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127 document(s) in Technology.

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No-tech family will party like it's 1986
San Francisco: A Canadian family is going viral with a novel idea. It has banned all technology made after 1986 as a way to get their children to play outside.
Sydney Morning Herald 07/09/2013     no charge     214 words

Canadian family rewinds to 1986
A Canadian family is going viral with a novel idea. It has banned all technology that was made after 1986 as a way to get the young children to play outside more.
The Age 07/09/2013     no charge     322 words

When the Apple of your eye loses its appeal, resort to core values
After seven years the itch is there, but, you know, I've settled, argues Ian Rose.
The Sunday Age 01/09/2013     no charge     830 words

Why can't new gadgets stay new a little longer?
Let's face it: obsolescence ain't what it used to be. Not all that long ago, your average gadget would become obsolete only after a respectable period of time - like a millennium or two. Cave dwellers doodled on their walls with prehistoric crayons for centuries before some guy in Egypt came up with a fancy new product called the papyrus. And it would take a few more hundred years for legions of well-fed monks who spent their time copying books by hand to be made obsolete by the printing press.
Sydney Morning Herald 31/08/2013     no charge     703 words

Tech start-up plugs into green lighting system
A Melbourne-based tech start-up has invented a green energy "plug and play" lighting system that has the potential to slash the cost of retrofitting and running lighting systems in commercial buildings.
The Age 31/08/2013     no charge     236 words

Household costs at your fingertips
Environexus enables any home to be a smart home. Anneli Knight reports.
The Age 26/08/2013     no charge     696 words

Planet hunter Kepler gives up the ghost
NASA has confirmed that its celebrated planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft, which broke down in May when a reaction wheel that controls its orientation failed, will never get well enough to hunt for planets around other stars again.
The Age 17/08/2013     no charge     164 words

Future looks flat for 3D TV
Vale 3D television, born 2009, died 2013. Deeply mourned by television manufacturers, hardly noticed by buyers.
The Age 15/08/2013     no charge     955 words

Strap yourselves in, Hyperloop is a go
A design for a super-fast transport system dubbed "Hyperloop" - carrying passengers in pressurised tubes at near-supersonic speeds - has been unveiled by inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk in the US.
Sydney Morning Herald 14/08/2013     no charge     356 words

Looking to the digital work future
SLINGSHOT co-founder Trent Bagnall and DiG Festival co-organiser Craig Wilson will lead debate about the future of work in Newcastle at a public forum tomorrow night.
Newcastle Herald 13/08/2013     no charge     108 words

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