
Geri's Game Pixar
Geri's Game is an animated short film made by Pixar in 1997, written and directed by Jan P...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: WorldFilmChannel
Geri's Game Pixar
Geri's Game Pixar
Geri's Game is an animated short film made by Pixar in 1997, written and directed by Jan Pinkava. It was the first Pixar short created after the 1989 Knick K...- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 423881
- author: WorldFilmChannel

Geri's Game (Pixar Live Version in HD!)
Thanks for Subscribing Pixar fans! Geri's Game HD - Short Chess Film Pixar Animation Here'...
published: 22 Jul 2009
author: eatthatpopcorn
Geri's Game (Pixar Live Version in HD!)
Geri's Game (Pixar Live Version in HD!)
Thanks for Subscribing Pixar fans! Geri's Game HD - Short Chess Film Pixar Animation Here's my short movie, based on the Pixar Short Geri's Game. Geri's Game...- published: 22 Jul 2009
- views: 261009
- author: eatthatpopcorn

Geri's Games G Major
Geri's Games Disney Pixar....
published: 06 Apr 2013
author: waltdisney406
Geri's Games G Major
Geri's Games G Major
Geri's Games Disney Pixar.- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 10944
- author: waltdisney406

Geri's Game [1997]: Academy award winning Animated short film
Geri's Game is a five-minute animated short film made by Pixar in 1997, written and direct...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: Antra DeHub
Geri's Game [1997]: Academy award winning Animated short film
Geri's Game [1997]: Academy award winning Animated short film
Geri's Game is a five-minute animated short film made by Pixar in 1997, written and directed by Jan Pinkava. The film is set in an empty park during autumn. ...- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 80469
- author: Antra DeHub

Geri's Game - Sonorizado por Peralta e Malu
Vídeo sonorizado por Malu (Mª Luiza) e Peralta ( Paulo Peralta)...
published: 08 Nov 2010
Geri's Game - Sonorizado por Peralta e Malu
Geri's Game - Sonorizado por Peralta e Malu
Vídeo sonorizado por Malu (Mª Luiza) e Peralta ( Paulo Peralta)- published: 08 Nov 2010
- views: 631

Geri's game: P.I.X.A.R Animation studios
All copyright goes to pixar animation studios....
published: 11 Oct 2009
author: mrlooney234
Geri's game: P.I.X.A.R Animation studios
Geri's game: P.I.X.A.R Animation studios
All copyright goes to pixar animation studios.- published: 11 Oct 2009
- views: 532251
- author: mrlooney234

Geri's game de Pixar : l'adaptation : Le joueur d'échecs
Prix d'interpretation masculine : Cine poche et ffcv de Lorraine 2010. Grand Prix : ffcv d...
published: 21 Nov 2009
author: Aldo Dominos
Geri's game de Pixar : l'adaptation : Le joueur d'échecs
Geri's game de Pixar : l'adaptation : Le joueur d'échecs
Prix d'interpretation masculine : Cine poche et ffcv de Lorraine 2010. Grand Prix : ffcv de Lorraine 2010.- published: 21 Nov 2009
- views: 96756
- author: Aldo Dominos

Geri's Game- Chess
This is our re-creation of one of the best Pixar shorts ever, Geri's Game....it was filmed...
published: 25 Aug 2008
author: FilmChaos
Geri's Game- Chess
Geri's Game- Chess
This is our re-creation of one of the best Pixar shorts ever, Geri's Game....it was filmed in either 2005 or 2006.- published: 25 Aug 2008
- views: 23607
- author: FilmChaos

Geris Game (Soundtrack & FX by Toni Espagne)
Versión sonorizada por Toni Espagne del cortometraje de animación de Pixar "Geri's Game" c...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: Toni Espagne
Geris Game (Soundtrack & FX by Toni Espagne)
Geris Game (Soundtrack & FX by Toni Espagne)
Versión sonorizada por Toni Espagne del cortometraje de animación de Pixar "Geri's Game" como práctica de la Escuela de Imagen y Sonido de A Coruña, España (...- published: 15 Sep 2009
- views: 66548
- author: Toni Espagne

Geri's game (in jungen Jahren)
Ein klassiker mal wieder neu aufgelegt, ein bisschen jünger als im Original und das Ziel i...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: MultiEscalator
Geri's game (in jungen Jahren)
Geri's game (in jungen Jahren)
Ein klassiker mal wieder neu aufgelegt, ein bisschen jünger als im Original und das Ziel ist nicht das Gebiss :D.- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 2004
- author: MultiEscalator

Geri's Game
Une version live du film d'animation de Pixar bien, sur fait avec les moyens du bord ! Amu...
published: 01 Apr 2008
author: arsret
Geri's Game
Geri's Game
Une version live du film d'animation de Pixar bien, sur fait avec les moyens du bord ! Amusez vous à compter combien de fois je regarde la caméra :/- published: 01 Apr 2008
- views: 102785
- author: arsret
Youtube results:

Geri's Games Speed Up/Slowed Down
Pixar Short Disney....
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: waltdisney406
Geri's Games Speed Up/Slowed Down
Geri's Games Speed Up/Slowed Down
Pixar Short Disney.- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 3825
- author: waltdisney406

Geri's Game COPYCAT
This was for a school project. I got a 96% for a grade. I also got to use a $2,000 camera ...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Geri's Game COPYCAT
Geri's Game COPYCAT
This was for a school project. I got a 96% for a grade. I also got to use a $2,000 camera to film it with, but it jacked up the audio. Stupid. THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! LIKE MY FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Hubburrito FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: www.twitter.com/hubburrito SUBSCRIBE TO GET GIANT FEET TO STOMP ON YOUR ENEMIES!!! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Hubburrito- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 43