How can palm oil be more sustainable? The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and WWF's role in it
We hear a lot about the impacts of palm oil on forests and endangered species such as the ...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: WWF
How can palm oil be more sustainable? The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and WWF's role in it
How can palm oil be more sustainable? The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and WWF's role in it
We hear a lot about the impacts of palm oil on forests and endangered species such as the orangutan. But did you know that solutions exist to produce palm oi...- published: 14 Feb 2012
- views: 5968
- author: WWF
RSPO, Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, 2011 Pilot Study Sustainable Palmoil
published: 25 May 2012
author: TheGreenMutt
RSPO, Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, 2011 Pilot Study Sustainable Palmoil
RSPO, Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, 2011 Pilot Study Sustainable Palmoil
- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 483
- author: TheGreenMutt
RSPO Online Debate on Palm Oil Sustainability
Speakers: Robert Hii, Outreach Manager at Palm Oil Consumers Action Lorinda Jane, Founder ...
published: 21 May 2013
author: RSPOdebate
RSPO Online Debate on Palm Oil Sustainability
RSPO Online Debate on Palm Oil Sustainability
Speakers: Robert Hii, Outreach Manager at Palm Oil Consumers Action Lorinda Jane, Founder of Products on Australian Shelves that contain Palm Oil Michelle Ni...- published: 21 May 2013
- author: RSPOdebate
Progress towards RSPO Certification: WAGS MPOB SPOC Beluran
Progress towards RSPO certification for our Wild Asia Group Scheme in Beluran, Sabah...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Progress towards RSPO Certification: WAGS MPOB SPOC Beluran
Progress towards RSPO Certification: WAGS MPOB SPOC Beluran
Progress towards RSPO certification for our Wild Asia Group Scheme in Beluran, Sabah- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 29
Palm Oil Debate with Greenpeace, WWF, RSPO and Mongabay
Palm Oil Debate with Greenpeace, WWF, RSPO and Mongabay...
published: 17 Oct 2013
Palm Oil Debate with Greenpeace, WWF, RSPO and Mongabay
Palm Oil Debate with Greenpeace, WWF, RSPO and Mongabay
Palm Oil Debate with Greenpeace, WWF, RSPO and Mongabay- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 0
Robin Wood zum RSPO
Ute Bertrand und Peter Gerhardt von Robin Wood im Gespräch über das Palmöl-Siegel RSPO (Ru...
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: RobinWoodVideo
Robin Wood zum RSPO
Robin Wood zum RSPO
Ute Bertrand und Peter Gerhardt von Robin Wood im Gespräch über das Palmöl-Siegel RSPO (Runder Tisch für nachhaltiges Palmöl)- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 279
- author: RobinWoodVideo
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session IV
The credibility of certified sustainable palm oil and the responsibility of grower members...
published: 15 Oct 2013
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session IV
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session IV
The credibility of certified sustainable palm oil and the responsibility of grower members - RSPO's vision is to transform markets to make sustainable palm oil the norm. Concretely, what does the RSPO want to achieve in the long term and how? - Is the RSPO upholding and protecting the integrity of its standard? - How are RSPO grower members responding to the need for respecting such integrity and of tackling the sustainability challenges on the ground? Marcello Brito, Commercial and Sustainability Director, Agropalma Jérome Frignet, Forests Campaign Officer, Greenpeace France Adam Harrison, Vice-President of the RSPO Executive Board and Senior Policy Officer, Food and Agriculture, WWF Khairudin Hashim, Group Head, Group Sustainability & Quality Management, Sime Darby Berhad Simon Lord, Vice-President of the RSPO Executive Board and Group Director of Sustainability, New Britain Palm Oil Gan Lian Tiong, Head of Sustainability PT Musim Mas Group Johan Verburg, Member of the RSPO Executive Board and Coordinator Private Sector, Oxfam Novib- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 5
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session III
The challenges in becoming RSPO-certified and in implementing RSPO-certified flows for act...
published: 14 Oct 2013
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session III
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session III
The challenges in becoming RSPO-certified and in implementing RSPO-certified flows for actors in the supply chain - What are the main administrative, logistical and economic hurdles encountered by industries when becoming RSPO-certified? - How can the RSPO and its supply chain members support these companies? - Supply Chain Group Certification: how does it work? Concrete examples - Challenges and solutions for the cosmetic/personal care sector (e.g. availability of certified fractions and derivatives) - The issue of CSPO traceability David Fousert, Product Line and Business Development Director, Cargill Refined Oils Europe Andy Green, Sustainability Sales Manager, BM TRADA Certification Marieke Leegwater, Program Manager Palm Oil, Solidaridad Bob Norman, General Manager, GreenPalm Roland Schroeder, Head Sustainability, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Sheila Senathirajah, Technical Program Manager, WildAsia- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 8
RSPO, una nueva certificación para la sostenibilidad del Aceite de Palma (eLearning)
Pincha aquí para ver el video completo: http://www.bvemedia.tv/index.php?mapa=webtv&accion...;
published: 08 May 2012
author: BV CentroUniversitario
RSPO, una nueva certificación para la sostenibilidad del Aceite de Palma (eLearning)
RSPO, una nueva certificación para la sostenibilidad del Aceite de Palma (eLearning)
Pincha aquí para ver el video completo: http://www.bvemedia.tv/index.php?mapa=webtv&accion;=clip&id;=753 Adelaida Alarcón imparte este seminario virtual desde ...- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 203
- author: BV CentroUniversitario
RSPO - Sustainable Palm Oil Talk
My talk on the RSPO and their work....
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: brainstillloading
RSPO - Sustainable Palm Oil Talk
RSPO - Sustainable Palm Oil Talk
My talk on the RSPO and their work.- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 346
- author: brainstillloading
RSPO พระแสง
สำนักงานเกษตรอำเภอพระแสง จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี ร่วมกับ บริษัท ไทยทาโลว์ แอนด์ ออยล์ จำกัด โร...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: rath wo
RSPO พระแสง
RSPO พระแสง
สำนักงานเกษตรอำเภอพระแสง จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี ร่วมกับ บริษัท ไทยทาโลว์ แอนด์ ออยล์ จำกัด โรงงานสกัดน้ำมันปาล์มรายใหญ่ของอำเภอพระแสง และ บริษัท น้ำมันพืชปทุม จ...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 54
- author: rath wo
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session I
Europe's changing regulatory environment and growing consumer awareness of palm oil
- Wha...
published: 14 Oct 2013
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session I
RSPO European Summit - 3 September 2013, Berlin - Session I
Europe's changing regulatory environment and growing consumer awareness of palm oil - What impact will the impending Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers (FIC) have on the sustainable palm oil market? - How can this development be leveraged as an opportunity to educate consumers? - What should companies do to best leverage the advantages of using Certified Sustainable Palm Oil? - What is the role of consumers in the uptake of sustainable palm oil? - What are their main concerns and what can be done to address them? - The role of the RSPO Trademark with consumers. Ludger Breloh, Division Manager of Strategic Purchasing / Green Products, REWE Group Michelle Desilets, Executive Director of Orangutan Land Trust Emily Dunstan, General Manager Community Conservation, Zoos Victoria Guillaume Reveilhac, President of Cérélia Jan Kees Vis, President of the RSPO Executive Board, and Global Director Sustainable Sourcing Development, Unilever- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 3
Youtube results:
Darrel Webber RSPO Secretary General
Darrel Webber Secretary General of RSPO speech in Thailand....
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: klon nakklon
Darrel Webber RSPO Secretary General
Darrel Webber RSPO Secretary General
Darrel Webber Secretary General of RSPO speech in Thailand.- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 77
- author: klon nakklon
Press Release Bersama :
JMGR - JMGJ -SAD Batin Sembilan -Perkumpulan Hijau--CAPPA -YAYASA...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Press Release Bersama : JMGR - JMGJ -SAD Batin Sembilan -Perkumpulan Hijau--CAPPA -YAYASAN SETARA -- TEPLOK- FMN CAB. MEDAN-AGRA SUMUT-GMKI CAB. MEDAN Gagal Menjadi Solusi Penyelesaian Konflik, RSPO tidak Efektif Menjamin Keselamtan Hutan dan Pengakuan Hak Hidup Rakyat Korban Perusahaan Sawit. Medan, 12 November 2013. Merasakan langsung persoalan lingkungan dan konflik yang berlarut, masyarakat korban perkebunan kelapa sawit dan pemerhati lingkungan dari beberapa Provinsi dan Nasional menggelar aksi bersama di lokasi pertemuan Forum Internasional RSPO di Medan Sumatera Utara. Seperti halnya Isnadi Esman yang ditemui ditengah aksi demonstrasi Sekjend Jaringan Masyarakat Gambut Riau (JMGJ) mengungkapkan "dalam siaran pers bahwa Provinsi Riau yang memiliki luas Gambut 4,04 juta hektar saat ini 60 %,telah mengalami kerusakan, akibat perkebunan skala besar seperti Perkebunan sawit, dengan melakukan pembukaan wilayah besar-besaran menggunakan system kanalisasi memicu terjadinya subsidence atau penurunan permukaan gambut di provinsi pemilik 56% hutan gambut Sumatra ini, akibatnya abrasi setiap tahun bisa sampai 10 meter mengurangi daratan. Penghancuran lahan gambut juga juga menimbulkan persoalan serius seperti kebakaran hutan setiap tahun". "" Dampak kebakaran hutan dirasakan langsung masyarakat Riau. rata-rata sebanyak 8 ribu orang setiap tahunnya menderita ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut) dengan 70 persen di antaranya adalah anak-anak berumur di bawah satu tahun. Ini melengkapi penderitaan rakyat di Riau yang telah menjadi korban konflik dan perampasan Lahan. " sambung Isnadi. Lebih memprihatinkan lagi ungkapnya bahwa "ketika kebakaran itu justru ditemukan pada konsesi Perusahaan- perusahaan anggota RSPO, seperti ditemukannya 74 unit titik api di area konsesi PT Jatim Jaya Perkasa Group Wilmar , selama periode kebakaran hutan 1 Juni 2013 hingga 26 Juni 2013. Selain itu PT. Jatim Jaya Perkasa Juga bermasalah dengan masyarakat disekitar perusahaan tersebut berada, salah satu permasalahanya adalah tidak terealisasinya Kebun Plasma yang dijanjikan ke masyarakat. Ditemukan juga kebakaran lahan di area PT Duta Palma Group (Exs Anggota RSPO), di Inderagiri Hulu, termasuk PT Bertuah Aneka Yasa di Kuala Cenaku. "Persoalan ini tidak akan terjadi jika Pemerintah harus membuat kebijakan pengolaan gambut yang adil, dan persuahaan harus menerapkan FPIC, Pungkas Isnadi "" Senada dengan Isnadi, Dwi Nanto dari Jaringan Masyarakat Gambut Jambi (JMGJ) mengungkapkan bahwa "hampir 70% dari 716.838 hektar Gambut Jambi telah dikonversi menjadi kawasan industry skala besar seperti perkebunan sawit, akibatnya 36 Desa telah mengalami ; kehilangan akses terhadap pengelolaan hutan, degradasi Adat/Budaya kemiskinkan serius akibat hilangnya berbagai sumber mata pencarian". "Ini terjadi akibat prilaku perusahaan yang melakukan penggusuran lahan masyarakat dengan paksaan , melanggar ketentuan yang diatur pemerintah, Manipulasi pola kemitraan, tidak transparan, tidak menghormati Adat dan Budaya masyarakat setempat." Sambung Dwi . Pak Nurman Suku Anak Dalam dari Dusun Pinang Tinggi, yang ikut dalam aksi tersebut juga mengungkap "Selain di Riau, Komitmen Wilmar untuk memenuhi standar RSPO juga dilanggar di Provinsi Jambi, dimana Suku Anak Dalam Batin Sembilan selama 4 tahun dipermainkan dalam perjanjian penyelesaian konflik, kesediaan dan komitmen mereka ketika difasilitasi oleh CAO-IFC dalam mencari penyelesaian hingga kini tidak dipenuhi. Wilmar justru melepaskan sahamnya kepada pihak yang lain , disaat proses mediasi yang difasilitasi oleh Joint Team Mediation perpaduan antara pemerintah propinsi Jambi bersama dengan CAO-IFC sedang berlangsung dan mendekati kesepakatan penyelesaian", "Forum RSPO untuk berkomitmen penuh terhadap keberlanjutan social, ekonomi dan lingkungan, dengan segera; Menonaktifkan keanggotaan Wilmar, Menunda pemberian sertifikat RSPO bagi anak-anak perusahaan Wilmar Group, dan mencabut sertifikat RSPO yang telah dikeluarkan oleh RSPO. Selain itu RSPO juga harus Melakukan revisi-revisi terhadap standar RSPO", Pungkas Pak Nurman. //selesai,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, # Hentikan eksploitasi dan perusakan Hutan Tele yang mengancam ekosistem danau toba- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 1
RT10 2012 PS2 Dr Jan Kees Vis - RSPO P&C; Review Update
published: 20 Nov 2012
RT10 2012 PS2 Dr Jan Kees Vis - RSPO P&C; Review Update
RT10 2012 PS2 Dr Jan Kees Vis - RSPO P&C; Review Update
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 38
RSPO Protecting Biodiversity in Palm Oil Plantations
published: 19 Feb 2012
author: TheGreenMutt
RSPO Protecting Biodiversity in Palm Oil Plantations
RSPO Protecting Biodiversity in Palm Oil Plantations
- published: 19 Feb 2012
- views: 58
- author: TheGreenMutt