- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 50545
- author: kallimaxos

1940 - ΟΧΙ - 1. Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος 1940-41
Ἡ Ἑλλὰς τοῦ ΟΧΙ (1940-44): http://pheidias.antibaro.gr/1940.htm 1940 - ΟΧΙ - 1. Ὁ Ἑλληνοϊτ...
published: 26 Apr 2011
author: kallimaxos
1940 - ΟΧΙ - 1. Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος 1940-41
1940 - ΟΧΙ - 1. Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος 1940-41
Ἡ Ἑλλὰς τοῦ ΟΧΙ (1940-44): http://pheidias.antibaro.gr/1940.htm 1940 - ΟΧΙ - 1. Ὁ Ἑλληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος 1940-41 Ὑπουργεῖο Ἐθνικῆς Ἀμύνης, 1993-94 Δεῖτε καὶ ...- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 50545
- author: kallimaxos

Vintage TV Commercials from the 1940's & 50's (7+ ads)
Collection of old television commercials from the 40's & 50's Band Aid Gillette Blue Blade...
published: 30 May 2010
author: ubmx
Vintage TV Commercials from the 1940's & 50's (7+ ads)
Vintage TV Commercials from the 1940's & 50's (7+ ads)
Collection of old television commercials from the 40's & 50's Band Aid Gillette Blue Blades Reach for the Remington - Electric Shaver Gillette Super Speed Ra...- published: 30 May 2010
- views: 105935
- author: ubmx

1940 Willys Cabover Slideshow 1
Getting started. Taking a 1992 Dodge 1 ton extended cab pickup. Lengthing and widening fro...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: Cris Boggess
1940 Willys Cabover Slideshow 1
1940 Willys Cabover Slideshow 1
Getting started. Taking a 1992 Dodge 1 ton extended cab pickup. Lengthing and widening front fenders. Building a new 3 inch wider nose piece. Cutting body in...- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 10321
- author: Cris Boggess

Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Here are the 1940's. I was hoping to get this done yesterday, but saving a HD video takes ...
published: 03 Mar 2013
author: Nathaniel Jordon
Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Here are the 1940's. I was hoping to get this done yesterday, but saving a HD video takes forever. Like the other videos of this series, I used Dave's Music ...- published: 03 Mar 2013
- views: 20852
- author: Nathaniel Jordon

1940: Der Feldzug im Westen - Teil 1 (01:05:16)
Zweiteilige Rekonstruktion des "Westfeldzuges" vom 10. Mai bis zum 25 Juni 1940 aus der Si...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: oirebels
1940: Der Feldzug im Westen - Teil 1 (01:05:16)
1940: Der Feldzug im Westen - Teil 1 (01:05:16)
Zweiteilige Rekonstruktion des "Westfeldzuges" vom 10. Mai bis zum 25 Juni 1940 aus der Sicht der offiziellen deutschen Kriegsberichtserstattung. Gesamtlänge...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 23528
- author: oirebels

World War Two: Fall of France 1940
Battlefield: The Battle of France. 1994 PolyGram Video International; Documentary series o...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: wicked400m
World War Two: Fall of France 1940
World War Two: Fall of France 1940
Battlefield: The Battle of France. 1994 PolyGram Video International; Documentary series of World War Two. --------------------------------------------------...- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 11866
- author: wicked400m

Coney Island of the 1940's
Coney Island, "the place where merriment is king!" Take a trip back in time 50 years befor...
published: 07 Nov 2006
author: weirdovideos
Coney Island of the 1940's
Coney Island of the 1940's
Coney Island, "the place where merriment is king!" Take a trip back in time 50 years before the Mermaid Parade. See masses of old school New Yorkers beat the...- published: 07 Nov 2006
- views: 170626
- author: weirdovideos

1940 Studebaker Champion Introduction
The Studebaker Champion is an automobile which was produced by the Studebaker Corporation ...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: mrpitv
1940 Studebaker Champion Introduction
1940 Studebaker Champion Introduction
The Studebaker Champion is an automobile which was produced by the Studebaker Corporation of South Bend, Indiana from the beginning of the 1939 model year un...- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 1665
- author: mrpitv

HD Stock Footage New York City Scenes 1940's
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_na_569.php True HD direct film...
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: BuyoutFootage
HD Stock Footage New York City Scenes 1940's
HD Stock Footage New York City Scenes 1940's
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_na_569.php True HD direct film transfer New York City 1940's People entering and exiting from New...- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 3520
- author: BuyoutFootage

Αφιέρωμα στην 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940
Βιντεάκι κινουμένων σχεδίων που απευθύνεται σε παιδιά δημοτικού. Τα αποσπάσματα κινουμένων...
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: harlemcore13
Αφιέρωμα στην 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940
Αφιέρωμα στην 28η Οκτωβρίου 1940
Βιντεάκι κινουμένων σχεδίων που απευθύνεται σε παιδιά δημοτικού. Τα αποσπάσματα κινουμένων σχεδίων είναι από το βιντεο κλιπ coat to arms του συγκροτήματος Sa...- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 370
- author: harlemcore13

Paris 1940 - Deutsche Besatzung - German Occupation - l´Occupation allemande, film: color/bw
Mehr Infos/More Info: http://www.worldfilmheritage.com/index.html Lizenzanfragen/requests ...
published: 27 May 2012
author: rhineflow
Paris 1940 - Deutsche Besatzung - German Occupation - l´Occupation allemande, film: color/bw
Paris 1940 - Deutsche Besatzung - German Occupation - l´Occupation allemande, film: color/bw
Mehr Infos/More Info: http://www.worldfilmheritage.com/index.html Lizenzanfragen/requests for licencing: archiv@koelnprogramm.de In den Strassen von Paris im...- published: 27 May 2012
- views: 29055
- author: rhineflow

1940's Fashion Film - Tutorial - How to Apply Makeup
http://vintagemakeupguide.com/ and http://glamourdaze.com/ Or Buy the exquisite Besame Cos...
published: 24 Jun 2009
author: glamourdaze
1940's Fashion Film - Tutorial - How to Apply Makeup
1940's Fashion Film - Tutorial - How to Apply Makeup
http://vintagemakeupguide.com/ and http://glamourdaze.com/ Or Buy the exquisite Besame Cosmetics range here: http://vintagemakeupguide.com/besame-cosmetics/ ...- published: 24 Jun 2009
- views: 193291
- author: glamourdaze

Coney Island in 1940 - New York City's famous amusement park
The sights of Coney Island in 1940. See the Rollercoasters, mermaid parade, sideshows & am...
published: 06 Sep 2011
author: Ella73TV2
Coney Island in 1940 - New York City's famous amusement park
Coney Island in 1940 - New York City's famous amusement park
The sights of Coney Island in 1940. See the Rollercoasters, mermaid parade, sideshows & amusement rides and other attractions offered at this famous New York...- published: 06 Sep 2011
- views: 17343
- author: Ella73TV2
Youtube results:

Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge on the 7th November, 1940
The video shows the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge due to excessive resonant vibrat...
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: carltfross
Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge on the 7th November, 1940
Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge on the 7th November, 1940
The video shows the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge due to excessive resonant vibrations. A gentle wind cause the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to resonate to ...- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 8011
- author: carltfross

Rebecca (1940) - Full movie
When a naive young woman marries a rich widower and settles in his gigantic mansion, she f...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: Nynaeve51
Rebecca (1940) - Full movie
Rebecca (1940) - Full movie
When a naive young woman marries a rich widower and settles in his gigantic mansion, she finds the memory of the first wife maintaining a grip on her husband...- published: 09 Aug 2012
- views: 195242
- author: Nynaeve51

Gaslight (1940) - extract
"One of the strongest films of the 1940s" - Martin Scorsese
Based on Patrick Hamilton's c...
published: 11 Oct 2013
Gaslight (1940) - extract
Gaslight (1940) - extract
"One of the strongest films of the 1940s" - Martin Scorsese Based on Patrick Hamilton's celebrated stage play, Thorold Dickinson's Gaslight is a harrowing and claustrophobic study of murder, abuse and lust in Victorian London. By turns charming and cruel, Anton Walbrook excels as the sadistic husband who attempts to drive his wife (Diana Wynyard) mad to prevent her from disclosing his dark past. The BFI release Gaslight on Dual Format Edition 18 November 2013. © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 637

Beauty And A Beat (Vintage 1940's Swing Justin Bieber / Nicki Minaj Cover)
You knew it was only a matter of time before we remade Justin Bieber... Here's what Justin...
published: 01 May 2013
author: ScottBradleeLovesYa
Beauty And A Beat (Vintage 1940's Swing Justin Bieber / Nicki Minaj Cover)
Beauty And A Beat (Vintage 1940's Swing Justin Bieber / Nicki Minaj Cover)
You knew it was only a matter of time before we remade Justin Bieber... Here's what Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj's "Beauty And A Beat" would sound like if i...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 327844
- author: ScottBradleeLovesYa