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IntoNow from Yahoo makes engaging with your friends around your favorite television shows easy and fun. Just tap the green button when you’re watching, and IntoNow will identify the show, right down to the episode. Once identified it’s easy to share with your friends on Twitter or Facebook.

  • John V is watching America's Funniest Home Videos Season 24, Episode 4
  • Deversey J is watching Jump Start Live Music
  • Dana S is watching Restaurant Express Vegas Meltdown
  • Kaity C is watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 8, Episode 19
  • Regina H is watching Oz the Great and Powerful Fantasy
  • Shaun M is watching Revenge Season 3, Episode 6
  • Angela D is watching To Catch a Predator Georgia 1
  • Joel T is watching Haven Season 4, Episode 8
  • Rachel R is watching The Lying Game Season 1, Episode 2
  • Dana S is watching Restaurant Express Vegas Meltdown
  • Dana S is watching Restaurant Express Vegas Meltdown
  • Bronzesean K is watching The L Word Season 5, Episode 9
  • Jim L is watching Undercover Boss Season 5, Episode 6
  • Matt H is watching NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at Houston Texans
  • Lynx H is watching Witches of East End Season 1, Episode 5
  • Meech B is watching Homeland Season 3, Episode 6
  • Josh H is watching Family Guy Season 12, Episode 3
  • Matt H is watching NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at Houston Texans
  • Rafael V is watching He Got Game Drama
  • Jerry is watching Revolution Season 1, Episode 20

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IntoNow makes sharing easy and fun. Just tap the green button and IntoNow will identify what you're watching—even if it's being aired for the first time. That's where the magic comes in. If you want to know more about how it works, check out SoundPrint or browse the FAQ.

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