Diagnosing and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can sneak up on you, and can lead to a myriad of diseases and disor...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: elpllc
Diagnosing and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Diagnosing and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can sneak up on you, and can lead to a myriad of diseases and disorders. Know the signs and symptoms. You could be deficient yet still...- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 57442
- author: elpllc
The FullyRaw B12 Basics: Are You Efficient?
Have you always wondered if you should be supplementing with Vitamin B12? Taking B12 is on...
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: FullyRawKristina
The FullyRaw B12 Basics: Are You Efficient?
The FullyRaw B12 Basics: Are You Efficient?
Have you always wondered if you should be supplementing with Vitamin B12? Taking B12 is one of the most controversial topics in regards to supplementation. D...- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 56788
- author: FullyRawKristina
Boyz 12: "Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12)" [Lyrics]
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: CoolStoryBroTIA
Boyz 12: "Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12)" [Lyrics]
Boyz 12: "Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12)" [Lyrics]
ALL CREDIT GOES TO AMERICAN DAD. THIS IS NOT MY SONG! Boyz 12 - *Hit* "Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12)" but with Lyrics. Message me! I do requests! SUBSCRIBE! ...- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 151138
- author: CoolStoryBroTIA
Symptoms of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: Glutenology
Symptoms of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
Symptoms of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
http://www.glutenfreesociety.org/gluten-free-food-sources/max-digest/gluten-free-vitamin-b-12-supplement/ Vitamin B-12 deficiency is linked to several health...- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 59447
- author: Glutenology
Witamina B12 - fakty i mity
Nagranie wykładu dr. Romana Pawlaka z USA poświęconego kwestii zapobiegania niedoborom wit...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Witamina B12 - fakty i mity
Witamina B12 - fakty i mity
Nagranie wykładu dr. Romana Pawlaka z USA poświęconego kwestii zapobiegania niedoborom witaminy B12. Wykład odbył się dnia 20 lipca w Poznaniu, w ramach działalności Stowarzyszenia Promocji Zdrowego Stylu Życia. W zdecydowanej większości przypadków okazuje się, że wiedza jaką posiadamy odnośnie witaminy B12 w świetle aktualnych doniesień naukowch jest nieprawdziwa. Niedobór witaminy B12 występuje dość powszechnie na całym świecie. W grupie osób narażonych na jej niedobór znajdują się miedzy innymi weganie (ludzie, którzy nie spożywają mięsa i produktów pochodzenia zwierzęcego), laktoowowegetarianie (osoby, które nie spożywają produktów mięsnych, ale włączają do diety produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego, takie jak mleko, przetwory mleczne i jajka), osoby po 50 roku życia, niezależnie od ich diety, osoby, które poddały się operacji żołądka lub którym wycięto dolną część jelita cienkiego, a także osoby chorujące na AIDS. Inne osoby, w tym np. osoby chorujące na cukrzycę, a także każda osoba, która przeszła przez operację ze znieczuleniem (anestezja) również możne nabawić się niedoboru witaminy B12. Niedobór może być spowodowany niedostatecznym spożyciem tej witaminy (tak jest w przypadku wegan i wegetarian) albo jej niedostateczną absorpcją (w przypadku osób starszych i ludzi z wyciętą częścią jelita lub po operacji żołądka). Dr Roman Pawlak jest profesorem odżywiania i dietetyki na East Carolina University w Greenville w USA. Studia doktoranckie ukończył na University of Southern Mississippi. Na swojej uczelni wykłada: Nutrition and Wellness (Dietetyka a zdrowie), Nutrition in Metabolism and Physiology (Dietetyka, metabolizm i fizjologia), Vegetarian Nutrition (Dietetyka wegetariańska) i Nutrition Science (Dietetyka w ujęciu naukowym). Dr Pawlak jest członkiem American Society of Nutrition, American Dietetic Association i członkiem ekspertów komisji Evidence Analysis przy American Dietetic Association dotyczącej diety wegetariańskiej. Szczególnym zainteresowaniem profesora Pawlaka jest profilaktyka dietetyczna realizowana w oparciu o działalność kościołów i placówek społecznych. Roman Pawlak jest autorem książek: „I am the Lord who heals you", "W obronie wegetarianizmu", "Zdrowe odżywianie bez tajemnic. Jak w gąszczu informacji o dietach zachować zdrowy rozsądek" oraz współautorem książki „Matka wegetarianka i jej dziecko". Badania naukowe dr. Pawlaka opublikowane są w amerykańskich i międzynarodowych pismach naukowych, takich jak Ethnicity and Disease, Journal of Primary Prevention czy Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 266
Vitamin B12 deficiency with Dr Brian Clement
Studies show that those following a typical animal-based diet require more vitamin B12 tha...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Vitamin B12 deficiency with Dr Brian Clement
Vitamin B12 deficiency with Dr Brian Clement
Studies show that those following a typical animal-based diet require more vitamin B12 than those who do not. This is because the typical diet leads to diges...- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 32529
Vitamin B12: Benefits, Sources, Dosage, Side effects and Supplement Info
http://www.limitlessmindset.com/nootropics/432-excelerol.html The Top Rated Vitamin B12 Su...
published: 26 May 2012
author: Jonathan Roseland
Vitamin B12: Benefits, Sources, Dosage, Side effects and Supplement Info
Vitamin B12: Benefits, Sources, Dosage, Side effects and Supplement Info
http://www.limitlessmindset.com/nootropics/432-excelerol.html The Top Rated Vitamin B12 Supplement. http://www.limitlessmindset.com/nootropic-ingredients/337...- published: 26 May 2012
- views: 27199
- author: Jonathan Roseland
Boost Your Energy Naturally with Vitamin B12
http://www.mercola.com/ - Discover why Dr. Joseph Mercola, a leading natural health expert...
published: 29 Jul 2008
author: mercola
Boost Your Energy Naturally with Vitamin B12
Boost Your Energy Naturally with Vitamin B12
http://www.mercola.com/ - Discover why Dr. Joseph Mercola, a leading natural health expert, recommends taking Vitamin b12 as energy booster rather than drink...- published: 29 Jul 2008
- views: 100914
- author: mercola
B12 Deficiency - Quick Fix
Vitamin B12 deficiency can potentially cause severe and irreversible damage, especially to...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: 100SquatsaDay
B12 Deficiency - Quick Fix
B12 Deficiency - Quick Fix
Vitamin B12 deficiency can potentially cause severe and irreversible damage, especially to the brain and nervous system. At levels only slightly lower than n...- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 1433
- author: 100SquatsaDay
Day 9: B12 injections for weight loss, my positive experience.
B12 injections for weight loss. * I take 1000 micrograms each time. At first I took one a ...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: Freelee the Banana Girl
Day 9: B12 injections for weight loss, my positive experience.
Day 9: B12 injections for weight loss, my positive experience.
B12 injections for weight loss. * I take 1000 micrograms each time. At first I took one a day for a week, then one a week for a month and then once a month. ...- published: 09 Jun 2013
- views: 23633
- author: Freelee the Banana Girl
Come assumere la vitamina B12
Alcune precisazioni sull'assunzione della vitamina B12, argomento sul quale vige ancora un...
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: AgireOra
Come assumere la vitamina B12
Come assumere la vitamina B12
Alcune precisazioni sull'assunzione della vitamina B12, argomento sul quale vige ancora una certa confusione. Intervista a Luciana Baroni, presidente di SSNV...- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 25078
- author: AgireOra
Is B12 Deficiency A Vegan Issue? What Is Vitamin B12? (Dr. Graham Q&A; Ep. 4)
http://foodnsport.com The video may be a slight blast from the past, but the answers remai...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: FoodnSport
Is B12 Deficiency A Vegan Issue? What Is Vitamin B12? (Dr. Graham Q&A; Ep. 4)
Is B12 Deficiency A Vegan Issue? What Is Vitamin B12? (Dr. Graham Q&A; Ep. 4)
http://foodnsport.com The video may be a slight blast from the past, but the answers remains as true as ever. Leave it to Dr. Graham to thoroughly answer and...- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 4346
- author: FoodnSport
Dr. John McDougall Medical Message: Vitamin B12
Dr. John McDougall Medical Message: Vitamin B12. Watch more videos at http://drmcdougall.c...
published: 09 Apr 2011
author: John McDougall
Dr. John McDougall Medical Message: Vitamin B12
Dr. John McDougall Medical Message: Vitamin B12
Dr. John McDougall Medical Message: Vitamin B12. Watch more videos at http://drmcdougall.com.- published: 09 Apr 2011
- views: 16968
- author: John McDougall
Durianrider Interview - The Truth About B12
http://www.outstandinghealthnow.com ****************** "Recover from anything and start li...
published: 27 Jan 2012
author: BeYourPotential
Durianrider Interview - The Truth About B12
Durianrider Interview - The Truth About B12
http://www.outstandinghealthnow.com ****************** "Recover from anything and start living in the top 1% of the healthiest people on the ...- published: 27 Jan 2012
- views: 17436
- author: BeYourPotential
Youtube results:
3 AMAZING Effects Found with Vitamin B12 Shots!
Through experience, I am finding people are REALLY benefiting from Vitamin B12 injections....
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: Dr. Elana Gelman
3 AMAZING Effects Found with Vitamin B12 Shots!
3 AMAZING Effects Found with Vitamin B12 Shots!
Through experience, I am finding people are REALLY benefiting from Vitamin B12 injections. I love seeing people get better and sharing this type of informati...- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 1137
- author: Dr. Elana Gelman
Boyz 12 - Girl You Need a Shot (Of B12 [Boyz 12])
Boyz 12 - Girl You Need a Shot (Of B12 [Boyz 12]) Originally from American Dad ** I do NOT...
published: 18 Nov 2012
author: Dale Hay
Boyz 12 - Girl You Need a Shot (Of B12 [Boyz 12])
Boyz 12 - Girl You Need a Shot (Of B12 [Boyz 12])
Boyz 12 - Girl You Need a Shot (Of B12 [Boyz 12]) Originally from American Dad ** I do NOT own the copyright to this, Fuzzy Door Productions, Underdog Produc...- published: 18 Nov 2012
- views: 117255
- author: Dale Hay
B12 Deficiency
Dr. John Douillard talks about Vitamin B12 deficiency and new research that links it to he...
published: 18 Nov 2009
author: John Douillard
B12 Deficiency
B12 Deficiency
Dr. John Douillard talks about Vitamin B12 deficiency and new research that links it to heart health and mood stability. Learn more about new highly absorbab...- published: 18 Nov 2009
- views: 25764
- author: John Douillard