COMMUNITY ALERT: Neo-Nazis Plan to Rally and March in Fairmount Park


Community Alert

Neo-Nazis plan to rally and march in Fairmount Park.

Where: Thorfin Karlson Statue, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia
When: October 19th, 2013 @ 10:30 AM
What: Stand up to racist hate and bigotry of all kinds.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
Matter” – MLK Jr.

For the past 7 years, the city of Philadelphia has played host to a gathering of Neo-Nazis right under the noses of it’s residents.

This gathering, known as “The Leif Ericson Day Celebration” is organized, promoted, and attended exclusively by members of Neo-Nazi organizations.  In past years the gathering has drawn upwards of 50 hardcore racists and fascists to Philly and served as an recruiting and organizing tool for the main organization involved, the Keystone State Skinheads (KSS).

In addition to KSS, past Leif Ericson day celebrations have been attended by members of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), The American 3rd Position Party/American Freedom Party (A3P/AFP), Volksfront (VF) , The Vinlanders Social Club (VSC) and the Hated Skins. All of those groups are considered hate groups by several independent organizations including the Southern Poverty Law Center, The Anti-Defamation League and the FBI. Furthermore, individuals who have attended past Leif Ericson day celebrations have been tied to racist terror organizations such as Blood and Honour and the KKK.

KSS has announced their event for October 19th in Fairmount Park.  If past years are any indication, they will do a very short march in formation down lemon hill at Noon and attempt to lay a wreath and make speeches at the statue at the statue of Thorfin Karlson along Kelly drive.

We plan to mobilize a huge continent of Anti-Racists, progressives, and all good people of Philly to the Thorfin Karlson statue. THIS WILL BE A PEACEFUL PROTEST.  Please bring any signs, banners, noise makers or drums in order for our contingent to block/drown out the hate-speech of the Nazis.

We intend to stand together in defiance of racism and all forms of bigotry.  Won’t you join us?

In solidarity,

Philadelphia Residents Against Racism

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