The Wayback Machine -
World War Two: The End 1945
My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
Ein Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutschland am 30.April.1945.
The Woman in Green
Köln 1945 - Nahaufnahmen: Zwischen den Fronten im Stadtkampf um Köln.
Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
World War Two: Battlefield - Berlin 1945
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
2eme Guerre Mondiale - Le 8 mai 1945 La capitulation.
Германский флот 1914-1945


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World War Two: The End 1945
  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:16
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

World War Two: The End 1945

The.Lost.Color.Archives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Copy...
  • published: 19 Mar 2013
  • views: 39972
  • author: wicked400m War Two: The End 1945
My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:05:03
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis

Stars: Nina Foch, Dame May Whitty and George Macready Directed by Joseph H. Lewis Screen Play by Muriel Roy Bolton Director of Photography: Burnett Guffey In... Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:58
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD) May, 14 1945. Berlin in ruins (including aerial shots). Music score (Demo O... - May 14, 1945 (HD)
Ein Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutschland am 30.April.1945.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:00
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

Ein Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutschland am 30.April.1945.

  • published: 05 Apr 2013
  • views: 1346
  • author: de GanjAa Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutschland am 30.April.1945.
The Woman in Green
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07:42
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

The Woman in Green

Like what you see!? To get daily classic movie updates, Subscribe to our channel or LIKE us on Facebook or Follow us on...
  • published: 21 Sep 2011
  • views: 121190
  • author: VISOCinema Woman in Green
Köln 1945 - Nahaufnahmen: Zwischen den Fronten im Stadtkampf um Köln.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:27
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Köln 1945 - Nahaufnahmen: Zwischen den Fronten im Stadtkampf um Köln.

Mehr Infos: Shop: Dieses Video zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus der DVD-Dokume...
  • published: 06 Mar 2013
  • views: 7402
  • author: rhineflowöln 1945 - Nahaufnahmen: Zwischen den Fronten im Stadtkampf um Köln.
Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
  • Order:
  • Duration: 41:30
  • Updated: 20 Sep 2013

Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin

14.1.1945, Georgi Konstantinowitsch Schukow, Marschall, Shukow, Zhukov, Generalstabschef der Roten Armee, Durchbruch, Vorstoß, Panzer, Flucht, Flüchtlinge, deutsche Ostgebiete, Küstrin, Polen, Winter, zugefrorene Oder, Oderbruch, Reitwein, reitweiner Sporn, Gräben, Gauleiter von Berlin, Reichsminister Josef Goebbels, Abwehrkampf, Theodor Busse, General der Infanterie, Panzervorstoß, Stalin, Ostpommern, Wehrmacht, Ardennenoffensive, Einheiten des Volkssturms, Evakuierung der Zivilbevölkerung, Seelow, Lebus, Brückenkopf, erbittert umkämpftes Schlachtfeld, Vergleich mit Verdun, Klessin, Panzerwracks, Führerbefehl, Festungskommandanten der Stadt Küstrin an der Oder, Heinz Reinefarth, Generalmajor der Waffen-SS, Artillerie, Bleyen, Küstriner Korridor, Kettenfahrzeuge, Versorgung der Soldaten, 22.3.1945, sowjetischen fünften Stoßarmee, achte Gardearmee, kombinierter Angriff, brennender T34-Panzer, gesprengte Brücken, Rückzug, Angriff auf Berlin, Erste Weißrussische Front, 1st byelorussian front, Erste Ukrainische Front, 1st ukrainian front, Marschall Konev, 2nd byelorussion front, Stargard, Marschall Rokossovsky, Hauptquartier, Landsberg, Lagebesprechung, Brücken bei Göritz, Raketenwerfer, Treibstoff, Munition, Schmiermittel, Raketen, sowjetische Überzahl, Übermacht, 14.4.1945, Artilleriefeuer, Feuersturm, Scheinwerfer als Signal zum Angriff, Beobachtungsposten, Vormarsch, Flakgeschütze, Flugabwehrkanone, telefonischer Bericht an Stalin, Fliegerangriffe, Bahnhof von Dolgelin, Döberitz, Ludwigslust, deutsche Frontlinie, Werbig, Krugberg, Verwundete und viele Gefangene wurden sofort erschossen, Panzer-Division Müncheberg, Verteidigung von Berlin, Schlacht um Berlin, Panzerabwehrgeschütze, gefallene Soldaten, Lietzen, Diedersdorf, Lazarett, Jahnsfelde, Angriff sowjetischer Flugzeuge auf das Hauptlazarett, Spürhunde, sowjetische Pioniere, Suche nach Minen, Landminen, Marktplatz von Seelow, Gefechtsposition, Gehöft Elisenhof, Neunte Armee, General Helmuth Weidling, Kommandeur des Artillerie-Regiments 56, 56. Panzer-Korps, Müncheberg, Reichsstraße 1 nach Berlin, Kampftrupps von Hitlerjungen, Spreewald, Studebaker, General Walther Wenck, 12. Armee, Flughafen Tempelhof, Einnahme des Reichstages, Flakturm Zoo, Türme von Friedrichshain und Humboldthain, Kern der Berliner Verteidigung, Endkampf, Panzerfäuste, Siemensstadt, Charlottenburg, Schutt, weiße Fahnen, Flucht aus Berlin, Selbstmord Adolf Hitlers, Selbstmord Josef Goebbels, Ausbruch aus Berlin, Kapitulation, Volkssturm, Verteidigung des Vaterlandes, Kinder, Tony Le Tissier
  • published: 20 Sep 2013
  • views: 12 an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:16
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬

STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalistic , silly , religious ,communistic nor neo nazi comments , many tha...
  • published: 17 Jan 2011
  • views: 683814
  • author: HCTerrorist Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
World War Two: Battlefield - Berlin 1945
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:55:17
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013

World War Two: Battlefield - Berlin 1945

The Battle in Berlin lasted from 20 April until the morning of 2 May. The Battle was the final major offensive of the European Theatre of World War II. Sovie...
  • published: 20 May 2013
  • views: 971
  • author: wicked400m War Two: Battlefield - Berlin 1945
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]. The first atom bomb to be used as a weapon, "Little Boy" (as was its codename) was dropped on ...
  • published: 01 Aug 2011
  • views: 1165208
  • author: britishpathe Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
2eme Guerre Mondiale - Le 8 mai 1945 La capitulation.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 55:15
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

2eme Guerre Mondiale - Le 8 mai 1945 La capitulation.

Le 8 mai 1945 constitue une date clef. Celle de la signature définitive de la capitulation allemande et le début d'un nouvel affrontement : la guerre froide.... Guerre Mondiale - Le 8 mai 1945 La capitulation.
Германский флот 1914-1945
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:21:20
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Германский флот 1914-1945

Die Geschichte Der Deutschen Kriegs-Marine 1914-1945 Год выхода: 2003 Режиссер: Johannes Haneke После окончания войны (1941-1945гг.) в состав отечественного ...
  • published: 06 Dec 2011
  • views: 90122
  • author: krakozakaГерманский флот 1914-1945
Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:01
  • Updated: 21 Jul 2013

Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3

Les Ailes de la Guerre -- épisode 28 -- "les armes secrètes de la 2ième guerre mondiale" partie 1 : Développé sous le manteau du secret, ces armes portaient ... Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:44:04
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

"Kolberg " (1945) By Veit Harlan, German. A Nazi-produced propaganda film

This is a directly based video for german troops to boost their morale at the end of ww2. And because of this, the film was first shown to German troops in O...
  • published: 15 Sep 2012
  • views: 39003
  • author: skidoctoraz"Kolberg " (1945) By Veit Harlan, German. A Nazi-produced propaganda film
  • World War Two: The End 1945
    World War Two: The End 1945
  • My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis
    My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis
  • BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
    BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
  • Ein Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutschland am 30.April.1945.
    Ein Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutschland am 30.April.1945.
  • The Woman in Green
    The Woman in Green
  • Köln 1945 - Nahaufnahmen: Zwischen den Fronten im Stadtkampf um Köln.
    Köln 1945 - Nahaufnahmen: Zwischen den Fronten im Stadtkampf um Köln.
  • Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
    Durchbruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelower Höhen nach Berlin
  • Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
    Deutsche Wehrmacht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
  • World War Two: Battlefield - Berlin 1945
    World War Two: Battlefield - Berlin 1945
  • Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
    Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
  • 2eme Guerre Mondiale - Le 8 mai 1945 La capitulation.
    2eme Guerre Mondiale - Le 8 mai 1945 La capitulation.
  • Германский флот 1914-1945
    Германский флот 1914-1945
  • Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
    Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
  • 1:44:04
    "Kolberg " (1945) By Veit Harlan, German. A Nazi-produced propaganda film

World War Two: The End 1945

The.Lost.Color.Archives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Copy...
  • published: 19 Mar 2013
  • views: 39972
  • author: wicked400m

World War Two: The End 1945
The.​Lost.​Color.​Archives ------------------------------------------------------------------...
pub­lished: 19 Mar 2013
au­thor: wicked400m
My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) Joseph H. Lewis
Stars: Nina Foch, Dame May Whit­ty and George Macready Di­rect­ed by Joseph H. Lewis Screen P...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2013
au­thor: thieflike­me1
BERLIN - May 14, 1945 (HD)
http://​digilander.​libero.​it/​romanoarchives/​ http://​www.​webalice.​it/​romanoarchives May, 14 ...
pub­lished: 07 Nov 2010
Ein Tag Schreibt Geschichte - Deutsch­land am 30.​April.1945.
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2013
au­thor: de Gan­jAa
The Woman in Green
Like what you see!? To get daily clas­sic movie up­dates, Sub­scribe to our chan­nel http://ow...
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2011
Köln 1945 - Na­hauf­nah­men: Zwis­chen den Fron­ten im Stadtkampf um Köln.
Mehr Infos: http://​www.​rheindvd.​de/​koeln-1945-nahaufnahmen.​html Shop: http://​www.​koelnprog...
pub­lished: 06 Mar 2013
au­thor: rhine­flow
Durch­bruch an der Oder April 1945 - Von den Seelow­er Höhen nach Berlin
14.1.1945, Geor­gi Kon­stanti­now­itsch Schukow, Marschall, Shukow, Zhukov, Gen­er­al­stab­schef d...
pub­lished: 20 Sep 2013
Deutsche Wehrma­cht ╬ 1945 Das Ende ╬
STRICT­LY UN­PO­LIT­I­CAL VIDEO.​please DO NOT post any abu­sive / in­sult­ing , ultra na­tion­al­isti...
pub­lished: 17 Jan 2011
World War Two: Bat­tle­field - Berlin 1945
The Bat­tle in Berlin last­ed from 20 April until the morn­ing of 2 May. The Bat­tle was the f...
pub­lished: 20 May 2013
au­thor: wicked400m
Hi­roshi­ma Atom­ic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]
Hi­roshi­ma Atom­ic Bomb, 1945 - A Day That Shook The World [HD]. The first atom bomb to be u...
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2011
au­thor: british­pathe
2eme Guerre Mon­di­ale - Le 8 mai 1945 La ca­pit­u­la­tion.
Le 8 mai 1945 con­stitue une date clef. Celle de la sig­na­ture défini­tive de la ca­pit­u­la­tion...
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
Германский флот 1914-1945
Die Geschichte Der Deutschen Kriegs-Ma­rine 1914-1945 Год выхода: 2003 Режиссер: Jo­hannes H...
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2011
au­thor: krakoza­ka
Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
Les Ailes de la Guerre -- épisode 28 -- "les armes secrètes de la 2ième guerre mon­di­ale" p...
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2011
"Kol­berg " (1945) By Veit Har­lan, Ger­man. A Nazi-pro­duced pro­pa­gan­da film
This is a di­rect­ly based video for ger­man troops to boost their morale at the end of ww2. ...
pub­lished: 15 Sep 2012
Youtube results:
Map of Nu­cle­ar Ex­plo­sions Since 1945
Japanese artist Isao Hashimo­to has cre­at­ed a beau­ti­ful, un­de­ni­ably scary time-lapse map of...
pub­lished: 13 Dec 2012
Po­larfilm Dres­den Von Der Bluete Bis Zur Zer­stoerung 1945
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2013
au­thor: hei bo
Kriegsende 1945 (un­kom­men­tiert & in Farbe) Zeit­geschichte live
Am 7. Mai 1945 er­gaben sich alle deutschen Trup­pen im Rah­men einer Gesamtka­pit­u­la­tion den ...
pub­lished: 10 Feb 2012
Peiper und die Leib­stan­darte Dezem­ber 1944 - Mai 1945
Peiper and the Leib­stan­darte Dezem­ber 1944 in the Ar­den­nen (Bat­tle of the Bulge) and the t...
pub­lished: 15 Jun 2013
au­thor: Jochen Peiper
photo: Public Domain Photo
 Tyrese Gibson. (dy1)
Edit Belfast Telegraph
02 Dec 2013
Tyrese Gibson takes debris from Paul Walker’s crash site to “keep his energy forever”. The rapper and Paul had been friends and costars for years, starring in the Fast and Furious films together. On Sunday Tyrese paid a visit to the crash site where Paul tragically lost his life, to pay his respects ... “Paul is the heartbeat of this franchise and were gonna see to it that his energy and presence lives on forever #myhearthurtssobad.” ... new ... ....(size: 6.5Kb)
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan
An Amtrak train, top, traveling on an unaffected track, passes a derailed Metro North commuter train, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013 in the Bronx borough of New York.
Edit The Irish Times
03 Dec 2013
The Metro-North Railroad train that hurtled off the rails on a sleepy holiday weekend morning was traveling more than 80 mph (128 km/h) as it approached one of the sharpest curves in the region’s rail system, federal investigators said on Monday - nearly three times the speed permitted through the turn ... Mr Rockefeller was treated at a hospital and released ... “We are not aware of any problems or anomalies with the brakes,” Weener said ... ....(size: 3.5Kb)

Edit BBC News
04 Dec 2013
Live text commentary of nine Premier League matches, including Man Utd v Everton, and two Championship games ... print ... ARE YOU WATCHING DAVID MOYES?- Man Utd v Everton (1945 GMT) ... Arsenal v Hull City (1945 GMT). Liverpool v Norwich City (1945 GMT). Manchester United v Everton (1945 GMT). Southampton v Aston Villa (1945 GMT). Stoke City v Cardiff City (1945 GMT). Sunderland v Chelsea (1945 GMT). Swansea City v Newcastle United (1945 GMT) ... print ... ....(size: 9.7Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
04 Dec 2013
A school science project exploded at a South LA high school Tuesday, injuring ten students and sending five to the hospital ... “You could just hear a really loud, loud noise ... Source ... Biological Warfare Since 1945 ... In 1945, Sweden's new National Dental Service commissioned research, now known as the Vipeholm experiments, in which researchers gave subjects large amounts of sticky sugary candy in order to study the development of cavities ... ....(size: 4.8Kb)
Edit Indian Express
04 Dec 2013
... has splashed out on one of the fighter aircraft which was commonly used by the Royal Air Force during the battle, which took place between 1939 and 1945, reported Contactmusic....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit The Guardian
04 Dec 2013
As people consider the implications of the mass surveillance of their emails, here's an interesting historic parallel ... It was also aimed at suppressing publications that were considered unfriendly to the Nazi cause ... *Ferdinand Schlingensiepen, Dietrich Bonhoeffer 19061945 ... ....(size: 1.3Kb)
Edit STL Today
04 Dec 2013
ST. LOUIS • Local Sea Cadets will travel to Phoenix this weekend to take part in the dedication of a new memorial to World War II that features main cannon barrels from the battleships Missouri and Arizona ... Navy and Coast Guard ... 2, 1945. ....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit STL Today
04 Dec 2013
Edward J ... He died Sunday at a hospital in Stratford, N.J., said his daughter, Patricia Zavrel ... He received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart ... The miniseries, which began airing in 2001, followed Easy Company from its training in Georgia all the way to the war's end in May 1945 ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
04 Dec 2013
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Edward J ... He died Sunday at a hospital in Stratford, N.J., said his daughter, Patricia Zavrel ... The miniseries, which began airing in 2001, followed Easy Company from its training in Georgia all the way to the war's end in May 1945 ... Heffron was portrayed by Scottish actor Robin Laing ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Dec 2013
(Source. Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP). (Los Angeles) - The Honorable William A. Norris, former judge on the U.S ... Founded in 1945, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP is a leading international law firm with more than 850 attorneys in offices throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. # # #....(size: 1.5Kb)
04 Dec 2013
Edward J ... He died Sunday at a hospital in Stratford, N.J., said his daughter, Patricia Zavrel ... He received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart ... The miniseries, which began airing in 2001, followed Easy Company from its training in Georgia all the way to the war's end in May 1945 ... (Copyright 2013 The Associated Press ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit Ohio
04 Dec 2013
PHILADELPHIA. Edward J ... He died Sunday at a hospital in Stratford, N.J., said his daughter, Patricia Zavrel ... The miniseries, which began airing in 2001, followed Easy Company from its training in Georgia in 1942 all the way to the war’s end in 1945, when Japan surrendered ... Funeral arrangements are private, his daughter said. ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Dec 2013
(Source. Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP) ... S offering of $1 billion of first mortgage bonds ... Founded in 1945, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP is a leading international law firm with more than 850 attorneys in offices throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. # # #. distributed by ... (noodl....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit U~T San Diego
04 Dec 2013
PHILADELPHIA. Edward J. “Babe” Heffron, whose World War II service as a member of the Army’s famed Easy Company was recounted in the book and TV miniseriesBand of Brothers,” has died at age 90 ... He received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart ... The miniseries, which began airing in 2001, followed Easy Company from its training in Georgia in 1942 all the way to the war’s end in 1945, when Japan surrendered ... -. Comments ... Commenting Rules ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit The Columbus Dispatch
04 Dec 2013
A tiny catfish not seen in the Big Darby Creek since Dwight Eisenhower was president has officially been declared extinct. The Scioto madtom, about the size of a paper clip, lived in the creek northwest of Circleville, about 2 miles from where the Darby empties into the Scioto River. It is the only place where they were seen ... According to the Darby Creek Advocate, Trautman caught three that year, one in 1945 and 14 in 1957 ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)

Year 1945 (MCMXLV) was a common year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar.

Below, events of World War II have the "WWII" prefix.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Veit Harlan (22 September 1899 – 13 April 1964) was a German film director and actor.

Harlan was born in Berlin. After studying under Max Reinhardt, he first appeared on the stage in 1915 and, after World War I, worked in the Berlin stage. In 1922 he married Jewish actress and cabaret singer Dora Gerson; the couple divorced in 1924. Gerson later died at Auschwitz with her family. In 1929, he married Hilde Körber, having three children with her before divorcing her for political reasons related to the influence of National Socialism. Afterwards, he married the Swedish actress Kristina Söderbaum, for whom he wrote several tragic roles, further increasing her popularity.

David Thomson asserts that Harlan, having just started directing in 1935, was only able to attract Goebbels' attention because so much directorial talent had emigrated from Germany after the Nazi takeover. By 1937, Joseph Goebbels had appointed Harlan as one of his leading propaganda directors. His most notorious film was Jud Süß (1940), which was made for anti-Semitic propaganda purposes in Germany and Austria. In 1943 it received UFA's highest awards. Karsten Witte, the film critic, provided a fitting appellation for Harlan calling him "the baroque fascist". Harlan made the Reich's loudest, most colorful and expensive films.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

atom bomb, tnt new disease, poor city flying over hiroshima, 1945 the city looks small from way up here i wonder who'll survive
atom bomb, tnt new disease, poor city a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air finishing one by one [chorus]

Looking at the radio caught up in a dream
'Bout the days gone by when no one had a TV
Hopin' that the weather man would say good things
Like no rain on friday for the drive in movie
Little kids didn't have a care
There was love growin' up everywhere
But when I open my eyes and the dream stops playin
You can still find me somewhere saying
I shoulda been born in '45
In '54 I woulda been 9
Lovin' my record player by my side
That woulda been nice yeah, that woulda been nice
I shoulda been born in '45
My first pair of high heels in '59
White shirt, poodle skirt, silk hair tie
Dancing in the moonlight
That woulda been nice
Ooo ooh
Oh that woulda been nice
Ooo ooh
Boombox on my shoulder with my favorite tape
I'm reppin my 8 tracks and my buckle up skates
How do I know about that you say
You say
You wear bell bottom jeans get a double take
From all the guys and the girls who look your way
Back then people didn't always agree
But the love goin round was revolutionary and
Even though the world was crazy
I'd still go if my dreams could take me oh
I shoulda been born in '65
In '74 I woulda been 9
Tryna' get home after playin outside
Racin' street lights, racin street lights
I shoulda been born in '65
I woulda been a teenager round '79
Teasing my hair so it looks just right
On a saturday night, yeah
That woulda been nice
Growin' up I never really had a care
There was love all the time and everywhere
And even though sometimes my world may get a little crazy
I find myself bein proud when I say
I coulda been born in '45
But the truth is I got here right on time
And I thank God for every day of life
It suits me just right, it suits me just right
And lovely 1991
That's the year that I come from
And I wouldn't wanna trade it for another time
I love this life yeah
I love this life
Ooo ooh
I love this life
Ooo ooh
