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Posts tagged folk

Condition 11:11 by Defiance, Ohio

Condition 11:11 by Defiance, Ohio

“Goose Walkin’ Over My Grave” by Munly and the Lee Lewis…

“Goose Walkin’ Over My Grave” by Munly and the Lee Lewis Harlots

She said, “Punch me in the stomach.”
I said, “Girl, I do not know.
“If I punch you in the stomach,
then our child inside will not grow.”
She said, “If you truly love me,
you’ll do this thing for me.”
So I punched her in the stomach,
And she fell down to both of her knees.

Lay-low, lay-low, lay-low low,
There’s a goose walking over my grave.
Lay-low, lay-low, lay-low low,
There’s a goose walking over my grave.

And we went on down the mountain,
we paid up for the county fair.
All the men — they spied her flat gut,
and the women sent birds up to air.
Then we found ourselves a half-breed,
to tell us our fortune today.
And he painted my hands a deep dark red,
said, “Now, boy, you know that you gotta pay.”

Well she spat, she swore and she ground all her teeth,
then she swelled up all her veins.
She said, “Mister, for claimin’ all that you know,
don’t you know my brother’s bird-brained?”
“Hey, whoa, back up girl, didn’t you hear the half-breed,
sayin’ somethin’ ‘bout… well, I don’t know.”
Yeah, she pulled me away by my goose-fleshed flesh,
she’s too late; I caught up too slow.

We went back up the mountain;
we sat down upon our front porch.
And come yonder carryin’ a bucket
was our child doin’ his chores.
So we drunk down a bucket of choke-cherry wine,
and she dunked her thumbs inside.
With her thumbs dyed red she grabbed my head,
and she gouged out both of my eyes.

Lay-low, lay-low, lay-low low,
There’s a goose walking over my grave.
Lay-low, lay-low, lay-low low,
There’s a goose walking over my grave.

So I drug her down the mountain,
turned her over to the town youths.
As she lay there squibblin’ and squallin’
I said, “Girl, well now you’re my goose.”
Then she crawled up to me
on her bloody red knees
and said, “Why did you do this to me?”
I said, “Sister, let me tell you what you do not know,
I was blind but now I can see.”

“I was blind but now I see.”

“Amen Corner”, Munly And The Lee Lewis Harlots.

“Amen Corner”, Munly And The Lee Lewis Harlots.

Okkervil River “Okkervil River Song”

Okkervil River “Okkervil River Song”

Tom Waits – Ice Cream Man

Tom Waits - Ice Cream Man

Neil Young – The Needle and the Damage Done [live] (di RakyMaky)

Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done [live] (di RakyMaky)

Andrew Jackson Jihad – I Love You I like telling dirty jokes,…

Andrew Jackson Jihad - I Love You

I like telling dirty jokes, and I like smoking crystal meth, but darling I love you.
And I like laughing at retards, and I like throwing rocks at dogs, but darling I love you. 
I love you like the moon and stars, when little kids get hit by cars, girl you know its true. Darling, I love you. 
I’ve been tryin’ to move on, since you left, since you’ve been gone, but its so hard on me. 
Talked to a girl in first hour, bought her a cd, bought her a flower, but she’s a stupid cunt. 
But I’ll take anything, and I’ll take anyone. I’ll take an angry lesbian with a loaded gun. 
I’ll take a whore with syphilis and gonorrhea too. But darling, I love you.

The Little Red Hen – Malvina Reynolds

The Little Red Hen - Malvina Reynolds

Paul Baribeau “Never Get To Know”

Paul Baribeau “Never Get To Know”

Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains – Fuck Cops And everything’s…

Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains - Fuck Cops

And everything’s got me down

But sometimes the thumb just isn’t enough to get the fuck out of this town
Well he travels so he won’t find a way to destroy himself
And I guess I travel looking for the perfect method to do so
But there comes a day when there’s nothing left for you here,
Wherever here may be
And that’s the day that it’s time to go

So he walked to the on-ramp and it seemed like we were in it together
And just maybe if things went right, it could stay that way forever
But when it comes down to it, I’m still the only one sleeping alone
I guess I should have known better than to think I wasn’t on my own
But I’ll never make that same mistake again.

And I don’t know the answer, but I know that you don’t have it
I don’t know what I want but I know what I don’t, you bastard
I don’t know what’s right, I just know that you’re wrong
I don’t know where home is, but I know that I’m on there now

Now is no time to be sober.
Pass more King Cobra
Until I’ve fallen over

It’s Saturday afternoon, and malt liquor is in the mug
And if you had asked me then I would have slurred, “well maybe I’m a little bit drunk”
But it’s alright - the cops don’t come out ‘til nine
And I’ll get through this, I’ll vomit up the dope sickness
The alcohol poisoning will pass eventually and I’ll survive again, unfortunately

When I dream of the future I see an arm full of hole,
Empty pockets and a bleeding nose
Hacking up a lung filled with blood and tar
On a sidewalk, next to my spangin’ jar

When I dream of the future I see a house fallen in on itself
When I dream of the future I see shots of whiskey and failing health
When I dream of the future I see me smoking crack, watching ten-year-olds buy it
When I dream of the future I see a place with someone to wanna die with.

And I don’t know the answer, but I know that you don’t have it
I don’t know what I want but I know what I don’t, you bastard
I don’t know what’s right, I just know that you’re wrong
I don’t know where home is, but I know that I’m on there now