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64 document(s) in Property.

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Key advice for a good start
Purchasing a property off the plan can be a sound way to invest, but preparation is imperative.
The Age 07/09/2013     no charge     1102 words

Buyers should look west for bargain home
As Sydney property prices surge upwards desperate buyers are looking to the bottom of the market to find a home.
Sydney Morning Herald 05/09/2013     no charge     415 words

Packer lifts stake in US property site
James Packer has upped his stake in the US real estate website Zillow, weeks after selling his holdings in the online employment site Seek and the investment fund Magellan.
The Age 05/09/2013     no charge     361 words

Alternatives for accessibility
Since the introduction of the Disability (Access to Premises - Buildings) Standards 2010, the property industry has been awash with misinformation about how existing property assets must be upgraded to comply with the new legislation. This has led, in many cases, to property owners and occupiers installing accessible toilet facilities on multiple floors of office buildings, and lifts within industrial buildings, even when the end users of those spaces have no requirement for such facilities.
Sydney Morning Herald 31/08/2013     no charge     348 words

Charter Hall marches ahead
Charter Hall has identified the industrial sector as a growth platform for its funds under management, due to a rise in demand for storage and distribution centres.
Sydney Morning Herald 31/08/2013     no charge     451 words

Property spruikers scent big opportunity in super
Regulators are struggling to keep up as the nexus between real estate operators and financial advisers gets stronger, writes John Collett.
Sydney Morning Herald 31/08/2013     no charge     1380 words

Large funds trying to bridge gap with flexible investment options
SMSFs can be very well suited to those prepared to put in the time and effort.
Sydney Morning Herald 31/08/2013     no charge     331 words

Centuria drops trust float plan in shaky market
Centuria is committed to delivering quality real estate investment funds. CEO Nick Collishaw
The Age 28/08/2013     no charge     270 words

Domain may hold the key to future gain
Real estate markets, especially in Melbourne and Sydney, are at the cusp of a spring sales boom, thanks to record weekend clearance rates in recent weeks, higher finance approvals and historically low interest rates.
Sydney Morning Herald 26/08/2013     no charge     703 words

Pizza delivery's new highs
If your house is picked for a film or series, there's a nice bonus in the shape of a fee the production company is happy to pay. But there is a downside ... once your home takes centre stage, it becomes a sacred site to fans of the show  and they will show up in droves.
Sydney Morning Herald 22/08/2013     no charge     206 words

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