- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 189
- author: juan lopez
cacatua Plos ONe
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: juan lopez
cacatua Plos ONe
- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 189
- author: juan lopez
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Submit Your Revised Manuscript
This tutorial is for PLoS ONE authors who need to submit their revised manuscript in Edito...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Submit Your Revised Manuscript
This tutorial is for PLoS ONE authors who need to submit their revised manuscript in Editorial Manager.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 11790
- author: channelplosone
Dr. Chris Surridge: Open Science Seminar Series
Dr. Surridge is helping start PLoS ONE, an effort to democratize scientific contribution, ...
published: 23 Apr 2011
author: Sri Kosuri
Dr. Chris Surridge: Open Science Seminar Series
Dr. Surridge is helping start PLoS ONE, an effort to democratize scientific contribution, access, review, and merit. This exciting new journal publishes scie...
- published: 23 Apr 2011
- views: 271
- author: Sri Kosuri
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Submit your Decision
This video will show PLoS ONE academic editors how to submit their decision on a manuscrip...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Submit your Decision
This video will show PLoS ONE academic editors how to submit their decision on a manuscript in Editorial Manager.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 1159
- author: channelplosone
PLOS ONE Structured Review Form
We are excited to announce a new review form for PLOS ONE. The form focuses the review pro...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: channelplosone
PLOS ONE Structured Review Form
We are excited to announce a new review form for PLOS ONE. The form focuses the review process on our editorial criteria.
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 10527
- author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Invite a Reviewer to a Manuscript
This video is a general tutorial for PLoS ONE academic editors. It will go over how to inv...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Invite a Reviewer to a Manuscript
This video is a general tutorial for PLoS ONE academic editors. It will go over how to invite a reviewer to a manuscript.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 1520
- author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Check Your Manuscript Image Quality in Editorial Manager
This video short will show PLoS ONE authors how to check the figure quality in their manus...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Check Your Manuscript Image Quality in Editorial Manager
This video short will show PLoS ONE authors how to check the figure quality in their manuscript.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 6631
- author: channelplosone
OA Mega Journals: The view from PLoS ONE
Peter Binfield PloS ONE More videos from the OASPA 2011 conference are available here: htt...
published: 01 Oct 2011
author: rivervalleytv
OA Mega Journals: The view from PLoS ONE
Peter Binfield PloS ONE More videos from the OASPA 2011 conference are available here: http://river-valley.tv/conferences/coasp-2011.
- published: 01 Oct 2011
- views: 279
- author: rivervalleytv
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Add Classifications to Your Manuscript
This short video will show authors how to add subject classifications to their manuscript ...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Add Classifications to Your Manuscript
This short video will show authors how to add subject classifications to their manuscript upon submission in Editorial Manager.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 16546
- author: channelplosone
Terror Bird - animation of the bite of Andalgalornis based on PLoS ONE research
Research on the anatomy and feeding mechanics of extinct phorusrhacids ("terror birds") wa...
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: witmerlab
Terror Bird - animation of the bite of Andalgalornis based on PLoS ONE research
Research on the anatomy and feeding mechanics of extinct phorusrhacids ("terror birds") was published in an article in PLoS ONE (http://bit.ly/aQr9ND). The a...
- published: 18 Aug 2010
- views: 52232
- author: witmerlab
A Senior PLOS Editor Speaks! Advice on Getting Published in PLOS One......
8/28/13 - A Senior PLOS Editor Speaks! Advice on Getting Published in PLOS One and Observa...
published: 25 Sep 2013
A Senior PLOS Editor Speaks! Advice on Getting Published in PLOS One......
8/28/13 - A Senior PLOS Editor Speaks! Advice on Getting Published in PLOS One and Observations about Trends in Publishing
Speaker: Elizabeth Silva, M.Sc. Ph.D., Associate Editor, PLOS One
Authors are frequently frustrated with the cycle of rejection at so-called "high impact journals"
Increasing the reproducibility and utility of your work to the community at a time when methods sections have become vanishingly small, and retractions seem to be at an all time high
The impact factor is a metric that we all know is flawed
Big data: balancing data-sharing with privacy issues in an age where it is becoming impossible to guarantee anonymity
Quick review of other issues in publishing that you need to be aware of
What PLOS One provides:
A new model in publishing that is being widely adopted by authors and other publishers
Authors can come to PLOS ONE for speed, interdisciplinary work, negative results
New approaches to communicating the impact your research has
Article level metrics and their uses
Data deposition
- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 16
Lock Picking Parrots
Goffin's cockatoos are known for their ability to solve problems - watch Pippin and other ...
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: channelplosone
Lock Picking Parrots
Goffin's cockatoos are known for their ability to solve problems - watch Pippin and other parrots crack a series of five locks to get to a treat inside the b...
- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 504
- author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Accept or Decline an Invitation to Review a Manuscript
This video tutorial will show a PLoS ONE reviewer how to respond to an invitation to revie...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Accept or Decline an Invitation to Review a Manuscript
This video tutorial will show a PLoS ONE reviewer how to respond to an invitation to review a manuscript in Editorial Manager.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 3251
- author: channelplosone
Vimeo results:
White sharks scavenging on whales
This video is a visual abstract for the scientific publication:
Fallows C, Gallagher AJ,...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: R.J. Dunlap Marine Conservation
White sharks scavenging on whales
This video is a visual abstract for the scientific publication:
Fallows C, Gallagher AJ, Hammerschlag N. (2013). White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) scavenging on whales and its potential role in further shaping the ecology of an apex predator. PLOS ONE.
The full article can be seen here: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0060797
Edited by: Christine Shepard - http://christineshepard.com/
Contributing Cinematographer: Matthew Hawksworth, 504 Producers
Contributing Photographer: Chris Fallows - http://www.apexpredators.com/
Contributing Cinematographer and Photographer: Neil Hammerschlag - http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/people/faculty-index/?p=neil-hammerschlag
Contributing Photographer: Austin Gallagher - http://austingallagher.com/
Music by: Jonsi, "We Bought a Zoo" - http://jonsi.com/
Scavenging, a result of a temporary pulse of resources, occurs in virtually all ecosystems containing carnivores, and is an important energy transfer pathway that can impact ecosystem structure and function, and this ecological significance has largely been considered from a terrestrial standpoint; however, little is known about the role of scavenging in shaping the behavioral ecology of marine species, specifically apex predators. Here we present findings from multiple opportunistic observations of white sharks scavenging on whale carcasses in False Bay, South Africa. Observations of white sharks scavenging over successive days provided evidence of strategic and selective scavenging by this species. Moreover, extended daily observations permitted recordings of unique social, aggregative, and feeding behaviors. We further compare these data against observations of natural predation by sharks on seals in the study area. We discuss these data in relation to environmental conditions, shark social interactions, migration patterns, whale biology, and behaviorally-mediated trophic cascades. While the appearance of a whale carcass is largely a stochastic event, we propose that white shark scavenging on whales may represent an underestimated, yet significant component to the overall foraging ecology of this species, especially as individuals attain sexually maturity.
The RJ Dunlap Marine Conservation Program (RJD) is a joint initiative of the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science and Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy. The mission of RJD is to advance ocean conservation and scientific literacy by conducting cutting edge scientific research and providing innovative and meaningful outreach opportunities for students through exhilarating hands-on research and virtual learning experiences in marine biology.
For more information, please visit: http://SharkTagging.com
Zombie Caterpillar
A parasitized caterpillar stays near the cocoons of the young wasps that burst out of its ...
published: 03 Jun 2008
author: Science News
Zombie Caterpillar
A parasitized caterpillar stays near the cocoons of the young wasps that burst out of its body. When a potential predator intrudes, the doomed caterpillar sings at it until it leaves. Video courtesy of PLoS One.
Kako naoštriti svrdlo, borer ili burgiju
Svaka radionica ima puno svrdla, i uvijek se postavlja pitanje „gdje je ono oštro“.
published: 24 Nov 2010
author: kljuc13
Kako naoštriti svrdlo, borer ili burgiju
Svaka radionica ima puno svrdla, i uvijek se postavlja pitanje „gdje je ono oštro“.
Nekada se u tehničkim školama učilo kako naoštriti svrdlo, i to nije mogao svatko savladati.
Kako je tehnika uznapredovala, tako se pojavio alat koji uvelike olakšava, ubrzava i osigurava precizno oštrenje svrdla.
Za sve u industriji, profesionalce ili uradi sam majstore Dril Doctor je rješenje problema.
Ekipa Ključa 13 je napravila mali video u kojem možete vidjeti kako je lagano i jednostavno naoštriti svrdlo sa Drill Doctorom.
Najveća prednost ovog alata je preciznost, jednostavnost, kompaktnost i brzina.
Ako kupujete u predstojećim danima oštrilicu Drill Doctor 500X ili oštrilicu Drill Doctor 750X unesite kupon kod na mjestu „informacije o plaćanju“ i na taj način dobivate 15% popusta na oštrilicama za svrdla
Kupon kod „SVRDLO“
Posebna pogodnost: Poklon rezervni dijamant uz svaku oštrilicu Drill Doctor
Posebna ponuda ističe sa 31.1.2011g. Na žalost važi samo za područje Hrvatske.
Ostrilica svrdla Drill Doctor 750x
Centar Alata nam je ustupio dva modela Drill Doctora: DD 750x i 500x
Razlikuju se prema promjeru svrdla koje se oštri i mogućnosti kontrole skidanja materijala u procesu oštrenja.
Točnije model Drill Doctor 500x oštri svrdla od Ø 2,5mm – Ø 13 mm. Model Drill Doctor 750x može oštriti raspon od Ø 2,5mm – Ø 19 mm i ima kontrolu skidanja materijala u procesu oštrenja.
Drill Doctor oštri svrdla sa industrijskim dijamantom visoke kvalitete. Na taj način se postiže preciznost, kvalitetno oštrenje i osigurava dulji radni vijek.
Oštrenje svrdla je vrlo kompleksan proces ali na svu sreću Drill Doctor je tu da ga pojednostavi što je moguće više.
Sam proces oštrenja je sveden u tri koraka.
Popis svrdla koja je moguće oštriti.
DIN 338 HSS Co
DIN 345 HSS Co
DIN 1986 HSS
DIN 1986 HSS-E
DIN 1986 HSS Co
1 korak – Centriranje svrdla
Sa Drill doctorom dolazi samostezna glava za centriranje svrdla.
Postavite svrdlo u samosteznu glavu, ne zategnete svrdlo do kraja. Potrebno je namjestiti da svrdlo „klizi“ unuar stezne glave. Zatim potražite na samosteznoj glavi zub (udaljeni su za 180° jedan od drugog).
Centriranje svrdla
Potržite na Drill Doctoru oznaku 118° u ležištu za centriranje svrdla. Postavite samosteznu glavu tako da se zub na glavi poravna sa oznakom 118°.
Otvorite oprugu sa čeljustima i držite otvorenu. Rukom pomaknete svrdlo da dodirne pločicu ispred vrha svrdla.
Zatim pustite opruge da sa svojim čeljustima stisnu svrdlo. Lagano okrenite svrdlo i primjetit će te da če čeljusti stisnuti svrdlo na najtenjem djelu. Lagano zategnite samosteznu glavu dok se nalazi u ležištu za centriranje svrdla. Zatim izvadite i dotegnite rukom.
Na ovaj način ste centrirali svrdlo u samosteznoj glavi i obavili najteži dio posla.
2 korak – Oštrenje svrdla
Najednostavniji proces je oštrenje. Uključite Drill Doctora i samosteznu glavu u kojoj se nalazi centrirano svrdlo položite unutar otvora za oštrenje.
Okretajući u desnu stranu oštrimo svrdlo.
Oštrenje svrdla
OBAVEZNO OKRENITE PARAN BROJ PUTA U OŠTRILICI. Na taj način osiguravate da su oštrice jednake visine, u protivnom će jedna oštrica bušiti a druga se odmara. Koliko je potrebno za oštrenje jednog svrdla nema neko pravilo. Ovisi o oštečenju (otupljenosti svrdla) i promjeru.
Primjer: Svrdlo HSS-E DIN 338 Ø 10mm dovoljno je okrenuti 8-10 puta.
Kada ste zadovoljni sa rezultatom vaše je svrdlo naoštreno i možete početi bušiti.
3 korak – samocentrirajući vrh opcija
Samocentrirajuči vrh na svrdlima je važan za limare i sve one koji rade sa skliskim materijalim.
Samocentrirajuci vrh - SplitPoint
Mogučnost dodatnog oštrenja samocentrirajučeg vrha je opcija i može se napraviti na oba dva modela.
Kada želite napraviti samocentrirajući vrh obratite pažnju na bijelu liniju koja se nalazi na samosteznoj glavi i ujedno na Drill Doctoru se nalazi oznaka sa bočne strane. Postavite samosteznu glavu u utor za samocentrirajuće vrhove, na taj način da vam se oznaka na samosteznoj glavi i oznaka na oštrilici poravnaju. I polako gurnete prema dijamantu. Isti proces ponovite sa druge strane točnije okrenite samosteznu glavu za 180° u tu se nalazi druga oznaka.
Tako smo dobili SplitPoint vrh ili samocentrirajući vrh na svrdlu.
Stavka koja se ne može zanemariti kada se govori o ekonomičnosti. Kako je Drill Doctor vrlo malih dimenzija na taj način nije vezan uz radionicu. Prenosiv je i moguće je oštriti svrdla na terenu.
Isplativost je vrlo visoka kada se uzme u obzir svrdla za INOX (HSS Co). Neke veće radionice mogu isplatiti Drill Doctora za manje od 2 mjeseca. Uradi sam majstori nisu zapostavljeni, razmislite o ideji da oštrite svrdla uslužno. Za manje od 1 godine može se otplatiti Drill Doctor.
Tablica ekonomičnosti kada se
Disease introduction into the New World during colonial expansion is well docum...
published: 30 Aug 2010
author: Leo Kenefic
Disease introduction into the New World during colonial expansion is well documented and had a major impact on indigenous populations; however, few diseases have been associated with early human migrations into North America. During the late Pleistocene epoch, Asia and North America were joined by the Beringian Steppe ecosystem which allowed animals and humans to freely cross what would become a water barrier in the Holocene. Bacillus anthracis has dispersed globally via large and sequential radiations associated with human commerce and trade of animal products contaminated with B. anthracis spores. Historically, an animal that died of anthrax was scavenged by people for its hair, hide, bones, and even consumed as food, facilitating the dispersal of spores away from a carcass. The most dramatic dispersal and clonal expansion of B. anthracis was the A-radiation, which is phylogenetically rooted in the Old World. Within the A-radiation is the highly successful trans-Eurasian (TEA) subpopulation. Its prevalence in Europe and Asia is thought to be mediated by the east-west human trade routes, such as the “Silk Road”. One sub-lineage of this TEA population, western North America (WNA), was introduced into North America and has become highly successful within this geographic region. The WNA sublineage is dominant today in central Canada and much of the western United States.
The first chapter of my dissertation defined the evolutionary history of Western North American (WNA) anthrax using 2,850 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 285 geographically diverse B. anthracis isolates. Phylogeography of the major WNA B. anthracis clone reveals ancestral populations in northern Canada with progressively derived populations to the south; the most recent ancestor of this clonal lineage is in Eurasia. Our phylogeographic patterns are consistent with B. anthracis arriving with humans via the Bering Land Bridge. This northern-origin hypothesis is highly consistent with our phylogeographic patterns and rates of SNP accumulation observed in current day B. anthracis isolates. Continent-wide dispersal of WNA B. anthracis likely required movement by later European colonizers, but the continent's first inhabitants probably seeded the initial North American populations.
The Dance
This dance depicts the movement of spores across the Beringian Steppe ecosystem and subsequent movement into North America during human expansion into the area some 13,000 ybp. As the steppe bison graze and rut in areas were spores are prevalent, they become infected with the dormant spores in the ground. The four dancers then "come alive" and germinate within the bison which succumbs to the disease. The vegetative cells than sporulate and return to the ground. Early humans then scavenge the remains of the bison represented as hides. Some of these early humans probably succumbed to the disease as well, but since the mortality rate for cutaneous anthrax is substantially less than inhalational or gastrointestinal anthrax, more probably survived than the bison that contracted inhalational or gastrointestinal forms of the disease. This is depicted as the last human "family" picking up the hide with the spores following behind.
Leo Kenefic, et al. 2009. Pre-Columbian Origins for North American Anthrax. PLoS One. March 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004813
Youtube results:
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Invite Reviewers to a Revised Manuscript
This tutorial is for PLoS ONE academic editors who need to re-invite peer reviewers to a r...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Invite Reviewers to a Revised Manuscript
This tutorial is for PLoS ONE academic editors who need to re-invite peer reviewers to a revised manuscript.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 546
- author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Register and Select a New Reviewer
This video is for PLoS ONE academic editors who want to register and select a new reviewer...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Register and Select a New Reviewer
This video is for PLoS ONE academic editors who want to register and select a new reviewer in Editorial Manager.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 453
- author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Select a Coauthor to act as a Corresponding Author
This video is for PLoS ONE authors who want to select a coauthor to act as a corresponding...
published: 07 May 2011
author: channelplosone
PLoS ONE Video Shorts: How to Select a Coauthor to act as a Corresponding Author
This video is for PLoS ONE authors who want to select a coauthor to act as a corresponding author in Editorial Manager.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 2901
- author: channelplosone
Come dormono i delfini - La ricerca di Plos One - Leonardo 24/10/2012
I delfini riescono a dormire con metà cervello per volta: questo consente loro di poter st...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: rai
Come dormono i delfini - La ricerca di Plos One - Leonardo 24/10/2012
I delfini riescono a dormire con metà cervello per volta: questo consente loro di poter stare svegli anche per quindici giorni consecutivi. La ricerca di "Pl...
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 787
- author: rai