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Drupal 8 UX research studies: how you can help improve Drupal?

Usability studies are one of the best ways to keep improving Drupal 8. We want to speak with people who create or edit content on the web to take part in a UX research study to help improve Drupal 8.

This study will help us learn how content creators move between admin and non-admin interfaces. Editing content is a key part of working with Drupal, so understanding this interaction is essential.

Sign up for Drupal 8 usability study

There are a few ways you can help:

  1. You can help us recruit participants by retweeting the tweet below, post on your own social networks, and emailing friends to send people directly to the Drupal 8 usability study sign up form.
    tweet announcing study sign up
  2. You can sign yourself up as a participant.
  3. We also need people to help us observe, take notes and debrief after sessions (it’s a chance to get hands-on experience in UX research).
  4. If you have experience moderating usability studies, you can moderate some sessions too!

And, with a pool of willing participants, we'll have people we can reach out to for future studies.

If you’re interested in helping out on other Drupal User Experience issues, join us in IRC in #drupal-usability (particularly Mondays at 4:00PM Eastern Time) or follow along with issues posted in
