John Passant

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September 2013
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The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a neoliberal and imperialist wet dream? Not surprising since it is being negotiated in secret and Abbott will try to spring it on us soon enough. I have written about it in the next Red Flag, due out on Wednesday. Subscribe now. And yes, we have digital subscriptions too. (1)

NSA hacks Rupert Murdoch's phones
In breaking news the NSA has confirmed it has hacked Rupert Murdoch’s private phones for eleven years. ‘The fight against terrorism knows no bounds,’ spokesthing Joseph Dzhugashvili said.  Barack Obama said ‘Of course.’ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Australia’s spy agencies had broken any AUSTRALIAN laws in helping the Americans. (0)

What firefighters really think of the Liberals
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Put the hypocrites last"][/caption] (0)

Operational reasons
For operational reasons this blog will be closed until further notice. Eric Blair, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs. (0)

Boozy feral pig dies
A boozy feral pig has died in a car accident. The name of the Abbott government minister has not yet been released. (0)

Your tax dollars hard at work

Put the slipper in
Barnaby Joyce: “This is not thousands of dollars. This is hundreds of dollars.” Like the $900 Peter Slipper claimed for his alleged wine tour you mean? Treat Brandis and Joyce like Slipper. Put them on trial too. (0)

Tuesday's interview
My interview on Tuesday morning with Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp on 3KND. (0)

Very naughty boys rule, OK?
Bill Shorten says the era of the Messiah is over. Yeah. Very naught boys rule, OK? (0)

Me on Razor Sharp last week
Me on Razor Sharp with Sharon Firebrace last week on 3 KND.



Archive for September, 2013

Labor’s faction fiction

Prominent past and present Labor politicians, liberal literati and ALP well-wishers in the Murdoch press have been complaining for years about the influence of factions inside the party writes Rick Kuhn in Red Flag.

Whether this whingeing is accompanied by calls to curb connections with the unions or not, it is part of a campaign to liquidate Labor’s links with its working class base. That would turn the ALP into a pastel version of the deep blue Liberal Party, the equivalent of the US Democratic Party, another straightforward party of big business.


Put the slipper in

Barnaby Joyce: “This is not thousands of dollars. This is hundreds of dollars.” Like the $900 Peter Slipper claimed for his alleged wine tour you mean? Treat Brandis and Joyce like Slipper. Put them on trial too.

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run run run

This silence looks to me like complicity on the part of the Abbott government in the deaths of at least 22 asylum seekers. ‘If you want to seek sanctuary from war, rape, genocide, murder, torture, as is your right, this Australian government will not help you. We will dance on your grave.’ That seems to be the logic of Abbott on the run from reporters and their questions about this latest disaster.

We need free child care

Working class parents, their kids and childcare workers all have the same interests: high quality, free and accessible child care, provided by workers who are treated with respect and paid a decent wage.

Saturday’s socialist speak out

The IPCC is clear. Climate change is real. It is a result of human activity (read capitalism and the way production for profit is organised.) The time to act is now; not the irrelevant discourse of a price on carbon or direct action that the parties of neoliberalism sprout but a real globally focussed program of action to address the existential threat to humanity and, for those short term profiteers, capitalism itself. It looks to me that only a democratic planned economy based on satisfying human need can do that. That is socialism.

The GST has never really been off their ‘tax the workers’ agenda

There is an alternative to finding new ways to tax workers and the poor. There is an alternative to the Goods and Services Tax. Tax the rich.

Tuesday’s interview

My interview on Tuesday morning with Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp on 3KND.

Nairobi shopping mall horror is the high price of Western intervention

The horror in Kenya is a direct product of Western intervention writes Ken Olende in Socialist Worker UK.

Very naughty boys rule, OK?

Bill Shorten says the era of the Messiah is over. Yeah. Very naught boys rule, OK?

Some other senseless killings

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism carries the following estimates for the numbers killed by US drones, including those on Obama’s watch since 2009.