Radicalizing Reality Forum: Resisting Walls & Bars

Saturday, November 16th
6-8:00PM (Followed by social)
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston Street, Copley Square, Boston, MA

Locally and globally, struggles against confinement and for freedom of movement are on the rise. Whether it's young migrant folks crossing forbidden borders or prisoners striking for freedom and dignity, the new world in our hearts is visible through acts of defiance and solidarity.

Saturday September 21st: 6-8 PM Boston Reading Group on Fast Food Strikes

Common Struggle Reading Group - Fast Food Workers, Recent Strikes, and "Alternative" Labor

-Saturday September 21st: 6-8 PM reading group at Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Boston, MA, 02116, in Copley Square.

This summer, fast food workers across the country have launched strikes and pushed for unions and better jobs. SEIU has played a large role in this movement, utilizing a "new" or "alternative" labor model, supporting smaller, independent workers' initiatives, organizing symbolic strikes, and pushing for a higher national minimum wage. Locally, workers at Insomnia Cookies recently launched a strike and joined the Industrial Workers of the World.

Care + Struggle Study Group (Boston)

Care + Struggle Reading Group
Saturday, June 15th
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St, Boston, MA
Facebook Event

Turkey: Yesterday & Today

Turkey: Yesterday & Today
by Gun Zileli & Ilhan Tekin

A brief Political History of Turkey
Second Edition (1994)

Originally published by Karambol Publications (London)


Care + Struggle Reading Group (Boston)

Care + Struggle Reading Group

Saturday, May 18th
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St, Boston, MA

Topic this month: The Politics of Women and Health: how gender inequality serves capital and state control. We'll be reading several articles describing the lack of access to healthcare, mistreatment by medical institutions, and forced treatment (psychiatric and reproductive) that affect women, paying attention to the similar and different forms of oppression experienced by women who are from the dominant culture and those who are from minority communities or developing countries. Drawing upon insights from previous readings, such as Caliban and the Witch, we'll speculate on how such maltreatment benefits capital and the state.

Upcoming Common Struggle Events in Boston

Please join us at these events coming up in Late February/Early March!

Wednesday, February 27th

Protest City Realty
3 pm
370 Chestnut Hill Ave. Brighton, MA

Join Common Struggle members as we support this NEW ROAD initiative.

Care + Struggle

1. Read for March 2
These readings will give us some theory on why caring labor is important:

a. On Elder Care Work and the Limits of Marxism, by Silvia Federici in Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction and Feminist Struggle, PM Press 2012.

See also Domestic Workers United, a campaign cited in Federici's article, and "Spain's Jobless Rely on Elders, a Frail Crutch," (New York Times, July 29, 2012), as just one example of how elders have become providers in the austerity paradigm.

Almuerzo y Cine-foro de Año Nuevo

Únase al grupo local de Lucha Común/Common Struggle para un almuerzo y cine-foro de Año Nuevo.

Martes, 1 de Enero
12:00PM: Almuerzo
1:30PM: Proyección de "Freedom Road (Camino para la Libertad)"
3:00PM: Discusión

Nos encontraremos a las 12:00pm para compartir comida, solidaridad y nuestras resoluciones revolucionarias del año nuevo.

A la 1:30 pm, vamos a proyectar la película “Freedom Road (Camino para la Libertad)”

New Year's Brunch and Film Discussion

Join the Boston local of Common Struggle/Lucha Común for a New New Year's Day brunch and film discussion group.

Tuesday, January 1st
12:00PM: Brunch
1:30PM: Screening of "Freedom Road"
3:00PM Discussion

We will gather at noon to share food, solidarity and our New Year's revolutionary resolutions. At 1:30 pm we will screen the film "Freedom Road"

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