- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 9788
- author: Imnas Imtias

Forum Remaja Peringkat Kebangsaan 2012 - Kedah ( Naib Johan & Ahli Panel Terbaik ).
Forum Remaja Peringkat Kebangsaan 2012 - Kedah ( Naib Johan & Ahli Panel Terbaik ). SMK Da...
published: 16 Mar 2013
author: Imnas Imtias
Forum Remaja Peringkat Kebangsaan 2012 - Kedah ( Naib Johan & Ahli Panel Terbaik ).
Forum Remaja Peringkat Kebangsaan 2012 - Kedah ( Naib Johan & Ahli Panel Terbaik ).
Forum Remaja Peringkat Kebangsaan 2012 - Kedah ( Naib Johan & Ahli Panel Terbaik ). SMK Datuk Syed Ahmad, Kedah. Tempat : Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpu...- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 9788
- author: Imnas Imtias

Managing Stress: Protecting Your Health | The Forum at HSPH
Sustained over time, stress can undermine health in serious and sometimes deadly ways. In ...
published: 07 Mar 2013
author: Harvard
Managing Stress: Protecting Your Health | The Forum at HSPH
Managing Stress: Protecting Your Health | The Forum at HSPH
Sustained over time, stress can undermine health in serious and sometimes deadly ways. In this Forum event, expert participants examined what we know about t...- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 2225
- author: Harvard

Forum Perdana 6 Jun 2013 - Ustaz Kazim Elias, Ustaz Don Daniyal , dan Ustazah Dr Sharifah Hayati
Facebook UKE Ustaz Kazim Elias https://www.facebook.com/ustazmohdkazim Facebook Ustaz Don ...
published: 08 Jun 2013
author: ikonoto2
Forum Perdana 6 Jun 2013 - Ustaz Kazim Elias, Ustaz Don Daniyal , dan Ustazah Dr Sharifah Hayati
Forum Perdana 6 Jun 2013 - Ustaz Kazim Elias, Ustaz Don Daniyal , dan Ustazah Dr Sharifah Hayati
Facebook UKE Ustaz Kazim Elias https://www.facebook.com/ustazmohdkazim Facebook Ustaz Don Daniyal https://www.facebook.com/UstazDonDaniyalDonBiyajid https://...- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 80577
- author: ikonoto2

TVUNO L'AQUILA - Una finta aquilana titolare di un negozio inesistente a Forum dice che L'...
published: 26 Mar 2011
author: TV UNO S.r.l. L\'Aquila
TVUNO L'AQUILA - Una finta aquilana titolare di un negozio inesistente a Forum dice che L'Aquila è ricostruita. E' accaduto ieri nel corso della trasmissione...- published: 26 Mar 2011
- views: 63382
- author: TV UNO S.r.l. L\'Aquila

How To Make A Forum in 10 minutes // Step by Step Tutorial!!
Coupon Avengers Link: http://www.couponavengers.com/host-gator-coupon-codes/ This tutorial...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: MyHomeStartup
How To Make A Forum in 10 minutes // Step by Step Tutorial!!
How To Make A Forum in 10 minutes // Step by Step Tutorial!!
Coupon Avengers Link: http://www.couponavengers.com/host-gator-coupon-codes/ This tutorial is the ultimate walkthrough on How To Make A Forum. After looking ...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 50276
- author: MyHomeStartup

MAURIZIO CROZZA - Ballarò 29/03/2011 - La finta terremotata a Forum
Ballarò 2011 - Copertina di Maurizio Crozza - Puntata del 29-03-2011 - LA FINTA TERREMOTAT...
published: 29 Mar 2011
MAURIZIO CROZZA - Ballarò 29/03/2011 - La finta terremotata a Forum
MAURIZIO CROZZA - Ballarò 29/03/2011 - La finta terremotata a Forum
Ballarò 2011 - Copertina di Maurizio Crozza - Puntata del 29-03-2011 - LA FINTA TERREMOTATA AQUILANA A FORUM - Diventa fan: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Satira-Politica/170772992958204- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 40632

White House Social Enterprise and Opportunity Series: Forum on Citizen-based Innovation
The White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in partnership with th...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: whitehouse
White House Social Enterprise and Opportunity Series: Forum on Citizen-based Innovation
White House Social Enterprise and Opportunity Series: Forum on Citizen-based Innovation
The White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in partnership with the White House Office of Public Engagement present the Social Enterp...- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 6872
- author: whitehouse

E' ormai ufficiale che Rita dalla Chiesa lasci per sempre Mediaset ed il suo storico progr...
published: 20 Aug 2013
E' ormai ufficiale che Rita dalla Chiesa lasci per sempre Mediaset ed il suo storico programma Forum.- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 10

How To Behave In Internet Chat Rooms
VideoJug shows you how to take part in a web chat without causing offence to anyone. This ...
published: 07 Apr 2008
author: VideoJug
How To Behave In Internet Chat Rooms
How To Behave In Internet Chat Rooms
VideoJug shows you how to take part in a web chat without causing offence to anyone. This is a guide to internet chat room behaviour covering creating a pers...- published: 07 Apr 2008
- views: 293069
- author: VideoJug

Global Landscapes Forum
For more information:
The Global Landscapes Forum combines ...
published: 05 Sep 2013
Global Landscapes Forum
Global Landscapes Forum
-- For more information: https://www.landscapes.org The Global Landscapes Forum combines into one event two of the world's most influential annual conferences on the role of forests and agriculture in mitigating and adapting to climate change: Forest Day, and Agricultural and Rural Development Day. Footage Hippmedia Productions www.hippmedia.se Tor Ivan Boine: Landscape in motion -- a timelapse https://vimeo.com/user3940524 GoodPlanet: Of Forests and Men -- USA (Edward Norton) https://vimeo.com/goodplanet Rawin Cheasagul: The Tranquility (time lapse) http://www.youtube.com/user/MrUkeApprenticeLANDSCAPE Paolo A.Santos: Landscape Cinematography http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ7z834Fc04 Mockmoon2000: Nature Time Lapse 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t87TWp1Nxg Ian T Hammer: Sky Time Lapse http://www.youtube.com/user/ianthammer TwinFilm: Agriculture https://vimeo.com/twinfilmmedia Joe Louw: LIVING ON https://vimeo.com/joelouw Music wwww.deepeastmusic.com- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 310

Leaders Forum: Question Time
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd answer audience questions at t...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Leaders Forum: Question Time
Leaders Forum: Question Time
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd answer audience questions at the Leaders Forum in Brisbane.- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 286

Forum 2000 Opening Ceremony | Sunday, Sept. 15
Jakub Klepal, Executive Director, Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic
Ivan M....
published: 15 Sep 2013
Forum 2000 Opening Ceremony | Sunday, Sept. 15
Forum 2000 Opening Ceremony | Sunday, Sept. 15
Remarks: Jakub Klepal, Executive Director, Forum 2000 Foundation, Czech Republic Ivan M. Havel, Scientist, Member of the Forum 2000 International Advisory Board, Czech Republic Keynote Speech: Aung San Suu Kyi, Political Leader, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Member of the Forum 2000 International Advisory Board, Burma Moderator: Jan Urban, Journalist, Member of the Forum 2000 Program Council, Czech Republic- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 722

[HOT] Girls' Generation - Gee, 소녀시대 - 지, Global Culture Contents Forum 20131018
Global Culture Contents Forum 2013
Special Guest : Girls' Generation - Gee, 소녀시대 - 지...
published: 18 Oct 2013
[HOT] Girls' Generation - Gee, 소녀시대 - 지, Global Culture Contents Forum 20131018
[HOT] Girls' Generation - Gee, 소녀시대 - 지, Global Culture Contents Forum 20131018
Global Culture Contents Forum 2013 Special Guest : Girls' Generation - Gee, 소녀시대 - 지- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 83053

THINK: A Forum on the Future of Leadership
THINK: A Forum on the Future of Leadership, a major event during IBM's centennial year, br...
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: IBM
THINK: A Forum on the Future of Leadership
THINK: A Forum on the Future of Leadership
THINK: A Forum on the Future of Leadership, a major event during IBM's centennial year, brought together innovative leaders from across the globe to deepen ...- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 181265
- author: IBM
Vimeo results:

Time Warp Project
My graduation project in Film and Video. Done in order to exercise some CG techniques and ...
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: Uirá Lamour
Time Warp Project
My graduation project in Film and Video. Done in order to exercise some CG techniques and improve my portfolio. Done in 3Ds max, Vray, Rayfire, Zbrush, Pftrack, Nuke and AE. Hope you like!
- Meu TCC, feito pra exercitar o 3D e agregar ao portfólio!
Song: The Strokes - You Only Live Once
Time Warp Project on youtube:
More info:

Water ink _ BDDP Unlimited and Solidarités International - UK
To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlim...
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: BDDP Unlimited
Water ink _ BDDP Unlimited and Solidarités International - UK
To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlimited will roll out a campaign to build awareness of the scourge of undrinkable water.
Today, it is estimated that 3.6 million people, including 1.5 million children under the age of 5, die every year of diseases borne by unhealthy water, making it the world’s leading cause of death.
Yet the public isn’t aware of it and political leaders do not demonstrate the drive it takes to end the terrible deaths. The campaign calls on journalists to spread awareness of this scourge and appeal to readers to sign a petition that will be personally handed to the French president during the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012.
To evoke the silent and invisible threat of unhealthy water, BDDP Unlimited opted for a minimalist approach that is both visually appealing and surprising, using water and ink exclusively. The spot shows the power of ink to reveal the invisible.
The spot, created by BDDP Unlimited, produced by Hush and directed by Clément Beauvais, a young director, illustrator, musician and photographer. His multiple talents and mastery of various techniques enabled him to both create the drawings and direct the spot.
The campaign will be seen from mid-March on TV, in cinemas, on the Internet and in print. A dedicated web site, www.votregouttedeau.org, will gather signatures for the petition.

How to increase the Canon 7D dynamic range (Tutorial)
Tutorial on how to use picture styles to increase the dynamic range of the Canon 7D / 5DMk...
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: Luka
How to increase the Canon 7D dynamic range (Tutorial)
Tutorial on how to use picture styles to increase the dynamic range of the Canon 7D / 5DMkII.
Custom picture styles are an amazing feature that almost compensate for the lack of a raw codec for video capture on the Canon DSLRS. The default picture styles on the camera are geard towards producing nice results out of the box but are not very good if you intend to do color correction and grading in postprocessing. This tutorial shows how to use custom picture styles that produce very flat, high dynamic range footage (similar to real film cameras).
The actual picture styles have been made by other people, and here are some references:
Super Flat, Genesis Panalog and Velvia:
Marvel's Cine Style:
If you have problems downloading them, you can get them from here in one package (http://www.crnkovic.org/video/picture_styles.zip). I do however recommend that you get them from the original sources and read the forum posts/blog posts associated with them.
The final example footage was shot handheld (Zacuto rapid fire + zfinder) at Skogskyrkogården cemetery in Stockholm. I scouted the place for a possible future shoot and the footage I shot was never meant for release - it did however come handy in this tutorial as it was all shot using the super flat picture style.

Flickermood 2.0
A film by Sebastian Lange –
The next level of this experimental typographic orgy.
published: 20 Feb 2009
author: Sebastian Lange
Flickermood 2.0
A film by Sebastian Lange –
The next level of this experimental typographic orgy.
Direction and Animation by Sebastian Lange – Music by Forss
Flickermood was basically all done in AE - the soundtrack
is from FORSS (check out his music at http://www.forss.to).
Flickermood has been screened and awarded
on several festivals and events including:
Moving Types Exhibition, Schwäbisch Gmünd, 2012
A DesignFilmFestival, Singapore and DMY Berlin, 2010
The Int'l Festival of Cinema and Technology, Los Angeles
Audiopleasures Audiovisual Weekend, Amsterdam
Audio Visual Media Days 09, Munich
Design Forum Freiburg
International Amsterdam Film Festival 2008 (IAFF).
Animatu Festival 2008, Beja/Lissabon.
Bitfilm Festival 08 in Stuttgart and Hamburg
Adobe booth on NAB '08 in Las Vegas.
Cracow Screen Festival 08
4th Istanbul Animation Festival 07
Flickermood has been published on:
IdN Magazine, Hong Kong, 2010
Print Magazine, New York, 2010
Inksie Journal of Design & Culture, 2010
Designtagebuch.de, 2009
Best Of Bitfilm Reel, 2009
Computer Arts Projects Magazine, UK, 2009
LOOK - Electronic Magazine
Adobe Reel 2008, US
ARD, POLYLUX (German TV-Channel)
Media Temple's collective motion project
DVD magazine Smilefaucet 'UNDO', New York
XPLSV.TV Top Of The Year
Visit our websites for more stuff:
http://mynamewasgod.com and http://www.qu-int.com.
Youtube results:

Leaders Forum: Opening statements
Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott face a group of undecided voters. Read more here: http://bit.ly...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Leaders Forum: Opening statements
Leaders Forum: Opening statements
Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott face a group of undecided voters. Read more here: http://bit.ly/1aqym6r- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 429

Forum 20 Sen: "Subsidi Rakyat Atau Subsidi Korporat" Bhg 2
Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli membidas tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi bahan a...
published: 12 Sep 2013
Forum 20 Sen: "Subsidi Rakyat Atau Subsidi Korporat" Bhg 2
Forum 20 Sen: "Subsidi Rakyat Atau Subsidi Korporat" Bhg 2
Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli membidas tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi bahan api petrol dan diesel sebanyak RM3.3 bilion setahun yang disalurkan kepada kira-kira 28 juta rakyat Malaysia sedangkan subsidi kepada syarikat korporat khususnya penjana tenaga bebas tidak terjejas. Bahagian 1 Hingga 6. Wartawan:Nizam Zain Jurukamera:Yusrizal Suntingan:One Shah http://www.sinarharian.com.my- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 4981

Forum 20 Sen: "Subsidi Rakyat Atau Subsidi Korporat" Bhg 1
Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli membidas tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi bahan a...
published: 12 Sep 2013
Forum 20 Sen: "Subsidi Rakyat Atau Subsidi Korporat" Bhg 1
Forum 20 Sen: "Subsidi Rakyat Atau Subsidi Korporat" Bhg 1
Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli membidas tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi bahan api petrol dan diesel sebanyak RM3.3 bilion setahun yang disalurkan kepada kira-kira 28 juta rakyat Malaysia sedangkan subsidi kepada syarikat korporat khususnya penjana tenaga bebas tidak terjejas. Bahagian 1 Hingga 6. Wartawan:Nizam Zain Jurukamera:Yusrizal Suntingan:One Shah http://www.sinarharian.com.my- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 8692

Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls - Live from The Forum, London
Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls -- Live from The Forum in full, London 25th April 2013 G...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: Frank Turner
Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls - Live from The Forum, London
Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls - Live from The Forum, London
Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls -- Live from The Forum in full, London 25th April 2013 Get Frank's new album "Tape Deck Heart" now on Google Play for just ...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- views: 48538
- author: Frank Turner