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More than 200 document(s) in Politics.

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Look up from your screen: it's a protest
It's never been easier for us to show our disappointment. These clicking electronic times have given us email, Facebook, tweets, and constant online polls that seem to guess, suggest and deliver our every upset.
The Age 07/09/2013     no charge     829 words

Intelligence agency concerns after vote to arrest MP for treason
South Korea's parliament on Wednesday voted to allow the arrest of an opposition MP on charges of plotting treason, in a case that rekindled concern about the actions of a powerful intelligence agency that has long been accused of meddling in domestic politics under the pretext of hunting Communists. Lee Seok-ki, a member of the minor Unified Progressive Party, is accused of gathering 130 followers, some of them drunk and with small children, in two secret late-night meetings in May to plot a ...
Sydney Morning Herald 06/09/2013     no charge     279 words

Fresh pack ready for political football
Are you ready for this, Australia? If the polls are to be believed - and let's hope not, but I digress - rugby props are about to take over the running of Australia. Yes'm, all of Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey and Malcolm Turnbull - soon likely to be prime minister, treasurer and minister for communications - played in the front row in the lower grades of Sydney University in the late 1970s and 1980s. Turnbull played mostly fourths, Hockey mostly thirds, and Tony Abbott mostly seconds, though he also ...
Sydney Morning Herald 05/09/2013     no charge     744 words

Comedy utopia: Frontline team creating new political satire
Production company Working Dog is turning its sights on federal and state politics. The company that produced shows like Frontline and The Hollowmen has a new political satire in development for the ABC. The eight-part comedy series will tackle "the uncosted grand dreams and white elephants that have become the new political currency". That includes "desalination plants, very fast trains, broadband networks and property developments" - the stuff that typically features in political promises. "We ...
The Age 05/09/2013     no charge     135 words

Fearful leaders can't see voters seek truth
Why won't the politicians trust us with the truth? Across Australia, it's the biggest complaint about the election campaign in particular and politics in general.
Sydney Morning Herald 03/09/2013     no charge     873 words

Skits ruffle political feathers
As Brazil's largest cities were being rocked by huge anti-government protests, the President, visibly exasperated, summoned top legislators to an emergency meeting and put forward a last-gasp concession to ease the fury on the streets.
Sydney Morning Herald 02/09/2013     no charge     461 words

'Coup' arrests rock South Korea
Raids on the offices of an MP and charges that a leftist opposition party was plotting a coup have touched off a political storm in South Korea, already rocked by claims the country's main intelligence agency has been meddling in domestic politics.
Sydney Morning Herald 30/08/2013     no charge     434 words

PwC calls for bipartisan approach to tax reform
The chief executive of one of Australia's biggest accounting firms has called on the major political parties to strike a "grand bargain" on national tax reform, warning the country may otherwise fail to record a federal surplus for "at least a generation".
Sydney Morning Herald 27/08/2013     no charge     349 words

Accused Bo 'betrayed for love'
Bo Xilai, the fallen star of Chinese politics, has saved his finest performance for the fifth and final episode of China's gripping courtroom drama.
Sydney Morning Herald 27/08/2013     no charge     485 words

Curfew eased in calmer Cairo
As the challenge posed to Egypt's new military rulers by the Muslim Brotherhood begins to fizzle, a semblance of normalcy is returning to the streets of a capital still reeling from the bloodiest eruption of unrest in the country's modern history.
Sydney Morning Herald 26/08/2013     no charge     378 words

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