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GUILTY: Jasmine Heathcote and Luke Fraser were charged with six counts of animal cruelty in Ipswich Magistrates Court.

Couple left their dogs home alone to die

ONE dog was found dead and two others badly dehydrated after they were locked in an Ipswich house during a heat wave – while their owners went camping.

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MISSING OUT: Brisbane Lions players Tom Rockliff and Jed Adcock with Rocky, the Lions mascot at Robelle Domain Oval in Springfield Lakes.

Lions Springfield project will miss out for at least two years

THE Brisbane Lions $60 million elite training and administration facility in Springfield will not receive any Federal Government funding for at least two years.

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Mr Neumann - Labors 1 Billion package was unfunded promises, most made during the election campain. If you and Labor were serious about the funding for this area why was it not signed off on and thus could not be changed? Because the money was never...

scargo from Ipswich


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Local Marsden resident Colin George and Cr Graham Able at the site of a small damn that in unfenced and in a residential area. Photo Inga Williams / The Reporter

A terrible tragedy awaits

A DAM at an abandoned house on Third Avenue, Marsden is an accident waiting to happen.

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Many of Logan's own Council Parks have UNFENCED creeks and water courses running through them which are just as much a drowning risk as this dam. Fence or fill in one you must do the same for ALL.

LanceB from Australia

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