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italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Saturday October 19, 2013 08:47 by FdCA - Fano/Pesaro   image 1 image
La Rete Precar*, Disoccupat*, Lavoratori e Lavoratrici che ha organizzato lo sciopero sociale intende ora proseguire nella costruzione di un tessuto di solidarietà e di mutuo appoggio, di lotta e di denuncia, che avrà il suo momento fondativo nell'assemblea che si terrà sabato 19 ottobre alle ore 17.00 presso il CSA Oltrefrontiera di Pesaro in Via Leoncavallo. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday October 18, 2013 16:42 by Ilan S.
La tensione nell'aria è alta - in attesa di vedere se la cresciuta pressione internazionale su Israele porterà a qualche risultato. Il contributo di Israele alle potenze imperialiste è strettamente legato ai compromessi in Siria ed in Iran ed alla diminuita dipendenza USA dal petrolio del Mediterraneo. L'atteso ritiro di Israele almeno da alcune aree della Cisgiordania fa aumentare gli sforzi dei coloni e delle forze di stato nell'accelerare gli sgomberi striscianti dei contadini e dei pastori palestinesi dalla Valle del Giordano e dalle colline di Hebron. Gli attivisti israeliani si sono uniti (soprattutto nel weekend) ai contadini palestinesi nel fare da deterrente ai maltrattamenti dei coloni supportati dalle forze di stato. [English] read full story / add a comment
iberia / lotte sindacali / cronaca Thursday October 17, 2013 20:51 by Confederación General Del Trabajo   image 1 image
“Non basta resistere, costruiamo la autogestione” è il motto scelto dalla CGT per la riunione del suo massimo organo decisionale. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
iberia / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday October 15, 2013 22:54 by Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
“No basta con resistir, construyamos la autogestión” es el lema que ha elegido la CGT para la reunión de su máximo órgano de decisión. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Εμείς από την Ομοσπονδία Αναρχικών του Ρίο Ντε Τζανέιρο απορρίπτουμε κατηγορηματικά τις τελευταίες πολιτικές διώξεις από την Βραζιλιάνικη κυβέρνηση στο Ρίο Ντε Τζανέιρο. Θέλουμε να δείξουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στoυς συντρόφους του Frente Independente Popular (Ανεξάρτητο Λαϊκό Μέτωπο), την Organização Anarquista Terra e Liberdade ( Αναρχική Οργάνωση για την γη και την ελευθερία-ΟΑTL) και τους πολλούς συντρόφους ( 17 εντάλματα) που ξύπνησαν από τις κλήσεις της ομοσπονδιακής αστυνομίας και της αντιτρομοκρατικής, που χτύπησαν τις πόρτες τους. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday October 15, 2013 04:36 by Ilan S.
The tension in the air is high - waiting to see if the increased international pressure on Israel will yield some results. The contribution of Israel to the imperial powers is shrinking due to the compromises in Syria and Iran, and due to the diminishing dependency of US on the Mediterranean oil. The expected retreat of Israel from at least parts of the west bank increase the efforts of both the settlers and the state force to hasten the creeping transfer of the Palestinian peasants and shepherds from the Jordan valley and the Hebron hills. Israeli activists join (mainly on weekends) the Palestinian farmers to deter part of the harassments of settlers supported by state forces. The joint struggle in the usual locations the anarchists against the wall participate in continue. Bil'in**, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, and even Sheikh Jarakh also draw lot of internationals. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia dell'anarchismo / cronaca Monday October 07, 2013 17:28 by Centro Documentazione Franco Salomone   image 1 image
Nella prima metà degli anni '50 del XX secolo, in una dimensione internazionale caratterizzata dalla dura contrapposizione tra i due blocchi egemoni (USA vs URSS), i Gruppi Anarchici di Azione Proletaria cercarono di sottoporre a una rigorosa analisi la mutata struttura dello sfruttamento capitalistico, sforzandosi di coglierne novità e linee di tendenza, analizzarono l'azione dell'imperialismo internazionale, comunque mascherato, cercando di coglierne le caratteristiche e tentarono di formulare una proposta strategica capace di opporsi al disegno complessivo dell'imperialismo... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday October 07, 2013 17:16 by Ilan S.
Il detto cinese "che tu possa vivere in tempi interessanti" si è recentemente materializzato nella nostra regione. Il sorprendente disinnesco della questione delle armi chimiche siriane e del programma nucleare iraniano ha esposto Israele a maggiori pressioni da parte dell'Europa. Nonostante il relativo boom economico, la popolazione israeliana ed ancor più quel vessato "ceto medio", vittima dell'applicazione delle misure neoliberiste, stanno iniziando ad esprimere il loro risentimento. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Thursday October 03, 2013 17:55 by Ilan S.
The Chinese curse "have interesting days" has materialized lately in our region. The surprising de-escalation of the Syrian chemical weapons and the Iranian atomic program has left Israel exposed to escalation pressures from Europe. In spite of the relative economic boom, the Israeli people and more so the downgraded "middle class", victims of the intensive application of neo-liberalism, are starting to express resentment. The media is vibrating with subjects related to the emigration of middle-class people whose nationalism is gradually being eroded by both neo-liberalism and the fear of the price of the continued occupation. This is not just a background to the joint struggle but also responsible for the burnout of activists. Though not at their peak, the weekly joint demonstrations and the involvement with Palestinian resistance to the crawling transfer continues. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / repression / prisoners / news report Thursday October 03, 2013 17:51 by Evandro Couto   image 1 image
The Workers' Party (PT - Partido dos Trabalhadores) government in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) is carrying out a witch hunt and raiding the homes and public premises of leftist organizations and social movements. On the afternoon of Tuesday 1 October 2013 the Ateneu Libertário A Batalha da Várzea, which is used for political and social purposes by the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) was raided by the repressive forces of Tarso Genro's PT government for the second time. The door of the headquarters was broken down and the interior and equipment were overturned. On a table a note was left that read: "I came by and the door was open. I'd like to participate in the FAG". [Português] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday September 27, 2013 17:26 by Ilan S.
Lo sgombero dei Palestinesi dal confini del 1948 non è mai stato completato. Però tuttora continua con modalità più soft e più striscianti. Con la conseguenza di un generalizzato stato di oppressione e di maltrattamenti che ha portato all'emigrazione di molti palestinesi cristiani dal nord del paese. Un'altra conseguenza è il graduale sgombero dei Beduini del sud impegnati nella lotta unitaria nel villaggio di Araqeeb e contro il decreto Farber. All'interno dei confini del 1967 gli sforzi per gli sgomberi si concentrano nella Valle del Giordano a danno delle comunità di pastori del sud, in particolare a Susya. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday September 24, 2013 23:05 by Ilan S.
The transfer of the Palestinians from the 1948 borders never completed. So, it continued on a milder crawling mode up to the present. One aspect was general oppression and harassment that resulted in the emigration of many of the Christian Palestinians of the north of the country. Another was the gradual transfer of the Bedouins of the south with joint struggle around the Arakib village and the Farber decree. Within the 1967 borders the transfer efforts are in the Jordan valley and the shepherd communities in the south with Susia as focus. More on the news were joint struggles along the separation fence - Bil'in, Ni'ilin, etc., and other places settler outposts and neighboring encroached on villages land like Beit Ommar, Nabi Saleh and Qaddum. Lately in the news: "In one tape, Mubarak is heard claiming that some six months before his ouster, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with him about a plan he was considering, to displace the Gaza Strip's population into the Sinai Peninsula." [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday September 19, 2013 17:08 by Ilan S.
Le forze di stato israeliane non si limitano nella loro violenza alla repressione delle azioni dirette e nemmeno ai villaggi dove avvengono le azioni dirette. Cercano anche di coinvolgere il sistema giudiziario militare e civile, puntando ad ulteriori danni, pagamento di cauzioni, ordinanze di restrizione a lungo e breve termine, condanne a brevi periodi di carcere e persino fino a 18 mesi per gli attivisti palestinesi. [English] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anti-fascism / news report Wednesday September 18, 2013 18:14 by Occupy All Streets   image 3 images
Antifascist worker and hip hop artist murdered by Golden Dawn nazis in Piraeus read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday September 18, 2013 15:30 by Ilan S.
The Israeli State forces do not restrict their harassment to the suppression of direct actions, nor to harassment of the villages involved between the direct actions. They involve the military and civilian judicial system - harassment, extracting monetary fines, short- and long-term restriction orders, short jail sentences, and even longer sentences up to 18 months for Palestinian participants. Several dozen Palestinians have been murdered during the non-armed direct actions. Many Palestinians and about a dozen Israelis have been seriously injured. Hundreds of thousands of shekels in expenses for lawyers and fines have been paid and are still owed... Many participants have dropped out due to burnout but some who initiated the joint struggle and many who joined it along the years still persist. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anti-fascism / news report Wednesday September 18, 2013 14:51 by Glykosymoritis   image 1 image
Photo of the murdered Pavlos Fyssas via Το κουτί της Πανδώρας read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Νέα Wednesday September 18, 2013 05:30 by Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία Ροσινάντε   image 1 image
Κυκλοφόρησε η ανανεωμένη "ροσινάντε" νο 30 read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / education / news report Monday September 16, 2013 22:12 by andrew   text 1 comment (last - monday september 23, 2013 19:43)   image 1 image
In 2012 the attempt by the government to Quebec to introduce a 75% fee hike was defeated by the organisation of a mass student strike that lasted over 6 months. That fee increase was part of the global process of imposing the privatisation and commodification of education. Since the victory, organisers of the strike have been being doing speaking tours to aid the process whereby "youth and students everywhere are becoming increasingly conscious of the need to organize as a means to defend education as a social right". In September this tour reaches Ireland where we need to hear how a sustained and militant student movement that can win is built. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / education / news report Saturday September 14, 2013 06:12 by Scott Campbell   image 1 image   video 2 video files
With the state pushing reform forward, the National Representative Assembly of the CNTE decided to call off the beginning of the school year and declared an indefinite work stoppage starting on August 19. They called for a massive convergence in the Zócalo and for more than three weeks, over 40,000 teachers from all corners of Mexico have reinforced the encampment, turning the Zócalo into a tent and tarp city. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / news report Sunday September 08, 2013 23:00 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Dear comrades of the FARJ, It is with great honour that we send greetings to you on your tenth anniversary (30th August 2013) and in commemorating ten years of militant commitment to the arduous task of building a counter-power that can advance towards libertarian socialism, to anarchy. read full story / add a comment
CARTA OPINIÓN - FAU - SETIEMBRE 2013 - Cuando esperar cambios desde arriba no conduce a nada...

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Tue 22 Oct, 06:17

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