John Passant

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a neoliberal and imperialist wet dream? Not surprising since it is being negotiated in secret and Abbott will try to spring it on us soon enough. I have written about it in the next Red Flag, due out on Wednesday. Subscribe now. And yes, we have digital subscriptions too. (1)

NSA hacks Rupert Murdoch's phones
In breaking news the NSA has confirmed it has hacked Rupert Murdoch’s private phones for eleven years. ‘The fight against terrorism knows no bounds,’ spokesthing Joseph Dzhugashvili said.  Barack Obama said ‘Of course.’ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Australia’s spy agencies had broken any AUSTRALIAN laws in helping the Americans. (0)

What firefighters really think of the Liberals
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Put the hypocrites last"][/caption] (0)

Operational reasons
For operational reasons this blog will be closed until further notice. Eric Blair, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs. (0)

Boozy feral pig dies
A boozy feral pig has died in a car accident. The name of the Abbott government minister has not yet been released. (0)

Your tax dollars hard at work

Put the slipper in
Barnaby Joyce: “This is not thousands of dollars. This is hundreds of dollars.” Like the $900 Peter Slipper claimed for his alleged wine tour you mean? Treat Brandis and Joyce like Slipper. Put them on trial too. (0)

Tuesday's interview
My interview on Tuesday morning with Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp on 3KND. (0)

Very naughty boys rule, OK?
Bill Shorten says the era of the Messiah is over. Yeah. Very naught boys rule, OK? (0)

Me on Razor Sharp last week
Me on Razor Sharp with Sharon Firebrace last week on 3 KND.



Tax and class war

Priorities eh? Scrap the school kids bonus and increase the superannuation tax on those people earning less than $37000 while at the same time saving multi-millionaire superannuants about $20,000 in tax a year and multinational companies $600 million a year. Class war anyone?


The Melbourne Cup of capitalism

The one percent are the only ones who profit from the competition. You can bet on that. Maybe it is time for a Boxer rebellion to end the rat race and farm out the benefits to all. It has to be better than flogging a dead horse.

Police, horse dribblers and other merde

If there is any hope it lies in the proles. The most important battles in the weeks and months to come are likely to be by unions, in particular building unions. The Abbott government has signaled a brutal crackdown on the CFMEU and other building unions in the near future, especially through its soon to be revitalised Australian Building and Construction Commission.

To drive back the repressive state, we must join together with building unions to help them win their fight against repression and in their victory create the space for freedom to blossom.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a neoliberal and imperialist wet dream? Not surprising since it is being negotiated in secret and Abbott will try to spring it on us soon enough. I have written about it in the next Red Flag, due out on Wednesday. Subscribe now. And yes, we have digital subscriptions [...]

Australia cuts and runs from Afghanistan

We need to be clear. Afghanistan is a defeat for US and Australian imperialism.

Calling a spade a spade

Let’s call a spade a spade Scott Morrison.

Victoria police threaten academic

Me in Independent Australia. ‘Academic John Passant has been subjected to vile threats after writing about a recent demonstration against education cuts — and has traced some of them back to Victoria Police.’,5857

Saturday’s socialist speak out

Given Campbell Newman’s public direction to judges to harden the fuckup (or words to that effect) why isn’t he in the slammer for contempt of court? No trial necessary, just a decision by a judge that he is in contempt and off he goes for a few days or weeks or months in jail. No trial, no jury, no evidence. Sort of doing a Newman to Newman.

Samsung unionist dies

Yesterday a worker from one of Samsung’s semiconductor plants in South Korea was found dead at 5am. It appears that he was subject to months of adverse action and management cut his pay because he was in the union. It is suspected that he committed suicide due to management bullying.

NSA hacks Rupert Murdoch’s phones

In breaking news the NSA has confirmed it has hacked Rupert Murdoch’s private phones for eleven years. ‘The fight against terrorism knows no bounds,’ spokesthing Joseph Dzhugashvili said.  Barack Obama said ‘Of course.’ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Australia’s spy agencies had broken any AUSTRALIAN laws in helping the Americans.