, movies. Getting the best of the internet at your fingertips.

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Create playlists

Playlists are a collection of videos created by WN users.

Playlists can be created by writing what you are looking for after in your browser.

create playlist

Your Playlist is present on the right side of the videoplayer.

You can modify your playlist, remove, add or reorder the videos.

Add videos to playlists

Use the search box placed under the playlist to search for the videos:

Hover over the Video thumbnail you want to add to the playlist. Click the Add icon on a video to add it to a playlist.

Delete videos from playlist

Hover over the Video thumbnail you want to delete. Remove video from playlist by clicking on "x" icon.

Edit, reorder, and manage playlists

Make changes to your playlists by visiting your Edit Manager:

Reorder videos in your playlist by dragging and dropping the video to rearrange it.


if desired, also add /fs (for Full Screen) and /r (for Replay or Repeat)

Add the following to the end of your search for additional features:
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Wn scours hundreds of millions of videos, news articles, images, biographies, song lyrics, reviews, books, movies...the list goes on and with new content being added everyday, Wn is a resource you will wonder how you lived your online life without.

Just write what you want to know into your browser. Life is complicated enough. Getting at the best of the web shouldn't be...


WN is the right choice for you if you are tired tired of searching the Internet.

WN simply means...No More Searching.

Just write what you want to find out. It really is that simple.

WN is your window to the internet.

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