Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Coming soon...a good time for all as a fundraiser for the Spence Neighbourhood association.

Save the world, start with Spence: A fundraising party:
Drink, dance, be merry, and support a great cause.
Event Info

Spence Neighbourhood Association
Party - Benefit
-Time and Place
Start Time:
Friday, October 17, 2008 at 8:00pm
End Time:
Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 2:00am
Club Desire
441 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB

Come down to Club Desire and dance the night away with music courtesy of djs Co-op, Hunnicutt, Rob Vilar, and special guest dj Greg MacPherson (yes, that dj Greg MacPherson), all the while supporting Youth Programming at Spence Neighbourhood Association. It's a win win situation!
For those not familiar, Spence Neighbourhood Association (SNA) works with the people of Spence to revitalize and renew their community in the areas of health, safety, community economic development, housing, youth programming, and neighbourhood image.
Basically it does a lot of good for a lot of people.
Over the past while we have seen the need for an after school Homework Club for youth in the area grow and grow. That's where this fundraiser comes in. Your ticket money will go towards making Homework Club a possibility.
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at Mixtape, Into the Music, Music Trader, and the SNA head office at 615 Ellice.
Can't make the social but still want to contribute? Don't know how? Well, I'm glad you asked. Email me at sara.atnikov@gmail.com and we can go from there. We offer tax receipts for donations over $20.
So come out, drink, dance, have fun and support a good cause. Yay party.

One has to hand it to Sneaky Stevie. Riding shotgun on as cranky a crew as the thinly disguised Reform/Alliance party rebranded as the 'Conservatives' must not be easy. You can expect one of the party's true neandertals to slip up and let the cat out of the bag at any time. This happened the other week when the Calgary Centre candidate Lee Richardson let his true feelings show by suggesting that "immigrants" are "responsible for crime". Oops. You can believe that amongst your friends at the local fundamentalist church and at Conservative booze-ups. Just don't mention it is public. To date the Harper team has resisted calls for the party to turf Richardson, Harper being willing to bulldoze a middle way between the Canadian public on the one hand, offended by such remarks, and much of the hardcore of his party who think the idea is spot-on.
The Harper government has a revealing history on immigration. Here's the story from the Harper Index website.
Ethnic strategy undermined by racial slurs :
Immigrant-bashing attitudes and a growing economic gap for racial minorities neutralize political outreach efforts to new Canadians.
TORONTO, September 26, 08:
This week's immigrant-bashing comments by Calgary Centre Conservative candidate Lee Richardson highlighted the contradictions of his party's strategy to court voters from recent immigrant groups.

Stephen Harper and multiculturalism secretary of state Jason Kenney have worked hard to court "ethnic" voters with grand gestures, public announcements, and hundreds of community meetings. They're working against long-standing impressions that the Conservatives are anti-immigrant, however. These impressions are reinforced both by daily experience and by comments like these, which regularly seem to come from Conservatives.

Even Harper's ethnic diplomat Kenney has had his problems. In 2000, he suggested that "overheated Sikhs" may be "playing the race card" during the general election that year. He later apologized for the comment.

Now Harper is facing demands that Richardson resign or be fired as the party's candidate in Calgary Centre for suggesting that immigrants are prone to commit crimes. "Look at who's committing these crimes ... They're not the kid that grew up next door," Richardson told the Calgary newsmagazine Fast Forward Weekly.

"Particularly in big cities, we've got people that have grown up in a different culture," he said.
"And they don't have the same background in terms of the stable communities we had 20, 30 years ago in our cities and don't have the same respect for authority or people's person or property." Richardson later apologized, saying he was only talking about a "small minority" of people.

Many new Canadians and members of ethnic minorities see comments like these as representing the true feelings of Conservatives, rather than being merely "gaffes".

There is a "perception that the Tories, especially the people behind the new Conservative Party, the old Reformers, are not friends of immigration or immigrants," according to Mohammed Boujanene of the Canadian Arab Federation. He acknowledges "They did make an effort to recruit candidates from different ethnic groups... but at end of day it's not the outreach strategy that counts, it's the policy." Immigrants, he says, feel negative impacts of Conservative policy constantly in everyday life.

"They put forward legislation and policies that are completely against new immigrants and racialized minority groups." The cancellation of the Court Challenges program, anti-terrorism laws, and recent changes to the Immigration and Refugee Act all contribute to a sense of rejection for many. He says it doesn't help that Harper is linked to the US Republicans and that Harper's position on Israel is so "completely biased" that even when Canadian citizens were ducking Israel bombs in Lebanon, in 2006, Harper would not call for a ceasefire.

The controversial changes to immigration under the Conservative budget "were completely oriented toward one goal, the business agenda, and bringing more temporary workers to this country. We're turning our backs on inclusion and on helping families reunify. They gave the minister of immigration incredible power to cherry-pick immigrants, which could open the door to racial profiling," a practice, he says, that the Conservatives have promoted with their security policies. In recent years, immigrants "from the Arab part of the world are waiting longer," says Boujanene. "Refugees coming from Palestine and Iraq have a tougher time." Canada was chastised by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights in 2007 for its treatment of refugees, he says.

A further insult many members of racial minorities felt, he says, was the government's refusal to attend the UN conference on anti-racism in Durban.

The Conservatives' outreach to immigrant communities clashes with their record in office, according to Boujanene. In the last election, the Conservatives said they would correct the problems foreign-trained professionals are having getting credentials. "The only thing they did was to open a registry service," he says. "It's sad to have people with medical training driving taxis when we don't all have access to a family doctor."

"We tend to hear more about access to jobs than anything else," says Amy Casipullai, of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. She regularly hears frustrated stories of "internationally trained professionals finding barriers when they try to enter the work force here. They say, 'Canada lied to us. I came here because I was told I could get job in my field.'" She says the Conservatives have achieved some success in immigrant communities with their political initiatives but, "There seems to be tremendous frustration with labour market access."

The other big concern, she says, is delays in sponsorship for family reunification. "There is tremendous frustration around the fact that there are delays, especially delays from certain parts of the world and not others," but she admits some of these problems predate the Conservative government.

The Conservatives' refugee policy, however, is their own, and like Boujanene, she thinks it sends powerful negative signals to immigrants. "There is tremendous concern that Canada's abandoned refugee principles. We seem to have taken a step backward."

The rate of poverty for immigrant families is higher than for non-immigrants, and Boujanene says the gap is growing. A 2007 Wellesley Institute study called The Colour Of Poverty showed that, from 1980 to 2000, the rate of poverty for Canadians of European descent was reduced by 20 percent, while for racial minorities the gap increased by 360 percent. "The Harper government is not doing anything to alleviate these problems," he says.

"If Harper is attracting any one, it is most likely the most conservative members of any given community," said Gurpreet Kaur Sodhi, a multi-cultural policy consultant of Punjabi descent who lives in Toronto. "In some case I would say the attraction is only skin deep and goes away once people become aware of the true cost of the Harper policies."

Kaur Sodhi says that while Harper has recognized the political importance of ethno-cultural communities, he "continues to disrespect" them, citing the immigration changes hidden in the budget implementation act, Bill C-50 as a prominent example.

"Recent research and Census data show that immigrants tend to be underemployed, earn less than their Canadian-born counterparts and experience high levels of contingent employment. Immigrants and refugees from diverse communities experience higher levels of poverty than their Canadian-born counterparts. People from diverse ethno-cultural and faith communities, including those born in Canada are over-represented among Canada's poor. The Harper government has not addressed the racialization of poverty."

Related individuals, organizations and significant events


The following press release is from the Tyendinaga Support Committee, affiliated with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP). Native activist Shawn Brant was facing up to 12 years in prison for his actions during a standoff with police last year. As the trial progressed disturbing revelations emerged about the actions of OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino. In the end crown lawyers agreed to no jail time in order to speedily "close" the matter. Time will tell just how closed it is.
** Please circulate widely **
- Statement from the Tyendinaga Support Committee
(Monday, September 29th, 2008)

Today, in a Belleville court, a conviction for three counts of mischief was entered against Mohawk spokesperson Shawn Brant for his role in the CN rail line and Highway 401 blockades which took place in April and June, 2007.

Brant has been ordered to stay on the Tyendinaga reserve for three months and to be on probation for one year. Originally, the Crown had been asking for 12 years in jail for Brant. While Shawn Brant will face no more jail time for the blockades and will not go to trial, there are still 16 people from the Tyendinaga facing criminal charges for defending their community.

The critical issues which prompted the Mohawks to take action have yet to be addressed. Most of the community does not have drinkable water. Most households have been unable to drink the water from their own taps for at least the last decade. The reserve school, with 300+ students, ranging in age from 2 to 13, who attend daily, has had its water deemed unfit for human consumption for the past eighteen months. In addition, the lands which comprise the Culbertson Tract and Simcoe Deed have yet to be returned.This despite all levels of governments' admission that the lands do legitimately belong to the Mohawks of Tyendinaga.

In Shawn Brant's case, the dramatic turn-around by government lawyers came after disturbing details of OPP impropriety, abuse of practice and the flaunting of policing guidelines created after the Ipperwash Inquiry were made public in July of this year, following the lifting of a publication banon Brant's preliminary hearing.

Abuses revealed included OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino's threats to Shawn Brant that "your whole world's going to come crashing down", the orders to have snipers and armored personnel carriers on standby, and the presence of an undercover police officer posing as a media cameraman. The preliminary hearing also revealed that the OPP used an obscure section of the Criminal Code to implement an emergency wiretap of Brant and other Mohawks' telephone conversations, on June 28th, 2007, even though the National Day of Action had been publicly planned for months.

The Crown went to great lengths to try to keep this critical information from becoming known and was successful in keeping the material under a publication ban for about a year. The release of these damning details prompted calls for the firing of OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino. Pretrial motions, originally set to begin today, would have seen Commissioner Fantino*subpoenaed* to answer for his conduct leading up to and during the 2007 Aboriginal Day of Action.

Since the blockades of 2007, CUPE Ontario has passed a resolution in support of the Mohawks of Tyendinaga, NDP MPP Peter Kormos has called for the firing of OPP Chief Fantino and thousands of people have attended events, made donations and signed petitions in support of the Mohawks and their demands.

Shawn Brant's arrest and the excessive prison sentence that the crown sought against him were part of an attempt to destabilize the community of Tyendinaga. However, the Mohawks of Tyendinaga remain united and continue to fight for what should already be theirs: land and clean water.

The Tyendinaga Support Committee is a Toronto-based organization working to support the Mohawks of Tyendinaga. For more information, visit:
or email us at
For more information, please read the following article:


- Tyendinaga Support Committee

In April 2008, the Mohawk community of Tyendinaga was subjected to an unacceptable escalation of police tactics, including the drawing of guns by OPP officers on unarmed Mohawks. At the time, the OPP laid unfounded,fear-mongering claims, saying they saw 'one long gun' at the quarry reclamation site, a land reclamation that the Mohawks have been holding for more than a year, as part of their struggle for the return of the Culbertson Tract. The language of the alleged threat is not unfamiliar to Native people in Ontario. In 1995 Stoney Point protester Dudley Charge was shot and killed by the OPP during a land reclamation at Ipperwash provincial park after an officer thought he saw him holding a "long gun," though the protesters were in fact unarmed.

In 2006, the Ipperwash Inquiry found that the 1995 murder of Dudley George was contributed to by centuries of discrimination and dispossession rooted in racism. Justice Sidney Linden concluded that Ipperwash revealed a deep schism in Canada's relationship with First Nations peoples and was symbolic of a grievous history of destructive government policies. The Inquiry made constructive findings and recommendations regarding policing, appalling decision-making, the wrongful use of force against indigenous people, and the racist demeanor of Ontario's then-Premier Mike Harris and the police.

Despite these findings, it appears that Ontario has opted for the criminalization of First Nations people over the resolution of outstanding land issues. Justice Linden's Ipperwash Inquiry policing recommendations are being flaunted by the OPP, and in particular, by Chief Julian Fantino.

What lessons have really been learned in the 13 years since Dudley George was killed? To what lengths are the authorities prepared to go in order to quash indigenous resistance and sovereignty?
*Publication Ban lifted on the Preliminary Inquiry:*
On Juy 18th, 2008, the publication ban on Shawn Brant's preliminary hearing,which took place in August 2007, was lifted in a Napanee Court, making crucial evidence available to public scrutiny for the first time. That afternoon, Crown prosecutors appeared before a judge of the Court of Appeal in Toronto. No defence lawyers were present, as they had received only 6 minutes notice of this second, frantic court appearance. The Crown successfully convinced the judge to issue a stay, on the grounds that the ban was in the accused, Shawn Brant's, best interests. The media was ordered to "immediately cease reporting on evidence heard at the preliminary inquiry and remove all related reports from websites".

Then, at shortly after 5pm the same day, lawyers for the CBC and Mr. Brant appeared before the same Appeals judge, along with Crown counsel. After substantial submissions, the judge lifted her earlier stay and dismissed the stay application altogether, ordering the publication ban lifted once more.

It is fairly rare for the prosecution to fight for a publication ban on court proceedings when the defence is opposed to it. In Shawn's case, the media coverage of the 2007 blockades and Shawn's role as spokesperson is vast. The public record of Shawn's very public actions stands, and the defence has no interest in suppressing evidence relating to the case. This begs the question: why has the Crown been so persistent in fighting to keep the preliminary hearing quiet? The evidence released after the publication ban was lifted gives some insight into possible answers.
*Julian Fantino's Testimony: *
With the publication ban lifted, disturbing information emerged. The evidence released included the testimony of Chief Fantino at Mr. Brant's preliminary hearing. The public learned about the conduct of Commissioner Fantino in relation to members of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, including his knowledge of wiretaps placed without the approval or oversight of a judge, his apparent dismissal of the authority and importance of Aboriginal OPP officers, the direct threats made to Mohawk spokesperson Shawn Brant, and Mr. Fantino's utter disregard of the recommendations of Justice Linden's Ipperwash Report.
Highlights of the evidence released include the following:
- In June 2007, the OPP imposed wiretaps on members of the Tyendinaga Mohawk community without judicial authorization, using an emergency section of the *Criminal Code*. The lead investigator in Mr. Brant's case has acknowledged that the OPP was not necessarily going to disclose that these taps had occurred. Mr. Brant's lawyers were informed of the existence of the wiretap on his phone only on the Friday afternoon before his preliminary hearing was to begin on the following Monday. - Besides tapping the cell and home phone lines of Shawn Brant, the OPP also tapped three other phones: two of Shawn's friends, Mario Baptiste Sr.and Mario Baptiste Jr., and Shawn's brother, Gregory Brant, a prominent local lawyer. The latter is particularly shocking, given Gregory Branthas opposing political views from those of his brother and had no association to or involvement in the blockades of June 29th, 2007. It is not known whether the tap on his phone includes privileged solicitor-client conversations, which cannot be listened to by other parties.

- At Mr. Brant's preliminary hearing, Fantino said he'd never heard of such a tap being used by the OPP and denied any knowledge of who had decided to implement the tap. Furthermore, Fantino refused to look into this question or provide defence counsel with further information about the wire tap or policy related to its use.

- Fantino's wiretapped conversations with Shawn Brant on June 29, 2007 reveal him making numerous threats against Mr. Brant. Fantino said to Mr.Brant, "your whole world's going to come crashing down" and threatened to"do everything I can within your community and everywhere to destroy your reputation". Police Chief Fantino is also quoted as saying, " I'm now telling you pull the plug or you will suffer grave consequences."

- During his testimony at the preliminary inquiry, Fantino appears to have perjured himself by admitting he knew of the existence of the wiretap on Mr. Brant's phone, on or before June 29th, and then contradicted himself, claiming he had no such knowledge until some time after June 29th.

- Fantino laid the groundwork to come down on the National Day of Action blockade in Tyendinaga on June 29th with full force - a message sent to the Mohawks through intermediaries indicated that tanks, the military,snipers and SWAT teams were on standby to open Highway 401, despite knowledge that the blockade was already scheduled to be taken down at the end of June 29th."There were in fact plans underway at that time for a forced removal of the blockade, weren't there?" Rosenthal asked him during his testimony. "Yes, there was," Fantino replied.

- In his exchange with Mr. Brant, Fantino contradicted the OPP's guidelines for dealing with aboriginal groups, which were developed in the wake of the police killing of Dudley George. Disrespecting First Nations OPP officers and disrespecting their role as negotiators, Fantino refers to them at one point as "your (ie Shawn's) officers".

- Contrary to the recommendations of the Ipperwash report, and OPP guidelines on policing aboriginal blockades, Fantino repeatedly showed no cultural respect for Mohawk processes of decision-making, asserting that Mr. Brant is "the man in charge" and can "pull the plug any time he wants to".Fantino refused to acknowledge or respect any process for reaching consensus within the community, despite repeated attempts by Shawn to make this clear during the taped conversations. In his testimony at the preliminary inquiry, Fantino dismissed this process as a "stalling tactic".

- Evidence also included that of an undercover officer who stated that he posed as a media cameraman when he investigated the blockades of June 29, 2007, held as part of the First Nations National Day of Action. In its application to lift the ban, counsel for the CBC asserted that he had grave concerns about such activity by police officers.

*Ipperwash Recommendations Ignored:*
According to an OPP document drafted in the wake of the Ipperwash Inquiry entitled *A Framework for Police Preparedness for Aboriginal Critical Incidents*, local First Nations police must play a lead role in any police response to First Nations protest. The document calls for building a"trusting relationship" with "mutual respect" between the culture of First Nations people and police, as well as a need for "special concerns" with respect to aboriginal protests and blockades, given their historical rights.

It also calls for "fostering trusting relationships between the OPP and aboriginal communities" and for a "critical incident mediator" who, during an incident, meets with aboriginal leaders to identify key issues and interests and communicates those to the police commander at the incident. It is also the mediator's responsibility to "develop in concert with the incident commander, a mutually acceptable and lasting resolution strategy."

The evidence at the preliminary inquiry shows that this was indeed taking place on June 29, in Tyendinaga. The Mohawks were communicating and negotiating with members of the Aboriginal Liason Team.

However, the evidence also shows that Fantino repeatedly undercut such involvement by interrupting negotiations between the people blockading the 401 and First Nations constables with threatening calls to Brant's cellphone.

According to Shawn's lawyer, Peter Rosenthal, "The point is not simply that a commissioner of the OPP should speak more appropriately. The concern is that an OPP officer speaking like that in such a context could have derailed negotiations entirely, leading to a horrible outcome. Luckily, Brant and his colleagues continued negotiations with the First Nations officers to a successful conclusion, in spite of Fantino's provocations."

At the preliminary inquiry, Fantino was confronted with several points from the *Framework*. He was then asked by defence counsel: "I put it to you that the document that we looked at and the concerns of the Ipperwash inquiry,and many other concerns that you're aware of, have indicated that, in situations like this, for the public good as well as for the respect of the protestors involved, it's important to understand where they're coming from and deal with their cultural values and so on."

Fantino responded: "There's nothing in the spirit, the intent, or the written word in this document that justifies criminal conduct, or that exonerates people from accountability from criminal conduct, or that it [sic] absents me as a law enforcement officer from exercising discretion, or using the authority bestowed upon me to effect a lawful purpose."

Fantino was then asked: "And doesn't, though, that document and many other documents speak to the way you should do that in situations involving aboriginal protestors?"

He replied: "These are guidelines and they're principles; they're not a firm and fixed mandated way of doing business."

The Ipperwash recommendations were designed to avoid violence, regardless of whether criminal charges will subsequently be laid. For Fantino to dismiss the recommendations as mere "guidelines," given the grave consequences of racist policing which prompted them in the first place, should be cause for great alarm.

*Fantino and McGuinty Respond:*

A media storm followed the lifting of the publication ban. After allegations that Fantino had violated the Ipperwash recommendations were printed and broadcast in national newspapers and on national television and radio, Fantino issued two statements In one, he stated, regarding lesson he had learned from the controversy surrounding the OPP's handling of the National Day of Action at Tyendinaga, that "as a law enforcement officer, I happen to have all the right enemies". In another statement, Fantino said,in part, "Consistent with the recommendations from the Ipperwash inquiry,the OPP continues to work collectively with legitimate First Nations leadership and communities to ensure that both the interests of participants during lawful protests and public safety can be served in the best way possible."

The Ipperwash recommendations were not about what the police would consider to be "lawful protests," nor about working with what the police would consider to be "legitimate First Nations leadership." The entire Ipperwash report was designed to apply to incidents such as the reclamation of Ipperwash Park and the blockades of June 29, 2007. It was designed to avoid violence and the death of Native people standing up for their land. If Fantino remains Chief of the OPP, how can we be certain that future bloodshed will be avoided?

Fantino's conduct during these blockades was in contravention of both OPP guidelines and the recommendations of the Ipperwash report. Above and beyond this, his actions were threatening, unprofessional and discriminatory.

Following the public furor, which included NDP Justice Critic Peter Kormos'call for Fantino to resign or be fired, Premier McGunity was quoted as stating that Commissioner Fantino had "demonstrated tremendous discipline",and that his position is "a tough job when people get really hot".

An OPP Commissioner must have the ability to conduct himself appropriately in complex situations, an essential skill Fantino clearly lacked on June 29th, 2007. But even two months later at Shawn Brant's preliminary inquiry—not in a 'heated' situation—Fantino continued to demonstrate his lack of commitment to implementing recommendations of the Ipperwash inquiry. Fantino's public statements with respect to his conduct are an attempt to obfuscate and distract from the issues at hand – namely, how First Nations people are policed in this province.

It is important to note that in Justice Linden's 1,433-page report, the OPP received the bulk of the criticism for actions leading up to the shooting ,including "the use of excessive force" and being "culturally insensitive''. Fantino's conduct on June 29th, 2007 directly contravenes the recommendations of Justice Linden, and sets an unacceptably dangerous and disrespectful precedent for government and police response to First Nations grievances.

The Premier's job should instead be to ensure that the Commissioner, a political appointee whom the Liberal government quietly handed an extension of term in early 2008, is thoroughly investigated, with a view to resignation.

*What's Next:*

The current situation in Tyendinaga has begun to look like a sweeping crack-down on community members and the stifling of resistance to increased policing and further development of the Culbertson Tract. At the time of writing, 16 men and women from Tyendinaga are facing charges stemming from the OPP stand-off in April 2008, all saddled at minimum with conditions of'no protests' and 'not to be present at the quarry site'.

At the same time, federal monies are being poured into the Territory for policing matters, and an RCMP report has been released, citing federal government intentions to dedicate police "to fighting contraband, which he[Stockwell Day] said is funding organized crime and possibly even terrorists" in three Mohawk communities, including Tyendinaga. It isimportant to remember that the feds' concern with Native-made smokes and sales go much deeper than their own pocket book. It is not simply the lost tax revenue that they suffer, but the fact that the lost dollars go to sustain Mohawk families and other services and allows for the Mohawk Nation to stand, as it always has, as a clear and organized force of resistance against the Canadian government's practices of assimilation and control of First Nations peoples.

It is the efforts to strengthen Mohawk Nations' economies and sovereignty that threatens the implementation of Canada's colonial agenda. The policing agendas of the Canadian government aim to crack down on this assertion of self-sufficiency and strength, not, as they claim, "organized crime".

In late July, Larry Hay, the former police chief of the Mohawk Tyendinaga First Nation made public his efforts to take the Ontario Provincial Police to court after being fired by OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino for speaking out against racism in policing. "They've learned nothing from Ipperwash,"said Hay, who is seeking a judicial review hoping a court will reinstate him in the job. He is considering a wrongful dismissal suit if a judicial review fails.

The community of Tyendinaga has, through working to re-establish a longhouse, self-governance, and economic self-sufficiency, long been a thorn in the side of the Canadian state, and its project of oppression and genocide of First Nations peoples.

That the government lawyers looked to ask for twelve years prison time for Shawn Brant is not about the blockades of last summer. It is about sending aloud message to First Nations people who are not interested in submitting to the exploitation of their lands and resources, nor the continued denigration and suffering of their communities. This was a state response of fear and concern that First Nations resistance will continue, and will succeed in forcing the rest of this country's population to realize that long-standing crimes against the Mohawk community of Tyendinaga, and all other FirstNations communities, must be righted.

Monday, September 29, 2008



Et aussi, pour votre information et divertisssement, il y a une liste, 'act-mtl' pour l'activisme dans la region de Montréal. Ice sont les détails.

And also, for your information and entertainment there is a list , ACT-MTL', for activism in the Montréal region. Here are the details.

act-mtl: nouvelles et informations radicales / radical news and information (MONTREAL)‏:
act montreal
[svp diffuser largement; English below; please post and forward widely]
act-mtl - nouvelles et informations radicales à Montréal

Act-mtl est une liste d'envoi qui couvre l'activisme radical et progressistedans la région de Montréal. C'est une liste au volume modéré qui inclut lesévénements, manifestations, reportages, actions urgentes, annonces, ainsique d'autres nouvelles et informations reliées au militantisme local et à la contre-culture.

La liste act-mtl existe depuis presque 10 ans sous une forme tout à fait gratuite, c'est un service de nouvelles et d'informations menée par des bénévoles.

Act-mtl est anti-corporatif, anti-capitaliste, et sert à promouvoir des points de vue progressistes et radicaux, des groupes et mouvements dans la région montréalaise, ceci dans un esprit de solidarité, de respect et d'ouverture. Nous encourageons les annonces, rapports ou nouvelles de tout genre provenant d'individus et groupes actifs sur la scène locale.

La liste act-mtl s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui ont un accès à l'Internet et a comme objectif de vous garder au courant d'activités et d'événements locales afin de renforcer notre capacité de résistance collective, aussi de contrer la culture dominante.

Les annonces sur act-mtl sont en français et en anglais (il n'y a pas d'option unilingue). Act-mtl est seulement une liste a caractère informatif et par le fait même, elle est modérée afin d'en assurer le contenu exempt de publicités indésirables.

-> Pour vous inscrire à la liste act-mtl, visitez la page suivante:https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/act-mtl
-> Pour envoyer des messages sur la liste act-mtl, faites parvenir votre courriel à
- radical news and information for Montreal
act-mtl is an e-mail list about Montreal-area progressive & radical activism. It is a moderate-volume list that includes event listings, demoreports, urgent actions, announcements and other news and information related to local activism and culture. act-mtl has existed as a free,volunteer-run news and information service for over decade.

Act-mtl is unapologetically anti-corporate, anti-capitalist, and exists to promote progressive and radical issues, groups and movements in the Montreal-area, in a spirit of solidarity, respect and openness. We encourage local individuals and groups to post informative and timely reports, news and announcements about their activities.

Act-mtl aims to keep those who have internet access informed about local events and activities, and to complement and reinforce our collectiveresistance and counter culture.

Act-mtl posts are in both french and english, with no separate language feeds. act-mtl is an information list only, and as such is moderated to ensure relevant content, and to avoid spam.

To subscribe to act-mtl, visit the following page:
To post your events and announcement, e-mail



Il y aura beaucoup passe-t-il à Montréeal dans les prochaines mois en terms de événements anarchistes. Voice les annonces coutoisie du Bloc AMP.

There'll be a lot happening in Montréal in the next few months in terms of anarchist events. Here`s the announcements, courtesy of the Bloc AMP.


lundi/Monday: L'enigmatique emeute/The Mysterious Riot (7pm, 2356 rue Centre)‏ :
From: Bloc AMP Montreal [English below]
--> Voici un lien à un article au Montreal Mirror concernant l'atelier de lundi/Here is a link to an article in the recent Montreal Mirror --"Dissecting riot culture" -- concerning this Monday's workshop:
Le comité éducation populaire du Centre social autogéré (CSA) &L'Action Mondiale des Peuples (AMP)-Montréal à le plaisir de vous inviter à:
Une série d'ateliers/discussions pour toutes et tous d'octobre à décembre 2008
Au Carrefour d'éducation populaire de Pointe-Saint-Charles
2356 rue Centre (métro Charlevoix)
Pour partager nos connaissances, nos idées et nos analyses.
Bienvenue à tous et toutes, c'est gratuit!
Lundi le 29 SEPTEMBRE à 19h
L'énigmatique émeute
Québec 1917, Québec 2001, Montréal-Nord 2008... Depuis toujours, l'émeute effrait les classes dirigeantes. L'idéologie dominante a tenté, par tous lesmoyens à sa disposition, de la discréditer. Elle serait "irrationnelle","violente", le fruit de la "racaille", de "fauteurs de trouble", de"casseurs". À travers une analyse de quelques unes des émeutes au Québec,nous verrons, loin des préjugés, quelles caractéristiques a l'émeute. Quelssont les facteurs menants à l'émeute? Qui sont ceux et celles qui yparticipent? Peut-on dégager des caractéristiques particulières audéroulement des émeutes? Peut-on les associer à une idéologie politique précise? Dans quelle mesure peuvent-elles être efficaces? Nous tenterons,ainsi, de comprendre un peu mieux cette rebelle.
Présenté par Marc-André Cyr, militant libertaire.
Lundi le 6 OCTOBRE à 19h
Un statut pour Kader ! : Plus de 1000 jours en sanctuaire
Abdelkader Belaouni (Kader) est un homme d'origine algérienne actuellement sans statut qui a trouvé refuge en sanctuaire à l'église St-Gabriel, le 1erjanvier 2006, afin d'éviter sa déportation du Canada. L'histoire de Kaderest représentative de la migration humaine du 21e siècle. En effet, il s'estbattu - et se bat encore - contre une bureaucratie déshumanisante, afind'être traité avec respect et dignité. Kader a inspiré un large réseau desoutien et de résistance à sa cause. Il a refusé de se laisser vaincre parplus de deux années de réclusion forcée qu'il subit toujours. Cet atelier parcourra les différents aspects de la lutte de Kader, ainsi que les tactiques utilisées durant sa campagne pour recevoir un statut.
Présenté par des membres du Comité de soutien pour Abdelkader Belaouni;info: www.soutienpourkader.net.
Lundi le 20 OCTOBRE à 19h
Introduction à l'économie participaliste À quoi ressemblerait une économie post-capitaliste? Comment pourrait-ongérer nos ressources et nos biens en accord avec nos principes d'équité et de justice tout en étant libres et efficaces? L'économie participaliste estpeut-être une piste de réponse. Cette idée se veut un troisième modèle économique qui tente d'aller au-delà des modèles libéraux et marxistes classiques. Cet atelier sera une introduction à ce modèle suivie d'une discussion sur le sujet.
Présenté par Anna Kruzynski et Pascal Lebrun, membres du collectif de la Pointe Libertaire.
Lundi le 3 NOVEMBRE à 19h
Où en est-on en environnement ici et comment être efficaces et radicaux dans les luttes ?
Oui, vous le savez sûrement déjà, à travers le monde, la situation environnementale est alarmante. Alors que des collectivités se lèvent pouressayer de cesser le désastre et essayer de réparer les dégâts, d'autres sedrapent de développement durable pour dissimuler leurs sales coups. Le Québec ne fait pas exception et les luttes y sont nombreuses. Des forêts à la gestion des déchets, de la qualité de l'eau à la souveraineté alimentaire, des méga projets de gaz naturel aux mines d'uranium, et plusencore : Que diriez-vous d'une mise à jour sur les luttes et problématiques environnementales et écologistes du coin de terre que nous habitons ? Et sion le sent, pourquoi pas y ajouter une grille écoféministe et anticolonialiste ?
Une présentation participative de Maude Prud'homme, membre du Centre desmédias indépendents de Montréal (CMI), travailleuse du Réseau québécois des groupes écologistes (RQGE) et militante écoféministe.
Lundi le 17 NOVEMBRE à 19h
Diverses expériences de centres sociaux autogérés
Dans cet atelier nous vous parlerons de diverses expériences de centres sociaux autogérés. Qu'est-ce qu'un centre social autogéré? Comment fonctionne-t-il? Quels sont les enjeux et les motifs d'évictions? Ces expériences sont situées soit en Europe comme le squat des 400 couverts de Grenoble et celui des tanneries de Dijon, ou encore au Canada, comme le Frances Street squat de Vancouver, le Pope Squat de Toronto, et ici même au Québec, le squat de la Chevrotière de Québec et celui Overdale puis Préfontaine de Montréal. Finalement, nous terminerons l'atelier par une présentation du projet de centre social autogéré à Pointe Saint-Charles.
Présenté par Nancy Breault, Pascal Lebrun, impliqué-e-s dans le comitéd'installation du Centre social autogéré et nos invité-e-s.
Lundi le 1er DÉCEMBRE à 19h
Résistance 2010!: Les liens entre le G8, le PSP, les olympiques et les luttes locales
Quels sont les liens entre le G8, le Parternariat nord-américan pour la sécurité et la prospérité (PSP) et les prochains Jeux olympiques de 2010? Comment ces enjeux sont-ils liés aux luttes pour la justice, la dignité et l'autodétermination? Cette présentation multimédia – photos, extraits des vidéos et plus -- fait le point sur les récents mouvements de contestation contre le G8 (Gêne, Kananaskis, Ottawa) et contre le PSP (Montebello) et fait le lien avec la résistance actuelle contre la tenue des olympiques en Colombie-Britannique. En prévision de 2010, au moment où ces trois événements se donnent rendez-vous au Canada, cette présentation définit un cadre général pour discuter et débattre sur les meilleures façons demobiliser contre ces démonstrations du capitalisme, des pouvoirs coloniaux et de l'oppression, et ce, en lien avec nos campagnes et nos projets locaux.
Présenté par des membres du Bloc-AMP (Action Mondiale des Peuples) àMontréal
raduction chuchotée vers l'anglais disponible sur place.Garderie disponible sur demande (svp téléphoner 48 heures à l'avance).Le Carrefour d'éducation populaire est accessible pour les gens en fauteuils roulants.
Svp nous contacter si vous avez des besoins particuliers.
Ateliers déjà présentés (été 08):
- L'Action Directe anti-impérialiste à Montréal (par des membres de Bloquez l'Empire, 30 juin)
- Lutter contre l'Apartheid mondial et les frontières(par un membre de Personne n'est illégal-Montréal, 14 juilllet)
- Les agrocombustibles : alternative ou destruction massive?(par une membre du Projet Accompagnement Colombie, 4 août)
- Vers un quartier écologique et autogéré: L'enjeu du transport (par les membres de La Pointe Libertaire, 25 août)
- Atelier-Discussion sur les droits et recours face à la police (par les membres du Collectif opposé à la brutalité policière, 15 septembre)
- 514-848-7583
Les idées ne se vendent pas ! Elles se partagent !
People's Global Action (Montreal) &the Popular Education Committee of the Autonomous Social Center presents:
Popular Education Workshops and Discussions
At the Carrefour d'éducation populaire de Pointe Saint-Charles
2356 rue Centre (métro Charlevoix)
Monday evening workshops and discussions, to share knowledge, ideas and analysis.
Free & welcome to all!
MONDAY, September 29 at 7pm
The Mysterious Riot
Quebec City 1917, Quebec City 2001, Montreal-Nord 2008 … Riots have always frightened the ruling classes. The dominant ideologues have tried to discredit riots by all means at their disposal. Riots are supposedly 'irrational', 'violent', and a product of the 'rabble', 'troublemakers' and'rock-throwers'. Through an analysis of some of Quebec's past riots, we will see what are the actual characteristics of a riot, beyond the stereotypes.What are the factors leading to a riot? Who takes part? Are there particular characteristics of riots? Can we associate a precise political ideology with riots? To what extent are they strategic? Together, we will try to understand a bit better this form of rebellion.
Presented by Marc-André Cyr, anarchist activist.
Monday, OCTOBER 6 at 7pm
Status for Kader!: Over 1,000 days in sanctuary
Abdelkader Belaouni (Kader), a non-status Algerian man, has been in sanctuary at Saint Gabriel's Church since January 1, 2006 in order to avoid an unjust deportation order. Kader's story is representative of migration inthe 21st century. He has struggled against dehumanizing bureaucracy to be treated with dignity and respect; he has inspired abroad network of support and resistance; and he has refused to be crushed by two and a half years of imprisonment. This workshop will look at his struggle and the various aspects and tactics of his campaign for status. Presented by members of the Committee to Support Abdelkader Belaouniinfo: www.soutienpourkader.net
Monday, OCTOBER 20 at 7pm
An Introduction to Participatory Economics
What would a post-capitalist economy look like? How would we manage our resources and needs consistent with principles of equality and justice,while at the same time being free and efficient? Participatory economics is perhaps a step towards a response. This idea puts forward a third economic model which tries to move beyond classic liberal and Marxist models. This workshop will provide an introduction to this model followed by a discussionon the topic.
Presented by Anna Kruzynski and Pascal Lebrun, members of La PointeLibertaire.
Monday, NOVEMBER 3 at 7pm
Ecological struggles in Quebec; how to be radical and effective Yes, you're probably aware already, throughout the world, the environmental situation is alarming. While various groups rise up to try to stop the disaster and repair the damage, others hide behind "sustainable development"to mask their damage to the environment. Quebec is not an exception and the struggles here are numerous: from forests to waste management, from water quality to food security, from mega natural gas projects to uranium mining,and much more. What would we say by way of an assessment about the environmental and ecological problems in this corner of the Earth on which we live? And, if we feel like it, why not add an eco-feminist and anti-colonial analysis?
A participatory presentation by Maude Prud'homme, member of the Independent Media Center in Montreal, the Réseau québécois des groupes écologistes (RQGE), and an ecofeminist activist. Monday, NOVEMBER 17 at 7pm
Diverse experiences of autonomous social centres
In this workshop we will address the diverse experiences of autonomous social centers. What is an autonomous social center ? How do they operate ? What are the issues and reasons for their evictions. Some of the experiences we'll share are based in Europe: the 400 Couverts Squat in Grenoble and the Tanneries Squat in Dijon; in Canada: the Frances Street Squat in Vancouver and the Pope Squat in Toronto; and here in Quebec: the Chevrotière Squat in Quebec City and the Overdale-Prefontaine Squat in Montreal. We will end theworkshop with a presentation on the Autonomous Social Center inPoint-St-Charles.
Presented by Nancy Breault & Pascal Lebrun, who are involved in the installation committee of the Autonomous Social Center, and some invited guests.
Monday, DECEMBER 1st at 7pm
Resistance 2010!: The links between the G8, SPP, the Olympics and local struggles
What are the links between the G8, the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and the upcoming 2010 Olympics? How are these issues linked to our local struggles for justice, dignity and self-determination. This multi-media presentation – including photos and videos -- will look back at recent movements of contestation against the G8 (Genoa, Kananaskis/Ottawa) and SPP (Montebello), and at current resistance to the Olympics in "British Columbia". Looking ahead to 2010, when all three events will take place in Canada, this presentation will provide a basic framework to discuss and debate about how to mobilize against these manifestations of capitalist and colonial power and oppression, linked to our tangible local campaigns and projects.
Presented by members of the People's Global Action (PGA) Bloc in Montreal
All presentations in French, with whisper translation towards English. Childcare available on request (please phone 48 hours in advance).The Carrefour d'éducation populaire is wheelchair accessible.Please get in touch about any special needs.
Workshops previously presented:
- Anti-war Direct Action organizing in Montreal(by members of Block the Empire, June 30)
- Migration, Borders and Global Apartheid(by a member of No One Is Illegal-Montreal, July 14)
- Biofuels: A genuine alternative or massive destruction?(by a member of Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie, August 4)
- Transportation: Building an ecological and autonomous neighborhood(by members of La Pointe Libertaire, August 25)
- Copwatch and our rights vis-à-vis the police(by members of the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality, September 15)
- 514-848-7583
Ideas are not for sale! They are to be shared!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


The list of products and companies implicated in the growing scandal of melamine contamination of milk and milk byproducts in China and its export markets continues to widen. At the same time the number of countries that have instituted either total or partial bans on Chinese products made with milk continues to grow. Here's the list so far:

*Bamgladesh (three brands banned and melamine testing to be done on all imports)
*Benin (powdered milk products)
*Bhutan (total ban)
*Brunei (total ban)
*Burundi (total ban)
*Cameroon(ban on milk and powdered milk)
*Columbia (ban on powdered milk)
*Costa Rica (total ban)
*Columbia (powdered milk)
*European Union (powdered milk, infant foods)
*France (total ban)
*Gabon (total ban)
*Ghana (total ban)
*India (total ban, three month moratorium)
*Indonesia (total ban)
*Ivory Coast (total ban)
*Malasia (total ban)
*Maldives (total ban)
*Nepal (total ban)
*Papua New guinea (total ban)
*Philippines (dairy products, infant food)
*Singapore (total ban)
*South Korea (ban on all products with powdered milk)
*Suriname (total ban)
*Taiwan (dairy products ban)
*Tanzania (total ban)
*Togo (total ban)
*Vietnam (total ban)

The above list, taken from several different sources, is undoubtedly out of date as I speak. Most problematic is Japan where melamine has been found in several different products either imported from China or made with Chinese milk based ingredients. Given the scale of the problem in Japan it is likely that a total ban will be instituted soon. Within China itself, and Hong Kong, companies that have had to institute recalls notably include the Starbucks chain, Nestlé and the Heinz brand. Meanwhile, according to an article in the Bloomberg Report the World Health Organization has stated on September 26 that there was "deliberate failure" in reporting the problems with the contaminated milk. Information on when concerns were first voiced and by whom have become a disputed matter. The main dispute is between New Zealand based Fonterra Cooperative Group which held a 43% interest in Santu Group, the first company identified as a peddler of tainted milk, and Chinese authorities. Fonterra claims that it began to pressure its Chinese affiliate last March, after the first complaints about their product has been received as early as last December. Chinese authorities fault Fonterra for keeping the news "private"until the matter was finally reported to city authorities in Shijiazhuang on August 2. The central government of China, however, did not begin any action until September 10. This was despite having definitely incriminated melamine as the problem as early as September 1.

It was not until September 13 that the Chinese Ministry of Health gave its first news conference on the matter and declared a national food-safety emergency. Since them heads have rolled as the Chinese government has attempted to attach blame to anyone but its central agencies. The mayor of Shijiazhuang has been dismissed. The CEO of Sanlu, Tian Wenhua has been arrested. This basic timeline is confirmed by an article in The Economist magazine (September 20,2008) entitled 'Formula for Disaster' (complete article to subscribers only). For a Chinese perspective and continued reporting on the matter go to the English language Danwei website.

Here we come to the crux of the matter. The timeline is suggestive of a deliberate cover-up of the matter on the part of central authorities because of one cardinal fact. The Chinese government had put considerable pressure on all domestic news agencies to report only "positive news" in the run-up to and during the Olympic and Paralympic games in Beijing. Did this also means deliberate foot dragging in the case of local and even central government authorities ? Or was it simple bureaucratic sloth and incompetence ? You be the judge.

What does this have to do with Canada and the USA ? Perhaps everything. The ruling parties in both countries are now in the midst of election campaigns. The last thing they would need would be a major "food safety" scandal on the level of what happened with pet foods and toothpaste last year, even though Canada is in the midst of at least one such problem, the listeriosis outbreak. This especially true as a full bodied move would expose the fact that both countries have done little or nothing to safeguard their publics from repeats of what happened last year.There would never be any smoking guns found in such a situation, as the pressure to "tone-down" any response would be conveyed more by subtle "suggestions" than anything else. It this perhaps the reason why most of the world has reacted much more vigorously to the problem than Canada and the USA have in only recalling a very limited number of products ?

Once more, you be the judge. China and the Olympics ? Canada and the USA and the elections ? Perhaps so.

Here's another message from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) about the strike at the University of Windsor, now in its its second week.

Windsor faculty in week two of strike:
The Faculty at the University of Windsor is now entering its second week of strike.
Faculty association president, Professor Brian E. Brown, will be part of an information event this Sunday, September 28, in Canada Hall, from 2 PM to 4 PM.
“Our objective is to meet with all those having concerns about the strike at U of W”, said Brown. “Too much misinformation has been released by the university giving an entirely unjust view of the situation."
"The truth is that 47% of our Faculty are part time staff. They are underpaid, overworked and increasingly treated as casual labour," he said.
On campus, CUPE locals 1001, 1393, 4580 and 1281 are coalition partners, working closely with WUFA.
Brown also noted both the Graduate Student Society and the University of Windsor Students' Alliance have voted to support WUFA.
Paul Moist has offered CUPE’s support to WUFA’s bargaining team. “I hope they can benefit from CUPE’s vast experience in the post-secondary sector. This is a perfect example of public sector workers who need our support in these crucial times.”

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Every election time each and every party in whatever election it may be has to make the obligatory noises about "crime". The simple fact is that the largest influence on the usual "street crime" is simple demographics, something far beyond the control of any bromides of either the right or the left. There is, however, another type of crime, what might be termed "wholesale crime" as opposed to the usual petty "retail crime". it is also known as "white collar crime, and right wing parties, in any country, have their own particularly tolerant view of such things. this is true of Canada and our Beloved Dear Comrade Leader Sneaky Stevie as well. Here's an item from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) about the federal Conservatives and such crime.

Harper soft on white collar crime:
Stephen Harper has no problem cracking down on 14 year-olds. But white collar crime? That’s another story.
Stephen Harper has no problem sentencing 14 year-olds to life in prison. As for his gang of merry corporate supporters who have fleeced hardworking Canadians for billions? They have a better chance of getting locked up in the U.S.
It’s not that Canada is devoid of white collar crime – Canadian workers and taxpayers have paid a high price for made-in-Canada market fraud and abuse. It’s just that our politicians would rather enable corporate criminals than hold them accountable.
In the U.S., the FBI is pursuing 28 criminal cases against high-ranked corporate executives involved in the great Wall Street swindle that resulted in a financial market meltdown.
In stark contrast, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty congratulated Canadian courts on their decision to protect financial executives from prosecution for their part in the asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) fraud in Canada.
White collar crime tends to fly under the radar in Canada. Admittedly, it’s harder to spot than a spray painted mailbox. And our politicians—who bray on about transparency and accountability—work hard to keep it behind closed doors.
In the US, there is open public debate about the Bush administration’s proposed $700 billion bailout package, and even Republican politicians have agreed to restrictions on CEO pay and tighter financial market regulation.
But in Canada, where governments and public entities hold $19 billion of the rotten ABCP investments, taxpayers and workers' pension funds will end up bailing out the financial industry $5 to $9 billion. And for Canadians, there’s no debate. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty didn’t even respond to CUPE’s demand that he appoint someone to represent the public interest in these proceedings.
Compared to Canada, the U.S. is actually tougher on its financial industry, and isn’t afraid to put white collar criminals in jail. In fact, Canadians have to rely on the U.S. to prosecute our corporate criminals, including Nortel executives and Conrad Black.
In the past five years, there have been more than 1,200 successful convictions of white collar criminals in the States, including many Canadians. In Canada, there have only been three.(!!!!-Molly)
Consistent with his neo-conservative ideology of privatization and deregulation, Harper wants greater “self-regulation” of Canada’s financial industry. Harper unveiled a plan in his 2007 budget to adopt “principles-based” regulation of the securities and financial industry. The problem is, business “principles” are, by nature, about making money – not about looking out for the welfare of the public.
Self-regulation opens the floodgates to more fraud on Bay Street, and renders volatile the pensions and investments that Canadians work hard to build, day by day.
So what’s the difference between white-collar criminals and young offenders? Money, power, and voting age. If teens have to be accountable to Harper’s tough-on-crime agenda, then our corporate criminals should be, too. White collar crime has real victims, and leaves behind damaged lives and dashed dreams. We need a leader who puts the needs of the public above the needs of multi-millionaire fraudsters. But Stephen Harper just wants to protect them from justice – and put more kids in jail.

It's coming soon. On October 4th the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) will be holding their street takeover. The graphic here is their poster. It it's unreadable click to enlarge it. Copy it for distribution.

Bush's bailout is on at least temporary hold, now that the US Congress has refused to be bullied into a rush job. Strangely enough the sky hasn't fallen. The world has crashed into a total economic depression since 6:00 pm Friday came and went. The struggle continues to make the deal more than just a bailout for speculators and assorted hogs that feed at government troughs. Here's an appeal from the Jobs With Justice Coalition for action in the USA. If you are an American reader of this blog look to what they suggest and sign their petition. Us northern colonials have no influence on the US Congress, but, like the rest of the world, we're depending on the average American to not let this theft take place- or economic disaster for everyone will not be averted but only postponed.

Call to Action WEDNESDAY, 10/1: No Blank Check to Wall St.; Save The Economy, Pronto‏:
The Wall-Street blank check bail-out, driven by corporate greed,is still moving ahead in Congress, so far without any of the commitments that JwJ and allies have insisted are needed to Save The Economy, Pronto. Several national groups and economists agree that we can and must push for a better deal for Main Street.
On September 30, Congress is scheduled to go home to face constituents, during their election cycle break. JwJ is counting on YOU to hit the streets on Wednesday, October 1st to make sure Congress serves Main Street before Wall Street. We will do this Day of Action whether the Wall Street Bail-out bill has passed by then or not!!
Jobs with Justice members know that Congress needs to act strongly (but not in a panic) to address the immediate financial crisis, but we also need a deeper, long-term restructuring of our economy so it works for everyone.
Our Demands:
- Make the people that got rich while creating the crisis pay for the clean-up
- Restructure the banking system
* Short-term: public ownership for public assistance (i.e.equity for bail-out)
* Long-term: re-regulate private finance and expand public and community-owned alternatives(This is THE most attractive proposal to Molly, as a libertarian socialist and "mutualist". Socialism will never be created anywhere-at least a socialism worthy of the name- without networks of credit unions that are both individual membership and community based ie without a thorough decentralization and "destateization" of the availability of the "money supply" ie the simple "confidence" that money and credit are in reality)
- Solve the housing and foreclosure crisis
- Commit to fast-tracking a true recovery plan that addresses jobs, infrastructure, pensions, etc.
Local JwJ coalitions are organizing actions in cities across the country. Find your local JwJ coalition(http://www.unionvoice.org/ct/K1_xDw71hqYL/) and call or email them to find out what they are planning. We are gathering information about what coalitions have planned, and will post a list early next week.
Live in an area where there is no local JwJ coalition? Plan your own action! Send an email to jwjnational@jwj.org and let us know what you're doing!
Here are some ideas:
- Rally at Congressional offices
- Deliver 'trash for cash' to your federal reserve office
- Picket the banks that are asking for handouts without giving Main Street anything in return
- Hold a bake sale, and sell junk food to pay for Wall Street junk bonds
- Conduct a public survey asking working people what they need a bail-out for
- Now that we taxpayers have paid for your local bank, have a party there
- Invite the media to hear from people that need a "Main Street"bail-out
You can take action on this alert via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
We encourage you to take action by October 23, 2008
Tell Congress: No Wall Street Bail-out! We need you to STEP UP!

For several years now the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), an international syndicalist organization, have been doing what no other union has taken on- organizing workers at the Starbucks coffee shop chain. It's difficult organizing, but the IWW has already had many successes. For the history and current events in the struggle see the Starbucks Union site. One of the recent places where the IWW is organizing is in the Twin Cities area of the USA. Last month management at the Mall of America got both the City of Bloomington police and the Metro Transit authorities to do their dirty work for them. This is the story, and the IWW response.
Riot Cops Illegally Detain Wobblies at Mall of America:
by Starbucks Workers Union
Video: 50 Starbucks Workers Union Supporters Sealed into Train by Police

Video Release:
Minneapolis, MN- The Starbucks Workers Union of the Industrial Workers of the World announced today that it is filing Unfair Labor Practice charges against the Mall of America, Metro Transit, and the City of Bloomington after fifty of its supporters were sealed onto a train by police at the Mall of the America station and denied the right to escort a union barista to his first day back on the job after an anti-union termination. The union delegation was headed to the Mall of the America Starbucks location on August 31st after a rally to celebrate the reinstatement of barista Erik Forman which had been won through a combination of direct action, a legal filing, and media advocacy.
"It was a surreal and deeply distressing experience to encounter heavily armed riot cops blocking the doors of the train car and trampling on our right to assembly. They even refused to let a diabetic child leave the train to get medical attention," said Jake Bell, a barista and member of the Starbucks Workers Union. "They told us the 'Mall doesn't want you here,' locked the doors, and rerouted the train back to Minneapolis."
In the Mall, it became clear that a massive police buildup had been coordinated with the FBI and Starbucks management to pre-empt a supposed 'protest' in front of the Mall of America Starbucks. The Industrial Workers of the World had been explicit with police that no protest was planned. The Union has released video evidence documenting the unlawful interference with constitutional rights and international law, available here:
Forman had been illegally fired on July 10 for union activity, sparking an outpouring of anger and disgust from baristas, customers and the general public. The delegation escorting him back to his first day back on the job received confirmation from transit police at both the Lake Street and Bloomington rail stations that they should be allowed to enter the Mall provided that they did not carry signs or disrupt business.
This is not the first time the IWW Starbucks Workers Union has experienced rights violations during a political convention. At the Republican National Convention in 2004, two IWW baristas were unlawfully arrested during a rally in front of the Starbucks location in New York City where they worked. The charges were successfully resolved and a lawsuit stemming from the event is currently pending against various governmental defendants.
Background on the IWW Starbucks Workers Union
Baristas at the Mall of America location announced their affiliation with the IWW on July 21 in a walkout protesting Starbucks store closures. The Union baristas demand a fair severance package for affected workers, as well as severance pay based on seniority and the right to transfer. The Union's core demands also include a living wage, cost of living increases, and guaranteed hours.
While portraying itself as a 'socially-responsible' employer, Starbucks pays baristas a poverty wage of $7.60/hr. In addition, all retail hourly workers at Starbucks in the United States are part-time employees with no guaranteed number of work hours per week. According to Starbucks figures released to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 40.9% of its employees (including managers) are covered by the company health care package, a lower percentage than the oft-criticized Wal-Mart, which insures 47% of its workforce.
Since the launch of the IWW campaign at Starbucks on May 17, 2004, the company has been cited multiple times for illegal union-busting by the National Labor Relations Board. The company settled two complaints against it and is awaiting a decision by a judge in New York on more than 30 additional rights' violations. Starbucks' large anti-union operation is operated in conjunction with the Akin Gump law firm and the Edelman public relations firm..
The IWW Starbucks Workers Union is a grassroots organization of over 200 current and former employees at the world's largest coffee chain united for secure work hours and a living wage. The union has members throughout the United States fighting for systemic change at the company and remedying individual grievances with management. The SWU has been especially active in New York City, Chicago, Grand Rapids, and Minneapolis.