Lamian (Uzbek: лагман [laɡman]) is a type of Chinese noodle. Lamian is made by stretching and folding the dough into strands. However, the twisting and subsequent stretching of the strips of dough happens due to the weight of the dough. Depending on the number of times the dough gets folded, the strands can be made in various lengths and thicknesses. This unique method of making noodles originated in China. The Songshi yangsheng bu (宋氏養生部), which was written by Song Xu and dates back to 1504, has the earliest description of the method to make lamian.
Dishes using lamian are usually served in a beef or mutton-flavored soup called tāngmiàn (湯麵), but sometimes stir-fried and served with a tomato-based sauce, this dish being called chǎomiàn (炒麵). Literally, 拉 (lā) means to pull or stretch, while 麵 (miàn) means noodle. The hand-making process involves taking a lump of dough and repeatedly stretching it to produce many strands of thin, long noodle.
There are several styles of twisting the dough but they all employ the same concept: a piece of dough is repeatedly stretched and folded onto itself in order to align the glutens and warm up the dough for stretching. Then it is rolled out to a workable thickness and cut into workable portions. The end pieces of the starting dough are never used because the glutens are not as aligned as the middle pieces.
Making Noodles by Hand at Lanzhou La Mian - Shanghai, China
La Mian Pull Noodle on 27th July 2009 中華料理烹飪藝術系列拉面
Lan-Zhou lamian
'La mian' through-the-needle challenge (Super-thin noodles Pt 1)
Handmade Chinese Noodles (La Mian) - Without Borders
How to Make Hand-Pulled Noodles (拉面, lamian)
Make your own 'la mian' (Super-thin noodles Pt 2)
Raja Baath Lamian Caran Full Video Song || Long Car
aukhay painday lamian rahavan ishq diyan.3GP
Aukhay Painday Lamian Rahaan Ishq Dian - Sayin Zahoor.
Vatan Lamian Te Rasta Pahar Da-Bhai Harjinder Singh
Allah hu Aukhay Painde Lamian Raavan Ishq Diyan
Vaatan Lamian Te Rasta Paharh Da
2)Aukhay Painday Lamian Rahaan Ishq Dian - Sayin Zahoor_(360p).m4v
Making Noodles by Hand at Lanzhou La Mian - Shanghai, China
La Mian Pull Noodle on 27th July 2009 中華料理烹飪藝術系列拉面
Lan-Zhou lamian
'La mian' through-the-needle challenge (Super-thin noodles Pt 1)
Handmade Chinese Noodles (La Mian) - Without Borders
How to Make Hand-Pulled Noodles (拉面, lamian)
Make your own 'la mian' (Super-thin noodles Pt 2)
Raja Baath Lamian Caran Full Video Song || Long Car
aukhay painday lamian rahavan ishq diyan.3GP
Aukhay Painday Lamian Rahaan Ishq Dian - Sayin Zahoor.
Vatan Lamian Te Rasta Pahar Da-Bhai Harjinder Singh
Allah hu Aukhay Painde Lamian Raavan Ishq Diyan
Vaatan Lamian Te Rasta Paharh Da
2)Aukhay Painday Lamian Rahaan Ishq Dian - Sayin Zahoor_(360p).m4v
Lamian Caran (HD) Song __ Long Car - Raja Baath
Okhay painday lamian Rahan ishq diyan remix.FLV
Best punjabi song (uchian lamian tahlian)
Uchian Lamian Taalian
Método La Mian - Rey de Tallarines
Lamian noodles Andrew Wong recipe ii
Noodle King in Saskatoon - Hand-Pulled Noodles (La mian)
Okhay panday by Saieen Zahoor Sufi Singer Post by Zagham
Allah Hu ,Okhay Painday Lamian Rahaan Ishq Diyan By Sain Zahoor .pakistan folk singer : Sain Zahoor
E mi trovo a scrivere frasi che non so
e che non sapr?...
...ricordi fragili
dividono a met? la nostra intimit? e tu...
Dormi...? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei.
E mi trovo a dire parole che non ho
e che mai avr?...
pensieri umidi
costringono a met? la nostra infinit? e tu...
Dormi...? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei.
rimani con me
tra poesie e ricordi che rimangono sospesi mentre tu..
Dormi... ? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei...che bella che sei...che sei...
E' solo Amore quello che mi ferma a casa,
senza parole, il tempo ? immobile.
Guardo le foto, quelle che hai scattato tu,
fermando il tempo su ci? che ? stato inutile...
...e vedo il cielo che si annuvola,
e sento l'aria che si raref?...
riprendo fiato,rallento i battiti...
Vivo lento come nelle favole,
quando la tua assenza ? la realt?,
sono perso dentro un bosco che non ha
alberi ma solo aridit?...
E' solo rabbia quella che mi muove dentro,
per non averti dato ci? che non avevi.
Faccio le scale e chiedo adesso dove sei
alle pareti che ti hanno vista piangere..
...e vedo il cielo che si annuvola,
e sento l'aria che si raref?...
riprendo fiato,rallento i battiti...
Vivo lento come nelle favole,
quando la tua assenza ? la realt?,
sono perso dentro un bosco che non ha
alberi ma solo aridit?...
vorrei porgerti una mela che mi dia
dopo un morso rosso la tua anima.
sono perso in un castello che non ha
specchi ma soltanto oscurit?...
E' solo Amore quello che mi manca in fondo,
la soluzione non ce n'?, e non ci sar? mai.
Penso all'odore che avevi e adesso che non hai,
la condizione di me che sono al limite.
Certo che finirla cos?
non ? facile
mettere un punto netto a tutto
metterlo e poi guardarci dentro
come se da quel punto nero in avanti
fosse possibile farmi sparire
chiudere gli occhi e farmi scomparire
stai Bene Come Stai
e forse mi allontaner?
stai bene sola... con te
stai Bene Come Stai
e bene mi allontaner?
stai bene sola... con te
Vero ? che io rester? qui
sar? fragile
prender? a calci i miei dolci respiri
far? violenza ai miei tentativi
anche se mi sono messo spesso ad affogarli
senza rimorsi ? impossibile stare
'ch? il sangue scorre e forse vuol cambiare
stai Bene Come Stai
e forse mi allontaner?
stai bene sola... con te
stai Bene Come Stai
e bene mi allontaner?
stai bene sola
fin quando sar? sicuro di quello che lascio
io mi scelgo ad ogni costo
fin quando sar? sicuro di quello che lascio
io mi scelgo
stai Bene Come Stai
e forse mi allontaner?
stai bene sola... con te
stai Bene Come Stai
e bene mi allontaner?
stai bene sola... con te
sola... con te
Sei solo tu che mi dai aria,
e vento che mi trasciner? via con te..
Come un temporale d'agosto
mi inondi l'anima
di un gettito di pioggia mista a brividi,
e come Sole d'Inverno asciughi
le lacrime mie quando te ne vai via...
...sei sempre tu che mi dai ali per
raggiungerti e volare via con te...
Come un temporale d'agosto
mi inondi l'anima
di un gettito di pioggia mista a brividi,
e come Sole d'Inverno asciughi
le lacrime mie quando te ne vai via...
...e te ne vai via da me...
Come un temporale d'agosto
mi inondi l'anima
di un gettito di pioggia mista a brividi,
e come Sole d'Inverno asciughi
le lacrime mie quando te ne vai via...
le lacrime mie quando te ne vai via...
le lacrime mie quando te ne vai...
Semplice distrazione ruba l'anima,
finir? per sognare
corpi che respirano nuvole di aria,
in apnea decidono di lasciarti andare...
...via da me...
E' semplice distrazione.
Lasciati andare e poi fermati, un posto al sicuro c'?,
dentro di me..
Fiumi di distrazione fondono ogni mia
dolce immagine di te.
E fanno a gara come se soltanto uno finir?
per toccare il mare,
come ogni mio pensiero che mi fa volare...
...via da te...
E' semplice distrazione.
Lasciati andare e poi fermati, un posto al sicuro c'?,
dentro di me...
..coperti di sole rubiamo calore fingendo di star male,
ma poi ci accorgiamo che tutto intorno a me, intorno a te, ? irreale.
Chilometri di solitudine ci separano ogni istante,
ma solo se vorrai tutto sembrer?...
Una semplice distrazione,
Lasciati andare e poi fermati, un posto al sicuro c'p,
dentro di me...
Hai ragione tu se dici che
la notte nasconde un volto mattutino
che ogni giorno ci regaler?
un soffio di realt?
sei come sei perch? sai che non cambierai mai quello che hai dentro te una luce che da vento che soffier? e io volando
mi perdo negli occhi tuoi.
provo a chiudere i miei occhi per guardadrti scoprendo ogni tua sensazione che racchiude in se l'immagine della tua immensit?
sei come sei perch? sai che non cambier? mai quello che hai dentro te una luce che da vento che soffier? e io volando...
mi perdo.
fammi entrare dentro te per un giorno intero vorrei essere solo un pensiero in un viaggio che non ha nulla di
reale lasciati solatanto guardare
Ma sei come sei perch? sai che non cambier? mai quello che hai dentro luce che da vento che soffier? e io volando...mi perdo...
la luce che da vento che soffier? e io volando..volando..mi perdo!
Tempo fa
ho visto un uomo che lasciava i suoi vestiti lungo il fiume,
e lenti andavano via.
Ho provato anch'io,
con le mie paure e le mie antasie,
confuse tra le onde parlavano di me.
Ma ora non so pi?
se ridere o piangere...
Ricordo che un'Estate fa
aevvo il vuoto che ora non c'?.
E adesso che il Sole splende
splender? solo per me...
Sembra che
la vita sia racchiusa in un solo millimetro di gioia,
e non pu? andare via.
Ho deciso IO
di vivere ogni istante come se fosse
l'ultima occasione, o la sola possibile.
Ma ora non so pi? se stare o fuggire via...
Ricordo che un'Estate fa
aevvo il vuoto che ora non c'?.
E adesso che il Sole splende
splender? solo per me...
..tornare ad amare e a lottare,
e non esitare ad andare,
e fidarmi di me...
Ricordo che un'Estate fa
aevvo il vuoto che ora non c'?.
E adesso che il Sole splende
splender? solo per me.
Ricordo che...
...E adesso che il Sole splende
splender? solo per me.
Non so pi? cosa dire,
n? tanto meno cosa fare, oggi mi sento spento, non ho voglia di parlare.
Rimango chiuso in casa e accendo la TV.
Programmi indifferenti,
specchio di apparenza e odio,
privi di consistenza, alcolizzati dal petrolio.
Esco fuori di casa e spengo la TV.
...cos'?...cos'?...cos'? che ? dentro me...
Come stai nessuno mai me l'ha chiesto
e io dico di volerne di pi?!
Provo a camminare per ricordarmi
come poter andare pi? su.
Ma il bello ? incontrare te,
che mi guardi e...
provi a piangere.
Ora non ho pi? voglia
ma forse perch? non ce ne avevo,
provo a tirarmi indietro in un replay di spazio-tempo.
Esco fuori di testa e riaccendo la TV..
...cos'?...cos'?...cos'? che ? dentro me...
Come stai nessuno mai me l'ha chiesto
e io dico di volerne di pi?!
Provo a camminare per ricordarmi
come poter andare pi? su.
Come stai nessuno mai me l'ha chiesto
e io dico di volerne di pi?!
Provo a camminare per ricordarmi
come poter andare pi? su.
Ma il bello ? incontrare te,
che mi guardi e...
provi a piangere.
Come vorrei averti qui,
dirti cose che conosco.
E gradirei che tu fossi qui,
tra le cose che ho nascosto.
Per preservarle dal tempo che
passa e lascia solo il ricordo di s?,
e torna la paura,
ho l'anima che suda...
Lei ? l'unica che canta
anche se non c'? musica,
la sola che si bagna quando il cielo lacrima,
per dimostrare agli uomini che non ? sbagliato
mostrar sensibilit?.
Come vorrei averti qui
con le mani sulla pelle.
E mi sdraierei vicino a te,
sotto la luce delle stelle
che sono in tante perdirti che
brillan di luce per far piacere a te,
che sei la loro guida,
su questa terra spoenta, perch?...
Lei ? l'unica che canta
anche se non c'? musica,
la sola che si bagna quando il cielo lacrima,
per dimostrare agli uomini che non ? sbagliato
mostrar sensibilit?...
Lei ? l'unica che balla
anche se non c'? musica,
la sola che si bagna quando il cielo lacrima,
per dimostrare agli uomini che non ? sbagliato
mostrar sensibilit?...
...mostrar sensibilit?.
Piangere o sorridere.
Chi ? mai riuscito a prendere quell'attimo che anticipa
un brivido o una lacrima?
Ti direi di essere quell'attimo che io non ho,
un'ultima sensualit?.
Mi affogherei, ma vorrei
cadere dalle nuvole, di nuovo tra le braccia tue...
Credimi, questa ?
l'ultima lettera che ho per te...
...continuo a piangere....
Ma se anche solo per un istante mi penserai,
vieni a vorrai.
Non ho mai pensato di
fuggire lontano da te.
Mi annullerei, ma vorrei
cadere dalle nuvole, di nuovo tra le gambe tue...
Credimi, questa ?
l'ultima lettera che ho per te...
...continuo a piangere....
Ma se anche solo per un istante mi penserai,
vieni a vorrai.
Credimi, questa ?
l'ultima lettera che ho per te...
...continuo a piangere....
Ma se anche solo per un istante mi penserai,
vieni a se vorrai.
Ma se anche solo per un istante mi penserai,
vieni a prendermi...
...credimi, questa ? l'ultima lettera che ho per te.
Ogni giorno che passa in fretta
ruba la tua stabilit?, le convinzioni che cambiano.
Sono i passi da mostrare al pubblico,
che applaude se e quando gli va le incomprensioni sue...
E sono qui, per esserti vicino,
anche quando non c'? il sole,
quando non trovi le parole
per dirmi che qualcosa non va,
qualcosa forse c'? in fondo.
Ogni giorno che non passa mai,
mina la tua fragilit?,
le verit? che mai vivrai.
E' la strada per tornare a casa,
che a volte si dimentica le tue fobie.
E sono qui, per esserti vicino,
anche quando non c'? il sole,
quando non trovi le parole
per dirmi che qualcosa non va,
qualcosa forse c'? in fondo...'? vero che sei qui, com'? vero che esisti,
come il veleno che hai dentro...
...come l'eco dei tuoi no, come il tempo che non hai,
come il tuono segue il lampo... no, non ti abbandoner?...
E sono qui, per esserti vicino,
anche quando non c'? il sole,
quando non trovi le parole...
...per dirmi che qualcosa non va,
qualcosa forse c'?, in fondo.
E sono qui, per esserti vicino,
anche quando non c'? il sole,
quando non trovi le parole
per dirmi che qualcosa non va,
qualcosa forse c'? in fondo.
Elenoire si fa molecole del Nord,
premio dei suoi campi estivi.
Elenoire non sa che non ritorner?
corpo senza pi? anima
ma ? forte l'odio che
rimane dentro me...
Decisamente libera,
decisamente voler?,
semplicemente Elenoire.
Elenoire di s?
adora il crimine,
certa che non si riprender?.
Ma Elenoire non sa
che il tempo le dar?
parole miste a musica...
ma ? forte l'odio che rimane dentro me...
Decisamente libera,
decisamente voler?,
semplicemente Elenoire.
Decisamente vomita,
decisamente morir?,
semplicemente Elenoire.
Decisamente libera,
decisamente voler?,
semplicemente Elenoire.
Decisamente vomita,
decisamente morir?,
semplicemente Elenoire.
Una vez te escribí unas cartas, unas lineas para una amiga mia, que yo tanto amé, con toda mi...
senti el perfume de su piel y...hice unos poemas para ella, se lo di a mi amigo para que se lo llevara,
y de pronto... nose...
Te ame desde aquel día en que pasaste junto ami, y en mi quedó grabado el perfume de tu piel.
Te dije con mis labios, lo que en verso te escribi, y aquel amigo mio mis poemas te llevó.
Que tonto fui al confiarlo en mis poemas en mi amor, amor que lentamente apuñalo con su traición
te dijo que los versos que escribí yo para ti, los escribia él, los escribia él...
Y te mintió.. y con el tiempo en sus brazos caiste creyendo en su amor, sin saber yo,
que aquel amigo en el que yo confiaba robaba mi amor,
y te mintio...y te mintio...y te mintio...
Sin saber yo, que aquel amigo en el que yo confiaba robaba mi amor...
Hoy ha pasado el tiempo y te has casado con él, y te conte de nuevo donde ayer me enamoré,
te pregunte con miedo, de unos versos que te envié, entonces comprendiste el engaño y la traición,
y hoy estas llorando... porque también sabes.. que aquellos poemas, no eran de él, no eran de él!!!
Y te mintió.. y con el tiempo en sus brazos caiste creyendo en su amor, sin saber yo,
que aquel amigo en el que yo confiaba robaba mi amor,
y te mintio...y te mintio...y te mintio...
Sin saber yo, que aquel amigo en el que yo confiaba robaba mi amor...
Es el final, aquel mentiroso que nos hizo llorar, aquel mentiroso que jugo con los dos,
aquel que hoy te tiene sin que seas de él!
Y te mintió.. y con el tiempo en sus brazos caiste creyendo en su amor, sin saber yo,
que aquel amigo en el que yo confiaba robaba mi amor,
y te mintio...y te mintio...y te mintio...
Sin saber yo, que aquel amigo en el que yo confiaba robaba mi amor...
Robo mi amor.......mis poemas...
A esto lo quiero dedicar de todo corazón, se llama 28 de Diciembre,
cuando conocí a la madre de mis hijos, esto comienza y comienza así
28 de Diciembre el día del inocente, como una hermosa broma del destino,
el señor te puso en mi camino.
28 de Diciembre, nos miramos de repente, tus ojos se fundieron con los míos,
y con un beso asi nos conocimos, han pasado tantos años, tantas penas y alegrías,
y tu siempre a mi lado, dando fuerzas a mi vida.
Han pasado tantos años, las semillas que plantamos, hoy son flores de colores,
que iluminan nuestros pasos...
Como leña y fuego, somos tú y yo, como leña y fuego, arde nuestro amor.
Como leña y fuego, somos tú y yo, como leña y fuego, arde nuestro amor.
28 de Diciembre, quisieron romper el corazón, al contrario...
alimentaron nuestro fuego de amor.
28 de Diciembre el día del inocente, como una hermosa broma del destino,
el señor te puso en mi camino.
Han pasado tantos años, tantas penas y alegrías, y tu siempre a mi lado,
dando fuerzas a mi vida.
Han pasado tantos años, las semillas que plantamos, hoy son flores de colores,
que iluminan nuestros pasos...
Como leña y fuego, somos tú y yo, como leña y fuego, arde nuestro amor.
Como leña y fuego, somos tú y yo, como leña y fuego, arde nuestro amor.
Como leña y fuego, 28 de Diciembre
Como leña y fuego, nació nuestro amor
Como leña y fuego será el amor eterno para todos que se conocieron el día del inocente.
Verónica, una historia de amor de la vida real,
solo 14 años, y ya va a ser mama
era una niña nada mas....
Esta es la historia de una señorita de 14 años que se llamaba asi...
Veronica, una historia de amor de la vida real,
solo 14 años, ella iba a ser mamá.
era una niña nada mas.
Veronica, en su diario intimo,
una noche escribio, como ese dia faltaron al colegio los dos.
La primera expeciencia, amor placer miedo y dolor.
Al poco tiempo se dieron cuenta que algo pasabe en su interior.
Lleva 3 meses de embarazo, dijo muy serio en doctor.
Veronicaaaaa, siente como late fuerte, fuerte tu vientre,
el futuro padre apenas de 17, te reprocharon Que Hicieron?, que confución.
Veronica, sientes que en el mundo nadie puede entenderte, el te pide que no pierdas sin preguntarte,
el lo ha decidido por el bien de los dos.
Veronicaaaaa... dime que vas a hacer, eres una niña para actuar como mujer,
Vero... Verooo, verooooo ohhhh ohhhh, vero,
Vero... Verooo, verooooo ohhhh ohhhh, vero.
Veronica hoy tendras que viajar, por culpa del que diran,
a una tia lejana, donde tu hijo nacerá,
tu primera experienca, serás mama con gran dolor.
Lleva 8 meses de embarazo, dice muy serio el doctor,
lejos de casa, lejos de todo, lejos de tu primer amor.
Veronicaaaaa, siente como late fuerte, fuerte tu vientre,
el futuro padre apenas de 17, te ha dejado, te ha olvidado que confución.
Veronicaaaa... sientes que en el mundo nadie puede entendete,
ese hijo tuyo ahora quieren quitarte, cambiará de madre porque tu eres menor,
Veronicaaa.. nada puedes hacer.. eres una niña para actuar como mujer...
Vero... Verooo, verooooo ohhhh ohhhh, vero,
Vero... Verooo, verooooo ohhhh ohhhh, vero.
Ohhh Verooooooo....."
Quiero correr peligro, porque yo soy tu amante
ifinjo ser tu amigo, quiero correr peligro
Cuantos amantes, estaran envidiando, porque me has elejido,
y te entregas conmigo.
Cuantos amantes, estaran tan unidos, como estamos nosotros,
por amor, por instinto.
Quiero correr peligro, porque yo soy tu amante,
ifinjo ser tu amigo, quiero correr peligro,
porque yo soy tu amante, quiero correr peligro,
porque yo soy un loco saltando al vacio,
porque somos iguales y sentimos lo mismo.
Cuantos amantes, estaran codiciando,
la suerte que yo tengo, de tenerte a mi lado
Cuantos amantes, estaran tan celosos,
por tenerte en mis brazos y amarnos como locos.
Quiero correr peligro, porque yo soy tu amante
porque yo soy un loco saltando al vacio,
porque yo soy un loco saltando al vacio.
Bueno, bueno, bueno, salto al vacio porque te amo.
Quiero correr peligro, porque yo soy tu amante,
porque yo soy un loco saltando al vacio,
porque somos iguales y sentimos lo mismo,
porque somos dos locos y corremos peligro mi amor.
Siempre volaré, saltaré al abismo.
Tu me dejaste una huella que no puedo borrar,
dentro de mi siento tu dulce boca que me vuelve a besar,
Aunque no estes, yo te llevo conmigo donde quiera que voy,
después de ti, en mi vida no hubo nunca otro gran amor.
Yo creia que era muy facil, olvidarte y reemplazarte,
pero se que es imposible...
Porque tu me dejaste una huella que no puedo borrar,
me dejaste una huella que no puedo arrancar,
me dejaste una huella aqui en mi corazón,
la huella de tu amor.
Tu me dejaste uan Huella que no puedo borrar,
dentro de mi siento cada caricia que me supiste dar,
otra mujer toca mi piel, pero en mi piel estas tú,
otra mujer otra vio en mi cuerpo la huella de tu amor...
Yo creia que era muy facil, olvidarte y reemplazarte,
pero se que es imposible...
Porque tu me dejaste una huella que no puedo borrar,
me dejaste una huella que no puedo arrancar,
me dejaste una huella aqui en mi corazón,
la huella de tu amor.
Porque yo cuando la beso a ella pienso en ti,
cuando digo su nombre, te nombro a ti,
y cuando le hago el amor, te estoy amando a ti,
la huella de tu amor.
La huella, huella, la huella de tu amor.
La huella, huella, la huella de tu amor.
La huella, huella, la huella de tu amor.
La huella, huella, la huella de tu amor.
Porque tu me dejaste una huella que no puedo borrar,
me dejaste una huella que no puedo arrancar,
me dejaste una huella aqui en mi corazón,
la huella de tu amor.
Porque yo cuando la beso a ella pienso en ti,
cuando digo su nombre, te nombro a ti,
y cuando le hago el amor, te estoy amando a ti,
la huella de tu amor.
Porque tu me dejaste una huella que no puedo borrar,
me dejaste una huella que no puedo arrancar,
me dejaste una huella aqui en mi corazón,
la huella de tu amor.
Somos una banda que ya ha despertado
ni salio a la cancha ya esta trabajando
limpiando parabrisas en algun esquina
vendiendo en las calles diarios y revistas.
Somos ese grupo de la popular
que trabaja en obras, o que es profesional
tambien estudiantes que esperan con ansias
el fin de semana para ir a bailar.
Somos la colonia barata
que tiene olor a pueblo y tiene murga de cancha
somos la colonia barata
una rueda que gira mata penas y baila.
Somos la colonia barata
algo que no es bien visto pero que nunca falta
somos la colonia barata
somos los cuarteteros y el cuarteto nos mata.
Esta banda loca, que no tiene horarios
tiene gusto a vino, tiene olor a barrio
a fruto de la vieja, amores de pareja
es un balse que suena para una quincianera.
esto es el cuarteto y no se confundan
es un sentimiento, no es solo una murga
es parte de nuestro folklore naciona
es un pueblo alegre, con ganas de bailar.
Si Dios me diera una oportunidad de volver a nacer,
haría lo mismo que hice desde el día que mi vieja me parió,
porque nací, bohemio, nadie cambiará mi forma de ser,
porque fui, soy y seré siempre un bohemio....
Yo, aventurero, soñador, lleno de amor,
tu le agandaba del dinero y el pudor, solo intentamos lo que nunca pudo ser,
compartido amor..
Y.. subestimaste mi manera de querer, pedías bondades que jamás podré tener,
no valoraste la simpleza de mi amor...
Y me querías cambiar, que todo el mundo, donde jamás podría vivir,
Que me he olvidado de aquel barrio donde tan feliz fui, te avergonzaba si nombraba el lugar.
Y no podía cambiar, porque muy dentro de mi pecho, un bohemio soy yo,
y a mis amigos y a mi barrio, jamás olvidaré, por mas que quieras tu cultura imponer...
Ahora me voy, te regalo todo el amor que te di, tal vez un día tu puedas comprender,
que el viento es libre y no se puede tener.
Me voy, me voy, me voy porque un bohemio quiero ser,
Me voy, me voy, me voy porque libre como el viento yo seré,
Me voy, me voy, y a mis amigos no los cambiaré,
Porque soy Bohemio y así moriré, moriré, como ustedes moriremos, porque somos bohemios.
Córdoba, la Bohemia, de corazón a corazón.
Y me querías cambiar, que todo el mundo, donde jamás podría vivir,
Que me he olvidado de aquel barrio donde tan feliz fui, te avergonzaba si nombraba el lugar.
Y no podía cambiar, porque muy dentro de mi pecho, un bohemio soy yo,
y a mis amigos y a mi barrio, jamás olvidaré, por mas que quieras tu cultura imponer...
Ahora me voy, te regalo todo el amor que te di, tal vez un día tu puedas comprender,
que el viento es libre y no se puede tener.
Porque me voy con los amigos, con el Didi, Nueva Italia, con el luca, con el Joni,
con el de Parque Futura, Pipo San Pablo, Inaudi, Ituzaingó, Oña, Los Olmos, Colonia Lola,
Arguello, Rosedal, Renacimiento.
Ahora me voy, te regalo todo el amor que te di, tal vez un día tu puedas comprender,
que el viento es libre y no se puede tener.
Me voy, me voy, me voy porque un bohemio quiero ser,
Me voy, me voy, me voy porque libre como el viento yo seré,
Me voy, me voy, y a mis amigos no los cambiaré,
Porque soy Bohemio y así moriré, moriré.
Mona????, Que muchachos?, seguirás Bohemio, Bien Ahí!
Igual Que ustedes, Bien Ahí!, hasta la muerte.
San Vicente, Kennedi, Que Gringa?, Muller, Colón, Hortencia, Los Sauces, Las Violetas,
Villa Urquiza, Barrio Maldonado..... "EL BOHEMIO"
Despierta corazón, entre mis brazos, que no quiero creerlo, lo estoy soñando.
Aunque tiren las puertas de este cuarto, nada me detendrá, quiero seguirte amando.
Despierta corazón, entre mis brazos, que no quiero creerlo, lo estoy soñando.
Y quiero repetir hasta el cansancio, quiero abusar de ti, hasta que sea un pecado.
Despierta corazón, corazónnnnnnnnn... volvamos a amarnos, hasta que las paredes, queden temblando.
Aunque tiren la puerta de este cuarto, nada me detendrá, quiero seguirte amando.
Quiero beber, quiero beber de ti hasta enloquecer, hasta la última gota corazón,
hasta la última gota de placer.
Quiero beber hasta no poder mas, emborracharme tan fuerte corazón,
hasta la ultima gota de tu piel, hasta la ultima gota de placer...
Despierta corazón, despedimos el siglo...
Despierta corazón, vuelve a mis brazos, que no puedo creerlo, lo estoy soñando,
te quiero acariciar, hasta el cansancio, corazón a corazón,amor amor amor, quiero seguirte amando...
Porque esta noche, "Despierta Corazón"!!!!!!!!!.
En el monumental Sargento Cabral, y las paltmitas de todos...
Corazon, corazón, despierta,
Corazon, corazón, despierta,
Corazon, corazón...
Quiero beber, quiero beber de ti hasta enloquecer, hasta la última gota corazón,
hasta la última gota de placer.
Quiero beberte hasta no poder mas, emborracharme tan fuerte corazón,
hasta la ultima gota de tu piel, hasta la última gota de placer...
Despierta corazón...."
We don't talk, we don't laugh anymore We don't reach for the comforts of each other's arms like we did before We don't fight, we don't have the strength anymore And so goes our live, strangers passing through stranger doors I don't know how we go on from here, I don't know how we take back those years
But I'm not even close to giving up on you, not even close to running If there's one thing that's true, ??? Baby I love you (Baby I love you), I love you, I do
We don't talk, we don't laugh anymore We don't reach for the comforts of each other's arms like we did before We don't fight, we don't have the strength anymore And so goes our live, strangers passing through stranger doors I don't know how we go on from here, I don't know how we take back those years
Well I'm not even close to giving up on you, not even close to running But even if one thing that's true, ??? Baby I love you (Baby I love you), I love you, I do
I don't know how we go on from here, I don't know how we take back those years
Hello children, it's time for an important lesson with Professor Flans.
This is about four letters that people sometimes confuse for one: LMNO!
Are four letters
Are not one
L M NM N Ohhhhhh!
L M N Ohhhhhh!
Ah latee duhtee duhtee da
Ah latee duhtee duhtee da
Are four letters
Are not one
L M N Ohhhhhh!
L M N Ohhhhhh!
Stay with me Lemon
Everything gets turned around
I am king of lost and found
Surely you want more?
It’s funny how we always lose
Put no bet on what we choose
Who said we need more?
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay my fallen beauty queen
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay my fallen beauty queen
This is all beyond control
Murder on our frozen souls
Maybe you want more
No more secrets to disclose
Draw the curtains, kill the phone
Maybe we want more?
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay my fallen beauty queen
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay my fallen beauty
If you care, then just don’t let me bleed
If you care, if you care
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay my fallen beauty queen
Stay with me, stay with me
Time is ticking and my heart is beating baby
Help me breathing need your love to living
So can see me running to you
Break the walls behind you
Let me love you like you need
Come on, come on
Time is ticking every sec
I need it, yes and no one other
Trust my love is no dust to you i know everything of you
Please let me give my love by can be sure that I...
Most of the changes see how we'll get through come now ,
carry us away
The last truth came to
ten nights of tender
next they carried us away
Will I see you (4x)
thousand slowly
night trains crawling
shelter carried us away
always furter
for rall our intentions
let them carry us away
always save me ......
If I could make you see,
that you caught me off-guard
By giving me all I ever asked for
And getting my hopes up high
Thinking that I would disagree,
But you’re giving me all I ever dreamed of
I‘m coming to find you
I wanted to feel you
I wanted to hear you now
I‘m coming to find you
I wanted to feel you
I wanted to hear you say,
you need me
I must make you understand
I’m shaking the dust off memories
Hoping that I will come undone
Seeing light at the end of the night
Makes it all worthwhile
When you’re giving me everything I could wish for
I‘m coming to find you
I wanted to feel you
I wanted to hear you now
I‘m coming to find you
I wanted to feel you
I wanted to hear you say,
you need me
Don’t be shy, take a wild card on me tonight
Cause I’m a man without fear, a man in control
I can take you there, I can take you there
Cause I’m a man without fear, a man in control,
a man in control, a man in …
I‘m coming to find you
I wanted to feel you
I wanted to hear you now
I‘m coming to find you
I wanted to feel you
I wanted to hear you say,
Tell me ‘bout the people you know
Do they smile when they’re happy?
Tell me ‘bout the people you’ve seen?
Are they walking in daydreams?
Did you mean to say that everyone and everything’s okay?
Did you mean to say that everyone and everything’s a
little strange…
In daydreams it comes to me
In daydreams the things I’ve seen
Daydreaming about you, about you and me
In daydreams it comes to me
Tell me ‘bout the people you know
Are they desperate and needy?
Tell me ‘bout the people you’ve seen?
Are they walking in daydreams?
Did you mean to say that everyone and everything’s okay?
Did you mean to say that all my hope and all my dreams
have slipped away?
In daydreams it comes to me
In daydreams the things I’ve seen
Daydreaming about you, about you and me
I choose control
I am confident
I want to grow
I want to grow stronger
Unpack your faith
Your power to comprehend
It's clear
It's always been here
Yeah, I can make it right
This trenght I have found
Yeay, my aim is skintight
I must have been blind before
I don't make belief
I will not pretend
I am complete
I am to be whole again
I'll leave no trace
I'm leaving this sorrow
Whatever comes round
Yeah, I can make it right
This strength I have found
Yeah, my aim is skintight
I must have been blind
I've been a mess
I just have to confess it
You were more then right
It's been a hell, girl
Sure, now I can tell you must
Have no fear
I'm not feeling sad
Well, is this were it's at?
Now we're a mess
Yeah, I can make it right
This strenght I have found
Yeah, my aim is skintight
I must have been blind
I can’t breathe in
I can’t breathe out
I am gasping for breath
I see your face now
In every passer-by
I can’t run from you
I’ve got to breathe in, breathe out
This is gonna be, it’s gonna be
The last of our contentions
I can’t sleep now
I turn and turn round
Think of what you said
All your excuses
All your excuses
All your excuses suck
I’ve got to breathe in, breathe out
This is gonna be,
The last of our contentions
This is gonna be, it’s gonna be
The last of our acquaintance
Where it’s gonna lead us, lead us from here?
Temples, churches, synagogues
The whole world has sinned against God [x2]
Repent and conquer
Religion is division
If we are the one
Then what we fighting for
Hey, I was lost then found
Screaming without sound
Feet were stable on shaky ground
The weight was there
To take me down
I had been released from the shackles
I'm freedom found
God owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorra
If he doesn't destroy America
Jezebel is a ticket to hell
Beware of the false prophetess
If flesh is your weakness
If u can walk the talk, shut up
Make a loud noise rejoice and praise
Truth is the way out this twisted maze
It works in wonderful ways
He rose from the tomb in three days
As vinegar to tea, smoke to ice
Slow is a slugger that God used as time wise
Can't sleep during the harvest work diligent
Giving thanks to the struggle and the benefits
Pouring out what he poured in so we can pour more
Loves isn't give and take
Its give without store, riches
Don't profit in the day of wrath
But the righteous aren't delivered from death
Simple as that
Fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge
The more we understand
We give him complete homage
Fool despise wisdom and instruction
Holding on to stupidity with suction
I'm not sucked in the whirlpool
I'm swimming against the current
I ride the wave of living water
Stay with the flock and out to slaughter
I'm the clay and he's the potter,
For sure dude, hey
Temples, churches, synagogues
The whole world has sinned against god [x2]
Repent and conquer
Religion is division
If we are the one
Then what we fighting for
When fear comes or distress
We call on God
Though we ignore him when everything's in order
Prayers get answered but not always in our favor
The harvest is plenty
Though the laborers are few
There's nothing to argue
Even though I'd like to
The word is my eternal revenue
Wisdom is better than rubies, silver, or gold
It's higher in value plus more durable
He rebukes those who he loves, loves who loves him
Even loves the sinners but not our sin
Compassion, beyond my comprehension
The life I'm living now
Is a gift of extension
Hate God love death
It's like the spirit is a prisoner of our flesh
I can't go there yet, people just aren't ready for it
Temples, churches, synagogues
The whole world has sinned against God [x2]
Repent and conquer
Religion is division
If we are the one
[Chorus: Scratched]
Thank God for a beauty like you
She's my natural beauty
Respectively covering flesh
On a sunny day, long breaths
Comfortable without drawing attention
In a nursery rehearsing the commandments
Man hints towards advancement
She's advanced, been through the muck
Far from a nun and no lady luck
Earns an honest buck, dignity
Not concerned if she's digging me
The love she gives is sisterly
The love I give back is brotherly
Praise God, it's all in the family
Seen around her worst, that's the best
Five hour combos on the phone, get some rest
Wakeup call, have a nice day
By the way, did you pray?
[Chorus x4]
Meek.. strong, not weak
A good listener whenever a friend speaks
Out of love comes rebuke
Words to encourage Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Yes or not, not maybe
She's a mother to her baby
A dukeless daisy
Don't fall, grow in love
Too busy feeding off The Word, no time for club
Nor desire, He takes us higher
Than a bomb load, it's been a long road
Keep travelling till we get home
At times it might seem, but we're never alone
No flowmantic, don't panic
God's with you everywhere
When I go, He's there
Be with him and everything will be fine
Put God first, because you're his before mine
[Chorus x4]
I'm not stuck on what you're not
I see what made you
A strong backbone
Tearing at the sermon
You know you could do better
The word hit home through a Godgiven messanger
Everyday a new declaration
Everyday change thought into action
Already a mommy, it comes naturally
And that's the beauty
Organizing activities
Enjoys giving
Sacrificing paydays with volunteering
You're an encouragement, keep it going
May God continue to bless you... [pause]
My path was broad but now it's narrow
I listen to pastor, not tarot
Reserve the room for improvement
Start in the feature self-list
It's difficult to live like the title
The ride will get rocky
That won't stop me
Straight ahead on foot or jalopy
Nobody or anything is going to stump progress
Unless He allows it
God's the word
Take notice
Ask me who wrote this
I'll say He's ferocious
Note this
The closest persons now the furthest
I guess I do deserve this
We need to lift up
Li-, li-, lift up
C'mon now, li-, li-, lift up
Everybody! Lift up! Li-, li-, lift up
Each and every! Lift up! Li-, li-, lift up
All people! Lift up! Li-, li-, lift up
The whole world! Lift up! Li-, li-, lift up
Don't stay down! Lift up! Li-, li-, lift up
C'mon now, Lift up! Li-, li-, lift up
Let's stay complete before due date
Just upon sight some think I do skate
I unplug stereo types
Hook the phonograph up to one speaker
_Mono_ y _mono_
Used to be scandalous with Steve Yano
Converted, I dwell with God's children
Besides, Grandma preferred it
Alerted, I kept my eyes up
When I drink from the stream, dear
Know what I mean
Spankin' clean is how I stay
In Long Beach outside of LA
I serve a purpose here on earth
Probably won't see the fullness of my worth
Depressed thought, aiiyo, where's that yes-guy?
Yes brah, because they keep passing it to me
'Cause "no" isn't in my vo-cab-u-lary
You weep? No, I tried, sorry family
Bubblematic, I have suds
I would give them all to you if it help you not to grudge
Wrong tactic, look at it
As a bad habit, addict, dash it
Quick to chalk
Last to walk
My claim, your shame
Just to get those beats out of hock
The North American continental shock
Elbow room, I need some elbow room
With all this ambition I need elbow room
You know what time it is
But you won't look at the clock
You want to keep going when you know you should stop
There's groups, a lot
With demos to shop
Like they're the ?Bedos?
But they're not
Wake up from the dream
Go back to school
Get an education
An occupation
Can't chase a dead cat
Can't get too far on a bike if the tires are flat
You have a homie who has a cousin
Who used to cut the hair of an intern at a label
Who says he's able to pass a word to his boss
Yeah, it's a lead but his boss doesn't know his first name
Perpetration is the game
It's that
I'm ahead of you kid, Big Busy, Mad Child
God showed me I don't fit in the scheme of things
At the most I rock a chain and my wedding ring
We're all different from one another
Beyond color, the mystery has been uncovered
[Chorus x2]
Elbow room, I need some elbow room
With all this (opposition / ambition) I need elbow room
You know what time it is
But you won't look at the clock
You want to keep going when you know you should stop
Prevent the mistake is how I think
You better fix the leak before the boat sinks
Labels put money in to get money back
Turn around and blame the public when the group is wack
Point blank, I'm stating the fact
I'm cutting down the rubbish with my _battle axe_
I see why people think rap is trash
A song is garbage if it's all about cash
I understand survival is key
But where will you be when there's no more money?
Blank and empty, unfulfilled
For me, it's allmighty God; not the dollar bill
I wasn't born with the crew; I won't die with the crew
I can't be frustrated, I can just pray for you
If your flesh wants to rap but your spirit says no
I suggest you listen to the spirit, grow, and grow
[Chorus x2]
If rap is your calling it must have been a crank call
Get some caller ID
So you know where it's coming from
Before you pick it up and waste a bunch of time on the phone
Speaking on my behalf, every waking second
Is self-examination, constantly facing
Where can I improve according to spiritual law
As a man of flesh, as a man of flaw?
Can't do it without you, Lord
I'm a co-dependent
You know my heart and whether I meant it
Man's more concerned with pleasing man before pleasing You
We can say what you want but we know it's true
Yes, this is message music
Speaking to those who abuse it
Mess around and lose it
Everything we do is recorded
Hell is the price of sin; I can't afford it, No!
[Chorus x2]
You want to keep rapping when you know you should stop
You want to keep graphing when you know you should stop
You want to keep scratching when you know you should stop
You want to keep dancing when you know you should stop
You want to keep bashing when you know you should stop
You want to keep amping when you know you should stop
With enough jump
Take the knuckle out your head
Expressive, aggressive, sensitive, ?breadrin?, Excedrin
Binge, cringe at the sight
Of wasted talent afraid to shine bright
Suicidal career kept broke too long
We had to separate because we weren't getting along
Work it out, masseuse; get rid of the kinks
(Now I wanna pound) this beat (until it stinks)
Unwind your mind, you're walking on the dotted line
Nine, danke
I'm fine thank ya
Bust them like Canadian Customs
Rush 'em, then we dust 'em
Spring cleaning crews, yo, we hush 'em
Muzzle and a leash for direction
Puzzle's missing piece
Get the connection?
With truth there's no hidden dimension
It's in God's hands once we let him
[Chorus x2]
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta
Always improve
Always must move
Make the grand groove
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta
Start time
Run tape, drug free escape
Against one's faith there is no debate
A rolling stone ?woolie?
No thank you, I just ate
Put us on the flyer, watch the crowd populate
Vibrate, fill the heart, palpitate, drop the eight
Fifty dollars later got me thinking pretty straight
Never no hurry flash, we just couldn't wait
Live lines for the release date
At least state champion, that's what I'm on
Winning team driven by a dream chaperoned
This microphone clean-cut
Propadelic, tell it how I told it
Wrote it, tracked it, packaged it, sold it
Mislead without guidance
No guidance mislead
You flew in from where to do what with who?
Impressive. Call 'em the tax writeoff crew
Prescribe rhetoric for the sick
LMNO isn't comparable to narcotic
Got it like yesterday's mail
The petrified and frail
Remove the tail
Make records for sale
When all heaven breaks loose, hell's in jail
I wouldn't submit this if I thought it would fail
Not because my skin's pale, I'm an underdog
A slap to the face was knowing I'm under God
Reality's lockjawed
Nothing can remove it
Firsthand experience will prove it
I'm a truth seeking missile flying past little fibs
Permanent press the issue on how it is
Physically separate, separated
Synchronized mind
Outside existance, internal conflicts
With song critics, opinionated bullhorns, that's it
Hey! It's Love O'Clock
Cancel 11:30, that's a no show pop
Through it all without saying, "LMNO's right here"
God is a pilot, I must let him steer
I'm the difference between physical fitness and spiritual witness
Charge your hitlist
Every session's a first kiss
Take the tisk out the task
Enforce separatism like economic class
Reality last, break the soul out the cast
Everyday my flag is half mast
Key kept cool through the heat
Reveal deceit
Untestable heart, we feel this beat
Straight up, we take a stand
While others take a seat
Forget hate
Happiness is who we greet
[Chorus x4:]
First, the creator
Second, life
Third, hip-hop
(First things first)
It's inevitable to develop a flow show shocking
From the start, no stopping
A branch of humanity exposed
They chose to keep their hearts closed
Bags of saturated computer chips clogging bloodstreams
Balance beam acts, converting mattress backs
Jeans built for two, sunlight turned to blue
As far as respect goes, they couldn't catch a flu
I love, not hate you
Repeat it if you will
Headliners don't always fit the bill
In the brain without a drill
Dead bodies chill
No chillin: when we work, we sweat
They know us through airwaves we haven't met yet
Hands in my hair like berrets
Guidance is certain compared to bets
Immature threats turn regrets
Have 'em trained like pets
If they only knew the half, they wouldn't be full of it [x2]
There's nothing formally about me and visionary
Life, live it, stop acting scary
[Chorus x6]
Can't let go...
Well I don't listen to the shadows Sure don't believe what they say But lately there's been a chattering Well anytime anyone mentions your name No matter what will or what can be Whatever I did or did not see (I'm gonna) hurt inside and do it all over again (I'm gonna) hurt inside and do it all over again (I'm gonna) hurt inside and do it all over again (I'm gonna) hurt inside and do it all over again
let me lay here, I don't want to talk about about it, anymore, I'm so tired of this endless war of words let me love you, I don't want to think about it, anymore, I'm so tired of the endless back and forth,
and we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we always said we'd try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
and we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we always said we'd try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
you and I, now we can't fly
let me lay here, I don't want to talk about about it, anymore, I'm so tired of that endless war of words
and we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we said we'd always try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
you and I, now we can't fly
anymore anymore i can't fly anymore anymore we can't fly anymore anymore
we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we always said we'd try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
I've been waiting all day for the sun to set I've been waiting all day for the sun to go down I don't like daylight, I don't like sunshine on my face It means the night is far away
When darkness arise, as I'm waking inside Just in time, before it burns me alive Don't you know in the night the world looks better In the night the conversation's clever I look up to the stars and the satellites shine on me It's the right kind of light In the night I live forever
I've been waiting all day for the sun to set I've been waiting all day for the night to descend I don't like sunrise, I like the twilight on my skin It means the night has come again
When darkness arise, as I'm waking inside Just in time, before it burns me alive Don't you know in the night the world looks better In the night the conversation's clever I look up to the stars and the satellites shine on me It's the right kind of light in the night I live forever
Don't you know in the night the world looks better In the night the conversation's clever I look up to the stars and the satellites shine on me It's the right kind of light in the night I live forever
Old man what can you tell me? After all this time about rhythm and the rhyme? Old man, what can you show me? After all these years, you seem to look at me and know me
Well I heard, I heard you found the wishing well Well it must be so, cause it shows Oh I heard, I heard you found the wishing well And it took the load...and let you go
Old man what can you learn me? After all these tears, should you tell me what can concern me? Old man what can you show me? After all this time, you seem to look at me and know me
Well I heard, I heard you found the wishing well Well it must be so, cause it shows Oh I heard, I heard you found the wishing well And it took the load...and let you go
let me lay here, I don't want to talk about about it, anymore, I'm so tired of this endless war of words let me love you, I don't want to think about it, anymore, I'm so tired of the endless back and forth,
and we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we always said we'd try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
and we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we always said we'd try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
you and I, now we can't fly
let me lay here, I don't want to talk about about it, anymore, I'm so tired of that endless war of words
and we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we said we'd always try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,
you and I, now we can't fly
anymore anymore i can't fly anymore anymore we can't fly anymore anymore
we can't fly anymore, we've fallen back to earth, we always said we'd try no matter how far or how wide the distance, you and I, we'd take to the sky, but now we can't fly,